OneirosTheWriter said:
The first person to speak is Lieutenant Uhura at Comms. "Captain, I'm picking up distress signals, Starfleet ones. One near the third planet, one near the fourth. They are both very old, enough that our computer is having trouble piecing them together."

"What else can you tell me about them?" asks Kirk.

"The one by the third planet is the older one, but is a stronger signal," says Uhura. She pauses and tilts her head, listening to her earpiece carefully. "Captain, if I'm not mistaken, it may even be a United Earth Starfleet code. The other is definitely a Starfleet code."

"Very well," says Kirk, returning to his command chair. "Mr Chekov, give me a course to-"
Two Federation ships have gone missing in Aga Carmide. One was the Lion, some years ago (in Sousa's proper time). The other was the Enterprise-B, just now. It is likely, though not certain, that each of those ships is the source of one of the signals in question. The big question on my mind is: is the Lion, which was taken by the anomaly first, the older signal from the third planet? If so, the Enterprise-B is probably around the fourth planet... but there's a problem. Kirk's Enterprise arrived after BOTH 2300-era ships. If the older signal around the third planet is coming from Enterprise-B, then the anomaly is pulling ships back to semi-random times.

Or, is the anomaly running in reverse chronological order? In which case the Lion would have arrived AFTER the Enterprise-B, and the Enterprise-nil would have arrived after both of them. If so, then Lion is around the fourth planet and the Enterprise-B is around the third.

Also, one might expect an Excelsior to send a stronger signal than a Miranda, all else being equal- and the stronger signal is around the third planet.

But then, the Miranda might have taken less damage in the process of being naturally swallowed by the anomaly (which did not harm Connie!Enterprise, you will note). Whereas the Enterprise-B might have taken considerably more damage in the process of being pulled through an ARTIFICIAL time portal exploiting the anomaly and/or fighting a Licori tech-ship, AFTER having pushed her warp core to the brink of explosion chasing the tech-ship.

So... hard to say, really. The more 'Starfleety' distress signal MIGHT be the Enterprise-B, but the Lion was a Starfleet ship too... and I'm deeply worried about red herrings here. :(

Hopefully Kirk will figure out which planet has the iocane powder in it.


Basically, I see one of two narratives:

If the Enterprise-B is around the third planet, then the anomaly is grabbing ships and dumping them at quasi-random times. The Enterprise-B is in good shape or at least no worse shape than the Lion physically, and for some reason is transmitting an ambiguous maybe-Earth distress code.

If the Enterprise-B is around the fourth planet, then the anomaly is grabbing ships and dumping them in reverse order (the sooner you go into the anomaly, the later the time you come out of the anomaly ten million years in the past). Enterprise is in bad shape (enough to be transmitting weaker signals than a Miranda), but somehow has a more authentically 'Starfleety' distress signal.

The wild card is that either ship could be an alien vessel (e.g. the Licori ship) faking a Starfleet signal.
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I personally figure neither signal is the B-- one is the Lion, the other an NX-class era ship, and Nash will appear after this.
I personally figure neither signal is the B-- one is the Lion, the other an NX-class era ship, and Nash will appear after this.
If either ship is Archer's Enterprise, then they HAVE to make it out of here or our entire timeline goes PLORP. That said, your reasoning is at least consistent with the idea that the Aga Carmide anomaly spits out ships in the same order they went into the anomaly. This is not possible if the Enterprise-B is the 'older, stronger' signal around the third planet.

Huh. Wonder if the C and D will also be making appearances, then.
How about the E and the F? :V

"I'm not saying this is what's going on, but if this IS going on, the reason I didn't already tell you this was going on is that every damn time it happens to me I close my metaphysical eyes, plug my metaphysical ears, and hum really loudly. Getting looped iteratively with your future selves is just awkward.
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If it's a United Earth signal it's really doubtful it's the Enterprise or Lion. Given all the pictures posted I suspect it'd be a UE Starfleet vessel from the 2100's
Also, just some scenery:

"Very well, Lieutenant Sulu, proceed."

"Yes, Captain, approaching the anomaly," you reply, looking over your shoulder. Captain Kirk sits upon his chair, a presence like a great cat, seemingly lounging but with eyes sharp, mind attentive. You turn back to your console, generating a gentle thrust as the starship Enterprise heeds your commands.

"Captain," breaks in Mr Spock, calm as a rock by the science station. "I am detecting a change in the anomaly. It appears to be growing temporally unstable."

Kirk frowns at that. "Ease off, Mr Sulu. Spock, is it reacting to our presence?"

"Possibly, Captain," replies Spock. "Parts of the anomaly's wavelength have begun to harmonise with our subspace field. It is possible that the instability is coming from there."

"Understood. Mr Sulu, resume course, but thrusters only."

"Aye, sir, thrusters only."

Left to right: En. Chekov, Lt. Sulu, Lt. Leslie, Unidentified Goldshirt.

"Understood, Mr Scott." Kirk stands from his chair and moves towards the science station. "What happened, Mr Spock?"

Spock turns, allowing the Captain to see through the wormhole. "I am still piecing together the timeline of events, but we appear to have been pulled through a sort of rip in space-time. The starscape is quite different, but the system still appears to be the Aga Carmide system. So we have not moved somewhere, but somewhen." A light flashes on his console, and Spock quickly retrieves the results. "It appears we have passed backwards in time ... it appears that we are ten to twenty ... million years in the past."

There is a sharp intake of breath among the bridge crew, yourself included.

The first person to speak is Lieutenant Uhura at Comms. "Captain, I'm picking up distress signals, Starfleet ones. One near the third planet, one near the fourth. They are both very old, enough that our computer is having trouble piecing them together."

Left to right: Lt. Uhura, Cmdr. Spock, Lt. Leslie, Cpt. Kirk.
"That was my bridge station, except when I was filling in at helm or navigation. Engineering operations monitoring console. Scotty'd shift me aside, when he came up from Engineering. I got knocked ass over teakettle when we hit the time anomaly, as usual."


"Eleventh strangest day of my life. Right after the day I found out Shakespeare really is better in the original Klingon."​
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Not joking, temporal affairs are your deep state.

Don't call them, they'll call you.
Heh, the Cardassians have been looking for our deep state since we met. Do they realize it's just great at hiding and doesn't abuse deep state perks, or have they started to think that it doesn't exist?

[X] The Fourth Planet
If either ship is Archer's Enterprise, then they HAVE to make it out of here or our entire timeline goes PLORP. That said, your reasoning is at least consistent with the idea that the Aga Carmide anomaly spits out ships in the same order they went into the anomaly. This is not possible if the Enterprise-B is the 'older, stronger' signal around the third planet.


"I'm not saying this is what's going on, but if this IS going on, the reason I didn't already tell you this was going on is that every damn time it happens to me I close my metaphysical eyes, plug my metaphysical ears, and hum really loudly. Getting looped iteratively with your future selves is just awkward.

On that note, if we are losing the Enterprise here....


[X] The Fourth Planet

// Where was the research colony? I think one signal is the colony, the other Enterprise.