
I've been thinking what sort of power would be the best force multiplier for us, given that we'll have lots of MGs visiting soon, and to ask whatsherface about (I'd been thinking portal powers, preferably permanent, so we can go full Khepri), but I realized we haven't tried the obvious thing yet.

So for next SCIENCE session, can somebody please queue "make a Grief Soulgem"? If it works, we should be able to copy ourselves into it...
One of Sabrina's current restrictions is that she can't use grief to scan a soul gem. We've got to figure out how to do that before we can consider make a copy that is anything more than a model.
I have concerns about offering transportation when we're already over extended as is.
I guess it'd be bad to be called on it if we can't come through.

[X] Agree. Talk a bit about arranging transportation for magical girls who can't make the trip, maybe collaborating with other magical groups to do it; and about setting up living accomodations for inmigrant magical girls.
We kind of already asked. Just need to know which ones to approach first, right?

[] Which of the strategic movement girls she mentioned does she think would be most open to helping people who can't travel on their own?

Phrasing really wonky, but eh.
We kind of already asked. Just need to know which ones to approach first, right?

[] Which of the strategic movement girls she mentioned does she think would be most open to helping people who can't travel on their own?

Phrasing really wonky, but eh.
I'd like to fit everything we'd want to consult Nadia on in a single sentence if we can. I think Mami wants her turn. :p

And I think that's included in

[X] Agree. Talk a bit about arranging transportation for magical girls who can't make the trip, and collaborating with other magical groups to take care of it; and about us setting up living accomodations for inmigrant magical girls.
-[Q] Apologize for the improptu interrogation. :V

Edit: We might also want to

[] Prompt Sayaka and Madoka (and Homu) to ask whatever they want to know from Nadia.
-[Q] After all, she might stop taking requests after we pay her with Grief cleansing for life. ;)
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That seems like a good way of erasing magical girls as a concept. Madoka's wish worked because she turned herself into the sentient application of interpreting her wish.
*citation needed*

I don't really see how it would work that way. The only difference the wording would make is that Witches would be removed from existence just before they are born--by a cosmic force, by reality warping, by whatever, instead of by Madoka personally.

Wishes aren't monkey's paws. They work based on intent. If "erasing magical girls as a concept by removing Witches from existence" was a thing, then why didn't it happen that way in canon? Again, Wishes work by intent. If Madoka doesn't want MGs to be erased as a concept, it won't happen.

Incidentally, what's stopping Madoka from wishing that the concept of real Magical Girls and Witches no longer existed, and all current MGs would become normal girls again? She couldn't Witch out after that, because Witches and MGs would no longer exist.
Well if Sabrina is hiring the girls to fight for her, she could provide them with a paycheck.
How? Sure, we got a bunch of money from robbing the Yakuza that one time, but that's not a sustainable source of income. Best case scenario, eventually the Yakuza will be driven out of Mitakihara (preventing us from robbing them again).

We're going to need to start a business, somehow--one that can take advantage of MG capabilities. To The Stars's idea of a delivery service (which works well, since MGs are highly mobile in ways that even cars aren't) is one idea, but there's the rather glaring problem of starting a legal business when everyone involved is either a minor or an illegal immigrant.

...come to think of it, we should ask Nadia how MGs make money, and if she has any ideas on that front--particularly with regards to MGs whom have no need to worry about grief costs.

And if she has any idea about living arrangements for refugee MGs. Again, provided that grief costs are not a concern.

Is that second part also part of this theoretical Wish, or the hypothesized result?
Part of the theoretical Wish.
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Incidentally, what's stopping Madoka from wishing that the concept of real Magical Girls and Witches no longer existed, and all current MGs would become normal girls again? She couldn't Witch out after that, because Witches and MGs would no longer exist.
Then you'd probably end up with Wraiths and nobody to fight them. Probably. The exact outcome of a wish like that is kinda hard to determine, but all the emotional energy that used to be collected in Witches has to go somewhere, and the universe would probably just create the Wraiths to deal with it. Which is exactly what happened in canon.

Anyway, the vote:
Edit- Vote changed.
[X] Onmur

And obligatory Mami pic:
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Incidentally, what's stopping Madoka from wishing that the concept of real Magical Girls and Witches no longer existed, and all current MGs would become normal girls again? She couldn't Witch out after that, because Witches and MGs would no longer exist.
Weird paradoxes. The last time Madoka made a wish that caused a paradox, she turned into a Witch, ate the Earth, then blew up the Witch as well as the Earth with a lot of arrows, caused the universe to go "WTF" and reboot itself, and lastly became God.

Long story short, let's not go that direction. We don't want Madoka to accidentally concept herself.
So here are some thoughts on a screening process for 'new residents'.

Magical Girls wishing to immigrate and live under Sabrina's promise of keeping their soul gems cleansed have to agree to the following:
  1. Full disclosure of their powers and any ongoing wish effects, though they need not talk about the circumstances of their wish if they don't want to.
  2. Full disclosure of their histories as magical girls. That is, people they have been on a team with, people they have fought with... people they have killed. This is Confession time. All will be forgiven and the slate can be wiped clean, but only if they confess now. We don't want to be caught off guard by an unsuspected grudge.
  3. A one-on-one interview with Sabrina or someone she designates to carefully ascertain their Lich-Bomb/Witch-Bomb status and warn them about memetic exposure to girls not cleared.
  4. Agreement that Mami is boss and will be the final word on any magical girl disputes. (Though I suspect many will conclude that Sabrina is the real power, given that Sabrina is the source of cleansing and that Mami obviously dotes on her.)
  5. An understanding that those with useful non-combat wish magic may be called upon to pitch in as needed to help build lives for everyone.
In return they get:
  1. Sabrina will clease their soul gems regularly. (Until clear gems are proven safe, they should not be an explicit part of the deal.)
  2. Prior crimes, up to and including murder can be forgiven under a general amnesty. (A show of remorse is expected if there are any victims also in residence.)
  3. They will be aided to set up new lives.

Because the first immigrants are the desperate they will agree to this, and later immigrants will be under pressure to agree because everyone else already did.
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So here are some thoughts on a screening process for 'new residents'.

Magical Girls wishing to immigrate and live under Sabrina's promise of keeping their soul gems cleansed have to agree to the following:
  1. Full disclosure of their powers and any ongoing wish effects, though they need not talk about the circumstances of their wish if they don't want to.
  2. Full disclosure of their histories as magical girls. That is, people they have been on a team with, people they have fought with... people they have killed. This is Confession time. All will be forgiven and the slate can be wiped clean, but only if they confess now. We don't want to be caught off guard by an unsuspected grudge.
  3. A one-on-one interview with Sabrina or someone she designates to carefully ascertain their Lich-Bomb/Witch-Bomb status and warn them about memetic exposure to girls not cleared.
  4. Agreement that Mami is boss and will be the final word on any magical girl disputes. (Though I suspect many will conclude that Sabrina is the real power, given that Sabrina is the source of cleansing and that Mami obviously dotes on her.)
  5. An understanding that those with useful non-combat wish magic may be called upon to pitch in as needed to help build lives for everyone.
In return they get:
  1. Sabrina will clease their soul gems regularly. (Until clear gems are proven safe, they should not be an explicit part of the deal.)
  2. Prior crimes, up to and including murder can be forgiven under a general amnesty. (A show of remorse is expected if there are any victims also in residence.)
  3. They will be aided to set up new lives.

Because the first immigrants are the desperate they will agree to this, and later immigrants will be under pressure to agree because everyone else already did.
That's reasonable.
finnaly after reading a lot i catch up whit the Sabrina mind council, so im not a english native speaker/reader so i will try to pour my grain of salt in the future plans

-so sabrina its finally try to go to Asurano, if we can pull the turn clear seed into soul gem, we will need the pleiades knowledge on the clone thing, because soul gem whitout body its hard, im not an expert on kazumi magika timeline but the date of the events its crucial when dealing whit the pleiades girls
I've been thinking what sort of power would be the best force multiplier for us, given that we'll have lots of MGs visiting soon...
Kirika's anti-magic would be most useful for keeping MGs in line. We might want to have Sayaka copy that so she can go all "JUSTICE!" on people.

...there's the rather glaring problem of starting a legal business when everyone involved is either a minor or an illegal immigrant.
That's why I said at least one of the fake IDs we're having made today should say we're a legal adult.

So here are some thoughts on a screening process for 'new residents'.

Magical Girls wishing to immigrate and live under Sabrina's promise of keeping their soul gems cleansed have to agree to the following:
  1. Full disclosure of their powers and any ongoing wish effects, though they need not talk about the circumstances of their wish if they don't want to.
  2. Full disclosure of their histories as magical girls. That is, people they have been on a team with, people they have fought with... people they have killed. This is Confession time. All will be forgiven and the slate can be wiped clean, but only if they confess now. We don't want to be caught off guard by an unsuspected grudge.
  3. A one-on-one interview with Sabrina or someone she designates to carefully ascertain their Lich-Bomb/Witch-Bomb status and warn them about memetic exposure to girls not cleared.
  4. Agreement that Mami is boss and will be the final word on any magical girl disputes. (Though I suspect many will conclude that Sabrina is the real power, given that Sabrina is the source of cleansing and that Mami obviously dotes on her.)
  5. An understanding that those with useful non-combat wish magic may be called upon to pitch in as needed to help build lives for everyone.
In return they get:
  1. Sabrina will clease their soul gems regularly. (Until clear gems are proven safe, they should not be an explicit part of the deal.)
  2. Prior crimes, up to and including murder can be forgiven under a general amnesty. (A show of remorse is expected if there are any victims also in residence.)
  3. They will be aided to set up new lives.

Because the first immigrants are the desperate they will agree to this, and later immigrants will be under pressure to agree because everyone else already did.
We might want to specify that they only get amnesty for crimes that they disclose, like the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Although we don't really have any legal authority to grant amnesty in the first place....

I'd like to fit everything we'd want to consult Nadia on in a single sentence if we can. I think Mami wants her turn. :p
Cramming four different questions into a single line of a vote isn't going to make the asking any shorter in the update. :p

This is a good opportunity to segue into a job offer.

[X] Agree. Talk a bit about arranging transportation for magical girls who can't make the trip, maybe collaborating with other magical groups to do it; and about setting up living accommodations for immigrant magical girls.
-[X] Any girl that comes here will have their gem kept clean and help settling into their new life, and those that want to do work for us will get paid for it.
--[X] Speaking of which, would Nadia be interested in working for us full-time, traveling to talk to people on our behalf?
[X] Give Mami and the others the opportunity to ask their own questions and offer their own ideas.

so sabrina its finally try to go to Asurano, if we can pull the turn clear seed into soul gem, we will need the pleiades knowledge on the clone thing, because soul gem whitout body its hard, im not an expert on kazumi magika timeline but the date of the events its crucial when dealing whit the pleiades girls
Unfortunately, someone who was supposed to die in Asunaro is scheduled to arrive here later, so the whole timeline might be invalid. Monday should still be before everything falls apart, though.

Anyway, welcome! What is your first language? Sabrina could always use more of those.
Unfortunately, someone who was supposed to die in Asunaro is scheduled to arrive here later, so the whole timeline might be invalid. Monday should still be before everything falls apart, though.

Anyway, welcome! What is your first language? Sabrina could always use more of those.
We will add your linguistic distinctiveness to our own.
Then you'd probably end up with Wraiths and nobody to fight them. Probably. The exact outcome of a wish like that is kinda hard to determine, but all the emotional energy that used to be collected in Witches has to go somewhere, and the universe would probably just create the Wraiths to deal with it. Which is exactly what happened in canon.
Okay, so what's stopping Madoka from making a modified form of her canon wish, leaving out the part/implication of doing it with her own hands? Since she wouldn't be actually doing anything magical herself, there's no conceivable reason why she'd automatically Witch-out (or just fade away).

Oh god we're getting so many traumatized gucas, why didn't we Wish for therapy powers, again?
In hindsight, attracting all of these traumatized refugee megucas to Japan (AKA There Are No Therapists Central [at least where First World countries are concerned]) might be more problematic than we had realized.

Ultimately, though, we wished for grief control because it would break the zero-sum economy/game of the meguca world; you don't need magic to be a good therapist. We still could bring a good therapist (or several) into the loop regarding magic and magical girls and have him/them treat megucas.
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Oh god we're getting so many traumatized gucas, why didn't we Wish for therapy powers, again?
Because therapy isn't much use if everyone's dead from lack of Grief Seeds? Gem cleaning was Priority One.

Because that's Madoka's job! Though we might need to get her an office, what with all the new arrivals...
Rather than relying on an untrained teenager to perform psychological treatment, why not put an actual professional on the payroll?

Okay, so what's stopping Madoka from making a modified form of her canon wish, leaving out the part/implication of doing it with her own hands? Since she wouldn't be actually doing anything magical herself, there's no conceivable reason why she'd automatically Witch-out (or just fade away).
It might well be possible, but why not one-up that and keep MGs from having to die/fade/whatever at all by wishing instead that grief no longer built up in soul gems? No more witches, MGs live forever, Kyubey gets nothing, flawless victory.