- Location
- California
I have no doubt it will be plot significant.
I have no doubt it will be plot significant.
Preliminary research plan:
Warp Tech:
- Daystrom Institute [Skill 5 Computing/Shields]: 2330s Colony Cores [complete] -> Automated Shipsystems
- Amash Hagan Research Office [Skill 3 Computing/Personal]: 2320s Research Centers [unchanged]
- Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers[unchanged]
Starship Construction:
- Yoyodyne [Skill 5 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2320s EPS Safety [complete] -> 2320s Core Power
- 40 Eridani A [Skill 4 Escort Design/Warp Tech]: 2310s Warp Propulsion [unchanged]
- Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: 2310s Starship Durability [complete] -> 2320s Starship Armour
- San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 4 Explorer Design/Starship Construction]: 2320s Construction Techniques [unchanged]
- Caitian Frontier Police R&D [Skill 3 Personal/Communications] : 2310s Equipment [complete] -> 2310s Personal Protection
- Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2320s Targeting Sensors [complete] -> 2320s Geological Sensors
- Generic Team 1: 2310s Long -Range Sensors [unchanged]
- Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 3 Weapons/Starship Design]: 2310s Phaser Development [unchanged]
- Generic Team 2: 2310s Torpedo Development [unchanged]
- Andorian Academy [Skill 4 Shields/Communication]: 2310s Navigational Deflectors [unchanged]
- Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 4 Computing/Communciation]: 2310s Message Networking [complete] -> TASK COMMS
- Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 3 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2320s Long-Range Comms [unchanged]
- Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts [unchanged]
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 4 Minerals/Personal]: 2320s Special Refining [unchanged]
- All Pyllix Geological Institute [Skill 2 Minerals/Sensors]: 2310s Bulk Resources [unchanged]
- Spock [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2310s Diplomacy [complete] -> 2320s Diplomacy
- University of Betazed [Skill 4 Xenopsychology/Personal]: 2310s Affiliates Research [complete] -> 2320s Affiliates Research
- Starfleet Medical Research Command [Skill 5 Medical/Personal]: 2310s Intensive Care [complete] -> 2320s Preventative Care
- Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute [Skill 3 Medical] : 2310s Trauma Medicine [unchanged]
Ship Design:
- Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D [Skill 3 Propulsion/Escort Design]: 2320s Fusion Power [unchanged]
Escort Design:
- Utopia Planitia [Skill 5 Cruiser/Explorer Design]: Ambassador Project [unchanged]
- Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering [complete] -> 2310s Escort - Combat
Starbase Design:
- Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 3 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : 2310s Starbase Design - Control [unchanged]
Foreign Analysis:
- Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis] : The Mission Unending [unchanged]
- Admiral Lathriss [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Defensive] : Border World Focus [unchanged]
- Games & Theory Division [Skill 3 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Cardassian Research [unchanged]
[][COMMS] Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Federation Datanet
[][COMMS] Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Colony Datanets
[][COMMS] Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Fleet Comms
Not much that makes sense to pull out into a task. 2320s Core Power, 2320s Geological Sensors and 2310s Escort - Combat were part of the 2318 Kepler plan to begin with. Automated Shipsystems, 2320s Affiliates Research and 2320s Preventative Care are obvious choices considering our crew shortages. 2310s Personal Protection has received a lot of progress during the Orion campaign that we can now cash in on, and would finish the tier. 2320s Starship Armour means T3 hulls, which offer a rather substantial increase in effect without any increase in weight or cost, a much more significant benefit than any other currently unlocked Starship Construction project. The only relatively reasonable alternative I can see would be finishing T2 and picking 2310s Xenopsychology instead of 2320s Diplomacy, but while the improved diplomacy package parts from 2310s Xenopsychology are good it doesn't seem like we will design another presence-heavy class soon (they wouldn't be available for the Kepler) and 2320s Diplomacy offers two extra free yearly non-affiliate rolls and a bunch of diplo bonuses.
Spock and Vulcan Science Academy might need to be switched if we can't afford a boost to VSA, or alternatively we could give up on trying to finish geo sensors in time for a 2318 Kepler. But even if we do there isn't really an obviously better choice to research instead so we could still research them anyway.
We used to have multiple responders pretty often before we were spread so thin, hopefully by the time the tech finishes that could easily be the case again (Gabriel situation settled, open war with Cardassians avoided, no other active conflicts), if not we'll probably really want that +1% fleet combat.I don't see the benefit to fleet comms given that we rarely have multiple ship responders (would have meant something if we had, say, gone Swarm Doctrine). 1% is a small bonus but stacking small bonuses is necessary.
If survey sensors were to be non-cost effective even on a dedicated science ship they'd be utterly useless and need to be either rebalanced or removed.This all looks very reasonable. Going by current designs I find it unlikely we'll want geo sensors on the Kepler unless they are very light - we'd be talking loss of crucial stats for a conditional +1 to mapping missions only. That said there wouldn't be much point to geo sensors at all unless they were very light.
*Spitballing* Nash?
Continuing with my assumption that the Starfleet signal is from a Ranger-class Enterprise I'm going to say they are the former captain of said ship.
If survey sensors were to be non-cost effective even on a dedicated science ship they'd be utterly useless and need to be either rebalanced or removed.
Sousa knows who Nash is though, they've met and worked together several times.
If survey sensors were to be non-cost effective even on a dedicated science ship they'd be utterly useless and need to be either rebalanced or removed.
Well, she explicitly didn't know this Vice Admiral, and here's a fun thought: when she 'knew' Nash, she knew her as a younger captain/commodore. An older Nash could easy pass herself off as anouther Andorian Woman who happens to have a higher rank...but I hope I'm wrong, I want Nash to have gone down with the ship if we're not getting both back, having one or the other only seems wrong.Sousa knows who Nash is though, they've met and worked together several times.
For that matter, having been around since before Rogers imploded means she probably knows all the flag ranks in the Fleet going back to the 80's at least.
The first person to speak is Lieutenant Uhura at Comms. "Captain, I'm picking up distress signals, Starfleet ones. One near the third planet, one near the fourth. They are both very old, enough that our computer is having trouble piecing them together."
"What else can you tell me about them?" asks Kirk.
"The one by the third planet is the older one, but is a stronger signal," says Uhura. She pauses and tilts her head, listening to her earpiece carefully. "Captain, if I'm not mistaken, it may even be a United Earth Starfleet code. The other is definitely a Starfleet code."
Controlling the fleet is the Senate Office of Exploration, headed up by the Secretary of Exploration. This is one of the most powerful positions within the government, though still answerable to the Senate Ombudsman, the Speaker of the Senate, the Senatorial Vice-Consuls, and the Senatorial Consul. In terms of prestige, it sat behind only that of the Senatorial Consul, the effective Head of State. The Office contains an Operations branch, which oversaw the actions of the fleet itself, an Arsenal branch, which oversaw shipbuilding in conjunction with other Senatorial offices, and a War branch, which was responsible for ensuring that the Office of Exploration would be prepared for battle should the need arise. This last was a relatively anaemic branch, but it was quite motivated and talented, and conducted solid research.
Either someone from Temporal Affairs, or an Enterprise veteran Sousa simply doesn't know personally.
Leslie:Montgomery Scott, possibly. Other possible suspects include Christine Chapel and Mark Piper who both served as CMO at some point, anyone on the long list of Enterprise communication and conn officers that didn't get mentioned before (my vote is for Arex or M'Ress from TAS, maybe Angela Martine; it'd be nice to think her life was better than losing her fiancee in Balance of Terror and nearly being killed during Shore Leave.) It could also be Lieutenant Commander Giotto, who led Enterprise security, briefly, in Devil in the Dark. And then was neverrrrr seen again, but didn't die.
"Uh yeah, there's a reason for Giotto not getting heard from much. See, Captain Kirk put him in charge of a security detail. ONCE. Giotto fell for the old 'hey, look over here' trick. Then we got six kinds of snot beaten out of us. Yeah, that's me on the far right getting hit with a pipe when I'm down. More than once.
"Jim Kirk didn't have Giotto lead any more away teams after that."
On the plus side, I bet we'll get a lot of Explorer Corps recruits per capita from them. And maybe some of them will be able to fold into Starfleet?Exploration, exploration, exploration.
You know... I'm wondering if the Federation requirement that member fleets stay within their home sector isn't going to be a major sticking point for the Qloathi when it comes to Federation membership. They're going to gripe a hell of a lot about why their Secretary of Exploration is no longer allowed to manage exploration into unknown space and they have to leave it all to Starfleet.
Exploration, exploration, exploration.
You know... I'm wondering if the Federation requirement that member fleets stay within their home sector isn't going to be a major sticking point for the Qloathi when it comes to Federation membership. They're going to gripe a hell of a lot about why their Secretary of Exploration is no longer allowed to manage exploration into unknown space and they have to leave it all to Starfleet.
Compromises may have to be made, though one understands why the Federation is leery about the possibility of member fleet ships making First Contacts.
It's in a good spirit for encouraging member fleet independence and exploration. I feel like if it does go along species lines... the Humans and Amarki will be all for it, Betazoids too possibly, and the Rigellians might since I vaguely recall them wanting to refit the Yagad-Tich/build a new class for farther-ranged missions.It could be an interesting capstone deal for Sousa's career.
A member fleet exploration initiative, legislation that would relax the restrictions on member fleet borders for dedicated exploration missions, with support from Starfleet and FDS liaisons. Reasoning: many of our new and upcoming members have fleets whose primary mission include exploring the final frontier. It would be a waste to subordinate that spirit entirely to Starfleet. The articles that restrict member fleets were not meant to accidentally destroy something that makes their races unique.
Likely support from the Expansionists and we can probably bring the Pacifists on. The problem is I can see Development and the Mercantilists opposed, but it's also a bill that might split on racial lines?
IDK if it's a good idea, but it's an interesting one.
We might want to relax that policy, at least for ships designed for long term exploration. Stick some FDS staff on board just in case, but I don't think it's an insurmountable issue. And it might be nice to potentially have some backup for our EC ships in a pinch. I doubt most of our member fleets will ever field more than 2-3 explorer grade ships at a time, and most of those will probably stick to sector defense. So letting a few exceptions like the Qloathi explorer or the Gaeni Tech-Explorer or the Basilica of Lakhept slide could probably be arranged.
Alternately, the Qloathi may simply opt not to have a "member fleet", or declare all their ships above a certain size aren't part of it. There's nothing stopping them from choosing to back Starfleet 100% rather than retain a separate force.
It could be an interesting capstone deal for Sousa's career.
A member fleet exploration initiative, legislation that would relax the restrictions on member fleet borders for dedicated exploration missions, with support from Starfleet and FDS liaisons. Reasoning: many of our new and upcoming members have fleets whose primary mission include exploring the final frontier. It would be a waste to subordinate that spirit entirely to Starfleet. The articles that restrict member fleets were not meant to accidentally destroy something that makes their races unique.
Likely support from the Expansionists and we can probably bring the Pacifists on. The problem is I can see Development and the Mercantilists opposed, but it's also a bill that might split on racial lines?
IDK if it's a good idea, but it's an interesting one.
It's in a good spirit for encouraging member fleet independence and exploration. I feel like if it does go along species lines... the Humans and Amarki will be all for it, Betazoids too possibly, and the Rigellians might since I vaguely recall them wanting to refit the Yagad-Tich/build a new class for farther-ranged missions.
The Vulcans and Andorians probably will vote the way of X and P on it, the Tellarites will be solid against and Indorians might too, the Apiata and Caitians are possible wildcards.