At what point does Mathilde have no business fighting?
Drycha? Khorne empowered Champions? Vampires? Orcs Empowered directly by Gordon?
I can literally make that exact argument for Magic of all things. It gets exponentially more difficult, we have no business fighting the true highest beings in that department.
If we get in a magic duel with Nagash, Morathi or Teclis we're dead.
What point do we stop improving that?
In the matter of fighting style, don't fight lords specifically specked for melee combat in melee combat. If we got within arms-reach of Morathi even now by some act of god we'd probably have a decent chance of removing her head since she is a pure caster and we have a sword made of anti-magic and canons.
Also do not fight Nagash ever unless you are Setra, have multiple gods backing or just Sigmar.