Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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At what point does Mathilde have no business fighting?
Drycha? Khorne empowered Champions? Vampires? Orcs Empowered directly by Gordon?

I can literally make that exact argument for Magic of all things. It gets exponentially more difficult, we have no business fighting the true highest beings in that department.

If we get in a magic duel with Nagash, Morathi or Teclis we're dead.

What point do we stop improving that?

In the matter of fighting style, don't fight lords specifically specked for melee combat in melee combat. If we got within arms-reach of Morathi even now by some act of god we'd probably have a decent chance of removing her head since she is a pure caster and we have a sword made of anti-magic and canons.

Also do not fight Nagash ever unless you are Setra, have multiple gods backing or just Sigmar.
What next? Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons? After all it would take a world famous armor to match the super-duper-killing attack and if you cannot take hits from the Slayer of Kings what is the use of dealing attacks that might ring against the Armor of Morkar? And so on and so forth...
Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons is too much of a security risk. We should have Kragg rune it instead, then wear our existing robes on top of it so we still benefit from the enchantment. :V
Specifically the Ojou-sama rival?

Not exactly the typical personality I don't think, but she's got the background.
Nah, I was thinking more like the "cheerfully and casually better than you" rival. Later on it gets revealed that she worked really hard and was found young, but I imagine her initial appearance has her outperforming the slightly older MC in academics. But you know, ok, the MC had a hard live that didn't leave much oppertunity for learning, they're catching up, it's ok. They're really here for their magical talent. Next scene, Eike just knows stuff about the magic happening (why do you think she's got intuitive windsight?) with seemingly now effort, and her mark of ulgu speciallness comes up (that probably makes her substatially better than most of her peers, just because they're all pretty bad). The episode ends with the MC going to the sparring room to train. Their sparring partner comes out, clearly a little dinged up. The final shot is Eike standing in the middle of the ring, waving goodbye with a big smile and a greatsword in her other hand, clearly not beaten up.
W have some Arcane Marks we can try to gain control over, could Eike also try to control her "Mark of Ulgu" to some effect?
Well, we don't even know what control over arcane marks does, or how much it's possible. We've never done it, and we don't have a mark of ulgu ourself. So it's hard to speculate
The category of people who can deal with a teleporting sword they have never encountered, wielded by a teleporting wizard with decades of experience isn't even a category, it is a nominal list,
When you wrote it like this I realised that our fighting style has ended a lot like Minato Namikaze didn't it? Not exactly same but close enough.

Infact this fight looks like between two grey wizards one uses Substance of Shadow while other Uses Smoke and Mirrors;

[X] Guard bypass

Guard Bypass is getting around an opponent's defense via Brutal Cunning, Double Tap is battering through an opponent's defense via Cunning Brutality.

Thematically I prefer the first, since it is Mork Ranald's preference. Shadow knives/daggers already cover our "pass through unenchanted armour" needs, anyway.
I can think of exactly two opponents, The Khonate champion in the wastes, and the Greater demon of Vlag, that would have been ideal tagets for these techniques.

Which tech would have been better in the fight?
Mathilde wouldn't have used it on the Khornate champion.

She wasn't willing to trust that she'd get the sword back if she dismissed it.
So, as it appears that we'll be finally finishing Branarhune this turn, a bit of a retrospective-

We started developing a unique style for Branalhune on turn 32- almost five in game years ago, and almost three years out of game.

The rolls for it so far are as follows;

Turn 32:
[Developing the momentum dump: Martial, 17+23=40.]
Turn 34:
[Developing the quick-draw: Martial, 97+23-10(Overwork)=110.]
Turn 38 (Guard Bypass):
[Branarhune training: Martial, 9+23+7(Library: Greatswords)=39.]
Turn 41 (Hand Switching):
[Mathilde studying the blade: Martial, 79+23+10(Library: Greatswords)=112.]

Its very much been a 'peaks and valleys' kind of thing.

Interestingly, looking at the results-

[Branarhune aspect developed: momentum dump. Remaining aspects: guard bypass, quick-draw, hand switching.]
[Branarhune aspect developed and mastered: quick-draw. Remaining aspects: guard bypass, hand switching.]
[Branarhune aspect developed: guard bypass. Remaining aspect: hand switching.]
[Branarhune aspect developed and mastered: hand switching.]

The aspects we rolled low on were simply 'developed', while the aspects we rolled high on were 'developed and mastered'.

Presumably this will have some effect on the final trait.
Mathilde would absolutely die in Eike's show... every other episode. Oh sure, the first time they'd take it seriously. Eike having a bit of a breakdown after receiving the news through a grey order missive or some such (on accident) until she happens upon Mathilde sipping some wine in her Never Ever Explained Dragon Chair Of Doom later in the day after an entire episode of introspection, sadness and grief...

Then it's just a running gag where Eike grows more and more jaded to Mathilde's many ridiculous 'deaths', which are perfectly in character for the stuff she regularly does despite that. As well as discovering that no matter how disgustingly obvious Mathilde makes the fact she's still alive. Most everyone outside of Eight Peaks and the Colleges assumes she's a spirit still desperately trying to fulfil her oaths to her various Lords. Forever trapped by... Divided Loyalties. Which the audience naturally never forgives the creators for literally saying in the show, even as a joke.

One episode, following yet another of Mathilde's "deaths", Eike has to find and convince Mathilde's old Master to come out of retirement for "one last job".

He lasts about five minutes before being killed off, but then, at the end of the episode Eike finds them both in a random tavern in the middle of nowhere drinking brandy and pranking each other with illusions.
W have some Arcane Marks we can try to gain control over, could Eike also try to control her "Mark of Ulgu" to some effect?

No, there's no variability in its manifestation to try to control.


When it comes to making the proposed "shadowsword" spell in order to make codifying Mathilde's Branalhune swordfighting style more usefull

Is such a shadowsword spell already something Mathilde can invent with just her spell mastery in Shadow Knives? Or would she need a separate spell creation trait like how warrior of fog paved the way for Mathilde's Rite of Way spell?

It's possible for her to try, I gave approval for that proposed spell a while back.

Speaking of, @Boney

what did said crit do in this situation? Would Hand-Switching have otherwise taken 2 AP to master?

A crit doesn't necessarily do anything. Sometimes I use >99 as an arbitrary cut-off point for a very good result, sometimes I don't. And a technical crit that actually rolled in the 70s and got dragged upwards by high characteristics and bonuses is less likely to get the golden treatment.
Absolutely not both. The prod towards the nagarythe was interesting, though.
I said it for last vote, but I'm super excited to see progress being made. Both because I want to see where the waystones project goes, and that the story will be longer the next time I do a re-read.

[X] Doubletap
I just realised that there is a possible future where Mathilde duel wields greatswords—one made of gromril, and one made of shadow.

She can even get away with it in Elven social circles because she actually is a hick, from rural Stirland. It's expected behaviour from her.
No, there's no variability in its manifestation to try to control.
Those poor, poor Grey Wizards who developed the Mark of Ulgu in unfortunate places they can't casually show off in a cool way...

what did said crit do in this situation? Would Hand-Switching have otherwise taken 2 AP to master?
All components thus far have been 1 AP, but for Quick-draw and hand-switching I imagine it's a better narrative effect rather than anything you can nail down on the sheet like '+20 against vampires trying to ambush you'.


When it comes to making the proposed "shadowsword" spell in order to make codifying Mathilde's Branalhune swordfighting style more usefull

Is such a shadowsword spell already something Mathilde can invent with just her spell mastery in Shadow Knives? Or would she need a separate spell creation trait like how warrior of fog paved the way for Mathilde's Rite of Way spell?
Boney already answered this, but it's worth noting that in general, even aside from shadowsword, we can use other regular traits other than Warrior of Fog for purposes of spell creation, as long as they also fit the nature of Ulgu:
Warrior of Fog is an explicit spell creation trait and can be used to create spells in a fairly wide sphere. Other traits can also be used but to a much narrower extent, and can be completely incompatible with Ulgu resulting in no possible spells. Warrior of Fog could be stretched to cover moving through terrain that would otherwise be considered impassable, which wouldn't have been allowed if it was a non-mystical trait that just represented a knack for battlefield scouting. Xeno-Affinity can be used to make a spell that would make people not notice if she's missing subconscious cultural cues because that's directly Xeno-Affinityish and Ulgu-y.
I just realised that there is a possible future where Mathilde duel wields greatswords—one made of gromril, and one made of shadow.

She can even get away with it in Elven social circles because she actually is a hick, from rural Stirland. It's expected behaviour from her.
To the Asur, Hick is probably one of the highest possible statuses a human can reach.

You're a person just backwards and uneducated. It's like a Dawi calling your work at something acceptable.
[X] Guard bypass

Bypass is the better option for a style meant to be utilized by Shadow Blades, while Double-tap requires having Branulhune. I'd LIKE having both, with Double-tap being passed down with the Sword as an heirloom, but I'll settle with the pragmatic choice for the Greater utility.
[X] Guard bypass

The one that could potentially be used with Shadow Swords used by other people, which is the only circumstance I'd ever want to return to the topic of Mathilde's martial styles.
Wait do we even know if it's possible to make a shadow sword wasnt it said earlier that shadow knives was pushing it and it only worked because it fit into ulgu just barely?
since we aren't trying to make it a ranged attack, that takes out some of the complexity to make room for it being a sword instead of a knife. (speculative)
Wait do we even know if it's possible to make a shadow sword wasnt it said earlier that shadow knives was pushing it and it only worked because it fit into ulgu just barely?
Yes, because Mathilde has a relevant Mastery. From the Compendium of Approved Spells:
@BoneyM, also, thoughts on Shadow Knives; during our training we were having trouble with the Shadow Knives spell because they all came out looking like swords instead of knives. Was this an issue because they were harder to throw, or because it meant the spell wasn't stable or something and if we tried to use them for anything they'd cause us to mess up somehow? Also, about how long do our knives last when we hold onto them instead of throwing them? Would it be feasible to make a single really big shadow knife like we were doing to take advantage of our mastery, or could we come up with a variant on the spell to do this, using our Mastery as a creation-trait?
Swords possess many fine qualities, but aerodynamic they ain't. The knives last as long as Mathilde holds and sustains them. And a theoretical shadowsword would not be able to do anything that Branulhune or a shadowknife couldn't do better.

Formalizing a mastery into a new spell is sometimes possible but always unreliable and tricky.
Well, it sounds like the start of a way to pass on a hypothetical teleporting sword style. 'Just' rework the spell until the wizard can basically flicker whether or not they're holding one, and I think it would have most of the properties of wielding Branulhune; ignoring most armor and doing silly lightsaber tricks is what would make the style unique, the anti-magic debuff is more of a personal bonus.
Yes, that's a plausible line of research.
It might not succeed, but it's something I'd definitely like to try eventually. Not any time soon, just... eventually.
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