Cool heads are nice, but we really can't allow this to go on. And being angry about it is... well, appropriate in this situation.

Has there ever been a time where losing our tempers actually helped? Cause from what I remember it has just screwed us most of the time.

Well, that one time in Sendai was slightly interesting.

Also, I'm not saying to not be mad. Just that there's a difference between being angry and borderline losing control and start yelling
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-[] Telepathy Saki: Niko is not in control. And she's not the person you're worried about in the first place.
I think it would be better to say that Niko's not the only person we're worried about. We don't want to give the Pleiades the impression that we don't care about their friend. We care about both of them, and what's happening right now isn't good for either of them.
I don't think we can advance this questioning much in a good way without first stopping this and clearly establishing boundaries.
I don't think we can advance this questioning much in a good way without first stopping this and clearly establishing boundaries.
[] Declare a recess. This isn't happening with everyone this emotional.
-[] Saki: Look at the hand she has on your shoulder, then look at her and give her the "You don't want to start this fight" look.
-[] Kazumi: Hijiri will only see her as another opponent. And can she really claim to be in control?
-[] Niko: Sure as hell not in control. Order her to stand out of the memory field so you can cleanse her gem.
-[] Hijiri: Apologize, you should've stepped in well before this.

[] Take Hijiri, find a nearby restaurant, and get breakfast.
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I think for the sake of diffusing this situation, we need to tone down the admonishment. Less moral outrage and more this kind of thing needs to stop.

And we need to appeal for everyone to step back for a moment and calm down for everyone's sakes.

[x] null

My internets down. Unfortunately. I can't make a vote.
Can anti magic disable the memory device?
Get the heresy out of your damn sigchop and then we can talk, nyan.

Firn is not a... a... that.

Even if you meant it nicely!
Hey, Firn agreed it was funny. Aura was a lot worse at Firn's deviousness.
Made me laugh hard too, I have got to find a reason to use it somewhere.
Okay, immediate thoughts for Vebyast's idea. Which... he's moved beyond but I think are still worth saying.
[] Thread 2a: When 1a finishes:
-[] Get rid of the memory device.
--[] Subtly, so it doesn't interrupt anything else - use utility fog to compress it or something.
-[] Cleanse Hijiri again.
I really, really think this, in all it's forms, not just this vote, is a bad idea. You want to gain Hijiri's trust? Smashing or stealing the thing she's been holding onto as a lifeline and views as her only bargaining chip and safety net will ensure that never happens.

-[] Offer Hijiri sanctuary in Mitakihara. You can't guarantee she'll live a peaceful life, but you can provide a situation where she can choose or make one for herself.
... Sorta worth doing over telepathy, but bad optics at a terrible time out loud.
I really, really think this, in all it's forms, not just this vote, is a bad idea. You want to gain Hijiri's trust? Smashing or stealing the thing she's been holding onto as a lifeline and views as her only bargaining chip and safety net will ensure that never happens.
It's useless to her right now; she'll derive much more value from us standing by her than she will from its inability to defend her.

And I haven't moved on, I'm just throwing votes at the wall.
I need to go to bed, but before I do, my last suggestion:

[] Rewind the last few paragraphs of update and stop Niko before she hits Hijiri. You don't care who's right, you don't care who's wrong, you don't care who's been hurt or who's done the hurting, you don't care about any of that, we do not torture prisoners.
[X] "It's not Niko I'm worried about right now, it's the person she's treating like a thing."
[X] Intervene.
[X] Get rid of memory device. Physically separate. Stay between them. Cleanse.
[X] To Niko:
-[X] What you're doing is wrong. Hitting someone who can't do anything about it, otherwise your friends might beat them down? In what world is that acceptable? Is that the sort of person you want to be? You want her to be happy, and you do this?
-[X] She isn't you. She's her own person, and she's scared to death of you, enough to get caught up in all... this. Is that what you want?
It's useless to her right now; she'll derive much more value from us standing by her than she will from its inability to defend her.

And I haven't moved on, I'm just throwing votes at the wall.
It's not utility I'm thinking of. Actual Utility wise, it certainly is worse than useless to her, and convincing her to give it up on that basis is probably a very good idea. My worry is how she would respond to us outright breaking or taking it.
I'd say that's probavly a good point

It's already pretty clear that the device is completely useless now, but she's still clinging to it

We take it by force and she's going to panic

Well, panic more than she already is
Really at this point that's the one thing preventing me from signing on with godwinson's plan
For the sake of the discussion I would like to ask a few questions, I do not think to have seen them discussed (extensively) before
  • do the rest of the pleiades share nikos view of hijiri as her property by dint of it being her wish?
    • hijiri uses expendable clones in her fighting style i think? So they may not see the difference maybe?
  • without the lichbomb the pleiades do not know that hijiri is her own person by dint of being a meguca, therefore having potential to make a wish with and a soul separate from nikos to be put into hijiris soul gem, does this seem plausible?
  • could hijiri also be afraid of being decomissioned by niko? As in killed for reasons unknown to her? Because in that case it would be paramount to separate the two of them posthaste and establish to hijiri that we won't let her die or let her come to bodily harm, otherwise she may try to kill niko out of her own perception of it being self-defense.
    • if hijiri does not know the lichbomb she has legitimate reasons to doubt her own personhood in her perception, as she may worry about her being a "soulless fleshgolem", which would also explain her worries with the memory field -> we can already not effect ger, so hopefully niko can't either (in hijiris mind) trigger hijiris (non-existent {I honestly hope}; not that she knows) kill-switch
Only know from PMKM what I heard here and managed to remember, but I hope this is of use for further understanding the situation.
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And on the note of convincing her to give it up, I imagine we have our grief storage with us right? If Hijiri got some collateral would she be more willing to hand over the memory device?

Because if needed we've got everything in there from little things like solid gold bars (Which don't have much utility as an immediate balance of power, but maybe the shock of that much money might soften things a bit) to "If you even remove the grief from around this it could ruin us in a thousand subtle ways and we're jeopardizing everything just by giving it to you in this form," in the form of Homura's book of witches-to-come. (Which I don't recommend, due to the latter half of that sentence, but it's an example of how severe we could go if we chose to.)
[] Take Hijiri, find a nearby restaurant, and get breakfast.
Okay, this part I can't support. We won't condone abusing a prisoner, but she is a prisoner for a reason. She's party to assault and theft and trying to shoot down the MOF at altitude is arguably attempted murder. The inconsistencies in her excuses for not letting go of the field haven't been addressed, and we haven't confirmed that she's not a pants-on-head-crazy supervillain like she was in PMKM. We haven't even confirmed that Yuuri is really involved. Things aren't at the point yet where we can release her, or risk having her around innocent bystanders. She'd have to be a lot more forthcoming for that. Plus, the Pleiades would react very badly to us letting her go so easily.
Yooo, hold the phone, what the hell is this?

Either this is an author error or she's been eavesdropping on our private telepathic conversations with the Saints.
If the wiki and my own memories are anything to judge by, Anri still keeps using her own surname after she takes over her friend's life. Airi may call herself Yuuri now but she's Anri Yuuri rather than Asuka Yuuri.
If the wiki and my own memories are anything to judge by, Anri still keeps using her own surname after she takes over her friend's life. Airi may call herself Yuuri now but she's Anri Yuuri rather than Asuka Yuuri.
See, I'd be fine with that if, instead of having difficulty remembering any part of the name of her collaborator, Hijiri had actually said she was working with Anri Yuuri.
See, I'd be fine with that if, instead of having difficulty remembering any part of the name of her collaborator, Hijiri had actually said she was working with Anri Yuuri.
There is such a thing as reverse interrogation, in which the prisoner learns more from the questions being asked than the captor learns from their answers. If the only names she's given us are ones that we've let slip first, then she might be playing us.
If we do end up adopting her, we'll have gone two for two on "befriend/adopt the final boss of a side-story manga"

Woukd leave...two more? Except one of them is on 15th-century France
If we do end up adopting her, we'll have gone two for two on "befriend/adopt the final boss of a side-story manga"

Woukd leave...two more? Except one of them is on 15th-century France

Did she witch in the end? Maybe we can befriend her after dewitching? :V
Don't forget Wraith Arc.

IIRC, the final boss is either Homura, UKG, or the universe itself, throwing a shitfit over Madokami's flagrant abuse of metaphysical laws.

We've already befriended Momura, there is a non-zero chance we are UKG, and befriending the universe? What with our being a walking violation of Entropy and Karmic Destiny? Fat chance.
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[X] DschingisKhan

Hey by the by, you think you guys could help provide the salt for my new LIFTR Nuclear Power Plant? There's certainly more than enough here...

All this talk about abuse and all I can see is two sisters fighting. My own siblings did way worse than anything Niko's done, but y'all are right about Hijiri being our prisoner.