Looks like enough people changed their minds about the Indorians getting a battleship. That should help the border be more secure.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Aug 11, 2017 at 6:39 AM, finished with 177 posts and 46 votes.
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[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio
[X][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[X][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[X][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
Not in the context of my other arguments. I'm already expecting the Humans to be interested in the GBZ anyway. In any case, I doubt a Human, Tellarite, or Andorian member fleet is going to send more than 2 cruisers.

By the same note I expect both Tellarite and Andorian interest as both will have some priorities finishing shortly while also having other priorities that would be fulfilled by moving into the GBZ. And I want the one with the largest fleet to come first as they should be sending in more ships than the other two.

As it is next year unless the situation changes I will be voting for Tellarite or andorian interest in the GBZ.
By the same note I expect both Tellarite and Andorian interest as both will have some priorities finishing shortly while also having other priorities that would be fulfilled by moving into the GBZ. And I want the one with the largest fleet to come first as they should be sending in more ships than the other two.

As it is next year unless the situation changes I will be voting for Tellarite or andorian interest in the GBZ.
Preferably Andorian. I would like to have Nash not be annoyed at the Humans getting to the GBZ before the Andorians. So anything that keeps her happy keeps the Cardassians unhappy and preferably out of our territory.
Preferably Andorian. I would like to have Nash not be annoyed at the Humans getting to the GBZ before the Andorians. So anything that keeps her happy keeps the Cardassians unhappy and preferably out of our territory.
I am hoping that between finishing priorities and the expansion priority they currently have at least one of two will shift to interest in the GBZ on their own in which case it is just a matter of getting the other one interested. I am also hoping that the Humans moving to get involved will increase the desire of the Andorians and Tellarites to get invovlved.

Edit- To clarify, currently Andor has develop new mining and Tellar has expansion as long term priorities. They also each have a single ship to refit as priorities which should be started for both this quarter and finish in time for the next MWCO which will clear a priority.

Tellar is going to be refiting their excelsior so I don't see them wanting to detach part of their fleet until that is done but I could see them doing so once it finishes.

Between the 3 races they each will have an Excelsior-A so we should see 1 to 2 between the three of them sent. They also have a good number of Renaissance and escorts between the three of them.
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By the same note I expect both Tellarite and Andorian interest as both will have some priorities finishing shortly while also having other priorities that would be fulfilled by moving into the GBZ. And I want the one with the largest fleet to come first as they should be sending in more ships than the other two.

As it is next year unless the situation changes I will be voting for Tellarite or andorian interest in the GBZ.

Er...then shouldn't you be voting for the Tellarites then? They have the largest fleet.

edit: And given the small differences in fleet size between all 3 candidates in question, I'm pretty sure they're all going to send task forces of about the same size.

Assuming they don't all bandy together and form a coalition task force, like I so wish they would do damnit.
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I'm not too enthused that we're spending 32 pp to get other people to operate more battleships. If they want battleships, maybe they should spend their political will to get it.

You remember when the Caitians wanted us to spend 10pp or something to get them to build another Excelsior, and we were all, LOL NO?
Er...then shouldn't you be voting for the Tellarites then? They have the largest fleet.

edit: And given the small differences in fleet size between all 3 candidates in question, I'm pretty sure they're all going to send task forces of about the same size.

Assuming they don't all bandy together and form a coalition task force, like I so wish they would do damnit.
That last part is what I am hoping happens. Tellar has 10 engineering ships but only 1 colony ship while Andor and Earth have 2 colony ships each so they could spare 1 each, while Tellar provides the engineering teams. And right now Tellar is going to be putting their excelsior in for a refit so I don't see them detaching a task force until that finishes.

Actually @OneirosTheWriter is it possible to get members to join the GBZ as a joint unit, that is say Andor-Tellar-UESPA operating a combined task force to pool their military and civilian ships. It would also help the Indorians as with their current civilian ship breakdown they would need a partner to have all the ships needed to find, develop and build colonies and stations without stripping their ability to do so in their own space.
Er...then shouldn't you be voting for the Tellarites then? They have the largest fleet.
Its because the Tellarites have the biggest fleet that I am not all that worried about getting them into the GBZ. They have enough resources to maintain their current fleet that I don't mind waiting a few years before sending them to the GBZ. I would prefer getting the founding members of the federation with the smaller fleets up to par with each other. I at least want the Humans to have another Excelsior class starship before the Ambassador class is cleared for mass production. I want the Humans to have either II Dorsata or 27 Firefly III.

Assuming they don't all bandy together and form a coalition task force, like I so wish they would do damnit.

That's an idea I could get behind. We could completely secure and colonize the Dorsata sector if we sent that kind of fleet to the GBZ and it would be a big shot in the arm to our Defense count There.

I'm not too enthused that we're spending 32 pp to get other people to operate more battleships. If they want battleships, maybe they should spend their political will to get it.

They might not have been able to afford to buy those ships let alone build them. I consider it a good way to spend the pp that will benefit us in the long run.

That last part is what I am hoping happens. Tellar has 10 engineering ships but only 1 colony ship while Andor and Earth have 2 colony ships each so they could spare 1 each, while Tellar provides the engineering teams. And right now Tellar is going to be putting their excelsior in for a refit so I don't see them detaching a task force until that finishes.

Actually @OneirosTheWriter is it possible to get members to join the GBZ as a joint unit, that is say Andor-Tellar-UESPA operating a combined task force to pool their military and civilian ships. It would also help the Indorians as with their current civilian ship breakdown they would need a partner to have all the ships needed to find, develop and build colonies and stations without stripping their ability to do so in their own space.
I second this completely. I am completely in favor of doing this.
I'm not too enthused that we're spending 32 pp to get other people to operate more battleships. If they want battleships, maybe they should spend their political will to get it.
They're hardly more battleship than an Excelsior, you know.

You remember when the Caitians wanted us to spend 10pp or something to get them to build another Excelsior, and we were all, LOL NO?
Apples and oranges.

You're comparing a situation where we spend 10pp to meddle with internal politics of a member nation that's in the middle of a post-war economic depression on spending their own 230br 150sr, berth time, and crew to build an Excelsior ... to negotiating an 8pp trade of "non-starship materials" that the Ked Paddah want for a near-Excelsior starship that the target also wants, might not be able to (afford to) build, and only needs to crew?
...and speaking of the above.
Can I just say the Ked Paddah are officially awesome for allowing us to trade away these wonders of technology. Even a last-generation capital ship like this is a massive investment, a statement to their technology, and just scrapping them would have netted them something in the realm of 420br, 360sr, enough to build a two modern ships.
Ked Paddah are awesome, no doubt, but this isn't completely altruistic for them. Given that they're willing to trade them away for "non-starship materials", it's clear to me that that's what they'd prefer (over scrapped starship grade materials) if only we can vouch for the "prudence".

Actually @OneirosTheWriter is it possible to get members to join the GBZ as a joint unit, that is say Andor-Tellar-UESPA operating a combined task force to pool their military and civilian ships. It would also help the Indorians as with their current civilian ship breakdown they would need a partner to have all the ships needed to find, develop and build colonies and stations without stripping their ability to do so in their own space.
I second third this.

ts because the Tellarites have the biggest fleet that I am not all that worried about getting them into the GBZ. They have enough resources to maintain their current fleet that I don't mind waiting a few years before sending them to the GBZ. I would prefer getting the founding members of the federation with the smaller fleets up to par with each other. I at least want the Humans to have another Excelsior class starship before the Ambassador class is cleared for mass production. I want the Humans to have either II Dorsata or 27 Firefly III.
To be clear, I was responding to Void Stalker on who actually has the largest fleet of the core four members, which is the Tellarites, surprisingly.

If you really want to get the core four member with the smallest fleet, somehow convince the Vulcans. But since they seem to be plainly uninterested, Andorians have the next smallest fleet. Then Humans, then Tellarites.
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I went back to the GBZ report and took a look at all of the systems that were still unclaimed and their Totals as of 2317 Q4.
Dorsata Sector
11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)
Total br110 sr10 rp0

Miele Sector
42 Miele V - Class M 10br & 10sr/yr
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
38 Miele VII - Research Colony site
Total 10br 10sr 5rp

Firefly Sector
27 Firefly III - 35br/yr mine
Total 35br
Thumbs down on this joint-unit stuff. Sounds like a bad idea to me. The Federation just isn't that integrated, and to me it's a recipe for constant squabbling on every single mine or resources as diplomats have to spend forever arguing how to split up the pie. Lots easier to keep it to, "You keep what you develop."

Not to mention the precedent angle. Why do the Amarkians and the Apinae and the Caitians get to claim resources for themselves, while the unit group can't?
Thumbs down on this joint-unit stuff. Sounds like a bad idea to me. The Federation just isn't that integrated, and to me it's a recipe for constant squabbling on every single mine or resources as diplomats have to spend forever arguing how to split up the pie. Lots easier to keep it to, "You keep what you develop."

Not to mention the precedent angle. Why do the Amarkians and the Apinae and the Caitians get to claim resources for themselves, while the unit group can't?
I think your being too pessimistic. there are three systems in the Dorsata sector that provide br at practically the same amount with only 11 Dorsata giving 5 br more than the other two. The species with the lowest amount of br income can have that system while the other two can decide on who gets which system.
Thumbs down on this joint-unit stuff. Sounds like a bad idea to me. The Federation just isn't that integrated, and to me it's a recipe for constant squabbling on every single mine or resources as diplomats have to spend forever arguing how to split up the pie. Lots easier to keep it to, "You keep what you develop."

Not to mention the precedent angle. Why do the Amarkians and the Apinae and the Caitians get to claim resources for themselves, while the unit group can't?
Each mine should still be claimed by an individual member however not all members can provide both the needed escort ships, engineering, prospectors and colony ships while still leaving some for development in their own space. I highlighted how Tellar only has 1 colony ship but 10 engineering so they represent a natural partner for a member that can send a colony ship to the gbz. Also if we have members who have all of their mines in the same sector then a join patrol group should free up more ships to respond to moves made by the cardassians and their pact.

IIRC Dax remembers meeting Kirk as a student... and judging a gymnastics competition with bones in it... and maybe something more about bones.
I don't think that is Canon in TBG universe anymore. Maybe we have had contact with them and maybe we haven't. So until one of the higher ups says other wise I will continue to believe that we haven't had contact with the trill yet.
We have the Yan-Ros.
I know... it's meant to be a joke cause their description literally says

Nutshell: "RWBY!"
Canon/OC: Expy
Homeworld: Vail
Alignment: Anime
Tech: Honiani-Current
Type: Humanoid
Distinctive Features: Tremendous strength and speed
Social: They live on what is basically a deathworld with some of the more lethal flora and fauna the galaxy has seen. However, they seem to think little of it, maintaining a cheerful outlook combined with a taste for tremendously overengineered weapons, personal shields, and adventure. Strongly tied into the Honiani political system.

So what I suppose I meant to say is how long till the Yan-Ros join up? Or IIRC how long until the Honiani and Yan Ros join up as I vaguely recall them being a duel package?

IIRC Dax remembers meeting Kirk as a student at the academy... and judging a gymnastics competition with bones in it... and maybe something more about bones.
No, recalling the TOS-centric episode, Dax hadn't actually met the crew of the original-flavor Enterprise, though she was apparently familiar with the 23rd century aesthetic~

Also, I feel it important to point out that we have a lot of aliens pass through our borders and even become Fed citizens and SF crew, who aren't from a homeworld that has contact with us yet. The Bolians, for example.
No, recalling the TOS-centric episode, Dax hadn't actually met the crew of the original-flavor Enterprise, though she was apparently familiar with the 23rd century aesthetic~
Eh kinda.

Dax the Symbiot had met Bones and Kirk, Jadzia hadn't.

Apparently it was the third Dax
Emony Dax
That met Bones judging a gymnastics competition, though I do get that in this quest this isn't canon.

The Bolians, for example.
Oh god, are those the blue ones?

With the flap running down their bodies?