So what I suppose I meant to say is how long till the Yan-Ros join up? Or IIRC how long until the Honiani and Yan Ros join up as I vaguely recall them being a duel package?
I still like the idea of having Ranger teams stationed on our ships, ready to assist away teams and repel enemy boarders. :V
So as long as we've already got RWBY expies in play, how long until we get Nanoha ones? :V
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I don't think that is Canon in TBG universe anymore. Maybe we have had contact with them and maybe we haven't. So until one of the higher ups says other wise I will continue to believe that we haven't had contact with the trill yet.

That was also a retcon, though. The Federation opened diplomatic relations with the trill in the TNG episode "The Host." Before then, contact between the two had apparently been limited, as the Federation didn't know about the symbionts.

DS9 just ignored that and rewrote the Trill as having been a longtime affiliate.
Clear winners, and a pretty expensive MWCO turn. 55pp, of which a clear 32 was voting for those damn Ked Peddah last gen ships to be added to other people's fleets. I'll make a note to check back in 10 years game time and see if it accomplished anything.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Briefvoice on Aug 11, 2017 at 11:37 AM, finished with 208 posts and 47 votes.
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Clear winners, and a pretty expensive MWCO turn. 55pp, of which a clear 32 was voting for those damn Ked Peddah last gen ships to be added to other people's fleets. I'll make a note to check back in 10 years game time and see if it accomplished anything.

Inserted tally
As far as I am concerned its 55pp well spent. The next snakepit will be soon and I am definitely going to vote for the Medical option when the time comes.
For everyone's consideration:

2318 Snakepit Plan
EOY 2317 – 458 pp. Subtract 55 during MWCO, add ~20pp for Q1 + ~20 for achieving Science Ambition = ~423

[NO VOTE][COUNCIL] 2318 Snakepit – A Little of Everything
  • NEW Request a Sweeping Tactical Review, which will clear all roles and allow them to be redefined en mass, 50pp
  • Request Mining Colony at An Arai V, 8pp, 10 (15) sr/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony at Tolinar VII, 7pp, 5 srp/yr, 4 turns
  • Request development of Intazzi Shipyards, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Ana Font Shipyard, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request Academy Development, 50pp* (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp [Propulsion and Warp Technology]
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp [Foreign Analysis and Communications]

  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Licori)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Yrillians)

  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Personnel

  • Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 50pp (Apinae)

  • Acquire additional resources to establish a Horizon Desk for Starfleet Intel, 30pp (Gain +1 Dedicated Horizon intel report)
  • Declare a Horizon Border Zone, 20pp

  • Starfleet Medical Command develop extensive medical facilities on Leas Akaam and Celos – 30pp

  • EITHER - Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (Licori Border Zone), 20pp
  • OR Acquire additional resources to establish an ISC Desk for Starfleet Intel, 30pp (Gain +1 Dedicated ISC intel report) if we get to 433 points
*Assuming Academy Development goes up in cost again.
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Yrillians)

Why a diplo-push on the Yrillians?

We have pushed them and pushed them and as far as I remember it hasn't really gotten us anything. And now that we have good relations with the Sydraxians the Yrillains have lost much of their strategic importance, so there is little need to push them either.

If we ever get some action to remove whatever keeps them from becoming affiliates, sure, but until them it seems a waste of pp to me.
  • Declare a Horizon Border Zone, 20pp

I still think this currently is at best useless and quite possibly actively harmful.

Narratively: We either let Horizon ships wanting to talk with our affiliates through or we try to intercept them. If we do try to intercept them we are giving them just about the greatest gift imaginable. If I was the Honiani there was nothing that would be more effective at convincing me that the Federation wasn't as great as they are pretending to be and the Horizon had a point than the Federation starting to use force to prevent me from talking to the Horizon.

Mechanically: A border zone means extra events with extra chances to fail, will do nothing at all to prevent diplomatic events in the sectors behind it (consider the missed diplomatic event with the Obar that the Amarki ended up fielding, having sectors closer to the Obar did nothing at all to prevent it from being rolled for the Amarki sector) and will make it much less likely for the Avandar to be able to make it there when such an event is rolled (because she might already have been involved in an event in the border zone and due to the -2 for mutual support). An event doesn't happen in the sector it would make the most sense for it to happen, an event happens in the sector it is rolled for. Now if it made narrative sense a border zone could change the event table for the sectors behind it favorably, but as argued above it does not make narrative sense. Failed or missed events are far more dangerous for us than any diplomatic happenings in the background (if those even currently happen at all outside the flavor for events). Compare the damage just the two failed events of the Miracht and the Polaris did compared to over a decade of Cardassian diplomacy and covert ops.
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I still think this is at best useless and quite possibly actively harmful.

And I still disagree, for reasons I've already gone into. Not to mention that apart from Horizon-specific matters, a border zone will be a sources of events that we will usually pass and which will generate rewards for us even if they're unconnected to Horizon. If we have the ships to staff it, and we do, I think it's the best choice for a new border zone.
Why a diplo-push on the Yrillians?

We have pushed them and pushed them and as far as I remember it hasn't really gotten us anything. And now that we have good relations with the Sydraxians the Yrillains have lost much of their strategic importance, so there is little need to push them either.

If we ever get some action to remove whatever keeps them from becoming affiliates, sure, but until them it seems a waste of pp to me.
We've yet to push them while we had the FDS mini-report active. That's the main thing I'd want out of a push.
I still think this currently is at best useless and quite possibly actively harmful.

Narratively: We either let Horizon ships wanting to talk with our affiliates through or we try to intercept them. If we do try to intercept them we are giving them just about the greatest gift imaginable. If I was the Honiani there was nothing that would be more effective at convincing me that the Federation wasn't as great as they are pretending to be and the Horizon had a point than the Federation starting to use force to prevent me from talking to the Horizon.

Mechanically: A border zone means extra events with extra chances to fail, will do nothing at all to prevent diplomatic events in the sectors behind it (consider the missed diplomatic event with the Obar that the Amarki ended up fielding, having sectors closer to the Obar did nothing at all to prevent it from being rolled for the Amarki sector) and will make it much less likely for the Avandar to be able to make it there when such an event is rolled (because she might already have been involved in an event in the border zone and due to the -2 for mutual support). An event doesn't happen in the sector it would make the most sense for it to happen, an event happens in the sector it is rolled for. Now if it made narrative sense a border zone could change the event table for the sectors behind it favorably, but as argued above it does not make narrative sense. Failed or missed events are far more dangerous for us than any diplomatic happenings in the background (if those even currently happen at all outside the flavor for events). Compare the damage just the two failed events of the Miracht and the Polaris did compared to over a decade of Cardassian diplomacy and covert ops.
Ditto this-also, why would we ignore the medical buildup option during MWCO and take it Now? It's the same damn pool of PP, if we decided not to go for it, don't go for it three months later, that's just indecisive waffling.
Ditto this-also, why would we ignore the medical buildup option during MWCO and take it Now? It's the same damn pool of PP, if we decided not to go for it, don't go for it three months later, that's just indecisive waffling.
It could reasonably be that we tabled it when the MWCO recommended it, and brought it up during the Council's appropriations season because that is the appropriate time to do so? After all, it doesn't actually have much to do with member world coordination, and has everything to do with what the Federation government is willing to fund.

Out of curiosity, why Double Tauni instead of one BB each to Tauni, Indoria, Laio, and Yan-Ros
Because as SWB noted, the Yan-Ros have little or no experience operating their own starships. Also, the Tauni have a powerful interstellar stalker breathing down their necks.


IIRC Dax remembers meeting Kirk as a student at the academy... and judging a gymnastics competition with bones in it... and maybe something more about bones.
As noted, either decanonized, or Dax was traveling around in secret without revealing their species, or she was just going "oh yeah, I'm a wonky alien from waaay over out on the other side of Orion space!" and it became a historical footnote.

I mean, there are mercantile species that do fairly widespread trading and voyaging, like the Yrillians and probably Orions. They were probably if anything more active in the early days of the Federation when the Federation itself would have picked up a smaller share of its internal commerce. So it seems fairly likely that some Federation members have at least encountered individual members of species we haven't formally made contact with. Otherwise it's really, really hard to explain how we've known about the Klingons and Romulans for over a hundred years, but we knew nothing about, say, the Betazoids or the Amarki.

So as long as we've already got RWBY expies in play, how long until we get Nanoha ones? :V
We already do befriending through massive, precisely calculated energy blasts. We just do it with deflector dishes instead of linker cores.

We're all going die.
Eddie Leslie, the TOS-era ur-Redshirt:

"Everybody's gotta die sometime, buddy. There's a reason I helped the rest of the gang found the RSPS. And why I taught everything I knew about redshirt-fu to the great master of not killing redshirts: Michel."
2318.Q1 - To Boldly Go
[X][PRIORITY] Human Interest in the GBZ

[x][BEE] Push (8pp)
[X][ORION] Arrange for promising Orion officers to spend a year attending Starfleet Academy
[x][INDORREP] Support the Indorians (15pp)
[x][INDORFIT] Refit the Frigates
[x][MEDICAL] This is not the time (will be added to future Snakepits)
[X][KP] Split the four ships up - (8pp) Indoria (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Tauni (8pp) Laio

Rear Admiral Michel Thuir, Commandant of Starfleet Academy, +5% to Standard Enlisted and +10% to Explorer Corps Enlisted intake (via increased survivability)
Vice Admiral Ainsworth, Commander of Starfleet Explorer Corps, 1 re-roll per year


From: Vice Admiral Rachel Ainsworth, Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
To: Admiral Hikaru Sulu, Starfleet, Commanding

Subject: Explorer Corps Panel of Captains

Hello Admiral,

I appreciate your continued faith in my services leading the Explorer Corps.

The USS Odyssey is going into refit after completion of their Five Year Mission, so we will not be deploying them yet. However, next quarter, we will be launching USS Opportunity, the Explorer Corps half of its pair with USS Spirit. We have lost a few officers off of our Panel of Captains due to promotions.

One officer I'll especially miss, for all we seemed to be at loggerheads during our political debates, is Commodore Mbeki. We gave him a rousing send off when he hopped a quick visit on the USS Challorn to return to Earth for his retirement. I am confident that he will do very well in his political career - in fact, he mentioned to me that he may even be able to nominate for the Council in the upcoming old four elections if he decides on his leanings quickly. I think he will go pacifist myself. I may even vote for him if I get the chance.

Captain Jeanette Devereaux
Human Female, 43
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Sojourner
A science division officer at heart, Captain Devereaux is in rare company among officers for protesting being assigned the brand-new Typhoon over the old Suvek. +1 S, +1 to First Contact missions

Captain Percival Amin
Human Male, 44
Current Assignment: Deputy Director, Mission Control Room, Starfleet Operations Command
A man with a surprising knack for finding himself in dangerous areas, but who learned much from Rear Admiral Uhura. One of the very few fluent non-Vulcan speakers of that language. +1 L, +1 to any internal diplomacy.

Captain Huth fop Makpol
Tellarite Male, 51
Current Assignment: First Officer, Starbase 4 [Tellar]
A man with experience on a Miranda, an Excelsior, and a Starbase. Gain +1 to Medium DC events.

Captain Shurg kap Klasch
Tellarite Female, 49
Current Assignment: USS Reason
Possesses a legendary devotion to her crew, keeping them safe no matter the odds. 50% chance of nullifying a crew casualty, +1 to any event involving medicine.

Captain Jennifer Zhang
Human Female, 40
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Challorn
A talented veteran of exploration who spent two years far afield with the Honiani. Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll, +1 P, +1 H

[ ][FYM] USS Opportunity Captain
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I was looking at the map of the current known galaxy when I noticed that sector G-0 and the sector under it is completely unexplored since it borders Cardassian space. it would probably make for a great spot for a Listening post from either side so it would probably be a good idea to have a starship do a patrol through the area to find out what is in that sector and to see if the Cardassians have a presence of any kind there. And if they do we can try to arrange an accident to happen to that listening post.
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