But... we can't talk to her then? Am I missing something? I've been monofocusing on Hijiri on the assumption that anything to do with Anri was less important as long as it involved attacking her.
Well, no. This is something I've realized these past few days: We try to 'Social' too hard at inappropriate times.
We try to do too much at the same time, we try to solve everything too perfectly too quickly. This flustercuck right now is an example.
Once we capture Anri, we're gonna have to deal with the repercussions of losing Hijiri; we need to focus that time on the Pleiades, on Niko who's gonna react badly... and on everyone else who's gonna react badly.
What's more, right after we beat Anri, she's gonna be at her
worst. That's really no time to talk. That's the moment where you drop one liners, not The Social.
Furthermore, I want to actually share and ask opinions of others before trying talk sense into Anri; in this case, that means Oriko, since she's one of the only Witchbombed meguca on the team. That and I want Oriko to have a role in the team, and she's a Socialguca, not a Combatguca.
Furtherfurthermore, Anri's gonna need some time to calm the hell down. We'll need a Privacy Field for that, to stop her from telepathying things nobody should hear.
TL;DR: My idea for how to deal with Anri.
-Knock her out cold as quickly as possible: She needs to be prevented from talking and telepathying because Witchbomb threat; furthermore, once she's down, her words will be her only weapon, so the chances of bomb dropping increase dramatically. (Furtherfurthermore, she is never actually defeated in PMKM, so we don't know how she'd react to that).
--Before knocking her out, if very appropriate, say something... but don't take long; Anri will be super mad then, and in no state to be Social'd.
-Deal with the Pleiades and Hijiri.
Anri can wait.
Anri will need time to cool down and accept her defeat. Pretty much literally go through the stages of grief until she's ready to talk. This means she needs to be awake. Due to possible bomb drops, this needs to happen in a Privacy Field; someone will have to watch her; we should ask Kirika to make some antimagic handcuffs or something, for safety.
--So Anri should be woken up only once we can actually put this much attention on her for an extended period of time.
Once Anri is ready to talk, we talk.
-- Before this, consult with Oriko: Actually share the details we know, and ask if she's got her own idea about how to deal with Anri. Even ask if she wants to try her hand at it, instead of us. Try to cement Oriko's position on the team as the Social Advisor.
(As an aside, if we could go back to the moment we decided to take Hijiri along on the hunt, I'd now try and push for leaving her under guard, probably with Oriko and Kirika, for antimagic and possible Social; if Sayaka's/Kazumi's copied Shadow Grief constructs are not range limited, we could have left them on a Privacy Sphere to avoid Hijiri from telepathying Anri.)
See, the point of this is that virtually everything negative about Niko that Hijiri believes is sourced from Kyubey. I... honestly, I don't like the "she has to work for it" business, because Hijiri's belief is that she can't reconcile staying in her life as she wants with Niko's existence going by what she's heard. The only work she can do there is... violent.
I don't really know what to say to Hijiri, but the idea is that she can do work non violently... if she does it
right, if she
actually tries to solve her problems.
Instead of, you know, being a child and wanting to punch/magic her problems into submission. Or running away.