That's bad for us, not for them.

We left the way open for the faction we dislike most aato take control of the governement, instead of the more grounded emperor.
The faction we dislike most will right now get their homeplanet crushed while we disable the super-laser.

They'll be as unlikely to rule as Ixaria and the Atreides-expy will have good odds.
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you just had to jinx us didn't you. great now we are almost guaranteed to fail somehow and take massive casualties doing it. Thank you Murphy.
I was not the first to point out the similarities. People were making Rogue One comparisons from the minute they first heard about this mission.

Commander Wolfe thanks you for your concern. :p
Look, someone had to say it.

I mean... I'm gonna be honest with you, would Wolfe actually expect someone to gamble with a couple of explorers for him? I don't know if he's actually involved in this operation or not, I've kind of lost track, but this is not an unreasonable point to make. Endangering a commando company, or even battalion, to increase the security of an entire fleet, is quite typical of the history of special operations. The entire Anoxa raid is one big example of endangering a commando battalion to increase the security of a fleet.

That's bad for us, not for them.

We left the way open for the faction we dislike most aato take control of the governement, instead of the more grounded emperor.
We're about to beat the snot out of the faction we dislike most. If they try to seize control of the government, they will likely be founding one of the shortest-lived Imperial dynasties in Licori history.

The faction we dislike most will right now get their homeplanet crushed while we disable the super-laser.

They'll be as unlikely to rule as Ixaria and the Atreides-expy will have good odds.
Honestly, Korannon Kortennon will be LESS likely to be able to rule than Ixaria. Korannon Kortennon probably has a lot more people who hate them. Ixaria may have a weak power-base, but at least there's no obvious reason to assume they've lost the general respect of the Licori people.

[Spelling corrected 5/28/17]
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If we were to build repair yards (6 months), where should they be placed? Yards really close to this front would be useless in a war against Cardassia, but we'd be roasted for building yards on the other side of the Federation and they'd be useless in this emergency. I'm thinking Tellar Prime, we've been sending ships to be repaired at Vulcan which is about the same distance, and it would remain useful in the future.

[X][GAM] Attack simultaneously

[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Brute force repairs (1.5x penalty to cost, 4x speed increase) : USS Sarek
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Honestly, Korannon will be LESS likely to be able to rule than Ixaria. Korannon probably has a lot more people who hate them. Ixaria may have a weak power-base, but at least there's no obvious reason to assume they've lost the general respect of the Licori people.

The Ixarians are in no position to claim the throne in the midst of the chaos with the Ked Paddah taking that system in hand.

I think people who are currrently having an occupied homebase seem to be out of the running.
Hey OneirosTheWriter can we build two simultaneous repair yards at both Tellar prime and Indoria? One for the war with the Licori and one for the future war with Cardassia?
I think people who are currrently having an occupied homebase seem to be out of the running.
All the houses have their real home base on the capital. "Their" systems are just the heart of their industrial facilities.

Ixira has lost the vast majority of its holdings, but still has political influence and could theoretically vie for the throne. They'd fail, but they're not gone.

Korannon Kortennon is in a different position from Ixira only in that their home system is about to be attacked, rather than having been attacked literally last week. Furthermore, they are most likely of all the houses to be loathed by others. I would argue that their political position is not significantly stronger. No Korannon Kortennon emperor is likely to emerge, a Korannon Kortennon noble who claims the title is likely to be ignored by his peers, and will be unseated as soon as anyone else gets it into their head that the Arcadian throne should be occupied by anything other than a Korannon Kortennon butt.

Hey OneirosTheWriter can we build two simultaneous repair yards at both Tellar prime and Indoria? One for the war with the Licori and one for the future war with Cardassia?
We don't have the parts for a repair yard at Indoria. Not yet, anyway. We just got done amassing the parts for one yard (with two berths); we haven't got parts for a second right now.

Also, Indoria is probably not a great choice for repair yards in general. It's close to the front, but it's SO close to the front that a determined Cardassian raid could probably hit the system, and we may not be able to stop it. We may even lose the system entirely in the opening phase of a war if things go badly.

Apinae is a better choice because the Apiata have a considerably stronger fleet, and because the Cardassians don't have any fleet bases anywhere near as close to Apinae as Bajor is to Indoria.

[Spelling corrected 5/28/17]
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That too.


I'm actually kind of concerned about the plan to attack Gammon. Task Force 3 has been chipped down pretty seriously, especially with the loss of the megatortoise. Look at the order of battle:

-Task Force 3, Rear Admiral T'Lorel
USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class, NCC-2601 - Captain Larai Leaniss

--Task Group 3.1, Commodore Brufraogem Wev
USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-class, NCC-2016 - Captain -
- REPAIR - RDS Yagad-Tich, Megatortoise-class, NCC-2901 - Captain Irdask
- REPAIR - RDS Hadabat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2903 - Captain Rumo
RDS Monsad, Turtleship-class, NCC-2904 - Captain Caagid
BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-class, NCC-2501 - Captain Viamelo Gru
RDS Oda-Gach-3, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3005
USS Svai, Miranda-class, NCC-1658 - Captain T'Atring
TSS Halach Ond, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1915

--Task Group 3.2, Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
USS Endurance, Excelsior-class, NCC-2007 - Captain -
RDS Pagatat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2907 - Captain Zukeik
UES Jupiter, Constellation-class, NCC-1813 - Captain Roberta Sherman
USS Calypso, Miranda-class, NCC-1632 - Captain Tomiq zh'Pohren
USS Thunderhead, Miranda-class, NCC-1656 - Captain Amos Bao
USS Inspire, Oberth-class, NCC-1510 - Captain Amelia Currie
TSS Atgunnuck, Contellation-class, NCC-1822

Not counting ships listed as 'out for repairs,' that's a total force of Combat 5+(6+4+3+2+3+3)+(6+4+3+3+3+1+3)...

Combat 49. And a fair number of those are things like stock Mirandas with high firepower but low durability, the kind of ship that just goes 'FWIFF' when it hits a mine or takes a critical hit.

Compared to what happened at Ixaria, that sounds like a fairly marginal fleet for taking a well-defended system. Especially if some of our ships get potted by the moon cannon because our ground commandos get hung up fighting some blasphemous warped biomutants crewated from Korannon Kortennon mad science or something. I'd be a lot more comfortable if we had more heavy metal and high-end frigates attached to the fleet, instead of just two explorers and three (well armored) cruisers plus a spray of squishy stuff.

Can we get reinforcements to T'Lorel before the attack? Say, the undamaged ships of Nash's task force. Even counting the Liberty out due to battle damage, that still leaves us with Enterprise (Combat 10 by herself) plus two Centaur-As and the Hawking to help us scout for mines.

@OneirosTheWriter , didn't something happen to the Svai? That would knock us down another 3 points.

[Spelling corrected 5/28/17]
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Now imagine if the Rru'adorr had gone to TF4.

Actually, wasn't TF4 designated the operational reserve? We could draw ships that are less suited for patrol like the two Patrollers.

Also keep in mind that TF3 was assembled before the role of science in defeating minefields and in scouting was determined.
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A reminder that Ixaria was the system that the empire had spent the most on defenses on as that is where the Ked Paddah kept trying to hit. Apart from the moon laser, the next system should have some mine fields and outposts, but not the nested layers we have been facing.

I'll echo MTB.

Push Gammon.

If we want to have any actual degree of influence in who is going to be the next ruler of the Arcadian Empire we must bloody the Kortennon as well, because right now, they're the only ones with metal heavier than frigates. Without breaking them too they'll be in charge within 5 to 10 years no matter what.
[][GAM] Attack simultaneously
This sounds more dramatic and return of the jedi-ie, but remember, the rebel fleet got mauled before the shield was actually brought down. So I'm going to vote

[X][GAM] Attack when sure the weapon is destroyed
They may be on high alert after, and even get off a shot if they're lucky, but one shot is much more survivable than fighting an operational system

[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Brute force repairs (1.5x penalty to cost, 4x speed increase) : USS Sarek
Hey OneirosTheWriter can we build two simultaneous repair yards at both Tellar prime and Indoria? One for the war with the Licori and one for the future war with Cardassia?
The reason I present them as a unified pair is that in addition to the berths themselves, there is shared infrastructure to support the berths. They need to be deployed together.
Question on repairs: what Mirandas finished repairs? I can only find Svai as being done in Q2 with three more finishing repairs in Q3.
Kumari and Courageous are they Excelsior-A now?
Sarek- is it being repaired and refitted and if so would the refit part be ruined by rushing it?
Liberty-same question as the Sarek, is it being refitted as well in which case rushing it would remove the refit?
In regards to the weapon can we approach from behind it so that way if the sabotage fails our fleet can take corrective actions?
What is the Hood and Yagad-Tich new repair date thanks to the teams rushing repairs, or should I just calculate that from Q2 forward?

[x][GAM] Attack simultaneously
[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Brute force repairs (1.5x penalty to cost, 4x speed increase) : USS Sarek
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[][GAM] Attack simultaneously
This sounds more dramatic and return of the jedi-ie, but remember, the rebel fleet got mauled before the shield was actually brought down.

The rebel fleet got mauled because they were stuck between the Death Star and the Imperial Fleet. The Arcadian Empire does not, in fact, have a shitload of heavy metal to throw at us to pin us against the defenses and forced to choose between the certain death of assaulting the super weapon, or the certain death of attacking the Imperial Fleet.

Remember, we won't have to immediately assault the system when we show up; we can just wait around in the mass shadow of a few planets while the Arcadians panic and try to engage us. It'd be better if the super laser was down, because then we can hit them straight in the teeth in a surprise attack, but an 'abort assault and wait' approach is quite possible and would still increase the odds of the commandos. House Kortennon would be too busy trying to chase the fleet elements down to deploy more ships to defend the moon, what ships are there would be focused on scanning the sky rather than the ground, and they know where the enemy are; over there, rather than on the ground assaulting their giant laser base.

[x][GAM] Attack simultaneously
That too.


I'm actually kind of concerned about the plan to attack Gammon. Task Force 3 has been chipped down pretty seriously, especially with the loss of the megatortoise. Look at the order of battle:

-Task Force 3, Rear Admiral T'Lorel
USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class, NCC-2601 - Captain Larai Leaniss

--Task Group 3.1, Commodore Brufraogem Wev
USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-class, NCC-2016 - Captain -
- REPAIR - RDS Yagad-Tich, Megatortoise-class, NCC-2901 - Captain Irdask
- REPAIR - RDS Hadabat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2903 - Captain Rumo
RDS Monsad, Turtleship-class, NCC-2904 - Captain Caagid
BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-class, NCC-2501 - Captain Viamelo Gru
RDS Oda-Gach-3, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3005
USS Svai, Miranda-class, NCC-1658 - Captain T'Atring
TSS Halach Ond, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1915

--Task Group 3.2, Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
USS Endurance, Excelsior-class, NCC-2007 - Captain -
RDS Pagatat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2907 - Captain Zukeik
UES Jupiter, Constellation-class, NCC-1813 - Captain Roberta Sherman
USS Calypso, Miranda-class, NCC-1632 - Captain Tomiq zh'Pohren
USS Thunderhead, Miranda-class, NCC-1656 - Captain Amos Bao
USS Inspire, Oberth-class, NCC-1510 - Captain Amelia Currie
TSS Atgunnuck, Contellation-class, NCC-1822

Not counting ships listed as 'out for repairs,' that's a total force of Combat 5+(6+4+3+2+3+3)+(6+4+3+3+3+1+3)...

Combat 49. And a fair number of those are things like stock Mirandas with high firepower but low durability, the kind of ship that just goes 'FWIFF' when it hits a mine or takes a critical hit.

Compared to what happened at Ixaria, that sounds like a fairly marginal fleet for taking a well-defended system. Especially if some of our ships get potted by the moon cannon because our ground commandos get hung up fighting some blasphemous warped biomutants crewated from Korannon mad science or something. I'd be a lot more comfortable if we had more heavy metal and high-end frigates attached to the fleet, instead of just two explorers and three (well armored) cruisers plus a spray of squishy stuff.

Can we get reinforcements to T'Lorel before the attack? Say, the undamaged ships of Nash's task force. Even counting the Liberty out due to battle damage, that still leaves us with Enterprise (Combat 10 by herself) plus two Centaur-As and the Hawking to help us scout for mines.

@OneirosTheWriter , didn't something happen to the Svai? That would knock us down another 3 points.

We can add Courageous, Pathfinder, and Sojouner to that, plus I think the Tellarites are finishing a pair of Miranda-A's to add in as well. Combine that with the C25 or so of the Gaeni fleet and we're looking at around C100. This may be the largest force we've assembled in one system ever.

[x][GAM] Attack simultaneously
[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Mega-Tortise> (Variable, ship will proceed at 2x rate)
I have a bad feeling about what happens if we attack while our commandos are trying to take out the Anoxa. I'd rather lose commandos than explorers.

[X][GAM] Attack when sure the weapon is destroyed


I also like the idea that when they say 'superlaser' they just mean a really big laser. Like, it's the most boringly ordinary, non-exotic beam weapon in all of Star Trek, with almost zero technobabble in the design. It's just really big.

Because the Korannon hats are "gratuitous evil" and "more heavy industry than you."

Nah, it's cool. It just means I have to invent a different reason for the Tartresis guy (played by Patrick Stewart in green facepaint!) to do something heroic and ballsy that he was going to do anyway.

Yeah, I saw that movie too... wasn't nice on the attackers even if they were ultimately succesful, I rather not pay the butchers bill

[X][GAM] Attack when sure the weapon is destroyed

[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Brute force repairs (1.5x penalty to cost, 4x speed increase) : USS Sarek
You've got a slew of new assets to distribute, and Eaton will probably leave TF4 and bring in the Gaeni task force.
As long as we get SOME reinforcements and Task Force 3 isn't hitting the system all alone, we're probably okay. The addition of the Gaeni (for light high-Science assets) and some of the extra explorers coming in (for heavy high-Science) assets would do wonders.

That said, folding TF1 and TF2 together may be a de facto operational requirement, even if both task forces still have enough ships that each can reasonably rated as a squadron-level command in its own right. They're both big enough to rate a commodore, but neither of them is big enough to accomplish much independently anymore. Not without reinforcements.

I'm betting Thuir has (very slight) seniority in grade as a commodore, so I think command of a joint force would go to him under normal circumstances, but we might futz it around and hand it to Nash because "strongest ship neener neener" or something.

A reminder that Ixaria was the system that the empire had spent the most on defenses on as that is where the Ked Paddah kept trying to hit. Apart from the moon laser, the next system should have some mine fields and outposts, but not the nested layers we have been facing.
The flip side of that is that it would be just like House Korannon Kortennon to splurge on defenses for themselves over and above the taxes they pay to the empire as a whole. Plus, they have a lot of industry and very possibly some of their own engineering ships, so I bet they've spent the last several months doubling down on any minefields and fortifications in the system.

So for example, they might have only one big planetary fortress, with only one minefield... but it's going to be a really big minefield, with the biggest mines the Licori know how to make, and so thick you could practically walk around the planet's upper orbitals on the fireballs created by them. Something like that.

Instead of knocking over a lot of little defensive nodes we'll face one (or two, or three) BIG ones.

I'll echo MTB.

Push Gammon.

If we want to have any actual degree of influence in who is going to be the next ruler of the Arcadian Empire we must bloody the Kortennon as well, because right now, they're the only ones with metal heavier than frigates. Without breaking them too they'll be in charge within 5 to 10 years no matter what.
We're already doing that!

The only subject for debate is whether we should move in the fleet before we know whether or not the commandos have succeeded in exploding the enemy's moon cannon.

I favor waiting until the commandos have blown up the moon cannon because I am very afraid of our ships getting zorched by a giant moon cannon. Others think it's worth the risk for various reasons.

Kumari and Courageous are they Excelsior-A now?
I believe the answer is Courageous yes, Kumari no. Kumari went into drydock after Lora III, and I'm pretty sure the refit wasn't available at the time. Courageous was damaged a little later, just enough to make the difference. I think.

Sarek- is it being repaired and refitted and if so would the refit part be ruined by rushing it?
Liberty-same question as the Sarek, is it being refitted as well in which case rushing it would remove the refit?
I could have sworn that at some point we threw a heavy industry team on the Courageous refit to double its speed- but not to quadruple.
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[x][GAM] Attack simultaneously.
[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes.
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx).
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr.
[X][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Mega-Tortise> (Variable, ship will proceed at 2x rate).
[X][GAM] Attack simultaneously

[X][RECON] Kappa Tau, TF6 until Kappa Tau completes
[X][ENG] Assemble 2x1000kt Repair Yards at Tellar Prime (6 Months - apprx)
[X][CON] Starfleet Recruiting Campaign - +2 O / +2 E / +2 T in 1 Qtr
[X][IND] Brute force repairs (1.5x penalty to cost, 4x speed increase) : USS Sarek
Question on repairs: what Mirandas finished repairs? I can only find Svai as being done in Q2 with three more finishing repairs in Q3.
Kumari and Courageous are they Excelsior-A now?
Sarek- is it being repaired and refitted and if so would the refit part be ruined by rushing it?
Liberty-same question as the Sarek, is it being refitted as well in which case rushing it would remove the refit?
In regards to the weapon can we approach from behind it so that way if the sabotage fails our fleet can take corrective actions?
What is the Hood and Yagad-Tich new repair date thanks to the teams rushing repairs, or should I just calculate that from Q2 forward?

Courageous is an A now, Kumari is not.
Sarek is not being refitted at the moment, it would need to be in dry dock for a full 12 month cycle if it was, and would count as construction not repairs as far as refitting it went.
Liberty, also repair only.

Hood and Yagad-Tich are Q3 completions.

I have Bon Vivant and Shield finishing repair Q2, and Fidelity and Svai finishing Q3.