Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Expanded Shuttlebay
Rapid response, I feel, is needed in this instance.
The Archer-class is the workhorse for logistics.
Not really feeling the Federation-class needs to overlap in that area.
[X] Expanded Shuttlebay
I'm making this argument b/c I'm reminded that way back in Saucer I, it was remarked that we can also put pretty chunky cargo bays in the saucer as a unique benefit of the 180m 3 deck design. We could use that space for many other things, true, but personally I think doing this keeps our options open in later votes better, and allows us to hopefully make use of that characteristic.
[X] Expanded Cargo Bay

Shuttlebay it feels like a win-more option in an area that already has an S+, so let's do something else well when there aren't emergencies.
I'm making this argument b/c I'm reminded that way back in Saucer I, it was remarked that we can also put pretty chunky cargo bays in the saucer as a unique benefit of the 180m 3 deck design. We could use that space for many other things, true, but personally I think doing this keeps our options open in later votes better, and allows us to hopefully make use of that characteristic.
The vote would be meaningless if the saucer cargo or shuttles had the same function. Here we can either have a really big cargo bay, or a bunch of shuttles. Presumably whatever we can squeeze into the saucer will be lower capability.
The vote would be meaningless if the saucer cargo or shuttles had the same function. Here we can either have a really big cargo bay, or a bunch of shuttles. Presumably whatever we can squeeze into the saucer will be lower capability.
We cannot put shuttles in the saucer, probably. We can, however, get somewhat lower capability but still very large by starfleet standards cargo bays in the saucer. I'm not convinced that the extra capacity lost in engineering cargo>saucer cargo is more impactful than more shuttles.
I imagine starting down the colony support line with the cargo hold would probably be a decent option so long as the colonies that it's supporting are specifically along the border, building up the colonies which will be the first line of defense along the DMZs. Build up the border and stick the Feddies right where they need to be, namely right next to the people we're planning on killing whenever they decide to push things.
why has no one said it, look that them CHONKY nacelles. it makes the shark look like a minnow lamo
Honestly it'd be cool if we could design a a ship combo where one or two Selachii sized destroyer/frigates could latch onto a Feddie sized heavy cruiser. Like Lampries.

Edit: a rollbar docking station maybe?

Edit 2: maybe we can keep something like that in mind for the Archer 2, give it some patrol boat escorts that can hitch a ride in it's warp bubble...
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We cannot put shuttles in the saucer, probably. We can, however, get somewhat lower capability but still very large by starfleet standards cargo bays in the saucer. I'm not convinced that the extra capacity lost in engineering cargo>saucer cargo is more impactful than more shuttles.
The loss is in the specialty cargo that the smaller bay won't be able to fit, including fuel and other volatile materials as well as infrastructure or components that are transported whole, as opposed to simply having more shuttles.

We're also deciding between more general purpose worker bees, which presumably will serve a variety of utility functions, or cargo bees, which mount a tractor beam.
Honestly it'd be cool if we could design a a ship combo where one or two Selachii sized destroyer/frigates could latch onto a Feddie sized heavy cruiser. Like Lampries.

Edit: a rollbar docking station maybe?

Edit 2: maybe we can keep something like that in mind for the Archer 2, give it some patrol boat escorts that can hitch a ride in it's warp bubble...
Probably no point in that
For the ships to be small enough to require a mothership they might be too small to have much use - unless we get a better unrep system here

An idea I had was remote controlled shuttles with a bomb inside them, which might work like slower more maneuverable torpedoes but I don't know if that would work (as a way to weaponize shuttles here)
If Star Trek is like the age of sail this would be some sort of fire ship
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[X] Expanded Shuttlebay

After thinking it over I'm going with Shuttlebay.

The Miranda's are almost certainly going to be spammed out and the fact that they are more than capable of keeping up with the Archer or any civilian haulers means that while neither of those transport ships are even remotely as well protected as the Federation class there should be a capable escort for them when either is moving important material.

That leave's the only advantage that the Federation would have over those two being the fact that it is significantly faster which makes it superior for responding to emergencies that require a fast transport but you'd need to regularly use that XL Cargo bay or you're not really getting that much value out of it.

However, a huge amount of resources has been invested into making the Federation class an incredibly powerful combatant to the point where I'm not sure you can justify relegating it to being a glorified cargo hauler since it's never going to be able to use all those expensive weapons barring some truly suicidal pirates or a major border incursion/war.

Given the fact that the Expanded Shuttlebay has been explicitly stated to be the superior option for support and emergency response duties which would also leverage the Federation's incredible Efficient and Max Cruise speeds I think it's the way to go since emergencies should be the most common on the frontiers and that is also where the Federation's heavy armament is most needed.
See, I don't want an emergency response ship; Mirandas are going to be everywhere already.
Mirandas, responding? at a blistering Warp 7-at-best? lmao

So, more seriously, we're already over-achieving on the cargo-shipment and colonial infrastructure development fronts due to the Archer, and if they need an escort through a rough patch of space, as someone else pointed out, Mirandas will be there, matching their speed nicely.

And since I want an emergency responder...
[X] Expanded Shuttlebay
Mirandas, responding? at a blistering Warp 7-at-best? lmao
The point of the Miranda is that they are cheep enough that they can be everywhere through over-production. It might not be able to race from one end of the Federation to the other as fast as other ships, but who cares? There are already a half dozen of the ships on the other side. It can respond by just having one close-enough. We're going to make plenty of the things over the next century after all.
So, more seriously, we're already over-achieving on the cargo-shipment and colonial infrastructure development fronts due to the Archer, and if they need an escort through a rough patch of space, as someone else pointed out, Mirandas will be there, matching their speed nicely.
Well, no. Our engineering assets are badly overstretched and only the maximum engineering orbs are allowing the Federation to avoid crash building more Newtons. Presumably the Miranda will help, but really we're deciding how much of the engineering pie we're going to get.

An idea I had was remote controlled shuttles with a bomb inside them, which might work like slower more maneuverable torpedoes but I don't know if that would work (as a way to weaponize shuttles here)
If Star Trek is like the age of sail this would be some sort of fire ship

What are we, Romulans? Honestly, if we're reduced to using shuttles as a one-way weapons platform, we're incredibly screwed
What are we, Romulans? Honestly, if we're reduced to using shuttles as a one-way weapons platform, we're incredibly screwed
Fire ships were a real thing
It's basically the only way I think weaponizing shuttles would work
That doesn't mean it's a great idea
Because earlier a lot of people were talking about how to launch torps from shuttles and it was agreed that that wouldn't work
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