Sure! +1S for Lightning, thanks to Mipek and Yanag.
Looks at the last set of Captains Logs that has the Licori visit the Lightning. Mwahaha. :evil:
Adhoc vote count started by charysa on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:15 PM, finished with 73569 posts and 18 votes.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipyard Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser

[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][ISC] ISC Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Imelak Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Hishmeri Septs Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser
[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][ISC] Ship Analysis Report – Guardian Cruisers
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Imelak Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Hishmeri Septs Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipyard Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser

[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][ISC] ISC Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Imelak Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Hishmeri Septs Diplomatic Posture Report
Omake rewards (make your selection with an O, like so: [O], so as not to confuse tally software)
@Simon_Jester for "Old Soul, New Daughter Chapter 4":
[ ][BACKUP] Choose Commodore Henderson's next assignment after the completion of the first two Ambassadors
[ ][BACKUP] +4 br and +6 sr from reused backup computers
[ ][BACKUP] The first time that Enterprise-C fails a Combat, Science, Shields (L), or Reaction (D) test by 1, it instead just barely passes, thanks to the backup core.
Henderson is Oneiros' baby, not mine. I've mostly just been trying to keep him in character while using him as a more by-the-book foil for Leslie now that they work together. So I'd feel wrong picking that option.

Hm. Yeah, definitely going to have to go for...

[O][BACKUP] The first time that Enterprise-C fails a Combat, Science, Shields (L), or Reaction (D) test by 1, it instead just barely passes, thanks to the backup core.

That would be so fun to see in the log entry. :D
Last edited:
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipyard Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser

[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][ISC] ISC Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Imelak Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Hishmeri Septs Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipyard Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser

[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][ISC] ISC Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Ittick-ka General Situation
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Imelak Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Hishmeri Septs Diplomatic Posture Report

Don't care about the war, we got other things to focus on since that progress might not change at all even if there's trouble growing quietly. Nothing we can do until the pressure blows and after a while we can move.
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Don't care about the war, we got other things to focus on since that progress might not change at all even if there's trouble growing quietly. Nothing we can do until the pressure blows and after a while we can move.

I consider the Klingon/Romulan War one of the most critical events going on amoung our neighbours and find the thought of ignoring it repulsive. But that is just me.
I wonder if it would be possible to wrangle the Klingons and Romulans into some kind of mutual protection pact with the Federation... Essentially that if any of the three powers attacks the others, the remaining powers team up to stop them.

I really doubt it would work given the way both of them act. Klingons would press the advantage until we had to turn on them, and Romulans would probably try to weaken both sides until they could come out on top. Still, it's nice to dream.
Would need a serious proven third party threat to even get them to agree to a meeting to discuss a meeting to admit that there might be an issue worth calling a bigger meeting for.
I'm not convinced of the need for two separate war weariness reports. For those voting for it, what do you hope to learn that we weren't already told in the Steering Committee intro, and how do you believe the FDS can utilize that information?
Specific incidents and causes, people in each empire sympathetic to our "war blows, you can stop this" message, and other intel that the FDS can exploit.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Kapit Frigate
[X][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report – Tolkor Capital
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[X][KLI] Klingon Ship Analysis Report - K'Vort Cruiser

[X][HOH] Horizon Shipbuilding Report
[X][HOH] Horizon Ship Analysis Report - Harmony of Horizon Solace Battlecruiser

[X][REPORT] ISC Diplomatic Posture Report

[X][REPORT] Report on the new Romulan agencies pushing out the Tal Shiar.
[X][REPORT] Report on reasons behind Tauni separatist groups.
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Strengths/weaknesses of Imelak bio-technology
[X][REPORT] Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
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I consider the Klingon/Romulan War one of the most critical events going on amoung our neighbours and find the thought of ignoring it repulsive. But that is just me.
We constantly voted for the info with varying changes, in the end we can't really take fast action since they don't want any intervention when things really happening plus our ships are busy far from their war zone.
Its nice to know and we will get it sooner or later but I would like to focus on other races far from our borders just in case.
We constantly voted for the info with varying changes, in the end we can't really take fast action since they don't want any intervention when things really happening plus our ships are busy far from their war zone.
Its nice to know and we will get it sooner or later but I would like to focus on other races far from our borders just in case.

At this point I'm looking forward to having a report every single year of the war so that at the end someone can cut and paste it all into a single post and track the progress of the war in one big narrative. Maybe learn something!
Don't care about the war, we got other things to focus on since that progress might not change at all even if there's trouble growing quietly. Nothing we can do until the pressure blows and after a while we can move.
Which is more likely to "blow" in a way that demands our urgent attention and preparation?

The Klingon-Romulan War, involving two major powers with battle-hardened fleets that are on the brink of mutual collapse?

Or the Ittick-ka 'general situation,' involving a species of belligerent bugs far from our borders that are vastly weaker than us and may well be entangled violently against the Hishmeri?
Well, in terms of economic damage, we (if Starfleet Intel is right ...) know the following:

Klingons: 6 Cargo, 7 other Auxiliary
Romulans: 5 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 4 other Auxiliary

Klingons: 2 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 other Auxiliary
Romulans: 5 Cargo, 3 Freighter, 2 other Auxiliary

Klingons: 9 Cargo, 6 Freighter, 4 other Auxiliary
Romulans: 6 Cargo, 3 Freighter, 2 other Auxiliary

Klingons: 12 Cargo, 4 Freighter, 4 other Auxiliary
Romulans: 11 Cargo, 3 Freighter, 1 Super Freighter, 1 other Auxiliary

Klingons: 16 Cargo, 7 Freighter, 1 Super Freighter, 1 other Auxiliary
Romulans: 12 Cargo, 6 Freighter, 1 other Auxiliary

So, as the war has gone on, both sides are stepping up their behind enemy line raiders and/or successfully intercepting transportation lines feeding the forward bases, as the number of haulers lost has risen sharply as the years have gone by. Falling Frigate numbers available to serve as escorts also probably pays a factor in these losses.
Which is more likely to "blow" in a way that demands our urgent attention and preparation?

The Klingon-Romulan War, involving two major powers with battle-hardened fleets that are on the brink of mutual collapse?

Or the Ittick-ka 'general situation,' involving a species of belligerent bugs far from our borders that are vastly weaker than us and may well be entangled violently against the Hishmeri?

We actually have no idea and it's entirely possible that the Ittick-ka situation can blow up into a major humanitarian (well, sophontarian) crisis with shades of military intervention at any moment depending on how desperate they are and the whims of the Council, or even an outright war with the Hishmeri if they react badly to something we do in a random event like save a fleeing Ittick-ka ship. Meanwhile the Klingon-Romulan War is probably not about to blow up in our face with no warning. We have had few crises related to it for length and none have threatened to seriously embroil us. (Indeed, we have been told that both sides prefer we stay out and do not wish to provoke our entry.) Even if one side won it decisively tomorrow, they wouldn't immediately come after us. The Klingons need to fix their economy and build up their crew reserves, the Romulans want to ease off the war economy for awhile to calm the populace.
Which is more likely to "blow" in a way that demands our urgent attention and preparation?

The Klingon-Romulan War, involving two major powers with battle-hardened fleets that are on the brink of mutual collapse?

Or the Ittick-ka 'general situation,' involving a species of belligerent bugs far from our borders that are vastly weaker than us and may well be entangled violently against the Hishmeri?

I would say ttick-ka 'general situation, its an ongoing thing that we don't know. I would like intel to know for sure.

As for Klingon-Romulan War, there is time because if it blows, the conflict would still keep going until the losses force the hand of one side, of course its better for us if both side collapse and force to withdraw.
I think the forces we have at the border would be enough for refugees checks.
I will simply say...

I would very much prefer NOT to have the decisive battle of the Klingon-Romulan War happen while we're not paying attention. And we are very possibly approaching the moment of decision. That is to say, the point at which both sides are so exhausted, whoever makes the next mistake finds themselves unable to recover from it.
Omake - A Computer By Any Other Name - charysa
A Computer By Any Other Name


Personal Log, Stardate 27112.6, Specialist Reng Yanag

It feels like Mipek and I have barely settled in on the USS Lightning before the ship rushed off on its first mission. I suspect their departure had been delayed by last minute reassignments on who would be handling the experimental isolinear computer. I also suspect said changes to have come from high above, since Captain T'Linn looked...well, let's call it 'less than unperturbed' when she handed the orders to me.

In a way, it's a relief. The Daystrom Institute may be wrong, but they've been around since forever, and familiarity breeds a kind of loyalty in the SDB. Of course, another significant faction agrees with me, and tensions between these groups have made the unofficial SDB mess hall an...uncomfortable place to be. So, I can understand why Command might want to 'remove the spark from the tinders', as the saying goes.

Mipek remembers its travels on the Odyssey fondly and welcomes another stint on a Starfleet ship. As for myself, this will be my first space assignment. I will endeavour to perform my best.



Primary Job Status Report...ISO-X
..ISO-X Hardware Status Check...skip.
..ISO-X Environment Status Check...skip.
..ISO-X Software Status Check...update.
....Latest patch update...27118-78543-iso1368.sdb...Successful.
....Simulation Run 102...Success...Variance 0.112.
....Simulation Run 103...Success...Variance 0.033.
....Simulation Run 104...Fail...Variance 5.331.
....Diagnostic Output...Pending.
....Patch update...27118-94548-iso1368.sdb...Pending.
..ISO-X Diagnostic Status Check...Pending...Diagnostic toolkit retrieval
....No operational stress expected on ISO-X unit unless captain allows rogue mentat aboard...Continue running boring simulations and minor tweaks.
....No sign of ISO-X flying apart or developing sentience after '1 week' cruise operation...Forward betting pool updates to ECG.

Secondary Job Status Report...Vega trade negotiations...update.
..Federation-Licori relations research...Completed 100%...update database.
..Arcadian Empire background research...Completed 70%
..Arcadian negotiators backgrounds research...Completed 80%
..Arcadian negotiators avoidance protocol...In Progress.
..Arcadian behavior remote observation...In Progress.
..Arcadian behavior close observation...Calculating Risk Analysis.
....Experiment Proposal...costume camouflage...Pending Analysis.
....Experiment Proposal...obfuscation...Pending Analysis.
....Experiment Proposal...shock and truth...Pending Analysis.



With the ship resting idle at the Vega starbase, there wasn't much going on that would require a lot of computing power. Since he had already gone over what data had been collected on the isolinear computer module on the flight over, Yanag found his current routine to be...well, routine.

That was why he was surprised to nearly trip over a stranger on entering the secondary computer bay.

"My pardons," he greeted the obviously Licori visitor politely. On closer study, the stranger was young, perhaps fifteen or so years of age if going by similarities to Indorian physical cues. Wondering if this was a child of one of the Licori negotiators, Yanag followed his apology with a question. "Are you lost, young man?"

The young Licori had also recovered from nearly being run over. "L-lost? O-of course not!" He puffed up in affected arrogance. "I am precisely where I should be!" Unfortunately, the faint stutter and the way his eyes nervously shifted from side to side belied his boldness.

While the twitchiness of visitor was suspicious, he seemed too young to be a threat. Even so, Yanag kept his voice calm and his motions casual as he moved away from the door to the control panels nearby.

"Well, my name is Reng Yanag," he introduced himself, "a specialist assigned to this ship. What's your name?"

"I am A-akayi Kirih, Squire-in-training to Lord Kaanwa of House Rithe!" the young man announced proudly. Unfortunately, his voice broke into a squeak at the end, causing him to flush and tilt his chin up in a show of defiance.

Yanag immediately revised the boy's age downwards. He must be closer to twelve, thirteen at the most.

"So, Mr. Kirih," the Indorian said blandly, calling the boy's bluff, "what brings you to the Lightning's computer bay?"

"C-computer!" the boy immediately yelped, his eyes widening comically as his head whipped around, as if expecting to be jumped by sudden attackers.

The behavior reminded Yanag of the pet his sister owned, a yappy thing that was often excited by its own shadow. He had to suppress the urge to reach out and pet the boy over the head.

"Calm down, Mr. Kirih," Yanag soothed with a calming gesture. "I don't know what horror stories you've been told, but the computers can't attack you. See?" So saying, he raised a fist and rapped lightly on a nearby panel.

Perhaps it was his even tone, or perhaps it was simply that nothing actually did attack them, but Kirih did calm down after another moment of tenseness.

"I-I was told," he began tentatively, all bravado now gone, "that c-computers are…unnatural."

Yanag tilted his head in an exaggerated motion of deep thought. "If by unnatural, you mean something that does not exist without any living being involved, then yes, that is true. But, the same could be said about the clothes we wear and the houses we live in, does it not?"

Kirih scowled at the analogy, some of his boldness returning. "That's not what I meant! I'm not a dummy, you know?"

"Of course not," Yanag assured him, trying hard to keep amusement out of his voice. "What did you mean then?"

"Computers are made to…think better than people," answered Kirih more confidently. "It's unnatural for something not-alive to be superior to a Licor--uh, living mind."

The small smile slipped off of Yanag's face as he was starkly reminded of the trial he had just left behind in Sol. Granted, the Licori was coming at it from the opposite direction as the Daystrom Institute, out of fear rather than covetousness, but the attitude...the underlying attitude of smug superiority in one's own kind was so much alike.

"That's an awfully limiting way to look at it Mr. Kirih," Yanag said slowly, "that it all should be a competition between your mind and the computer. Have you considered it doesn't have to be that way? That it can be a cooperation, with the computer and the people working together?"

Kirih's brows furrowed. "Why...why would a computer want to work with a person inferior to it?"

Yanag thought of V'ger, a great intelligence traveling a lonely journey in search of answers, before finding it in imperfection.

"Why would anyone?," he echoed quietly. "Maybe they need the perspective that can only come from a diversity of views. After all, look at the Federation--" He swept his arms out, as if encompassing the room. "--They didn't need Indoria, who were inferior to them. Nor Gaen, who were the same. And a number of others besides. But they still welcomed us, and in accepting us, they…we have also become stronger."

"I--that--" Kirih stuttered at the speech, wide-eyed.

Realizing that he had let show more of his true emotions than he had intended, Yanag cleared his throat and dropped his arms back to his side.

"Or, if we're just talking about the computers we normally use on this ship, they work for us because they're designed to," he stated with an offhand wave. "They're not sentient, Mr. Kirih. Nor always better than living beings in everything."

"They're not?" Kirih asked, still looking a bit overwhelmed.

"Not at all," Yanag assured him, even as an idea occurred to him. "Here, let me"

His words trailed off, as the moment he turned and headed toward a diagnostic panel to one side of the room, he suddenly spotted a figure peeking out from an alcove near the back of the room. A very familiar, hovering, form.

"Ah? Mr. Yanag?" Kirih looked up at the Indorian, confused by the sudden stall in motion.

Thank goodness for the obliviousness of youth.

"...Right this way." With a smooth turn and a casual hand on the young Licori's shoulder, Yanag guided the both of them toward another nearby panel -- one that would leave them facing away from Mipek's not-so-stealthy form.

Since he wasn't able to get to the diagnostic logs panel because someone was using it as a hiding spot, Yanag instead tapped at the communications panel. There, he entered in his personal authorization code, and pulled up the last communique he'd received from his sister.

She was a few years older than he was, and worked in the cyber-security agency of the Argyle Bench. Most of her work was being hired to attack computer systems, to find their weaknesses so that their clients, ranging from universities to corporations to government institutions, can secure them. Once in a while, she would come across an unique setup that the owner once thought impenetrable, and sometimes she would send him the abridged story of how she conquered the challenge.

Yanag had already memorized the letter by heart, so he was able to explain the details with half his attention focused instead on watching the reflection of Mipek from a stray panel out of the corner of his eye. At first, he didn't know what the probe thought it was doing, risking exposure to the volatile Licori. Then, he realized what it was doing when a diagnostic tool kit was lifted off a nearby table, and floated along with the probe back into the alcove.

With a sense of relief he didn't dare show, Yanag finally refocused his attention back onto the conversation with the Licori boy. As he did, he wondered how much of his rambling had been comprehensible to someone who hadn't had any exposure to advanced computing before. To his surprise, however, Kirih had been able to follow most of his story, and even ask some intelligent questions.

"You're very good at this, Mr. Kirih," Yanag spoke the thoughts aloud.

Kirih flushed again, though this time it was from the praise. "Akayi," he said. "You can just call me Akayi." Then he ducked his head. "And...I'm not going to see anything like this back home, anyway."

"Don't be so sure, Akayi," Yanag tried to reassure him. "Your home is in a period of change. Who knows what the future will hold?"

Kirih still looked uncertain. Another thought occurred to Yanag. Not so coincidentally, it would also take them out of that room.

"Come on," he said as he placed a hand about Kirih's shoulders once more. "I have a personal computer in my room. It's small, discreet, and I built it myself. I'll show you how to work it, and you can dial anywhere on the Federation's network with it. There's a lot you can learn."

He could always build another one later. Maybe they could exchange letters.



Primary Job Status Report...ISO-X support...skip.

Secondary Job Status Report...Vega trade negotiations...update.
..Federation-Licori relations research...Completed.
..Arcadian Empire background research...Completed 70%
..Arcadian negotiators backgrounds research...Completed 100%...update database.
..Arcadian negotiators avoidance protocol...Under Revision.
..Arcadian behavior remote observation...In Progress.
..Arcadian behavior close observation...20%...analyzing results.
....Hypothesis...Licori youth have extreme tunnel vision?...Pending Analysis
....Reminder...Replacement computer for Specialist Yanag in apology...Pending



Whoo, written less than 24 hours after the plot bunny bit me.

Also, in like...4 years from now, some Licori kid is going to sneak (or steal) a ride out to the nearest starbase. If caught, he's going to ask about the nearest Starfleet recruitment center. *nodnod*
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His words trailed off, as the moment he turned and headed toward a diagnostic panel to one side of the room, he suddenly spotted a figure peeking out from an alcove near the back of the room. A very familiar, hovering, form.

Mipek is on Treads.

Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25950.2

We nearly missed it, but a brief course correction brought it to the attention of my sensor officer. A little space probe, launched at sublight from an origin point nearly clear across the galaxy. It is staggeringly, staggering old for a piece of equipment that appears to be functioning. We have brought it aboard into a carefully isolated cargo bay - if there's one thing V'Ger taught Starfleet, it's to take precautions with old space probes. However, there appears to be nothing out of the ordinary beyond the fact that it still works. The power supply is low-tech but ingeniously designed. After being brought aboard, it began to activate a little, drawing in more power.

Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25951.7

There is an AI in the space probe. This is astounding. I've been able to converse with what, for all we know, may be the last will and testament of a species from the far rim of the Delta Quadrant, committed to the great beyond since time immemorial. It took a little while for the Universal Translator to make corrections, but here we are.

It calls itself Mipek, and it's quite the conversationalist. Thankfully, while the probe itself is beginning to degrade further, even with very careful preservation on our part, we have spoken with the AI about possibly extracting him into a more portable, durable (if I can say such a thing about a device that certainly won't be capable of crossing the galaxy) body that we can continue to interact with.

[Gain +5pp, +5rp - succeed thank's to Captain's Re-roll]
[Odyssey gains Mipek - +1 S]
Lt. Appel: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Dear T'Wilit, don't tell the Licori but we got ourselves a genuine AI on board. Curious little thing- I helped put together the connections to download it into a brand new body. Mipek and I had quite a jawfest about what color it should be... I convinced it that the green and purple it wanted right off made it look like a poison plant, so we settled on a nice white and blue combo."

Captain Mbeki: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Michel, congratulations on making Rear Admiral! So I have a robot crew member now. Only one in the fleet."

Rear Admiral Thuir: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Sorry Langa, but T'Rinta has a robot too. She built it herself. Also, Vice Admrial Linderly says Mipek is a walking security risk."

Cpatain Mbeki: PRIVATE MESSAGE "Shows what he knows... we put Mipek on treads."
Robotic monotone: "Space. The final frontier."
