Thats the ArcherShuttlebay seems fine too, but I'm pretty sure expanded cargo will let us turn this into the premiere logistics vessel in Starfleet, which both helps build up our frontier colonies and also means that Starfleet will probably order a ton of these.
Class Federation Miranda Design Team Utopia Planitia San Francisco Mass 300,000 220,000 Cost 169 80 Single Target Rating 56 19 Multi-Target Rating 39 17 Maneuverability Rating 150kt 134kt Max Sustained Damage 56 34 Alpha Strike Damage 105 58 Coverage 100% 73% Engine Power Very High High Hull Rating 64 47 Shield Rating 73 43
Thirty or forty years Im guessing[X] Expanded Shuttlebay
I'd love to do a big bulk hauler - in a dedicated design intended to succeed the Archer class. In ten to twenty years, it will absolutely be time to roll out a new platform to fill that role.
No new bulk haulers before the nextgen nacelles, and the Excelsior has first dibs on them anyway
So 2290s
We built 12x Sagamarthas and 18x Excaliburs, on a smaller eonomyHere is the thing, there is never going to be a lot of federations, its a big expensive ship. It being able to do cargo doesn't change that.
I would be very surprised to end up with less than a bare minimum of 20x of these, regardless of our choices
Its not meant toI... dont think this ship would be capable of replacing the archers can it? the cargo hold is in the secondary section right?
The Archers remained in service untl the early 24th century for a reason
I'm seeing a lot of good arguments for why starfleet needs new/more/better cargo ships. The arguments for using the Federation class in that role are Very weak.
Mind you, the arguments in favour of shuttles aren't much better and the arguments against aren't completely without merit...
ThisThe Archer is gonna win on volume. The Federation is gonna win on delivery time and survive in riskier areas. These are different niches. The difference between air freight and a cargo ship. They complement each other. There's a reason I keep saying that the Federation is the Express Overnight Shipping.
If they had a fleet to send, they would already sent itIf it becomes a cargo hauler (as everyone wants it now) pirates never play fair, the federation class would be a surprise, but surprise only works once or twice, but once word gets out that the feddies have a class of ship that can solo any one of their ships they would go "well then send in a fleet."
Pirates, like you said are under no obligation to fight fair
The key word here is transhipment hubI'm concerned that cargo-running - i.e. going into the coreward regions of Federation territory to pick up supplies from manufacturing centres, then out to the borders - is at cross purposes with patrol duties, which it feels like people were jonesing really hard for as a peacetime capability (Feds on the borders, Mirandas on internal/secondline duties, is what I seem to recall).
Other ships, from Mirandas and Archers to even civilians, can move vital cargos to hub worlds and space stations on the inner parts of the border territories and the Feddie will pick them up from there.
I imagine going all the way to the core worlds to pick up cargo will not be routine for Fat Freddie
Thats because its equivalent to air freight, or an Algol-class fast transport
Not a container ship
Besides Im pretty sure they are not to scale
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