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I'm not sure an Ulgu Orb of Sorcery would actually be the best fit for the Ismuir Road. It's an area ~20-25 miles long that needs to hold an enchantment, that seems like something that could be better served by a bunch of powerstones distributed along its path.

I feel like we should be looking into connecting the road to the trees and through them the waystone network, not that I am sure that is even viable.
My constantly-stated and unasked-for opinion re: the Liminal Realm is that we should really put the Gambler on it because we are opening a hole in reality and holy shit it is a bad assumption to make that it'll be fine. You plan for the worst case scenario, not the optimistic one.

The problem here is that the best plan that does that and has a chance to win is Redshirt v4.53236, and it also differs from the plan in the lead by capturing the Whispering Darkness instead of the Red Rider, which people are really excited about.

And making a new plan at this stage doesn't seem viable.

If we're talking pie-in-the-sky liminal research, you want to look into setting up liminal paths using AV. Get two entrances to the same extra-dimensional space, one in K8P and one in Laurelorn, and Mathilde's commute gets cut down significantly!
Let's go one step further and put an entrance on our cactus fief so we can visit them and also maybe Roswita casually :V!
I always headcanoned it that Dwarves used Feet to measure things, with one Dwarven Foot being the exact length of Grimnir's Grungni's foot.

In this reality, there's a long running feud between two prominent architecture clans, one who believes that a Foot should be based on Grimnir's Grungni's right foot, and the other who believes it's should actually be his left foot.

Gods damnit I've made this joke before. I am an unoriginal hack.
But Rite of Way does exactly that. It detects a place where it needs to extend itself to; create a sub-unit of itself, a cut down Skywalk, and when it detects it isn't needed anymore it deletes that sub-unit.

I visualize it as a big block of cheese being run over a cheese grater. The landscape keeps scraping off instances of skywalk, converting then from the spell to the effect, woke the wizard keeps dumping more skywalk instances in on top.

I suppose you could pre-cast (pre-enchant?) a few dozen instances of bless weapon and have a spell that attached one to every bullet or quarrel that gets fed through, but you'd still need a spellcaster to be refilling the reservoir of instances.
The problem is that the IRL meter was invented in France.

And it definitely wasn't Bretonnia here.
IRL also doesn't have elfs, dwarfs or magic frogs. So comparing history is questionable.
Bretonnia is a combination of France and Arthurian England. Ulthuan is a combination of Atlantis and the British Empire. And the British Empire are the ones who kept their weird ass units (well, that and their colonies). So I'm sure the Dark Elves are somehow even worse than Ulthuan.
Also, fun history fact, the original meter definition was based on the circumference of the world, since it was supposed to be universal, independant of politics or physical objects. That worked so well that they ended up just makeing a meter long thing and defining that as a meter. They eventually gave the universal and no physical object another go, in 1960 (arguably 1983). Pretty fast, compared to the kilogram where it took till 2019.

Since I'm talking about Ulthuan as British Empire, I wonder where the Elf-Australians are at. Going purely on memes, I imagine it'd be like weirdly chill Athel Loren elves, just with less trees. Boney, what's your take as a not-elf-australian?
Didn't we establish at one point that Laurelorn was Elf Australia, or did I imagine that?
Since I'm talking about Ulthuan as British Empire, I wonder where the Elf-Australians are at. Going purely on memes, I imagine it'd be like weirdly chill Athel Loren elves, just with less trees. Boney, what's your take as a not-elf-australian?
Athel Loren works perfectly fine as an Australia substitute. Former colony of the homeland with rich natural resources, isolated, bizarre hyperdangerous wildlife, inhabitants regarded as weirdos by everyone else. Orion going shirtless to barbecue some prawns bugs while his wife Sheila Ariel looks after the kids.
Athel Loren works perfectly fine as an Australia substitute. Former colony of the homeland with rich natural resources, isolated, bizarre hyperdangerous wildlife, inhabitants regarded as weirdos by everyone else. Orion going shirtless to barbecue some prawns bugs while his wife Sheila Ariel looks after the kids.
There's always Tor Elithis, not that we know anything about it.
…and you were the one doing that? With a joke about Ulthuan using English units?
My point was that Ulthuan is more modern Britain than Brettonia, which has english influences, but more from medival times where everyone used weird dumb units. And prior to that, that between Ulthuan and Dwarfs, Ulthuan would absolutly be the one to use weird units. Which admittedly, could have been better explained.
Athel Loren works perfectly fine as an Australia substitute. Former colony of the homeland, isolated, bizarre hyperdangerous wildlife, inhabitants regarded as weirdos by everyone else. Orion going shirtless to barbecue some prawns bugs while his wife Sheila Ariel looks after the kids.
(Meme) australians are friendly weirdos that live in a hyper lethal place. Athel Loren is a hyper lethal place partially because of the deranged lunatics living there. To me, that feels pretty different in tone.
Didn't we establish at one point that Laurelorn was Elf Australia, or did I imagine that?
I thought they were ancient greeks? With gymnasium and an entire population doing nothing but contemplate philosophy.
There's always Tor Elithis, not that we know anything about it.
Going through the wiki, it sounds like Elf New Zealand.
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They've been very respectful to the original lore and when they have added stuff it's been very good. You really wouldn't be able to tell from Total Warhammer that the entire 'Vampire Coast' faction came from a handful of offhand mentions and the board game Dreadfleet,
Are you being flippant or did you not know about the White Dwarf armylist from 2005 where most of the total war roster comes from?
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Athel Loren works perfectly fine as an Australia substitute. Former colony of the homeland with rich natural resources, isolated, bizarre hyperdangerous wildlife, inhabitants regarded as weirdos by everyone else. Orion going shirtless to barbecue some prawns bugs while his wife Sheila Ariel looks after the kids.
And sometimes they burst out of Australia athel Loren to kill some french.
I know we're mostly joking about unit measurement, but wouldn't Morgrim have been the one to standardize Dwarf measurements?
Units are absolutly essential to everyday life, and it touches every aspect. Valaya the brewer would've cared about volumnes and temperatures and time spans. Grimnir the miner about lengths and weights. Smednir about temperatures and weights and dimensions. And so on. So they would've all had something to say.
Since I'm talking about Ulthuan as British Empire, I wonder where the Elf-Australians are at. Going purely on memes, I imagine it'd be like weirdly chill Athel Loren elves, just with less trees. Boney, what's your take as a not-elf-australian?

Considering Australia was a dumping ground for undesirables, Laurelorn itself could be considered Elf-Australia, with the Grey Lords as the original convict population.

Boring answer: Elithis is in the right place and is populated by Elves.

Are you being facetious or did you not know about the White Dwarf armylist from 2005 where most of the total war roster comes from?

I didn't know. I'd stopped playing by then, and haven't had reason to do much research on the Vampire Coast.
@Boney quick question and I apologize in advance if this has already been answered but is constructing Battle Altars Battle Magic level enchantment or is it another different category like turning staves. And what library topic would Battle Altars fall under?
I didn't know. I'd stopped playing by then, and haven't had reason to do much research on the Vampire Coast.
Yeah, they pulled a lot from the article.

For example, you know the rogue pirate factions that showed up when the Coast released? 5 out of the 8 are named after magic items from the list (Gentleman Jenkin's Spyglass, Black Buckthorn's Treasure Map, etc)
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