Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
My favorite things, in no particular order:

- A blimp. Listen, being able to stay in the sky indefinitely AND move at a decent speed anywhere we want is super damn cool.
- A flying tower used as a base for an order of pegasi-riding knights. SUPER awesome. I'd feel so happy just making something as magical as this happen, AND Mathilde would eventually have a significant amount of military support to throw at any of the hellwars or other "Warhammer Being Warhammer" problems. Not to mention it'd still be a flying base that can stay in the sky indefinitely, if slower and sturdier!
- Elector Countess of However You Spell That Forest Full Of Gribblies And Nexuses. Bit iffy about the really long term and large scale commitment, but if it works out in the end...

If we wanted to get spicy we could use it to weigh in on the side of Pan's vision of the jade wind.

-[] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network

I dislike the implications this would carry- 'make my merchants the official grey wizard-supported information network' has too much crossover with dynasty building and making heirs rich for, I think, the bursar to pass without comment.

As an alternative, we ask for a competent grey to be assigned to Gretel. We've already leaned on people in support of her, this would just be officializing our college's interest in her success. And I think having a grey to back up her terrifying battle-princess persona would give her a lot more freedom of action.
So a streamlined Flying Boat Vote:

[] Mathilde's Flying Circus Knightship
-[] ORB: Giant Flying Warship
-[] QUEEKISH BOON: Found a Knightly Order for the ship.
-[] DWARF BOONS: Assist with the above.

Not sure what phrasing to use with dwarfboons.
Would Gyrocopters, or Pegasi be better uses for our knights? (two incredible options)

As long as its a flying ship/tower/castle/whatever I'll vote for whatever plan.

I just love the idea of someone calling for wizardly aid during a battle or something:

"I hear Mathilde Weber is coming. She's a Shadowmancer, skilled in Ulgu, the magic of stealth and trickery"
*Giant flying castle with innumerable cannons floats on in, proceeds to obliterate all gribblies present*
A flying castle casts a HUGE shadow.
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Would Gyrocopters, or Pegasi be better uses for our knights? (two incredible options)

A flying castle casts a HUGE shadow.
I would have both, build an esprit de corps where both compete for kills. Make a game out of it, kills for creativity, etc.

Nothing wrong with casting a huge shadow, just look at the Tower of Gazul. "Anywhere it's shadow goes, so does death" is a heck of a catchphrase.
I'm all for the flying army base, but personnaly I'd like more of a focus on long range weaponry and carrying capacity.

We litteraly own the gunpowder factories, let's make use of it.

[ ] Plan : A friggin Flying Fortress
- [ ] A flying fortress, built for warfare. (Colleges boon)
-- [ ] Emphacise size over speed if needed
-- [ ] Large barrarks and storage areas
-- [ ] Lots of gun ports
-- [ ] Docks for dwarven copters
- [ ] Expertise and dwarf-power to build defensible, armed and gribbly-proof fortress as can be (Karak Vlag Boon)
-- [ ] Cannons, siege weapons and handheld weaponry.
- [ ] Funding for a garrison (Imperial Great Deed)
Mannnn I'm consistently amazed and turbo appreciative of how engaged in the thread Boney is after all this time.

The fact that the commentary is pretty much always worth a read makes it even better.

TURBO appreciate you bud
Actually now that it has been raised...could we enchant the floating tower/air-borne warship with Apparition-based spells, and have the Colleges help in finding then at the same time?

Though I don't *think* many Apparitions are able to do air combat, and so either would be serving as a protective compliment from borders, or any flyers that stray too close. Could also mean dragging things lower to the ground to manfiest the Apparitions en mass as a...not sure if blitzkrieg is the right word here, but rapidly deploying these magical creatures feels noteworthy as a military asset.
...Yeah, okay, now I'm actually getting a little worried.

@Boney, you know that post meant to be in good fun, right? That it wasn't actually trying to "take that" at you, or otherwise push back on your actual point? I can take the post down if it's coming off as mean spirited, I just remembered a factoid and saw an opportunity to get in on the flight school tradition.


It's fine. Whenever I'm unsure of tone, I err on the side of assuming it's a request for further information and respond accordingly. I didn't think there was any mean-spirited intention. I missed your edit until I scrolled up just now because the post in question pinged me and I read it probably thirty seconds after you hit post.
It's fine. Whenever I'm unsure of tone, I err on the side of assuming it's a request for further information and respond accordingly. I didn't think there was any mean-spirited intention. I missed your edit until I scrolled up just now because the post in question pinged me and I read it probably thirty seconds after you hit post.
Thanks. I drew the dragon myself and everything (usually I just kitbash), unfortunate that the framing undercut the joke.

While you're still here though - @Boney, while I believe you've said our dawi boons would have trouble making a zepplin / flying ship more grand, does our ability to make another set of MOrbs open up any new possibilities for the design?

As opposed to the reward implying that the colleges would supply their own with no reduction in effort elsewhere or something.
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Thanks. I drew the dragon myself and everything, hah, unfortunate that the framing undercut the joke.

While you're still here though - @Boney, while I believe you've said our dawi boons would have trouble making a zepplin / flying ship more grand, does our ability to make another set of MOrbs open up any new possibilities for the design?

As opposed to the reward implying that the colleges would supply their own with no reduction in effort elsewhere or something.

There'll be possibilities for aftermarket modifications if you have Orbs looking for a home later.
Speaking of personal use of Orbs, would they have any particular benefit being incorporated into the various Wind Towers we've got on?
The less specific the request, the better the results, is what I remember to be WOB.

[ ] Plan Chivalry:
-[] Help to found and maintain a chivalric order staffed with mages and knights aimed towards recovery of nexus sites in the Old World.
I think we should ask for a posthumous pardon. Whenever it is that we get round to dying, and they go through our stuff and find out about all those things we did, they should pardon us for them.
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I'll throw my hat into the ring.

[ ] Plan Tower of Doom! and Research!
-[ ] Construct a flying Wizard's tower large enough to house one to two dozen people for an extended period of time
-[ ] Equip it with the finest research amenities the colleges can provide
-[ ] Equip it with powerful enchantments suitable for offensive and defensive purposes.
-[ ] Equip it with a bunch of cannons as well.
The less specific the request, the better the results, is what I remember to be WOB.

[ ] Plan Chivalry:
-[] Help to found and maintain a chivalric order staffed with mages and knights aimed towards recovery of nexus sites in the Old World.

This is actually quite a interesting idea and butterflies quite well. An organization of the more martial but not battle wizard magisters. Honestly I could see them as a solid organization not under the control of Mathilde, they go around helping like a regular knightly order (and possibly hiring themselves out, being a wizard is not cheap!). When Mathilde and company think they are ready, they are summoned for their most ancient duty, recovery and protection of the waystones.
Gives a nice magical punch above the general malaise and a solid core of armored beings with magical weapons. If it played out in its entirety into the End-times this would pretty much be the order answer to chaos knights, not quite champions but well on the way type people.

Also there are plenty of good names full of puns and meaning for something like that. IE: the order of the Waywatcher's.
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Nexus Recovery and "Get Me Apparitions When I Want Them" are where my vote truly lies, but I do want to know about Hexensohn so I can`t resist making a variant plan

[] Plan Not Pickle Requests Variant with Apparitions
-[] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[] Golds: A We-silk robe enchanted for combat defense
-[] Jades: Pure CF A set number of chosen apparitions for spell creation
-[] Celestials: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network
-[] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[] Brights: Gyrocarriage enchanted with Inextinguishable Flame
If we make more orbs in the future for the college are they going to act like mini-boons or just translate into CF?
For now, neither. We just taught the Colleges how to make them. They're going to try making their own from here.
You wouldn't. Some sort of exchange rate might equalize at a later point, but nobody's going to be buying it after you just told them how to farm it themselves.
Speaking of personal use of Orbs, would they have any particular benefit being incorporated into the various Wind Towers we've got on?

I can't think of any of them that have compatible scalable effects that you'd want to suddenly spike in severity.

Because its never come up before, what is the pool of flying knights look like in the empire?

There isn't one.

If we make more orbs in the future for the college are they going to act like mini-boons or just translate into CF?

CF, probably, in an amount that probably wouldn't be worth the effort it takes to make them. The boon is largely from the information that the Orbs are acting as proof of, rather than for the Orbs themselves. And Mathilde the Orb Farmer isn't really an interesting direction for the quest.
If we're going to go with the flying base thing, I'd much prefer if it was work that could then be built upon in the future rather than being an irreplicable masterpiece. Maybe done with the cooperation of the dwarves, too, since we know they used to have airships and the ability to make lifting-gas, and there's a whole thing with Thunderbarges in the later materials? Dunno how plausible that would be.

Basically I'd feel better if our airship was, like, the Gundam-esque Super Prototype of something that could be built more regularly 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years down the road, rather than being a 1 of 1 masterpiece meant to compete with Fozzrik or whatever.

@Boney , would something along those lines be possible? "Cooperate with the dwarves on creating the plans for a flying ship type that can, in theory, be regularly produced - plus dibs on a prototype of a larger ship when such is built?"

Or something similar but without the dwarf cooperation, if it would be a sticking point.

Since this has been confirmed valid:

[ ] Airship Production Cooperation + Super Prototype: Request that the colleges cooperate with the Karaz Ankor on creating a flying ship type that can, in theory, be regularly produced - plus dibs on a prototype of a larger ship when such is built.

Once the airship gets built we can still do all the cool things with it - use it as a mobile base, swoop in guns blazing in the middle of a conflict, etc etc, but rather than it being a one-off thing... there could be entire sky armadas, or air forces, built upon it.
Voting is open