
Can you add a Standing Vote to respect Kazumi's authority and her decisions while we're guests in her city? Otherwise we'll probably have to poke that button constantly in future votes to avoid Sabrina going full Wulfenbach and trying to take over the whole operation.
Sabrina did note the past update (or the previous one?) that she was the only one stepping up to the leading plate, so... we can respect Kazumi's authority whenever she feels like displaying it. :p

Of course, maybe our show of strength makes her not feel like it, but still... you can't just lead by the waist, Kazumi!
Wait if we call Kirika and Oriko the Kure's would Kirika calls Mami and Us the Tomoe's?

That might blue screen Mami.
Can you add a Standing Vote to respect Kazumi's authority and her decisions while we're guests in her city? Otherwise we'll probably have to poke that button constantly in future votes to avoid Sabrina going full Wulfenbach and trying to take over the whole operation.
Just add Grief Fog to the vote?

Both done.

A hair over 150 words, but it's bedtime for me. I bet @Redshirt Army can get the last three or four words.

[x] Standing vote: Respect Kazumi's leadership. You're here to assist, even if you do have some additional objectives.

[X] Introduce the Pleiades to the Kures.
[X] Warn, then go fast. Utility fog up.
[X] Give Oriko a hand. Remind her she's stronger than she thinks.

[X] Discuss:
-[X] Oriko's not a precog anymore, though she's had visions about Asunaro.
-[X] Possible threats (respect Niko's privacy). Accuracy disclaimers; note timing discrepancies.
-[X] Operations:
--[X] Tracking: Following physical or magical traces. Share your abilities, promote brainstorming.
---[x] Utility fog, Grief(hax?) CSI, collab with Niko and Umika, Mami connections sense?
--[X] Searching: Groups, base of operations, check-ins and scheduling.
---[x] Sayaka and Kazumi copy the MOF and anything else you do, Mami ribbons to expand search construct range, Sayaka vision and clones.
--[X] Magical detection and defenses, especially against mental/'intangible'/medical attacks.

[X] On arrival:
-[X] Introduce everyone.
-[X] Continue discussion with everyone there.
-[X] Offer to help sort Niko's lab while gathering information.
-[X] Oriko's not a precog anymore, though she's had visions about Asunaro.
On further thought, should we ask Oriko how we want to handle the part where she's not a precog any more?
[X] Warn, then go fast. Utility fog up.
A note: This should be captured by "Have Kazumi and Sayaka copy everything you do", but I want to call out the utility fog alongside the MOF, the Privacy Sphere, our Grief Wings, and the Cleansing as a particularly important effect for them to get. We'll probably have to pull out some theatrics to get Cleansing and Utility Fog lodged in their heads as Things that they can copy, though. Which I would be entirely fine with. Anyone got any good quotes we can use?

Cleansing, I think that we have an opportunity when we meet the rest of the Pleiades - we'll have a ton of people all standing in one place, probably worried out of their minds, and we'll probably want to start that meeting by cleansing everyone. Cleansing 12 people all at once, especially if they've all been low on grief seeds, I think we could get away with giving it some emphasis instead of just routinely yanking everyone's grief away.

The Utility Fog, I think we'd do when we bring it up. First thing we do is tell them to copy everything, then we tell them what we're about to do so they can Pay Attention, then we bring it up to combat levels - where they'll feel it with grief sense - along with a good quote and a quick demonstration of the near-omniscience it gives us. Then demonstrate a few moves we can do with it, like forming plates and blades out of thin air. Best-case, they get it as a "stance" of sorts that they can maintain that gives them the same omniscience and makes duplicating the rest of our effects (the blades, the wings, the armor) easier and faster.
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Actually, shouldn't it be a coven of witches?

Unfortunately, the most appropriate name for gathering of Mahou Shoujo I can think of is merely a "team of magical girls".
A tragedy. It's definitely "a tragedy of Magical Girls."

Well, it was before. Now it's going to be...
A giggle of magical girls.
Yeah, this. If it doesn't become a "tyranny," "saving," "disaster," or "madness," at least.
A Misery of Magical Girls?
We'll probably have to pull out some theatrics to get Cleansing and Utility Fog lodged in their heads as Things that they can copy, though. Which I would be entirely fine with. Anyone got any good quotes we can use?
"Congratulations, your soul has successfully helped to reduce entropy!"

[Trauma intensifies]
For extra Walpurgisnacht comparisons, we could go with "troupe" or "opera" or something.

I like "saving" as a collective noun, though.
A Glory of Magical Girls?

Edit: Or a Majesty of Magical Girls? I am going by adjectives that pair with magical. Or a Mystery of Magical Girls?
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