To be fair though, if you did that, you would pretty much be 100% guaranteed that your choice wouldn't actually happen but something kind of like it might. I prefer a set of two subvotes:
[][KP] Send battleship to <write-in>
[][KP] Send second battleship to <write-in>
[][KP] Send third battleship to <write-in>
[][KP] Send fourth battleship to <write-in>
[][KP#] Send <write-in number> battleships
That way the plurality on the # vote will be sent, the rest scrapped, and the top <number> of locations (or second locations) will be chosen.
My premise is that if, for example, the votes total something like:
25 for "battleship to Tauni"
18 for "battleship to Indorians"
16 for "second battleship to the Tauni"
14 for "scrap a battleship"
13 for "battleship to Risans"
12 for "scrap a second battleship..."
Well, you send two battleships to the Tauni (because a lot of people wanted that) and one to the Indorians (ditto) ... and you scrap the fourth, because scrapping was a more popular fate than anything else anyone wanted to do with it. A separate KP# vote isn't a bad idea as such, but it isn't required.
BUT, that's all unnecessary, because I see nothing wrong with how we count it right now. This quest has always run on the plurality and the votes are clearly different enough that they ought to be split.
By the same argument we should do the "Well, They Try" REPORT votes by plan- which is a
terrible idea, because it forces people to vote tactically rather than just listing their preferences.
Plan votes are necessary in situations where all the parts of the plan are interrelated. Say, in "what is our character going to do next" votes for quests, where different parts of the character's actions all form an interlocking scheme that is greater than the sum of its parts.
In other situations, they contribute very little and have a high potential for allowing random chance or circumstances to thwart things a majority of voters want to see happen. Especially in cases like this, where large numbers of people are making up their own plan votes with little or no chance of success, rather than picking a plan close enough to what they wanted and supporting it.
Since the fate of each individual battleship is independent of the fate of all the others, there's no reason to force people to vote by plans. It's not even 'simpler,' in any meaningful sense. The REPORT votes are not hard to understand, not hard to tally, and not harder to set up than they would be if we had plan voting.