Huh. Only 14 people in thread. /shrug

My headcanon:

Officers went through a full four year Academy course, and probably also took command-specialization stuff while doing so, like the Bridge's Officer's Test. They're supposed to be put into positions of responsibility and will eventually command departments, ships, starbases, fleets, etc. They all hold Ensign+ ranks [although, arguably, you could probably put high-rank enlisted here as well a la DS9 Chief O'Brien].

Enlisted had either a shorter career at the Academy or did not take command-specialization tests. This means they cover anything from a Crewperson to the lower-ranked 'officer' ranks, such as Ensigns and Lt. Jg. They cover more specialized leadership and have a narrower focus of skills than the officer-officers. Typically they're not promoted to positions of large leadership or responsibility. Evidence for this being the case is the fact in Tapesty, AU Jean-Luc Picard had the same legnth of career and ended up a Lt. JG.

I put lower-'officer' ranks in this category as well as it fits with officer-heavy Starfleet from the movies and shows, and seems to fit with astronauts.

Technicians are technical experts and can hold any rank, although typically they would probably be higher-ranked Enlisted and mid-rank officers. They might have specialized training in certain areas or be even more specialized than typical Enlisted, while not taking on larger leadership responsibilities like the Officer category does. They never took the leadership exam. In my omakes, Krabad would be a Technician, because even though he has a high rank, he'd never make captain or feels particularly comfortable with high-pressure command situations. In canon, Deanna Troi would be a T that eventually became an O. Chief O'Brien is probably also a T.
I like this. Other than the enlisted lower-ranked officer bit. That can be covered under Warrant officers or senior enlisted.

Still, the air force has a 1:3 officer to enlisted ratio, and that's only because the air force requires pilots to have commissions.

My target is 1:2 - 1 academy graduate to two from the unnamed enlisted academy. (If you have a good name, tell me)

I could just declare that O also includes warrants. It's a stretch, but it'll help.

And here's a bit more from my notes
Academy tracks:
Command *
Flight *
Tactical *
* = Optional tracks that can be taken in addition to others

Basically, anything starred is the equivalent of a minor. To become an Explorer Corps captain, it is recommended that you take command and either tactical or flight. Tactical covers doctrine, while flight covers, well, flight. Science is the catch-all for everything scientific. For example, Sulu (both of them) would be a Navigation track graduate, with command, flight, and tactical qualifications minors.

Not sure about Kirk though.

@OneirosTheWriter @Simon_Jester @AKuz Thoughts?
I like this. Other than the enlisted lower-ranked officer bit. That can be covered under Warrant officers or senior enlisted.
Trek doesn't have Warrant officers, so I figure they just use the lower officer/higher enlisted ranks to cover the same role.

It doesn't map one-to-one to IRL but I think that's a good thing. Our naval ranks and terms and how they're used certainly don't match 100% with Navies in 1717, which is nevermind the fact we're talking about spaceships anyways. :V
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My target is 1:2 - 1 academy graduate to two from the unnamed enlisted academy. (If you have a good name, tell me)

The "canon" enlisted academy of the TNG era is the Starfleet Technical Services Academy, on Mars.

We also know that there are a lot of academy campuses in TBG, not just the ones in Sol. So there are probably a good number of schools under the Starfleet Academy umbrella.
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The "canon" enlisted academy of the TNG era is the Starfleet Technical Services Academy, on Mars.

We also know that there are a lot of academy campuses in TBG, not just the ones in Sol. So there are probably a good number of schools under the Starfleet Academy umbrella.
I looked at the list of Starfleet Academy facilities, and there were around 12 annexes. /shrug.

Along that vein, I think I'll go with Recruit Training Centers, with more courses around.

UESPA will use the current RTC Great Lakes facilities. Just so there's space, Recruit Training Command will be at Starfleet Academy.

There'll be Academy Annexes scattered here and there, with every student required to spend one or two semesters at an annex.
Also: people are probably participating in prayer circles for their favorite characters and thus are unable to post :V
What kind of an uneducated heathens are you people? The Dikhed Metat Institute determined that the best way to pray for the destruction of others is a dodecagon years ago.

Wait, were you praying for their survival?
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Speaking for myself only!

The votes for SOE changes every two quest weeks means that there is a lot of 'quiet' time between the bursts of action.

We are used to only handling only a couple of voting sessions every three quest months.

So we are left second guessing our selves when the feedback on whether what we doing is right/wrong/wasted will likely be real life weeks away.

It is probably more realistic, but not as fun.

And then there is the dread that combat engine is going to be handing out warp core breeches like party favours when our ships actually meet theirs.
Hm, given that ship losses seem to be happening, I wonder if we should focus on HI teams over Engineers. More HI means faster ship builds and repairs.

Actually, I'll make that a vote.

[X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Here's a tally, because why not. I may have accidentally clicked the wrong button.

Also, isn't voting closed?
Adhoc vote count started by AlphaDelta on Apr 22, 2017 at 11:24 PM, finished with 443 posts and 60 votes.

Your tally seems to have malfunctioned, it's still using the last vote too.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1759 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
Task: WS
[X] [WS] Plan Engineers
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
No. of Votes: 5
Plan: ◈Engineers

Mr Tebbs
Void Stalker
[X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈2x Heavy Industry

[X][WS] More Internal Diplomacy
-[X] Earth Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Earth, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: BETA
[x][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]
No. of Votes: 10
Gravitas Hunt
Leila Hann
Void Stalker
[X][BETA] Decline
No. of Votes: 3
Mr Tebbs
Total No. of Voters: 14
Also: people are probably participating in prayer circles for their favorite characters and thus are unable to post :V

Pls pray wif me broseph:

Our Quest Master who art on SV
Tagged be thy name
Thy thread open
Thy posts be liked
In this thread as it is IRL
Give us this day our daily updates
And forgive us our shitposting
As we forgive those who shitpost against us,
And lead us not into infractions
But deliver us from trolling

For thine is the Quest,
And the pagecount, and the ratings
For ever and ever
[Post Reply]

-Brothers and sisters we are gathered here today to pray for our OCs and favorite NPCs who are in peril this story arc.

We pray for the NPC'ed such as Eaton, T'lorel and Nash.

And the OC'ed such as Mrr'shan, Taggart, and Tiberious Kahurangi.

We pray that if our OCs pass according to the will of RNJesus it not be pointless but be poignant and filled with thematic resonance.

If any others have NPCs or OCs they wish to pray for speak now

[Post Reply]
Pls pray wif me broseph:

Our Quest Master who art on SV
Tagged be thy name
Thy thread open
Thy posts be liked
In this thread as it is IRL
Give us this day our daily updates
And forgive us our shitposting
As we forgive those who shitpost against us,
And lead us not into infractions
But deliver us from trolling

For thine is the Quest,
And the pagecount, and the ratings
For ever and ever
[Post Reply]

-Brothers and sisters we are gathered here today to pray for our OCs and favorite NPCs who are in peril this story arc.

We pray for the NPC'ed such as Eaton, T'lorel and Nash.

And the OC'ed such as Mrr'shan, Taggart, and Tiberious Kahurangi.

We pray that if our OCs pass according to the will of RNJesus it not be pointless but be poignant and filled with thematic resonance.

If any others have NPCs or OCs they wish to pray for speak now

[Post Reply]
Comments and corrections(?) on the update:

Starfleet Engineering Command - Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed) - ETC 2315.Q1.M2.F1

Does this mean the Betazed Starbase is now complete and that Starfleet Engineering Command is free for other duties? For reference, we voted to have this team start on this back in 2314.Q4.M2.F2.

ETC in most other contexts means that the object with such an ETC is active starting on that ETC.

East Asian Productivity Commission (UESPA) - Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock

With the construction (still ongoing) of the Onos outpost, shouldn't this have been decremented to 2 in stock?

The following units are available to be mobilised at relatively short notice. More options from each world will become available:

The Betazed Defence Forces are deeply worried about the ability of their Patrollers to handle this level of combat.

Nit: underlined line is repeated below the Betazed vote paragraph and should be removed.

There does seem to be a dampened interest atm, starting to wonder if this plot line was a mistake.

Nothing for it now, though

The slow apparent pace and relative lack of direct control are part of it.

But from my view, a larger part is that we haven't seen the impact of the majority of our decisions yet. The timing of selected options feels more like playing out a "build order" (in RTS parlance), constrained more by limited mobilization and war support, rather than reacting to ongoing events. There was an element of excitement at wondering what each category of mobilized asset gets us, but now we have examples of each of them, so there isn't as much discussion on such revealed options anymore. Not until more stuff happens that can guide our voting.

This is why the Betazed voting task is attracting more discussion and actual votes than the war support voting task.

I dunno, it does feel like a "caught between a rock and a hard place" situation. The pace of the war looks slow and we've seen little realized fruit from our mobilization votes as of yet. But at the same time, new game mechanics have to be introduced slowly enough without overloading the players. Furthermore, collapsing the asset mobilizations into less turns would encourage more bandwagony plan behavior due to the increased complexities.

edit: Also, I might be optimistic in saying some of us were busy participating in the March for Science thing today (or yesterday by now for some of you) ;)
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If any others have NPCs or OCs they wish to pray for speak now
Unnamed Red Recon Team Leader: Hello?

I still haven't named any characters yet :p.

Bleargh. I need some names, both for teachers and students.

By the way, where are those old academy omakes? I'd like to make sure that it's consistent with those.
Unnamed Red Recon Team Leader: Hello?

I still haven't named any characters yet :p.

Bleargh. I need some names, both for teachers and students.

By the way, where are those old academy omakes? I'd like to make sure that it's consistent with those.

IIRC The only Acadamy stuff I've written is in my own fic.

If I wasn't on my phone I would try to track down the other Omakes that feature academy stuff.

As far as Professors go, ask Oneiros, I am pretty sure that his org table goes that deep because Zaardmani was a Academy prof for a while before he got Torbiel.
@Nix is going to do terrible things to us if this throws off the research plans too much, but:

[X][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]

[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Hm, given that ship losses seem to be happening, I wonder if we should focus on HI teams over Engineers. More HI means faster ship builds and repairs.

Actually, I'll make that a vote.

[X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)

I guess we could assign a heavy engineering team to crash repair the Hood.
IIRC The only Acadamy stuff I've written is in my own fic.

If I wasn't on my phone I would try to track down the other Omakes that feature academy stuff.

As far as Professors go, ask Oneiros, I am pretty sure that his org table goes that deep because Zaardmani was a Academy prof for a while before he got Torbiel.
I could have sworn someone wrote one with a batch of 4 OCs.