Calling catgirl, calling catgirl,
@Kaizuki come in please, if we want to provide concrete a concrete thing-to-say, what's our best option?
Right, so, I'm not at my best atm, but basically... this is a terrible situation.
Mami is falling apart, Kazusa is overjoyed to hear from her, and we're stuck trying to prevent things from going bad -- consider what might happen if Kazusa kept going right now and we're just sitting there comforting Mami but not stopping Kazusa.
"We... we parted on good terms," [Mami] says. "But she- she couldn't leave her home, and she had her own team to look after. I- we haven't kept in contact."
Because it was too painful to stay in touch for her.
We haven't actually seen this dynamic before, I can't understate that. We're used to Mami being distant from kouhais because they don't want to talk to her, but this is a case of Mami not talking to Kazusa because... because why? Because she couldn't bear it. Why not? Because Kazusa wasn't actually present and Asunaro was too far for her to make the trip except, like, on holidays? Probably part of it. Because Kazusa has a large set of friends and talking to her would have resulted in Kazusa talking about all her friends, leaving Mami in a breakdown over how lonely she is and wishing she could be Kazusa and why can't she what has she done wrong why do
her friends all leave and Kazusa's stay? Probably a
large part of it.
The QB reference last post didn't help, obviously.
What do we do to address this? Well, the usual, of course. Reinforce that we're here for her. But that's a default action. We should further stress, at some point, that with our abilities she should be able to make trips to Asunaro to see Kazusa on a more regular basis if she'd like, and that if she'd like to strike up a renewed acquaintance with Kazusa there's nothing stopping her from doing so -- if she wants to. This simply isn't something we can
resolve in the very short term -- she's going be down for at least much of the next update -- but the best thing we can do here is make clear to her that if distance limitations were the problem then they're gone, and we'll support her if she wants to try, add tactfully that if it was another problem (read: Kazusa has too many friends) then we'll support her through that if she wants, and if she
doesn't want to try having Kazusa as an acquaintance/friend again then we'll support her on
that, too.
And we can stop Kazusa from rolling over her. That's, again, my big fear here -- that a lot of Mami's reluctance to maintain the relation with Kazusa came from Kazusa being
too damn happy about all the friends she has. Furthermore Mami is in no condition to be talking to Kazusa ATM. Ideally we should try to run interference, so-to-speak, on telepathy while doing what I said in the last paragraph out loud with Mami. I'm not sure what form that interference should take, though, is the thing. We don't want to run the conversation for Mami, because that's... because Kazusa is her friend, and because we don't want to build a pattern of us running conversations for Mami; that's toxic as fuck. And -- well, one option would be to go "Mami's not well QB betrayed her" but that runs headlong into "don't run the conversation for Mami" and "FFS don't do anything
more to trigger Mami", the last thing Mami needs is more QB references atm. So, I'm not sure what to go with there.