[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.
The thing is, to neutralize most of their fleet we'll have to cut well into their space. Even if we don't physically occupy planets we have to occupy space. We'd have to destroy or capture multiple layers of outpost and starbase defense networks, blow up a lot of ships. And bear in mind that due to the way repairs work we will, on average, have to fight and overcome each individual enemy ship twice or even more times to finally destroy it.

The Cardassians may reasonably hope that even if they lost a series of major battles on the borders, the political support just wouldn't be there for the Federation to keep fighting the war all the way up to the orbitals of Cardassia Prime and make demands of the Union government at torpedopoint. And that they could probably offer any peace treaty on terms even slightly more favorable than "status quo ante bellum" and expect much of the Federation government to want to accept. In which case they might, say, lose Bajor and their mining colonies in the Gabriel Expanse, but they wouldn't be worried about getting destroyed as a functioning government.

Basically, from the point of view of the Cardassians, the strong pacifist faction within the Federation acts as a 'hedge' against the risks normally associated with fighting a war.

Normally in war, if you win you can theoretically win everything, but if you lose you can theoretically lose everything. This makes war very undesirable if the odds are even slightly against you. And even if the odds are for you, you may be a lot more worried about "lose all" than you are eager over "gain all."

But against the Federation, the Council's inclination to accept minor concessions in exchange for peace will tend to reduce the amount the Cardassians can "lose," because they can give up a little in order to end the war early. As a result, they may reason that a moderate chance of gaining a large amount is better than an equal (or even slightly greater) risk of losing only a small amount.

Perhaps the goal here is not to defeat the Cardassian fleet, but to go after their shipping, (as I also suggested in my post). between that and any set piece battles we might have, would curb the Cardassian capability to repair their fleets or to build new hulls, given that Cardassia Prime, where I assume the bulk of the industry is, is in a rather resource poor system.

Yes, we will need Task forces and the like and be threatening enough to their forces for them to keep the bulk of it ready to respond to enemy incursions as opposed to releasing those hulls for escort roles

To be fair, fascist governments have a long history of underestimating opponents and picking unnecessary fights that they shouldn't have sought out; read Eco's essay on "the eternal fascist" for more on that subject.

Precisely, Knowledge is power and there might be a lot of internal pissing contest that could be settled one way or the other by feeding your rivals garbage...

Yes, but it only became one AFTER the Cardassians started brutally extracting large amounts of resources from the planets. They did a lot of strip-mining and toxic industry there, for instance. Remember that the Occupation lasted for roughly fifty years in canon.

Some intelligence regarding the situation on Bajor would be helpful. We explicitly promise not to disrupt the status of Bajor, but that promise is predicated on the promises the Cardassians made, and they may not intend to keep those. Also, we have reason to think the Bajoran Occupation got worse over time; it may honestly not be that bad right now, with a genuine functional Bajoran government that has considerable popular support being 'advised' by Cardassians, and with only a few religious fanatic holdouts seriously opposing the new regime.

Come to think of it, that's... pretty much what Afghanistan was like for the Soviets at first.

Which is why we need to know the situation in Bajor, and while the Treaty may forbid us from not disrupting things in Bajor, frankly? it means we can as long as we don't get caught. which is why I suggested using some intermediary, I suggested a member state, but if that is too close... we could always create a trading company (maybe in an affiliate?) and use that one as a front for ops in Bajoran Space. yes, such actions come with risks, but IF we determine the status in Bajor has turned for the worse and IF we decide to help the dissonant voices on Bajor (should they exist) against Cardassian Excesses is the best course of action...
(in other words, if it is going to be a cold war, let's make it a cold war)

That's... not a bad idea. That is, after all, more or less what we we did with the Explorer Corps from about 2305-08, and it was very successful at curbing Cardassian expansion before they could 'get to' the Indorians, the Apiata, or the Seyek. We particularly dodged a bullet with how well the Explorer Corps handled the Apiata, as Briefvoice's recent omake illustrates.

Right now our explorers are pretty busy, in particular because of the Licori War, but I definitely agree we should try to poke out past Seyek space and try to get contact with the species in that region before they get snapped up. We know what we have to do in order to try to 'push around' the Cardassians' coreward flank, but their rimward flank is pretty much unexplored territory.

Well, yeah, right now is not the time to go poking Cardassians, we already have Gabriel and the Licori thing, we don't need a full on War with Cardassia at this moment, so, while we should keep provocations to a minimum... we should be able to start layign the groundwork for a few things: Bajor observation AND Commerce Hunting are the two that come to mind.

WHY would we need to? What is the purpose of doing this? The only reason we have these ship roles is to formalize things we need Council approval for. We don't need Council approval for the Ambassadors because we already have it.

I am not asking for approval for the ambassadors, I asked about mechanics for downgrading the Excelsior Classification to Explorer, light; and that only once the Ambassadors are deployed.
Though it was mostly asked from a mechanic perspective, in general, rather than in this particular case
@SynchronizedWritersBlock ...

I'm honestly tempted to propose for the 'patrol game' idea that we throw in Thirishar while we're at it, because T'Mir is just blatantly overqualified as an infiltrator vessel; if the entire Cardassian Navy couldn't find them for years, I doubt two Centaur-As, two Science 1 stock Mirandas, and two Betazoid tin cans will be able to do it either.

The goal isn't just to blow away some of our ships' complacency, it's to actually stand a chance of catching the target.
Frankly, I still think exploring how a Tech-Ship doctrine works is still much more valuable to us than the "mentat sneaking in" thing, which is being simulated by Starfleet ships using Starfleet techniques.

I mean the "mentat intercept" is cooler, it's just objectively inferior in utility.
Uh, I feel the need to remind people that the point of these "wargames" are to see how things play out in Oneiros's combat engine.
They also give bonuses to doctrine research when used appropriately. Whether they can give mission bonuses like people seem to be trying for is still unclear.
@SynchronizedWritersBlock ...

I'm honestly tempted to propose for the 'patrol game' idea that we throw in Thirishar while we're at it, because T'Mir is just blatantly overqualified as an infiltrator vessel; if the entire Cardassian Navy couldn't find them for years, I doubt two Centaur-As, two Science 1 stock Mirandas, and two Betazoid tin cans will be able to do it either.

Or they'll find it instantly. It doesn't have a goddamn cloaking device, and it evaded the Cardassians by staying at extreme long distances and because the Cardassians didn't know to be looking for it. The minute they realized the Cardassians had realized the T'Mir was there and started a serious hunt, it instantly bugged out.
[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships, including member world ships - Gaeni Tech-Frigate and Tech-Cruiser versus an Excelsior [Excelsior] and a Miranda [Svai] with the explicit purpose of learning to counter a Tech-Ship doctrine.
HIMS USS Intimidator
HIMS USS Vengeance
HIMS USS Annihilator
HIMS USS Guardian
HIMS USS Night Hammer

(Actually had over half of those in memory)
Reaper, Brawl, Guardian, and Night Hammer works for Federation vessels. It is also recommended that Night Hammer's name be translated to a different language, or something of the sort to be more appealing to the ears.
Frankly, I still think exploring how a Tech-Ship doctrine works is still much more valuable to us than the "mentat sneaking in" thing, which is being simulated by Starfleet ships using Starfleet techniques.
I honestly doubt that the Licori know much about sneaking that the crew of the T'Mir doesn't. They're about as close an approximation to a Licori "tech ship" as we have, and they've been doing a very, VERY good job of it for the last ten years.

The Gaeni may be on par with the T'Mir for applied science in space tactics, but I very much doubt they have any ships that can pull rank on it. Especially when we have Zaardmani in Torbriel running backup.

I mean the "mentat intercept" is cooler, it's just objectively inferior in utility.
That's debateable.

We're not so much concerned about their tech ships physically beating down our ships. Sure, they managed to one-shot a Gaeni skiff, but there are a lot of things in this galaxy that can do that, possibly including Valentina Sousa's rubber duckie. It's a threat and it's a valid fear, but honestly, if it just comes down to "they're punching our ships too hard," we can punch back.

What we ARE concerned about is the ability of their ships to sneak past us and unleash hell. So concerned we've got about a quarter of our fleet playing goalie. Furthermore, we don't know what exotic technologies the Licori might have to do the sneaking. They could totally have cloaking devices. They could have all sorts of sensor baffling and disruption. Who knows?

Or they'll find it instantly. It doesn't have a goddamn cloaking device, and it evaded the Cardassians by staying at extreme long distances and because the Cardassians didn't know to be looking for it. The minute they realized the Cardassians had realized the T'Mir was there and started a serious hunt, it instantly bugged out.
If the Cardassians weren't at least seriously considering the possibility of Federation scouts sneaking deep into their territory, they're a lot stupider than I give them credit for. They have the same general category of sensors we do, and our sensors can certainly spot and track individual ships coming from a great distance unless something funny is going on. Either the Cardassians literally don't even have "Detection and Early Warning" networks (in which case they're laughably vulnerable in so many ways), or the T'Mir was able to evade them for extended periods, even when it flew right up to Cardassian star systems (which it did at least once in the early days)

We also have multiple examples of uncloaked explorers sneaking up on things; a small science vessel doing the same isn't a stretch.
Yeah, it's a clever idea but it's not really the sort of thing on offer.

Thing is, we have a pretty good idea how that works in-game after watching what happened at Deva IX and Lora III. We're comfy with the new engine now. Even I am; my fears did not materialize.

Which means we're back to having wargames for the reason REAL navies have wargames- to see what happens when ships try to do things that we're worried they may try to do.

Besides, we actually know a lot LESS about the mechanics of ship detection, evasion, and fleet maneuvers than we do about fleet battles. Every time fleets fight we get a detailed log of what happened. When ships try to sneak past one another, we have no idea what happened, mechanically, or why they succeed or fail. If there's any part of the rules we want to explore, it'd be the part involving ship evasion and detection, which is exactly what SWB's proposal puts to the test.

'Points at what briefvoice said.'

Don't get me wrong, I like SWB's idea, but the point of this is to get a look at how the engine works and what sort of bonuses someone who fights like the Licori get. Mechanically, trying to catch mentat's evading us or trying to cause problems will come down to dice checks.

Now, if Oneiros comes back and says that running this exercise will get a bonus to those dice checks, I'll be all for this. In the meantime however, I'm going to vote for briefvoice's suggestion.

They also give bonuses to doctrine research when used appropriately. Whether they can give mission bonuses like people seem to be trying for is still unclear.

Interesting, good to know.
'Points at what briefvoice said.'

Don't get me wrong, I like SWB's idea, but the point of this is to get a look at how the engine works and what sort of bonuses someone who fights like the Licori get. Mechanically, trying to catch mentat's evading us or trying to cause problems will come down to dice checks.
Bluntly, which is more important to know: that the Licori get a +5% combat bonus against ships with lower Science, or how evasion and detection work in the game?

Now, if Oneiros doesn't want us to be allowed to run war games that would test evasion/detection, that's fine, and he is welcome to tell us so. But I think it's reasonable for us to ask, and to vote for the opportunity to try.


Mechanically it may or may not help us.

OOC it may provide us with insights we simply don't have, major insights, into a part of the system that has so far been very opaque.

Narratively it is exactly what we should be doing because if I were in Victoria Eaton's shoes I'd be a lot more worried about infiltration than about ship-on-ship punching matches.

I trust Oneiros to come up with a reasonable reward for us making the right narrative choices.
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[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.
@Joshrand1982 ...

1) You need to be specific. WHAT fleet battle involving WHAT ships?
2) Can you explain why we urgently need a fighting frigate better than the Miranda-A? Right now, the ship design people are telling us that the Miranda-A is literally the best fighting ship they can build, give or take a little.
I am working on the fleet battle right now so I will update it in a minute. As for the your second point I must have missed reading that somewhere so I will drop that choice for something else.
[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.
[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.

I read the other choices for the fleet battle and I liked it enough that I abandoned my own fleet battle choices for that one. and I also dropped the combat escort choice as well. So this is my final vote unless something better comes up.
Eh. I'll wait for Oneiros to weigh in on the effects of the various exercises before I commit.

But at the moment I'm leaning towards the 'countering Tech-Fleet doctrine' exercise.
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Bluntly, which is more important to know: that the Licori get a +5% combat bonus against ships with lower Science, or how evasion and detection work in the game?

Knowing that Licori get a 5% bonus against ships with lower science.

Narratively it is exactly what we should be doing because if I were in Victoria Eaton's shoes I'd be a lot more worried about infiltration than about ship-on-ship punching matches.

I wouldn't be. Okay, step back and let's think about how the Licori have been fighting the war up to date. We have absolutely no indications that they have been using a tactic of "put a mentat on a weakly defended high Science ship and sneak them into some place to unleash a weapon of mass destruction". If they haven't done it to the Ked Peddah, why are you so worried about it happening to us?

We do have some indication they're using super-science shenanigans, but not that its happening by the mechanism you're describing or how you think the T'Mir should emulate.

We're not so much concerned about their tech ships physically beating down our ships. Sure, they managed to one-shot a Gaeni skiff, but there are a lot of things in this galaxy that can do that, possibly including Valentina Sousa's rubber duckie. It's a threat and it's a valid fear, but honestly, if it just comes down to "they're punching our ships too hard," we can punch back.

What we ARE concerned about is the ability of their ships to sneak past us and unleash hell. So concerned we've got about a quarter of our fleet playing goalie. Furthermore, we don't know what exotic technologies the Licori might have to do the sneaking. They could totally have cloaking devices. They could have all sorts of sensor baffling and disruption. Who knows?.

No... no we aren't! You just made that suggestion up out of nothing! You make up this "sneak past us" tactic and are asserting it's a thing when there's no evidence it's a thing.

You invented this "concern" without any evidence behind it!
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No... no we aren't! You just made that suggestion up out of nothing! You make up this "sneak past us" tactic and are asserting it's a thing when there's no evidence it's a thing.

Chasing random mentat ships is literally how we almost lost Sappho. "Getting low-S ships prepared for weird shit" should certainly be in our short list of shit to do.

I would rather have a bit of backstop against that sort of thing and from the potential of some Licori mentat that's going to be dead in two months anyway deciding to martyr himself for his people and do some science at the same time by blowing away Betazed's star or opening up the Eye of Terror atop Gaeni or whatever.

And I'm pretty certain that the members are going to look better on "Ways to keep billions from getting blown away in an instant" than regular fleet games.
[X][ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]

I'm going to abstain from the war games vote as I can see merit in both options. I'm fine with either one.

Edit: Changed vote.
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I wouldn't be. Okay, step back and let's think about how the Licori have been fighting the war up to date. We have absolutely no indications that they have been using a tactic of "put a mentat on a weakly defended high Science ship and sneak them into some place to unleash a weapon of mass destruction". If they haven't done it to the Ked Peddah, why are you so worried about it happening to us?

We do have some indication they're using super-science shenanigans, but not that its happening by the mechanism you're describing or how you think the T'Mir should emulate.
The Licori haven't been losing a conventional war up to now. The war game is a preparation for desperate measures.
[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.
Eh, I'm convinced; it's a wargame that's relevant to what we're actually doing now.

[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.

That said, I still think we need better numbers on our Escorts. I'll admit that I'm not plugged into the spreadsheet side of things, which makes it somewhat unclear how the design requirements impact the design process, and how that comes out in terms of actual stats. Is there any chance that someone who is could explain some of those details, and give us some numbers for a new Combat Escort design, using the most recent technology?

[X][ROLES] Update the Combat Escort requirements (+2 Militarisation)
[X] [ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[X] [WG] A Fleet "Battle". The Gale, Harmony, Astute, and Assist vs the T'Mir and runabouts to simulate civilian traffic. The Svai and Calypso are available as a reserve. The objective is to prevent the "mentat" on the T'Mir from penetrating the patrol area and destructively completing their thesis, which would result in the annihilation of Betazed. A second Oberth [Torbriel] is secretly participating as a decoy. Cost: 4pp.