To Boldly Go
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This is To Boldly Go, a Star Trek quest run through the eyes of Commander, Starfleet.
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To Boldly Go...

A Starfleet Quest

Admiral's Log, Starfleet HQ, Stardate 20512

Today marks my first day serving in my new role as the head of Starfleet. The Federation has invested an awesome responsibility in me, one I intend to live up to. It is a new century now, with the dawn of the year 2301 in the old system. We have peace with our old rivals, the Klingons, and a new era of peace, exploration, and expansion is underway.

Yet it will not be easy. Even without sworn foes, space is always as full of dangers as it is wonders. And it is ever full of wonders. Exploration is never to be taken lightly. But Starfleet's core mission is exploration, especially with the new peace. An organisation dedicated to seek out new life and new civilisations. I am eager for the task, and finding out what I can bring to Starfleet. Because of my heritage as a...

[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.

[ ] ... Vulcan, I know that wisdom and rationality will be the key to leading Starfleet. Humans may be the heart of Starfleet, and the Andorians its muscle, but we Vulcans are its brain.

[ ] ... Andorian, I know that you must be prepared to fight, even when you hope not to. Your people's slender builds may not look intimidating, but there are none fiercer in battle.

To make matters worse, it looks like my predecessor's empire building ways mean their people still occupy most of the key posts of Starfleet. My ability to carry out my mission will be constrained until I can convince the Federation to let me replace these roles.

Thankfully, I was able to influence the person who would take over the Explorer's Corps, as the incumbent retired at the same time my predecessor left. As a result, my old friend has been promoted to Rear Admiral and put in command. It will be good to work once more with trusty...

[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
(Female Human, 44, re-roll failed Hull checks, increasing chances of your explorers escaping destruction)

[ ] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
(Male Vulcan, 135, re-roll failed Science checks, increasing chances of your explorers succeeding on science events]

[ ] ... Thel, who had saved you on more than one occasion with their ferocity in battle against Klingons and Romulans.
(Female Andorian, 48, may choose to re-roll Combat checks, second result stands]

Also, my own friends within Starfleet and I think we will have Starfleet Construction resolved in time for the next budgetary period, which will coincide with the completion of a set of ships. Getting R&D back into the fold should happen shortly after that. But I'll have to work for some of the other areas to consolidate my ability to run this place.

Once I get settled in, my first order of business will be picking the captains who will take on the new Five Year Missions of exploration. The Federation President told me personally that no fewer than three such missions are expected to be underway at all times. My predecessor was suspected of looking to militarise Starfleet, so this is now something that they are on watch for.

"Your watchwords will be exploration, science, and peace," they told me. A charge I will take seriously.

Computer, End log.

Welcome to Starfleet, Admiral

Welcome to 'To Boldly Go...', a quest about Starfleet Command. This will be a quest about exploration, random events, pulling your hair out at what your crazy captains are doing, and also a bit of making, naming, and researching new ships. There are some basic mechanics to observe. You start off as a newly minted full Admiral, appointed to command Starfleet, one of the most significant forces in the galaxy.

With the recent signing of the Khitomer Accord, the Federation wants to get back to the business of science and exploration, not phasers and photon torpedoes. Of course, as an Admiral you know that the Federation cannot survive by tricoder alone. Nonetheless, the Federation will track your actions for how militarised they are. As you acquire Militarisation Points, you will find the Federation clawing back your resources, forcing commanders into early retirement, or even replacing you entirely. These points cannot exceed the current Threat Level.

You have three types of ship: the big explorer cruisers, the light cruisers, and the escorts. At present, those are Excelsior-class, Constellation-class, and Miranda-class ships. The explorers are designed to operate on their own for long missions, perfectly suited to carrying out the famous Five Year Missions of discovery that your superiors prize. They have the best science packages, while also packing a punch. Of course, this makes them very expensive. Constellations and Mirandas, however, have limited science capacity, but are cost-effective combatants.

We'll go into ships and other mechanics in more detail in the next update.

(A/N: I'm going to be putting a lot of effort into spreading out the options and choices to avoid spam and keep updates shorter and sharper, and also help ease players in. Let's see how we go!)


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Current Fleet Status
Research Megapost Link
Map of Known Space

Link to Ship Spreadsheet Discussion:
Sci-Fi - Starfleet Ship Design Bureau ("To Boldly Go...")

Starfleet Ship Design Bureau, Refit ("To Boldly Go...") Sci-Fi

This is To Boldly Go, a Star Trek quest run through the eyes of Commander, Starfleet.

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To Boldly Go

Current Date: 2325, Q4

Current Fleet Status

26 Excelsior-A (Plus USS Stargazer on longterm exploration)
7 Ambassador
29 Renaissance
16 Constellation-A
3 Patrol Cruiser-A
4 Oberth
26 Kepler
19 Miranda-A
4 Centaur-A
31 Centaur-B
1 Comet

Key Systems

Sol Sector
- Provides: 95br 50sr, 5rp, 10pp
- Installations: San Francisco Shipyards, Starfleet Academy, Federation HQ, Starfleet HQ, Utopia Planitia Shipyards, Luna Orbital Shipyards, Earth Station/Starbase 1 [Starbase I]

- Provides: 25br 15sr, 5rp, 5pp
- Installations: Starbase 12 [Starbase I], Oreasa Starfleet Yards, Unity Shipyards, Rixx Loxhanda Defence Yard, Outpost

- Provides 35br, 35sr, 10rp, 5pp, 0.25 O, 0.5 E, 0.75 T
- Starfleet Installations: Lei-Hann Fleet Yard
- Local Installations: Gaen Outpost [Outpost I], Gaeni Manufacturing Coop @ Gaen(1 x 2.5mt berth, 1 x 1500kt berth, 2 x 1000kt berth), Colonial Yard 1 @ Gaen VI (1x600kt, 1x500kt)

Vulcan Sector
- Provides: 25br 50sr, 10rp, 5pp
- Installations: 40 Eridani A Shipyard, Chelok-An Shipyard, Faran-Bel Shipyard (Delta Vega), Vulcan Station/Starbase 2 [Starbase I]

Andor Sector
- Provides: 75br 25sr, 5rp, 5pp
- Installations: Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, Andoria Orbital Shipyard, Andoria Station/Starbase 3 [Starbase I]

Tellar Sector
Tellar Prime
- Provides: 75br 50sr, 5rp, 5pp
- Installations: Tellarite Station/Starbase 4 [Starbase I], Ana Font Shipyard, Xurch Melloch Shipyard, Tellar Repair Yard, Extra Outposts in sector

Amarkia Sector
- Provides: 75br, 40sr, 5rp, 10pp
- Installations: Amarkia Station/Starbase 5 [Starbase I], Amarkian Arsenal (2 x 2.5mt berth, 2 x 1mt berth), Extra Outposts in sector

Alukk Sector
- Provides: 30br, 25sr, 5rp, 10pp, 0.5 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 0.75 Techs
- Installations: Alukk Station [Starbase I], Shipyard One@Alukk (1 x 2000kt berth, 1 x 1000kt berth, 2 x 815kt berths)

Ferasa Sector
- Provides: 50br, 50sr, 5rp, 5pp
- Installations: Ferasa Station [Starbase I] (Starbase 7), Mobile Engineering Orbital Works, S'Neranya(1 x 2.5mt berth, 2 x 600kt berth)
- Provides: 30br, 25sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.25 Officer, 0.25 Enlisted, 0.25 Techs
- Installations: Risan Harmony Center [Outpost I], Risan Hedony Orbital@Risa(1 x 1000kt berth, 1 x 400kt berth)

Current Fleet: 1 Constellation-A (4) [Triada],1 Centaur-B (5) [Summerstorm], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai]

Rigel Sector
- Provides: 50br, 25sr, 5pp, 10rp
- Installations: Rigel Station/Starbase 10 [Starbase I], Lagan-Shir@Rivel VIII(1 x 2.5mt berth, 1 x 1500kt berth)

Apinae Sector
- Provides: 50br, 25sr, 10pp, 5rp, 0.0 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1.5 Tech
- Installations: High Comb Station [Starbase I], Intazzi Fleet Yards, Grand Hive of the Apiata@Apinae(1 x 2.5mt berth, 4 x 600kt berth), Extra Outposts in sector

- Provides: 25br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.5 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 0.5 Tech
- Installations: Indoria Starbase [Starbase I], Indoria Station [Outpost I], Indoria Drive Yard@Indoria(1 x 2.5mt berth, 1 x 1500kt berth)

Rethelia Sector
- Provides: 25br, 20sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.75 Officer, 0.75 Enlisted, 0.75 Techs
- Requires: D4
- Installations: Rethelia Starbase [Starbase I], Cerulus Shipyards (1x2500kt, 1x1500kt, 2x1000kt)

- Provides: 20br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.5 Officer, 0.5 Enlisted, 0.5 Techs
- Requires: D4
- Installations: Fiiral Starbase [Starbase I], Fiiral Shipyards (1x3000kt, 1x1000kt)
- Provides: 40br, 30sr, 10rp, 5pp, 1 Officer, 1.75 Enlisted, 1.75 Techs
- Requires: D4
- Installations: Arqueniou Starbase [Starbase I], Arqueniou Government Yards (1x3000kt, 1x2500kt, 1x1500kt)

Okatha Sector
- Provides 70br, 40sr, 6rp, 6pp, 1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 1 Technician
- Installations: Citadel of Stars/Starbase 25 [Starbase I], Cathedralforge Yards (1x4000kt, 2x2500kt)
- Provides 30br, 20sr, 2rp, 2pp, 0.25 Officer, 0.5 Enlisted, 0.4 Technician
- Installations: Starbase 26 [Starbase I], Soulforge Yards (1x2500kt, 2x1000kt)
- Installations:

Paddah Sector
- Provides: 45br, 40sr, 5rp, 10pp, 2.25 Officer, 2.75 Enlisted, 2.75 Technician
- Installations: Starbase 22/Ked Paddah Starbase [Starbase I], Central Fleet Yards (1x2500kt, 1x1000kt), Repair Yards (2x1000kt)
- Other Installations: Starbase 23 (Ashira), Starbase 24 (Gad)

Designated Border Zones
Romulan Border Zone
- Provides: none
- Installations: Starbase 6 [Starbase I] (5), Solitude Orbital Shipyard

Klingon Border Zone
- Provides: none
- Installations: Starbase 13 (Shrantet III)
- Provides: 35br, 20sr, 10rp, 5pp, 0.6 Officer, 0.8 Enlisted, 0.75 Tech
- Installations: None

Cardassian Border Zone
Currently occupying a past Amarkian/Caitian space, up to the near edge of Indorian space
- Installations: Lapycorias Station/Starbase 9 [Starbase I], Orion Imperial Yard (Indorian shipyard in deep space)

Current Fleet: 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Discovery], 2 Renaissance (9) [Renewal, Torch (pa)], 1 Kepler (5) [Sanvor], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Eclipse]

Sydraxian Border Zone
Currently occupying a belt of space lying along the coreward edges of the Sol, Tellar, and Amarkian Sectors.
- Provides: -none-
- Installations: Vega Station/Starbase 8 [Starbase I], Green Hook Fleet Yards (Vega), Cedrun Agrun Yards (Klivvar Proxima)

Gabriel Border Zone
Currently the Gabriel Expanse between Karadoc, Apinae, and Borandt.
- Provides: -none-
- Installations: Starbase 18 (Collie), Collie Repair Yard

Licori Border Zone
Currently occupying a belt of space lying along the tailward edges of the Rigel and Sol Sectors.
- Provides: Ulen Gao VII, Mica III, An Arai V, Piara IV/V, Costaun
- Installations: Clover Outpost [Outpost I], Kappa Tau [Outpost I, Starbase I]

Horizon Border Zone
- Provides 35br, 20sr, 2rp, 2pp, 0.25 Officer, 0.5 Enlisted, 0.35 Technician
- Installations: Starbase 27 [Starbase I], Obar Orbital Moot (1x1500kt, 2x1000kt)

Other Installations: Starbase 21 [Ke'luur, Starbase I]

Ruby Eyes' Folly Patrol Zone
Ruby-Eye's Folly
- Provides: Ruby Eyes' Folly Mine
- Installations: none

Imelak Border Zone
- Provides: none
- Requires: D15
- Installations: none
Current Fleet: 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar], 2 Centaur-B (5) [Suurok,Chinook], 1 Kepler (5) [Aullare], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Clarion]

Task Forces

Exploration Corps

- USS Courageous, Excelsior-A-class, Elite, C11 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8
-- Captain: Zara ka'Athnon, 2320-2325
- USS Sarek, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S10 H6 L8 P8 D6
-- Captain: Jeanette Devereaux, 2322-2327
- USS Atuin, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P10 D6
-- Captain: Hassan Aharani, 2320-2325
- USS Stargazer, Excelsior-A-class, Blooded, C7 S8 H5 L6 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maryam Ajam, +1 S
- USS Voshov, Excelsior-A-class, Veteran, C9 S9 H6 L8 P9 D6
-- Captain: Iliae Rurliss, 2321-2326
- USS Ambassador, Ambassador-class, Blooded, C9 S12 H8 L10 P11 D8
-- Captain: Zolani Volanen, 2321-2326
- USS Enterprise-C, Ambassador-class, Blooded, C9 S11 H9 L10 P12 D8
-- Captain: Jennifer Zhang, 2321-2326
- USS Friendship, Ambassador-class, Green
- USS Kumari, Ambassador-class, Green
- USS Huascar, Ambassador-class, Green
- USS Sappho, Ambassador-class, Green
- USS Curiosity, Ambassador-class, Green

Veteran Ships
- USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A class, Veteran, C9 S8 H6 L8 P8 D6
-- Captain: Nora Chandrasekhar
- USS Endurance, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Hayden Kennedy
- USS Salnas, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Xuggaed
- USS Avandar, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Robert Kenichi
- USS Thirishar, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Kith th'Risroth
- USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Beradd-Kellar
- USS Sojourner, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Melvak
- USS Pleezirra, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Maria Volkov
- USS Spirit, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Glori Khaggers
- USS Frontier, Excelsior-A class, Blooded, C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
-- Captain: Gregor Mannigan
- USS Excalibur, Excelsior-A
- USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A, Blooded
- USS Discovery, Excelsior-A, Blooded
- USS Zarayet, Excelsior-A, Blooded
- USS Seleya, Constellation-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: T'Arvit
- USS Vigour, Constellation-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Lin Kuahuula
- USS Challorn, Constellation-A class, Veteran, C5 S6 H4 L5 P5 D4
-- Captain: Hazag Daz-Hara
- USS Stalwart, Constellation-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Chayaal
- USS Docana, Constellation-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Amaeos
- USS Kearsage, Constellation-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4
-- Captain: Mark Jameson
- USS Enlightenment, Renaissance class, Blooded, C6 S4 H5 L6 P5 D5
-- Captain: Demari Iekn
- USS Emancipation, Renaissance class, Blooded, C6 S4 H5 L6 P5 D5
-- Captain: Arthur Acheson
- USS Justice, Renaissance class, Blooded, C6 S4 H5 L6 P5 D5
-- Captain: Hrular Krurin
- USS Suffrage, Renaissance class, Blooded, C6 S4 H5 L6 P5 D5
-- Captain: Elshot
- USS Torch, Renaissance class, Blooded, C7 S4 H5 L6 P5 D4
-- Captain:
- USS Gerzzi, Constellation-A class, Blooded
- USS Enkindle, Renaissance class, Blooded
- USS T'Mir, Oberth class, Veteran, C3 S7 H3 L4 P3 D1
-- Captain: Samantha Connors
- USS Hawking, Oberth class, Blooded, C2 S6 H2 L3 P2 D1
-- Captain: Tersu Lakun
- USS Torbriel, Oberth-class, Blooded
- USS Agile, Miranda-A class, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain: Prawat Chulanont
- USS Bon Vivant, Miranda-A class, Blooded
- USS Dryad, Miranda-A class, Blooded, C4 S3 H3 L4 P2 D2
-- Captain: Enrique Martinez
- USS Yukikaze, Centaur-B class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain: Oric Awa
- USS Gale, Centaur-B class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain: Imran Malik
- USS Zephyr, Centaur-B class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain: Tanyr na'Arish
- USS Lightning, Centaur-A class, Blooded, C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D3
-- Captain:
- USS Winterwind, Centaur-B class, Blooded, C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
-- Captain:
- USS Bull, Centaur-B class, Blooded
-- Captain:
- USS Kepler, Kepler-class, Blooded
- USS Typhoon, Centaur-B, Blooded
- USS Aurora, Centaur-B, Blooded

Theater Fleets
Coreward Theatre
Spinward Theatre [Cardassian Side]
Tailward Theatre [Romulan Side]
Rimward Theatre


Federation Grading:
Check Snakepit Turns

Federation Council Objectives:
200 Science by 2321 [Currently 124]
250 Defence by 2321 [Currently 137]


Starfleet Ambitions:
Operate no fewer than 5 concurrent Five Year Missions by 2311. [Currently 5!]
Get the Ambassador prototype into production by 2321

Federation Council:
President - Jime Okaar, Pacifist Faction

Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 20% [Langford (Earth), Singh (Alpha Centauri)]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 30% [Stesk (Vulcan), T'Torah (82 Eridani)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 15% [Korielis (Tales Har), Aelanna (Leas Akaam)]
Development (Tellar) 25% [Jorth (Tellar), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 10% [Rangyad (Rigel), Meiyama (Welleck)]

Current Federation Full Members:
Orion Union
Ked Paddah

Full Member Pending Ratification

Current Federation Allies:

Current Federation Affiliates:
Bajoran Diaspora
Outer Space Alliance (Muuyozoi)

Currently Known Other Possible Members:
Morshadd Commune
Unbound Gaeni

Currently Known Cardassian Clients
Konen -
Goshawnar -

Major Powers
Romulans - Non-Aggression Pact (Treaty of Mars)
Klingons - Khitomer Accords
Cardassians - Treaty of Celos
Ferengi - Very limited contact
Interstellar Commonwealth -
Harmony of Horizon -
Breen -

Known Wars
None presently ongoing
NB: Severe tensions on Federation-Harmony Border
Arcadian-Commune hostilities on ceasefire

Federation Ongoing Projects


Federation Completed Projects
Request Start of Heavy Explorer project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 34pp
Request new Shipyard at Betazed, 18pp (8 turns, 2 1mt Berths) - ETC 2316.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Ulen Gao VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 (25) br/year) - ETC 2315.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Peco Sigma, 8pp (4 turns, gain +10 (20) sr/year) - ETC 2315.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Castor IV-2, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 (30) sr/year) - ETC 2315.Q2
Request Refit Program for Excelsior class [+1 C, S, L, P for 50br, 30sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 18pp (NB: new unit cost for Excelsior will be 230/160) - ETC 2314.Q4
Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (Cardassian Border Zone), 20pp
Request new Starbase I [Betazed] - Starbase 12 - ETC 2315.Q1
Request Mining Colony at Corvo, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 sr/year) - ETC 2313.Q2
Request Research Colony at Aga Carmide, 8pp (4 turns, gain +7rp/year) - ETC 2313.Q2
Request Research Colony at Ke'Luur, 8pp (6 turns, gain +7rp/year) - ETC 2312.Q4
Request Mining Colony at Tagh Pakot, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 sr / year)
Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias XIII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
Request new Starbase I [CBZ: Lapycorias] 20pp - ETC 2311.Q4
Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 35pp (NB: new unit cost for the Miranda will be 60/45) - ETC 2311.Q4
Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
Request Mining Colony at Gamma Canidae V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year) - ETC 2311.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year) - ETC 2311.Q2
Request new Starbase I [Sol-Sector: Vega] 20pp - ETC 2311.Q2
Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth), ETC 2310.Q2
Request new Starbase I RBZ 20pp, 6 turns, ETC 2309.Q4
Establish forward Outposts in the Cardassian Border Zones, 4 turns, 20pp (create Outpost Is at Beta Corridan, Aelin, and colony worlds Vintus and 15 Themis), ETC 2309.Q4
Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp, ETC 2309.Q2
Request Mining Colony at 21 Themis VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 (20) sr / year), ETC 2309.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Galus V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 br / year), ETC 2309.Q2
Request Research Colony at Meridia VI, 8pp (4 turns, gain 5(6) rp/ year), ETC 2309.Q2
Request expansion of Utopia Planitia, 40pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth), ETC 2309.Q2
Request expansion of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 10pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth), ETC 2309.Q2
Request expansion of Outposts in the Amarkia Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Amarkia, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues), ETC 2308.Q2
Request Mining Colony at Beta Corridan, 8pp (4 turns, gain +10 br / year, +15 sr / year), ETC 2308.Q2
Utopia Planitia Shipyard [2 berth 3m t, 2 berth 1m t] - ETC 2308.Q2
Refit Program for Centaur class [+1 S,L,P,D for 15br, 15sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 45pp (NB: new unit cost for the Centaur will be 80/70), ETC 2307.Q4
Research Colony at Athos V with Romulans [+7 rp / year], ETC 2307.Q2
Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year), ETC 2307.Q2
Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues), ETC 2307.Q2
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility [1 berth, 2.5m t] - ETC 2306.Q4
40 Eridani A Expansion [1 berth, 3m t] - ETC 2305.Q4
Tellar Prime Shipyard Construction [1 berth, 2.5m t] - ETC 2304.Q4
SR/RP Mining Colony, Biroth System [+20 SR/yr, +7 RP/yr] - ETC 2304.Q4
BR Mining Colony, Josephine III [+20 BR/yr] - ETC 2304.Q2
SR Mining Colony, Hophos III-2 [+25 SR/year] - ETC 2303.Q2
40 Eridani A Expansion [+1 3m t berth] - ETC 2303.Q2
Research Colony at Aelin System, [+7 rp / year], ETC 2306.Q2
Expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, ETC 2307.Q2
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Starfleet Command Departments & Staff
Starfleet Key Staff

Commander, Starfleet, Admiral Patricia Chen [-]
Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command, Vice Admiral Iorinn Gran (-)

Starfleet Departments

Chief of Starfleet Operations - Allows you to replace existing Sector Commanders with your own, who will have their own traits
Starfleet Explorer Corps - Allows you to pick which ships will get Explorer Corps crews, and which Captains will take them on Five Year Missions.
Starfleet Shipyard Operations - Allows you to decide on shipbuilding assignments
Starfleet Ship Design Bureau - Allows you to pick research projects
Starfleet Academy Commandant - Allows you to adjust recruitment policies
Starfleet Personnel, Rear Admiral - Allows you to pick Captain candidates from the Promotion Board
Starfleet Intelligence Rear Admiral - Allows you to pick a number of potential reports during the year
Starfleet Tactical Vice Admiral - Allows you to set fleet postures and doctrine, plus define the ship roles you require.

Captain Maeth th'Irnyar - 10% Discount off required Logistics level
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Medical Logistics Command, Starfleet Medical Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Low

Captain Rosalee McAdams
Current Posting: Captain, USS Courageous [Essentially unposted due to repairs taking past duration of FYM]
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
* Acting Director of Personnel would like to see Captain McAdams in a support or desk role before a new task force command role

Captain T'Mina
Current Posting: Captain, USS Cheron
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium
*May be Promoted

Captain Iorin Grann
Current Posting: Captain, USS Yukikaze
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium
*May be Promoted

Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
Current Posting: Chief, Member World Coordination Office
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: High
*May be Promoted

Captain Watanabe Shoichi
Current Posting: Explorer Corps Mission Control Director
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium
*May be Promoted

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, TF 1, Gabriel BZ Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, TF 2, Gabriel BZ Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Brufraogm Wev
Current Posting: Commander, Andor Sector
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Commodore Hurgok Sagek
Current Posting: Commander, Tellar Sector
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Commodore Syzi ch'Zelil
Current Posting: Commander, Klingon Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Commodore T'Lam
Current Posting: Commander, Rigel Sector
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Low
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Tomas Meyer
Current Posting: Commander, Ferasa Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
A talented bureaucrat and political operator, I feel that Captain Meyer requires more space side command and would rather see him promoted to a home sector command than further desk assignments.

Commodore Gorac Crogan
Current Posting: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations), Starfleet Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: High
A long-serving Tellarite officer with significant experience already acquired in planet-side billets. In order to be satisfied that they are ready for a Rear Admiral billet, however, it would be best to see them take to space once more.

Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Shipyard Operations
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium
A long serving officer in Shipyard Operations, I believe he is chafing with a long series of planetside assignments, and would like to see his talents verified through a different command before pushing him towards a Shipyard Command.

Commodore Michel Thuir
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Field Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
An officer who has been proven in dangerous situations, with experience in command during the Biophage, and who has completed a Five Year Mission.

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Constance Lecras
Current Posting: Deputy Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Charlotte O'Dea - 1 Free GBZ Intel Report
Current Posting: Dean, Starfleet Special Analysis School, Starfleet Academy
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Industrial Command, Shipyard Operations Command
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
Current Posting: -None
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
Current Posting: -None
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
Current Posting: Commander, Explorer Corps
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Rear Admiral Laura Mendoza
Current Posting: Deputy Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral Waafrinch Iorin Skef
Current Posting: Commander, Starbase 4 [Tellar Prime]
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Rear Admiral Sirvk
Current Posting: Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Low
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
A steady hand at the tiller of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, Sirvk's attention to detail has seen him his shipyard never skip a beat throughout his tenure, even as Excelsior after Excelsior slides out of the berths.

Rear Admiral Pathe Lathriss
Current Posting: Independent Research
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Low
Admiral Lathriss has been your senior-most mind on battle doctrine. The fact that he is from outside of Starfleet originally probably says a lot. It will also make it harder for him to hold down his position, but Rear Admiral Seruk feels he is capable if people will give him the chance. (+4 to any Doctrine research, -10pp/year)

Rear Admiral Ikitha zh'Bessash
Current Posting: Commander, Starbase 5 [Amarkia]
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Low

Rear Admiral April Wu
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Communications Command
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Low
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral Anyth sh'Nathriq
Current Posting: Administrator, Operations Mission Control
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Rear Admiral Clarg Aghluk
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Drafting Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Rear Admiral T'Lam
Current Posting: Commander, Starbase 6 [Beta Indi]
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Low
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Vice Admiral Nyota Uhura
Current Posting: Chief of Starfleet Operations
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Vice Admiral T'Faer
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Logistics Command
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Low

Vice Admiral Sotak
Current Posting: Theatre Commander, Central Theatre
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium
The longserving commander of Starbase 2 in Vulcan, Rear Admiral Sotak is a solid and talented commander. He had considerable diplomatic experience as a Captain and Commodore.

Vice Admiral John Harriman
Current Posting: Theatre Commander, Spinward Theatre
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Low

Q1 - Construction
Q2 - Submissions to Federation Council, Intelligence Committee Steering (Locked until Officer is replaced)
Q3 - Research
Q4 - Promotion Boards (Locked until Officer is replaced), Academy Recruitment Policy (Every 4 years)

Ongoing Omake Bonuses

@Nix -
Basic Colonies 10pp -> 8pp

@Void Stalker -
Diplomatic Pushes 15pp -> 10pp

LCdr Usha will run Utopia Planitia Design Group in six years

* +0.2 Explorer Corps Techs as more Vulcans sign on
* Gain a political project to conduct a Constitution redesign to lower crew requirements

+0.2 Explorer Corps enlisted as more crazy Andorians sign on

* USS T'Mir gains +10% Evasion in combat/hull re-roll out of combat

Admiralty Honour Board

Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi (Commander, Starfleet from 2301-2311)
Admiral Valentina Sousa (Commander, Starfleet from 2312-2315)
Admiral Hikaru Sulu (Commander, Starfleet from 2316-2320)
Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse (Commander, Starfleet from 2321-2325)
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Starfleet Infrastructure & Resources
Starfleet Infrastructure

This post is now many in-game years out of date, please follow most recent EOY threadmarks for up to date details.


Current Resource Stockpile:
Bulk Industrial Resources: 368br
Special Industrial Resources: 153sr
Political Will: 233pp
Research Points: 123rp

Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 9.75 Officer, 18.8 Enlisted, 32.2 Techs
Explorer Corps: 5.5 Officer, 6.7 Enlisted, 5.9 Techs

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - two (2) large 3mt Berths, two (2) small 1mt Berths
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility [Andor] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards [Sol] - three (3) large 3mt Berths, three (3) small 1mt Berths
Oreassa Starfleet Yards - two (2) small 1mt Berths
Intazzi Shipyarsd - one (1) large 3mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth

Annual Income*:
Bulk Industrial Resources: 1090br (2317.Q4)
Special Industrial Resources: 795sr (2317.Q4)
Research Points: 233rp (2317.Q4)
Political Will: 144pp (2317.Q4)

Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 18.10pts (+4 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 22.4pts (+3.45 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 23.25pts (+3.2 Explorer Corps)

*This processes at the start of Q1 of each turn.

Colonies Supplying Starfleet

Mining Colony, Josephine III [20 (25) BR/yr, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr) ] 2304.Q2
Mining Colony, Pygmalion 337 IV-3 [20 (25) br / year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr) ] 2307.Q2
Mining Colony, Beta Corridan [10 (15) br / year, 10 (20) sr / year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2308.Q2
Mining Colony, Galus V system [15 (20) br / year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2309.Q2
Mining Colony, Gamma Canidae V, [15 (20) br / year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2311.Q2
Mining Colony, Lapycorias VII, [20 (25) br/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2311.Q2
Mining Colony, Lapycorias XIII, [25 (30) br/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2312.Q2
Mining Colony, Collie, [10 (15) br/yr, 15 (25) sr/yr, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2314.Q1
Mining Colony, Ulen Gao VII, [20 (25) br/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2315.Q2
Mining Colony, 41 Miele IV, [25 (30) br/year]
Mining Colony, Kohl II, [25 (30) br/yr, 25 (35) sr/yr, 1pp, 2rp]
Mining Colony, Piara V [25 (30) br/yr, 1pp, 2rp]
Mining Colony, Mica III [25 (30) br/yr, 1pp, 2rp]

Mining Colony, Hophos III-2 [20 (30) SR/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)] 2303.Q2
Mining Colony, Biroth System [15 (25) SR/yr, 5 (7) RP/yr, (1 pp/yr)] 2304.Q4
Mining Colony, 21 Themis VII system [15 (25) sr / year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2309.Q2
Mining Colony, Tagh Pakot, [15 (25) sr/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2312.Q2
Mining Colony, Corvo, [15 (25) sr/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2313.Q2
Mining Colony, Peco Sigma, [10 (20) sr/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2315.Q2
Mining Colony, Castor IV-2, [20 (30) sr/year, (2 rp / yr), (1 pp/yr)], 2315.Q2
Mining Colony, 29 Baker V, [10 (20) sr/yr, 1, 2]

Research Colony, Aelin System, [ 5 (7) rp / year, (1 pp/yr)], 2306.Q2
Research Colony, Athos V with Romulans [ 5 (7) rp / year, (1 pp/yr)] 2307.Q2
Research Colony, Meridia VI system [5 (7) rp/ year, (1 pp/yr)], 2309.Q2
Research Colony, 17 Jamboree IX system (Yel'urulasu), [5 (7) rp/ year, (1 pp/yr)], 2309.Q4
Research Colony, Aga Carmide, [ 5 (7)rp/year) , (1 pp/yr)], 2313.Q2
Research Colony, Cronulla VI, [5 (7) rp/year, 1 pp/yr]
Research Colony, Acacia V, [5 (7) rp, 1]

Total income: 110 (130) br. 60 (80) sr. 35 (45) rp.

Total income: 155 (200) br. 135 (225) sr. 30 (72) rp. 0 (21) pp

Under construction
Research Colony, Cronulla VI, [5 (7) rp/yr, (1 pp/yr)] ETA 2316.Q2

Bonuses in effect:
+5 br from each BR mining colony.
+10 sr from each SR mining colonies.
+2 RP from each research colonies.
+2 RP from each non-research colonies.
+1 PP from each all colonies.

Currently Under Construction:

Follow most recent Shipyard Ops - Results threadmark.

1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2023) @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth A (ETC 2317.Q1 - Crews deduct 2316.Q1)
1 Renaissance class ship (NCC-2602) @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1 (ETC 2317.Q2 - Crews deduct 2316.Q2)

1 Renaissance-class (NCC-2617) @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth 1 (ETC 2318.Q2 - Crews deduct 2317.Q2)

1 Excelsior-A-class (NCC-2025) @ Utopia Planitia Berth A (ETC 2318.Q2 - Crews deduct - 2317.Q2)
1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2024) @ Utopia Planitia Berth B (ETC 2317.Q1 - Crews deduct - 2316.Q1)
1 Excelsior-A-class (NCC-2026) @ Utopia Planitia Berth C (ETC 2318.Q2 - Crews deduct - 2317.Q2)
3 Renaissance (NC-2603, 2604, 2605) @ Utopia Planitia Berth 1,2,3 (ETC 2316.Q3 - Crews deduct 2315.Q3)

1 Hospital Ship (Prototype) (NX-3501) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 1 (ETC 2318.Q1)
2 Freighter (NCC-3601, -3602) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 2,3 (ETC 2317.Q2)
1 Prospector (NCC-638) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 4 (ETC 2316.Q2)

ETC = Estimated Time of Commissioning. The bays are clear and new ships can be created as of this date. Crews are deducted 1 Year before Commissioning date to begin specific training and shakedown work.



ETR = Estimated Time of Repair
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Ship Classes
Ship Classes

Ships in Grey are not researched yet or obsolete.

Constitution 2240-2300 (2270 Refit) [289m, 1m t]
C5 S4 H4 L4 P5 D5
Cost [100br, 100sr, 4 years], Crew [O-5, E-4, T-4]
Excelsior 2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]
Excelsior-A 2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6
Cost [230br 160sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​
Ambassador 2315-Now [524m, 3m t]
C8 S9 H6 L9 P8 D8
Cost [300br, 240sr, 4.75 years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-6]​
Galaxy 2350-Now [642m 5.0m t]
C9 S10 H10 L10 P8 D8
Cost [500br, 300sr, 6 years], Crew [O-10, E-10, T-10]
Sovereign 2370-Now [685m 3.2m t]
C12 S8 H9 L12 P8 D10
Cost [320br, 500sr, 5 years], Crew [O-10, E-8, T-8]

Constitution-B 2310-Now [289m, 1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]
Constellation 2284-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]
Constellation-A Now-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S4 H2 L3 P3 D4
Cost [70br, 50sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Renaissance 2320-2360 [330m 1m t]
C5 S3 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost[100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]​
Niagara 2349-Now [480m 3m t]
C5 S3 H5 L6 P3 D6
Cost[300br, 90sr, 3 years], Crew [O-4, E-7, T-3]
Nebula 2363-Now [444m 4m t]
C6 S4 H10 L7 P5 D7
Cost[400br, 180sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-10, T-4]
Akira 2368-Now [440m, 2.28m t]
C9 S3 H4 L6 P6 D9
Cost[230br, 150sr, 3 years], Crew [O-5, E-8, T-3]

Long-range Explorer
Oberth 2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D1
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]
Kepler 2322-Now [340m 979k t]
C2 S7 H2 L4 P5 D5
Cost[100br, 90sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-2, E-3, T-4]​

Intrepid 2370-Now [344m 700k t]
C6 S10 H4 L4 P6 D5
Cost[70br, 150sr, 2 years], Crew [O-4, E-3, T-5]
Colony Ship 2260-Now [370m 850k t]
C1 S3 H3 L4 P1 D1
Cost [85br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-2]​

Soyuz 2240-2280 [250m 310k t]
C2 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 30sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]
Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Miranda-A Now-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 45sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Centaur 2300-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Centaur-A 2308-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost[80br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Centaur-B 2321-Now [315m 898k t]
C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5
Cost[90br, 65sr, 2.25 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

New Orleans 2332-Now [425m, 850k t]
C4 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
Cost[85br, 80sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-2]
Saber 2360-Now [160m, 310k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost[30br, 30sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Steamrunner 2369-Now [315m 680k t]
C4 S3 H5 L4 P3 D4
Cost[70br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-3, T-3]
Defiant 2367-Now [170m 355k t]
C10 S1 H3 L6 P4 D4
Cost [40br 150sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]

Minor Faction Starting Ship Stats
Light Cruiser
2260-2340 [280m 700k t]
C3 S1 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost [70br, 30sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-2, T-1]​
Escort 2260-2340 [220m 250k t]
C1 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 10sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-1]​
Generic Freighter 2260-Now [150m 300k t]
C0 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 10sr, 2 years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]​

2266-2310 [192m 200k t]
C4 S2 H5 L3 P3 D4
Cost [20br, 120sr, 2 Years], Crew[O-1, E-3, T-1]​
D7 Cruiser 2245-Now [228m 344k t]
C3 S1 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost[35br, 50sr, 4 Years], Crew[O-2, E-3, T-1]​
D'Deridex 2345-Now [1,041m, 4.3m t]
C8 S4 H10 L10 P10 D6
Cost[430br 350sr, 6 Years], Crew [O-12, E-14, T-6]
Valdore 2370-Now [600m, 3.5m t]
C10 S4 H11 L10 P6 D7
Cost[350br, 450sr, 6 Years], Crew[O-10, E-10, T-5]
Science Ship, 2300-Now [106m, 57k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D1
Cost[60br, 100sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-3]​
Heavy Warbird 2301-2360 [500m, 2.7m t]
C6 S3 H3 L6 P5 D6 Cloak Yes
Cost[270br, 220sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-5]​

2270-Now [109m 30k t]
C1 S0 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost [5br 10sr 1 Year], Crew[O-0 E-1 T-0]​
K'tinga 2270-Now [246m 500k t]
C3 S1 H6 L4 P2 D3
Cost [50br 50sr 3 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-1]​
B'rel 2327-Now [327m 800k t]
C5 S2 H8 L4 P4 D5
Cost [80br 80sr 4 Years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]
Vor'cha 2347-Now [481m, 2.2m t]
C7 S3 H12 L6 P6 D6
Cost [220br, 200sr, 5 Years], Crew[O-14, E-18, T-4]
Negh'var 2368-Now [682m 4.3m t]
C10 S5 H14 L6 P8 D8
Cost [430br, 400sr, 6 Years], Crew [O-16, E-20, T-6]
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Quest Mechanics

Basic Concepts

Ship Stats : Ships have a Combat rating (C) for the ability to fight; a Science rating (S) for ability to carry out science missions; a Hull rating to indicate toughness and ability to survive fights and accidents; a Shield rating (L) used in battle to protect the hull; a Presence rating (P) to indicate how well they are received as diplomats and peacekeepers; a Defence rating (D) to indicate how much they contribute to protecting a system.

Crew Rating : Explorer Corps crews are the best and the brightest, and a little bit of polish can go a long way. Through events, traits, or time served, a crew can advance in experience. The progression is Green -> Blooded -> Veteran -> Elite. Each tier past Green gives +1 to all stats except Defence. These stats do not count when tallying for things like your Maximum Combat. Some other non-Explorer Corps ships can also gain points of veterancy, through rewards or events.

Explorer Corps : This is a special sub-set of Starfleet, from which the crews of the Five Year Mission crews are taken. They are the best and brightest of Starfleet, the most capable and prepared for taking on the weird, wondrous, and terrifying adventures of deep space exploration.

Five Year Missions : The Federation wants a minimum number of Five Year Missions underway at any given time. Falling below this level earns a Militarisation point.

Captain's Log : The main heartbeat of the quest is the Captain's Log turn. This is a report from your ships as to occurrences and events that take place during a given quarter of the year. This is your greatest source of opportunity, danger, resources, adventure, political goodwill, and advancement in the game. Every ship on a Five Year Mission will have an automatic event rolled for it each quarter. Every Sector of space, however, will also have a roll attached to it, with about a 1 in 4 chance of triggering an event. These events will be handled by ships that are garrisoning that region of space.

Key Systems : Each key system in the Federation provides resources to Starfleet's budget. They also require a certain level of defence. That system will suspend providing political will for as long as that level is not met. See Garrison below.

Schedule : Construction will be decided in the 1st Quarter of every year, starting 2302. Research will be decided in the 3rd Quarter of every year, starting 2302. Starfleet's main report to the Federation Council occurs in 2nd Quarter. The Captain's and Admiral's promotion board meets during 4th Quarter. Every normal quarter has a "Captain's Log" phase.

State of Emergency : A State of Emergency is declared in circumstances when a force, entity, prospective event, or other agent threatens to visit systemic harm to the Federation. In other words, war, alien invasion, mass plague outbreaks, subspace shenanigans. Turns shift from quarters to months, and a system of mobilisation begins, whereby assets are provided to you for directing to different strategic tasks.

Starfleet Ambitions : This is here as a helpful little reminder for players of what long-term goals they have set for themselves. When you set a ten-year ambition, you let the Council know what you are looking to achieve in your time. Accomplishing this gets you more influence with the Council. When you set an ambition, depending on what it is, the Council may assist or potentially even stymie you, depending on what it is (hint: don't say war with the galaxy is your ambition).

Research Concepts

Research Tutorial Post

Research : In To Boldly Go, you control R&D through your Ship Design Bureau. Although it is called Ship Design Bureau, you actually get to control a pretty wide range of topics. All the little technologies are grouped into Categories. Rather than pick an individual tech to research, researching works by assigning a Research Team to a category. That Research Team will then make progress on all the techs that belong to that category. As a boost, one tech at random gets an extra +5 progress. This process takes place on the 3rd Quarter of each Year.

Research Point : A Research Point is a fungible "unit" of research. Use Research Points to activate Research Teams.

Research Team : A Research Team is a unit that has a preferred type of research and a skill level. Each point of Skill means one point of progress on the techs you research. If the category you are researching is the preferred category of the Team, then double the progress.

Shipbuilding Concepts

New Design Tutorial

Shipbuilding : To get new ships, you need to build them. To build a ship you need: Bulk Resources (the basic material that makes up the bulk of the ship), Special Resources (material like warp coil alloys, deflector emitter components, computer components, etc), an big enough, available shipyard berth, and crew. Ships take a long time to build, even the small ones require two years to complete. Large ships can take four or more years. Shipyard assignments are determined in the 1st Quarter of each Year.

Shipyards & Berths : Starfleet has a number of Shipyards that it controls, that provide it with berths of a particular size. Each ship that you want to build requires a berth that has equal or greater mass than the ship. This berth is then tied up for the duration, and cannot build other ships. Think of them as pigeonholes for your ships.

Scale : The scale value of a ship is a term for when designing a new ship. Each point of scale gives an extra 300k t of weight allowance. Increasing scale eventually takes you from Escort size, to Cruiser size, to Explorer Size.

Crews : Crews are comprised of "points" of Officers, Enlisted, and Technicians. Exactly how many are in a point is deliberately flexibile, but as a rule of thumb it's around about fifty. Every ship you build requires a certain amount of each type of crew. An Explorer is heavy on all types of crew, particularly officers. An escort tends to be light on officers, heavy on enlisted. A science ship like an Oberth is full of Technicians. Crews can also be either Explorer Corps, or standard Starfleet.

Casualties : Ships in battle, or even in some events (particularly failed events) can take casualties in their crew. If a ship loses half their crew points, then the Veterancy of the crew is reduced by 1.

Political Concepts

Federation Council : The Federation itself is run by a Council. As the commander of Starfleet, you also answer to this Council, and can be called to account for the actions of Starfleet, as well as have tasks and objectives set that you must carry out or face replacement. However, you can also spend your political influence in order to convince the Council to undertake projects for Starfleet. In a post-money economy with the Industrial might of Earth and Tellar Prime, typically the stumbling block to the Federation getting something done isn't capacity, it's will. The Council calls you before the budgetary committees in the 2nd Quarter of each Year.

Political Will : Use this in order to get things out of the UFP, including new shipyards, expansions to shipyards, new ship design programs, increasing resources, expanding the Explorer Corps base, appointing new explorer-capable Captains, creating new fleets, raising threat level, reducing militarisation level, some R&D programs.

Projects : Various projects can be 'purchased' from the Council. These will typically have an development period before they come into effect, which will be listed along with the option.

Militarisation : The Federation will clamp down on you if you are seen to be overtly militarising while outside of a wartime/existential threat footing. Failing to maintain the requisite minimum of science points and exploration missions generates Militarisation. You have a soft-cap Maximum Combat Points, which is the tally of the base combat stat of your ships (not counting crew bonuses). For every ten points that you exceed the cap, your Militarisation is increased by 1. Beyond that, Militarisation is like obscenity, I'll know it when I see it.

Threat Level : The Federation's current appreciation for the threat posed to it by external forces. Having Militarisation points higher than your Threat Level causes the Federation to start acting to rein you in, by removing resources, cancelling shipyard contracts or research projects, beaching particular commanders, and even removing you from office. Every point of threat level increases the level of Militarisation that you can carry.

Minimum Science Points : The Federation has a mandate for a minimum amount of Science points to keep up Starfleet's mandate as explorers. This is the sum total of Science points attached to every ship.

Federation Membership : The Federation is always looking for fellow like-minded species to join them. There are two stages to this. If the Diplomacy rating of a species (which increases via events or selecting Diplomatic Push during a Council turn) reaches 100, they become "Affiliate Members". These are not formally part of the Federation, however they are friendly, willing to work with you, and will allow sharing of some facilities. Depending on your policies and researched technologies, they also can provide resources and crew. When they reach 500, they become full members, and become fully contributing parts of the Federation.

Diplomacy : The Federation's relationship with other species is tracked. It is changed by some events, and by deliberate actions by you. For affiliate members, there is an increase roll made every year during the Fed Council turn.


Operations : As head of Starfleet, you are responsible for a number of areas. One of them is the overall distribution of your fleet.

Defence : Every ship and installation has a "Defence" value, the amount which that ship contributes to providing a flexible response to that area. In a way, you can consider this a function of "Speed" and "Combat power"

Garrison : The Federation Council wants you to make sure every important sector is protected. Having enough ships to meet the minimum requirement of each area is a key part of your job. If you don't meet these requirements, the sector you are short changing will start to cause a lot of trouble at Council for you, and you start missing out on their contributions to Starfleet's budget. These are periodically altered by the Federation Council in response to developments in-universe, such as new, unfriendly species being discovered.


Budget : As you are in a "post-money economy", a Budget should not be thought of in terms of dollars and cents. You don't draw a wage, after all. Rather, it is the raw resource allotment that the Federation Council sees fit to allocate to you.

Annual Income : At the start of every year, your stockpiles of resources are increased by a given amount. Through new colonies, expansions, and certain characters, you can alter the amount you receive.

Exploration : Captain's Log turns often turn up new resources in the course of their treks through the stars.

Bulk Resources : Your large basic metals. The sort of alloys that form the hulls and framework of your starships.

Special Resources : These are the exotic materials, that are harder to acquire and used in lesser quantities in ship construction. Things like dilithium, or rare materials used in warp cores, shield emitters, warp coils, phaser banks, and a variety of specialised purposes.

Political Will : Collect Political Will to curry favour with the Federation Council. Some actions or characters will cost Political Will, some will gain it.

Research Points : Collect research to activate research teams to assign.

Personnel Pool : Starfleet Academy pumps out crew in three flavours for your ships: Officers, Enlisted, and Technicians. One thing that is important to remember is that there is a special sub-set of crew, called Explorer Corps, with its own intake rate. You will find both pools listed side by side.

Personnel, Promotions, & Billets

Rank : As the head of Starfleet, you sit at the apex of a great pyramid of officers as the only full Admiral. Beneath you are a handful of Vice Admirals, a lot of Rear Admirals, Commodores, and Captains. Almost everyone is trying to make their way up the chain. One of the most common votes you will undertake in this quest is choosing officers to be promoted into one of the senior roles within Starfleet.

Up or Out : With the number of officers coming through, and the limited number of spaces, eventually officers who cannot achieve promotions are squeezed out. The biggest bottleneck is the one that lies between Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral. Positions will open up as other officers retire, get promotions/reassignments of their own.

Rat Race : Every year in the 4th Quarter, you will get a summary of promotions, retirements, reassignments, and other important career changes to your key personnel. This also includes changes to the Explorer Corps' Panel of Captains, which you will find more detail on below.

Billets : There are a lot of individual Commands within Starfleet, covering areas like Operations, Medical, Shipyard Ops, Ship Design, Intel, Tactical, and others. Having the right commander in place, providing the right bonus, can be crucial to making the most of your time in space. When one of the senior billets becomes available, you will get a choice of three officers who are either the right rank or eligible to be promoted, along with some detail as to who they are, and what bonus they provide.

Old Guard : Your predecessor's appointments are by and large doing their own thing, and you have a limited ability to influence what happens in their areas of responsibility. As you replace these officers, you will start to have more influence over Starfleet as a whole.

Bonuses : Every officer has a bonus that they can apply if placed into a given command.
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[jk] ...Q, part of the Q continuum, but unfortunately am on probation.
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
(Male Vulcan, 135, re-roll failed Science checks, increasing chances of your explorers succeeding on science events]
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.

This looks interesting
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
(Female Human, 44, re-roll failed Hull checks, increasing chances of your explorers escaping destruction)
Yeah, so, I noticed that despite the anniversary, there was only was Star Trek quest going around, and I thought I'd try to take up some slack.

This is, ideally, going to be less about playing Starfleet like yet another grinding military force, and a little more alike the shows. Odd discoveries, random events, crazy captains, treknobabble.

One thing I will say: this is Star Trek, if something doesn't line up with a specific bit of canon, please don't stress at me. After all, there's usually at least three other canon materials saying something completely contradictory :V (For a laugh, go to Chief O'Brien's page at Memory Alpha and go to the section "Problematic Rank History").

I'll do my best to keep things internally consistent, fun, and not too heavy on the numbers. This will operate on quarter-year turns, starting at 2301, a time period where there isn't too much set in stone and we can afford to play around a little. Each Quarter will have a different set of decisions to make, but all turns will have events popping up from your ships on bold missions of exploration, and some of them will require you to make choices.

I'm heading off to bed now, will see how voting looks in the morning and make a call on how long I'll keep this stage of chargen open.
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[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
[X] ... Vulcan, I know that wisdom and rationality will be the key to leading Starfleet. Humans may be the heart of Starfleet, and the Andorians its muscle, but we Vulcans are its brain.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
(Female Human, 44, re-roll failed Hull checks, increasing chances of your explorers escaping destruction)
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.

I've always wondered why there's a class called Miranda. Can someone explain that?
On second thought, I think I like Patricia's bonus more than Salok's, so....

[X] ... Vulcan, I know that wisdom and rationality will be the key to leading Starfleet. Humans may be the heart of Starfleet, and the Andorians its muscle, but we Vulcans are its brain.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
[X] ... Vulcan, I know that wisdom and rationality will be the key to leading Starfleet. Humans may be the heart of Starfleet, and the Andorians its muscle, but we Vulcans are its brain.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
[X] ... Vulcan, I know that wisdom and rationality will be the key to leading Starfleet. Humans may be the heart of Starfleet, and the Andorians its muscle, but we Vulcans are its brain.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.

Oh cool, a Trek quest!
[X] ... Andorian, I know that you must be prepared to fight, even when you hope not to. Your people's slender builds may not look intimidating, but there are none fiercer in battle.
[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.
[X] ... Andorian, I know that you must be prepared to fight, even when you hope not to. Your people's slender builds may not look intimidating, but there are none fiercer in battle.
[X] ... Salok, whose mind can pierce through to see what others miss.
Ooh, I can't think of many other Trek quests that I've seen on SB or SV before :)

[X] ... Andorian, I know that you must be prepared to fight, even when you hope not to. Your people's slender builds may not look intimidating, but there are none fiercer in battle.

I like Andorians, and playing one should hopefully help us keep the ships in Starfleet better able to defend themselves and fight when the time really comes.

[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.

A reroll on ships taking damage in whatever form will let us keep them around much longer, saving on having to replace destroyed ships and tie up our shipyards.