I'm sure this was asked already but I couldn't find it. Do we know what battle Altars the grey's have?
Mathilde would, but the thread doesn't.
I'm sure this was asked already but I couldn't find it. Do we know what battle Altars the grey's have?
Yes, Eike canonically has an Australian Eltharin accent:Didn't we establish at one point that Laurelorn was Elf Australia, or did I imagine that?
I was trying to think of what it would sound like if the accent of the sailing population of an island empire was isolated for a few centuries and realized that it's literally just Australian.
Yeah. That's a post-morb creation question I'd say.Otherwise known as conservation of detail guys, don't poke the GM for things which we have no reasonable expectation of using anytime soon.
Tbf we are making big balls of magic. Those are generally suitable for puting into magic siege weapons.Otherwise known as conservation of detail guys, don't poke the GM for things which we have no reasonable expectation of using anytime soon.
Otherwise known as conservation of detail guys, don't poke the GM for things which we have no reasonable expectation of using anytime soon.
Tbf we are making big balls of magic. Those are generally suitable for puting into magic siege weapons.
Which we don't know how to make, don't have plans to make, and don't have any use for if we did make them. So what does it matter whether the Ulgu Orb is used for a Penumbral Pendulum altar or Pit of Shades or something unique and weird? Let the Colleges have them all and take the juicy payoff from suddenly increasing the magical military strength of the Empire. If we ever do somehow find an enchanting project that requires tactical nuke levels of power, we know how to make more, but nothing like that has come up in the narrative so far.Tbf we are making big balls of magic. Those are generally suitable for puting into magic siege weapons.
But that's boring. It's much more fun to speculate what incredibly dangerous version of pit of shade one could do with sufficient amounts of condensed magic and some duct tape.Which we don't know how to make, don't have plans to make, and don't have any use for if we did make them. So what does it matter whether the Ulgu Orb is used for a Penumbral Pendulum altar or Pit of Shades? Let the Colleges have them all and take the juicy payoff from suddenly increasing the magical military strength of the Empire. If we ever do somehow find an enchanting project that requires tactical nuke levels of power, we know how to make more, but nothing like that has come up in the narrative so far.
Make the mountain fly.If Mathilde wanted a siege weapon, then she should have stolen that damn mammoth.
Plans have occasionally won from behind before and there does seem to be a bit of support for a plan without liminal realm creation.My constantly-stated and unasked-for opinion re: the Liminal Realm is that we should really put the Gambler on it because we are opening a hole in reality and holy shit it is a bad assumption to make that it'll be fine. You plan for the worst case scenario, not the optimistic one.
The problem here is that the best plan that does that and has a chance to win is Redshirt v4.53236, and it also differs from the plan in the lead by capturing the Whispering Darkness instead of the Red Rider, which people are really excited about.
And making a new plan at this stage doesn't seem viable.
Let's go one step further and put an entrance on our cactus fief so we can visit them and also maybe Roswita casually!
If Mathilde wanted a siege weapon, then she should have stolen that damn mammoth.
Old World or Southlands Lord of Change?But I really need to know the flight speed of an unladen Lord of Change.
TARDIS-GYROCARRIGE IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BEING A FICTIONAL REALITY!If we're talking chicken empires, my pie-in-the-sky desire is being able to fit one in the Gyrocarriage so that we can have a whole mobile base inside it. Or maybe just storage for books, who knows?
Now we just need the future college students. They're really taking their time (hoho).TARDIS-GYROCARRIGE IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BEING A FICTIONAL REALITY!
Fantasy Lord of Change or 40k Lord of Change?But I really need to know the flight speed of an unladen Lord of Change.
You're almost certainly correct right, but the joy of approval voting is that it is not risky to make the attempt. There have been more unlikely turnarounds in the past and if the below gains traction people can go back and edit their votes, if they want. Which is likely to happen.
We could try the choughs again.
If we're not fussy about the exact animal, it's a matter of a handful of college favour.
Any animal, 3 [CF]. A specific but common animal, 5. Anything rarer, you'll have to negotiate.
- Acquisition of an animal suitable for being a familiar, or a specific type of animal so suitable
Beautiful plumage on those Lords of Change.