We effectively do not have antimagic as a means of restraining Hijiri for this vote.
What makes you focus on the obviously-irrelevant immediate case, rather than the much debated "how do we contain her long term without keeping her a gem?"
Please pay attention to the arguments you are actually responding to
How did this thread get to voting for torture? What the fuck. This is not okay. What are you thinking? What is going through your head right now that you are literally voting for "cause intense physical pain" pointed at a scared 14-year-old girl? What the fuck are you doing?
[X] Any vote that doesn't involve deliberately hurting a 14 year old girl.
Flashbangs, rubber bullets, beanbag shotguns, pepper spray, tear gas, Tasers and other stun-guns, half a dozen off the top of my head methods that are used real world for the purpose of "brief intense pain/disorientation to interrupt bad behaviour" and are generally considered the approved non-lethal minimally-harmful methods available once talking fails (And lets remember how often the professionals skip those steps and go far worse than anything we've advocated >_>)
What possibly leads you to leap into the interpretation (and influence others to think someone actually proposed it) that we mean to use TORTURE rather than a brief moment of pain to /interrupt/ the way the QM suggested.
And umm..... that open war with Sendai? How do you feel about Sayaka the basically-paladin copying a LIGHTNING BEAM power? Struck by lightning is excruciatingly painful with permanent harm to a normal human, after all. Not to mention Kyouko's spears and Kirkia's foot-long-claws for grevious bodily harm. Are we now absolute pacifists against any form of combat against meguca because "oh no they are teenagers how could we ever be violent to them" ?
if we actually took time to solve Akikos problem instead of picking sides in a war maybe she wouldn't be broken.
We did attempt to solve her problem, she had a panic about grief-seed supply and we'd already demonstrated that we were capable of obsoleting them just by occasional visits to us (she was already a nomad or at least frequent traveler) even if i don't remember yet if we'd shown off Clear Seeds (but I would be surprised if we hadn't mentioned at all the ability to refresh normal seeds, and she surely had a stockpile or the ability to stock up in bulk on her Sabrina-aid) , and even beyond that we sad down and negotiated and olffered our help... and she launched an ambush. To the extent we picked sides it was after we learned that she'd already been extorting via threats of violence the necessary resources to LIVE from another bunch of meguca, and we.....sat them down to negotiate, tried to make an equitable peace, and didn't do anything against her interests until after she broke it off.
What side picking? We fell over ourselves to help even after learning her crime. We spent multiple encounters interacting with Sendai problems.
You mean keeping her on ice indefinitely?
There is a repeated pattern to one side of this argument, with attacking positions noone has advocated in order to defend with outrage an easier position. What has driven you to this tactic? Gemming her is for long enough to interrupt the teleport, at minimum, and long enough to capture the other attacker/known-conspiracy-to-homicide person and contain them so we can....continue talking and therapy the way you want. We have multiple methods to try and contain her, the antimagic enchantment (applied AFTER THE FIGHTS OVER, not saying to try it right now ffs) being just one. The only reason she even seems likely to manage an escape this time is that we detected and had time to react to her magic buildup, and leading vote blocks .,.... ignored it, let her charge whatever, and tried to talk at her more. At least enough so for Firn to do a mini-update with us trying and failing to talk before she managed to get her power off and posisbly be too late to stop her (though, I am at a loss as to why even let us react at this moment and not with her flat gone if its too late). Point being, its ludicrous to say that any form of capturing her /now/ means keeping her on ice forever, stop it.
Brief gemming = grief spiral/death
Citation please? We have actual text from canon PMAS as far as how Sabrina experienced Gemming, and ... she did not notice any time passage from when it went out of range until it was returned. Time-stop being present makes that somewhat unclear, but we certainly and clearly felt nothing at the moment it happened while timestop was down and Homura was reacting (the omake was more amused than panic, so she may not have rushed to renew timestop) so it seemed we didn't feel it happen. As far as other examples, vague recollections without page-cites were mentioned with Sayaka and PMMM, but aside from that not necessarily being accurate to PMAS I also don't know without manga access if thats something Sayaka actually felt or rather a psychosomatic reaction of her issues with Lichbomb once she learned she had at one point been gemmed? Thats why I asked for and await WOG on whether being Gemmed feels any different from another form of instant-unconciousness, and given the canon omake shared I see even less reason why we couldn't get a firm answer.
So, why would it necessarily mean that Hijiri jumps straight into a grief spiral? She may never know it happened to her, even if the unproven but plausible suspicion is true that it would trigger her issues about being "fake".
In canon she was doing a lot of supervillain shit and eventually decided to try her hand at genocide
Wasn't Hijiri the one with control of the Evil Nuts, the things she was passing around and which seemed to cause people to eventually witch out or otherwise be corrupted? That she was producing and choosing to spread around something like that, and if she is (I think?) capable of
covertly using Nuts on people.... I must be misremembering because that would seemingly make her worse than Airi or the Soujuus and far from just an innocent little teeny, as she was mass producing something that was our most extreme (and possibly regretted) threat we felt backlash over even suggesting.
And we want to send her off (possibly with Airi and a clear seed and privacy device) to run free wherever she pleases, simply trusting our interpretation that she hopefully maybe was honest about wanting to run away on her own (where she may well die or witch the way so many other meguca do, to feed the food-chain cycle) , and trusting that she won't do anything with this technique to continue her revenge?