installing a friendly government
Friendly government, or friendly system of government? While the UFP does want someone in place who is amenable to restrictions on mentats, this doesn't require rewriting the entire Arcadian system of governance. We really do not want to try and pull that, as we would be looking at a century or more of military occupation in order to accomplish lasting change.
Friendly government, or friendly system of government? While the UFP does want someone in place who is amenable to restrictions on mentats, this doesn't require rewriting the entire Arcadian system of governance. We really do not want to try and pull that, as we would be looking at a century or more of military occupation in order to accomplish lasting change.

Really irrelevant. Whether you replace dictator or try to bring democracy, you change the regime.

(Also given the feudal system of government was one of the causes of the war as the Arcadian Emperor did not have the authority to enforce Mentat controls, we'd have to rewrite their system of government with a strong Imperial and weak House system anyways.)
The Licori being decentralized is only an issue if the houses are unwilling to cooperate with the leader on the mentat issue. That was the point of targeting the houses that were most opposed to our demands, to convince all of the nobles that cooperation was in their best interests. Hopefully we've succeeded on that point. If there are any Licori left that still think fighting for the right to use Mentats as they see fit is worthwhile, hopefully they'll be enough of a minority that the rest of the houses pressure them into compliance to avoid reprisals.
Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commenced in 2315.Q2:

Risa - Corvette

Ships Commissioned in 2315.Q2:

Betazed - 1 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3701)
Rigel - Repair [USS Bon Vivant], Repair [USS Shield]
Apinae - Repair [2x Stingers], 1 Starfleet Cargo Ship
A few questions on the ships
1. Is the Risa Corvette a Light (escort) or Heavy (Cruiser)
2. When did the two Starfleet Cargo ships start? I am trying to figure out where they should have been tracked but can't locate them in previous Snakepit results.
A few questions on the ships
1. Is the Risa Corvette a Light (escort) or Heavy (Cruiser)
2. When did the two Starfleet Cargo ships start? I am trying to figure out where they should have been tracked but can't locate them in previous Snakepit results.
This is the frigate variant. Heavy Corvettes are always explicitly indicated as such.

Two years ago, I presume. They were in my build list and matured so I listed them. I can dig through my Google Sheets version history if you think it's important.
I just want to mention that I love that running into a random Yan-Ros team (invariably on a Honiani ship) is a thing that happens. It's like how I'm sure every other race feels when they run into a Human and a Vulcan.

If we could spare PP pushing the Yan-Ros so they ratify the same time as their Honiani buddies would be cool. Not in any way urgent, there's years until it happens, but I feel it would have special significance for them.
I just want to mention that I love that running into a random Yan-Ros team (invariably on a Honiani ship) is a thing that happens. It's like how I'm sure every other race feels when they run into a Human and a Vulcan.

If we could spare PP pushing the Yan-Ros so they ratify the same time as their Honiani buddies would be cool. Not in any way urgent, there's years until it happens, but I feel it would have special significance for them.

So that our ships can also have a flat % chance of having a color coded animu girl team onboard for the ride whenever an event is rolled?
I just want to mention that I love that running into a random Yan-Ros team (invariably on a Honiani ship) is a thing that happens. It's like how I'm sure every other race feels when they run into a Human and a Vulcan.

If we could spare PP pushing the Yan-Ros so they ratify the same time as their Honiani buddies would be cool. Not in any way urgent, there's years until it happens, but I feel it would have special significance for them.
Ask Oneiros if we can diplo-push them as one, thereby agreeing that these two races have a special relationship and that that needs to be recognized?
I think we already have that? It'll just be higher.

We currently have a few dozen Yan-Ros in Starfleet, tops. And they're probably pretty widely spread.

Granted, if the cult of Mag-Ukka still exists in modern times then the Amarki might have similar teams, which we'd have much more access to.

/me wonders if Starfleet Medical has taken note of the many physiological similarities between Amarki and Yan-Ros, particularly with regards to facial structure.
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You're assuming that this doesn't happen with humans, who originated the animus.

I am pretty sure it does.


"Having reviewed the historical records of the species in question, I have found the claim that the humans originated the animus to be spurious in light of the physiological, cultural, and aesthetic traits exhibited by my clients throughout a period of over 900,000 years prior to their earliest appearances in human media. As such, there is probable cause to pursue charges of intellectual property theft. We'll be seeing you in court, humans."
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All this talk about Romulan involvement... If I were a pessimistic man, I'd be worried about the accidental kick off of World Quadrant War I. Rising tensions between most great powers, a cabinet war between the Federation and Cardassians, the commencing of conflict between Klingons and Romulans, and finally a succession crisis in a middle power with Romulan intrique. If it wasn't for the very recent neutrality agreement with the Romulans, I could see the Federations inadvertently getting dragged into the war, which in turn would bring the Cardassians in for shits and giggles.
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All this talk about Romulan involvement... If I were a pessimistic man, I'd be worried about the accidental kick off the World Quadrant War I. Rising tensions between most great powers, a cabinet war between Federation and Cardassians, the commencing of conflict between Klingons and Romulans, and finally a succession crisis in a middle power with Romulan intrique. If it wasn't for the very recent neutrality agreement with the Romulans, I could see the Federations inadvertently getting dragged into the war, which in turn would bring the Cardassians in for shits and giggles.
One more reason the Federation council will be restrictive.
All this talk about Romulan involvement... If I were a pessimistic man, I'd be worried about the accidental kick off the World Quadrant War I. Rising tensions between most great powers, a cabinet war between Federation and Cardassians, the commencing of conflict between Klingons and Romulans, and finally a succession crisis in a middle power with Romulan intrique. If it wasn't for the very recent neutrality agreement with the Romulans, I could see the Federations inadvertently getting dragged into the war, which in turn would bring the Cardassians in for shits and giggles.

That's why we need to avoid antagonizing the Romulans, or letting ourselves be antagonized.

The Romulans aren't going to want to fight us and the Klingons at the same time. They also aren't anywhere close to the Cardassians, so they'd have little to gain from an alliance with them UNLESS they were already fighting us and in desperate need of someone to draw us off their flank. We don't want to fight a two-front war. The Klingons would be happy to have us help them against the Romulans, but with us being crushed between two enemies I doubt we'd be able to give them much help. The only faction that stands to really gain from Quadrant War I is the Cardassians.

It is in the best interest of everyone besides the Cardassians to keep this as two separate, unrelated wars that happen to take place between different neighboring factions at the same time. Let's act in our own interest and not pick a fight with the Romulans.
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Anyway, comments on the update itself:

Flash Alert, Starfleet Intelligence
To: All Commands, All Stations

RSE and KE now in state of undeclared war. Fleet engagements at border ongoing.

Report status on receipt.
So it begins...

Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25802.7

We have faint tachyon emissions headed out of Romulan space towards Arcadian space. We are currently working with the T'Mir and Oda-Gach-7 to see if we can isolate this source and identify it.


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25805.2

House Bene is continuing to advance, drawing Minor Houses into its embrace. The estates of a Minor House who had defied them, House Gimble, were bombed just yesterday, and the surviving heir has fallen into line. Notably, this heir was sixth in line, but had House Bene links. Our new friends from Starfleet have investigated, and there is strong evidence that the bomb employed is not of Licori make.


Captain's Log, USS Cloudburst, Stardate 25805.5

We have just witnessed a meeting between a House Bene frigate and a Romulan Bird of Prey. It was too far to intercept communications without giving away our position. However, I can confirm that the Romulans is in contact with House Bene.


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Stardate 25806.3

After being forwarded the report of the USS Cloudburst on Romulan intervention, we are starting to push that angle more vigorously. Already we are uncovering signs that Romulan aid to House Bene has been substantial, and that without aid of their own, House Tartresis will fail to secure the throne. The implications of that are ... deeply unsettling.

Personally, I'm glad that the decision on this one will be above my paygrade.
...and hopefully the Romulans get distracted enough to stop this shit. Goddamn opportunistic vultures. Not that I'm super gung-ho about a new Federation affiliate in the Licori (which their pre-war relations value would've normally resulted in), but the stakes of the whole Arcadian Crisis just rose with Romulan involvement now.

Starfleet Academy Red Squadron Supervisor's Log, Stardate 25807.2

We believe we have narrowed down a list of possible systems for our unknown research facility. It has been tricky. If it isn't operating a proper cloak, it is operating something not functionally dissimilar. Still, we'll sniff it out and give you the full low-down.
Also hopefully not Romulan-related. Not that cloaking necessarily means Romulan involvement - Ixiran mentats have shown the capability of at least some type of home-made cloaking (the Silent Repose system in Ixaria).

[Lose 10pp, gain +1 Crew Rating, UESPA loses a Miranda-A to astrological hazards]
[Lose -10pp, but Apiata avert strategic costs]
Sigh... UE has suffered a lot this year. Two completely lost Miranda-As, a damaged flagship, and I think the most crew losses among the member fleets so far. If so, only Starfleet and Ked Paddah have lost more.

Can't wait to return our garrisons to full strength. Indeed, I suspect that member worlds are already lobbying the Council to increase the garrison requirements.

Every effort to rescue her crew was made, however the conditions were too perilous, and only three dozen souls were saved out of the crew of two hundred.
Aside: So this confirms the overall 50 crewmembers per point of crew (O-1 E-2 T-1). (Still wonder how the heck 300 crewmembers are jam-packed into the tiny Oberth.)

The head ambassador is an Andorian man of very impressive physique, an expert in the Andorian martial arts. Not who I expected to see in the diplomatic service, but it does bring to mind a saying I heard once about running silent and double-dosing your photon torpedoes.

A Challenger Appears!
Personal Log, Captain Vol Chad, Stardate 25804.5

Very little margin in it, but I can bench more than the Ambassador.

Fear not, Starfleet, your name has been upheld!

Thankfully, our engineers crews were able to deploy and use a few work bees to reestablish dome integrity.
For a moment, I thought the Apiata got involved with their cargo ships. Then I realized that "work bee" is a semi-official name (depending on which canon is official) for the small utility crafts that are used by Starfleet and original core Federation. That naming coincidence has got to have intrigued both Starfleet and the Apiata :p

Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25805.9

A research ship belonging to an Ixiran mentat had been lying in wait along our path. However, Rear Admiral Ainsworth and the staff back at San Francisco were able to piece together a number of clues and discover its likely whereabouts. Their warning arrived just in time to shut off our warp engines, before a deeply destructive subspace instability field was created in our path. The mentat's ship has been disabled, and her crew apprehended. My ship's Counsellor and science officers will see what there is to learn about what happened.

[+5rp, +5pp, +25 with Laio]
[Ainsworth re-roll exhausted for 2315]
Geez Atuin and Vol Chad have got the worst luck. Only saved by Ainsworth's sidegrade "promotion".

Still, Laio is now an affiliate!

Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25803.5 - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

The SS Mural is no tramp, it seems. The Honiani ship is in fact a joint Honiani-Yan Ros operation. Based on their own relationship with the Laio and their links to the Arcadians, they are on a mission to eliminate a particular mentat target. They are, however, being very close-lipped about who, what, and why.

After consulting with Commodore ka'Sharren, we have allowed them to head on their way, though with a warning to be careful about where they step.

[Chief of Staff NB: FDS blew a gasket over letting them go, but Ops is happy to back the Captain's judgement in this one]
I too trust the opinion of former and current (and future!) Enterprise captains.

Wish we sent someone along with them so we could record the epic RWBY-esque beatdown about to commence.

Staff Industrial Liaison's Log, Stardate 25803.3 - Tash sh'Petreth, Andorian Chamber of Industry

After completing the rush work on the upgraded sensor arrays and deflectors for the USS Courageous' repair and reift, the factories of the Shorc Xurth Resource Combine on Tellar are switching focus. They are being tasked to work with Starfleet Tactical as well as United Earth's MACOs and the Caitian armed forces to supply and replace equipment during the Gammon operations.

Also, good to see that our earlier work on more outpost components likely won't be wasted. A Gammon outpost, even temporary, along with a stockpile for the GBZ is a good use of them.
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Look at the starmap. Look at the impact of 'exploding star'. Look at the discussion of 'setting up a friendly government'. Look at our reason for declaring war.
And then explain to me why the RSE doesn't has the same legitimation that we have in fiddling with the Licori.

I'd have fewer complaints if the Romulans actually sent forces or resources to help us pacify dangerous mentat activity.

And no, I'm not that afraid of Romulans taking mentats or researching dangerous tech - they already have had ample opportunity to covertly do so before and during the Licori war. *Points to how well Starfleet's infiltration of Anoxa went, and note that Romulans are no doubt better at this.*
/me wonders if Starfleet Medical has taken note of the many physiological similarities between Amarki and Yan-Ros, particularly with regards to facial structure.

"Can we help it if two thirds of the humanoid species in the galaxy turned out to be space elves? Like all those round-eared, broad-built types who are improbable colors like red or beige or pink?"

Also hopefully not Romulan-related. Not that cloaking necessarily means Romulan involvement - Ixiran mentats have shown the capability of at least some type of home-made cloaking (the Silent Repose system in Ixaria).
Well, Silent Repose seemed to involve a fair amount of sensor-masking, and it has long been accepted that there are forms of active stealth other than what the Romulans use, that have the effect of concealing a ship's sensor signature from one or more targets. But your core conclusion is totally correct; some mentat mastering the secret of invisibility may just mean they've been working very hard on it, not that the Romulans were helping them.
Thinking about the astropolitical great power dynamics of our region of space, it is likely that the emergence of the Cardassians as a great power has directly precipitated the Romulan-Klingon war.

From the Romulan point of view the TOS and movie era politcal situation was dangerous for them. They shared a border with two other peer powers, a conflict with either of which would very likely have resulted in a two front war, especially after Khitomer.
With the Cardassians however the dynamics have been greatly changed, they pose no direct threat to Romulan ambitions as they are far away on the other side of the Federation. But at the same time pose a direct threat to the Federation, splitting Federation focus from whatever the Romulans are up to. This gives Romulus the opportunity to engage in a war with the Klingons where they can be fairly certain that the Federation will not intervene.

I imagine in their minds the object of such a war is to destroy enough Klingon power so as to leave them with only the Federation as a peer threat, who at the same time are themselves threatened by the presence of a peer power on their far border.
I too trust the opinion of former and current (and future!) Enterprise captains.

Wish we sent someone along with them so we could record the epic RWBY-esque beatdown about to commence.

"Can we help it if two thirds of the humanoid species in the galaxy turned out to be space elves? Like all those round-eared, broad-built types who are improbable colors like red or beige or pink?"

Well, Silent Repose seemed to involve a fair amount of sensor-masking, and it has long been accepted that there are forms of active stealth other than what the Romulans use, that have the effect of concealing a ship's sensor signature from one or more targets. But your core conclusion is totally correct; some mentat mastering the secret of invisibility may just mean they've been working very hard on it, not that the Romulans were helping them.

The yan-ros aren't vulcanoid. What they have in common with the Amarki is disturbingly large eyes and tiny, pointed noses.