Archangel of Nutella.
There's also hired services: mind-readers and empaths for helping a client in negotiations with other businesses, or investigators, etc. Teleporters for businessmen that need to travel between cities a lot. Healers for those with injuries that mundane medicine can't heal (or to reverse/mitigate aging). Hackers to steal business secrets (admittedly, we'd have to be very careful not to cross certain lines with this kind of thing--like not getting into politics or taking national security secrets unless it's from a nation like North Korea, not stealing secrets from businesses in other nations, not facilitating theft, etc.) or to publicly expose corrupt officials or businessmen. Clairvoyants to scout out locations that the police want to raid (such as Yakuza safehouses). The key issue is how to deal with the secrecy surrounding magic--Kyubey might be wary about so many more people being in the know. Or the bigger issue would be how to arrange for payment without getting caught.
If we go and do things like this, I think we should strictly keep to business with low chance of fucking over people and high chance of being pure good. Like healing cancer patients, providing resources to those in need... let's not jump into politics, warfare, etc., like a wrecking ball, where our actions could end up with lots of people killed with us not even finding out about it.