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The consequences of both the success and failure will however depends on the tools and skills she has.

A critical roll of a peasant with wooden stick against a bloodthirster is going to do fuckall except probably make the peasant survive unless he crits twenty times in a row. If you give him runefang, it might even kill the daemon by accident while rolling three times. If you give a runefang to someone with martial score of 25, they might even style on the bloodthirster.

These traits matter, man. If we fight an opponent that belongs to the category that is countered by the style we didn´t pick, the results between successes will be quite tangible i expect.

The solution to that is don't, just do not. The category of people who can deal with a teleporting sword they have never encountered, wielded by a teleporting wizard with decades of experience isn't even a category, it is a nominal list, specifically a list of beings we should never fight unless we have comparable help or are suicidal.

I am reminded rather strongly by the above of the argument someone made when we got the runesword that if we get it we would be incentivized to endlessly improve combat to greater and greater heights to the detriment of more interesting things. At the time I did not believe this to be the case, but this argument... leans in that direction. What next? Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons? After all it would take a world famous armor to match the super-duper-killing attack and if you cannot take hits from the Slayer of Kings what is the use of dealing attacks that might ring against the Armor of Morkar? And so on and so forth...
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Do we have an Eike character sheet anywhere?
Apprentice Eike Hochschild
Diplomacy: 7+1+1+1-2=8
Martial: ?
Stewardship: ?
Intrigue: ?
Piety: ?
Learning: 11+2=13
Magic: 1+1=2

Grey Wizard: She has the ability and education to wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion.
Apprentice: She has reached the level of training where she is able to begin learning the simplest of spells. Her Master is Lady Magister Mathilde Weber.
Mark of Ulgu: She bears the Mark of Ulgu upon her right arm, signifying the claim that the Wind has laid on her soul. +1 Magic.

Colleges of Magic (1/3)
Empire of Man: Under the tutelage of her grandmother, she has achieved a solid understanding of the provinces of the Empire. +1 Diplomacy
Eonir of Laurelorn: A period of immersion in Tor Lithanel during her teenage years gave her a solid understanding of the Eonir. +1 Diplomacy
Politicking (1/3)

Fitness (2/3)
Pistols: She was taught to wield her grandmother's weapon of choice from a young age. +1 Martial


Accounting: As heir apparent of the EIC, she has been taught the arcane art of double-entry bookkeeping. +1 Stewardship
Trade: She has a basic understanding of the endless flow of goods and gold that keeps civilization running. +1 Stewardship

Old World Pantheon (Northern) (1/3)
Old World Pantheon (Southern): Having grown up in the softer corners of the Empire, she is familiar with the more civilized of the Empire's Gods.
Shallya (1/3)

Economics (Old World) (2/3)

Lingua Praestantia
Tar-Eltharin (Eonir accent)

Waaaghbane (2/5)

Spells known:
Glowing Light
Marsh Lights
[X] Guard bypass

I'm wondering how well Eike got along with the other junior apprentices. Her own first experiences with magic were more of a fairytale than the horror story it is for most , she had a head start on the mundane part of education, her Oma is rich enough to pay for at least one tutor, her first miscast resulted in a mark of Ulgu, three LMs were interested in educating her, and she's pretty. That many advantages could have bred resentment in the others, but the Dean didn't say anything about her having problems socialising, just that she spent a lot of time in the library.
Detractors of the Eike Hochschild franchise often complain that Eike is a Mary Sue. Having a tragic background and then turning out to be the heir to a great fortune and also a wizard can be justified as standard book protagonist stuff, but then on top of that she's a talented student and she receives special sword lessons and is talented at that too and she gets the Super Special Mark of Being Good at Magic. Oh, but she has flaws - being too honest and caring too much. Such flaws.

Personally I think it's a good series. At the end of a day it's aimed at kids, and for YA it's actually pretty good writing, though admittedly I did find the first EIC Arc a bit dry. And I think the author does a decent amount of writing to justify some of the scenes that keep coming up in criticism of the work, and that justifying is very often ignored - I can't count the number of times someone complained about the scene where Eike disarmed Master Weber while completely ignorning that she was very clearly noted to be fighting in her off-hand. If I have one problem it's with the author's claim that he rolled dice while writing the story as a way of justifying some of the more unbelievable coincidences. My man, literally no one is buying it, the story is fine and you should just stand by what you've written instead of making up those transparent excuses.
I mean, this assumes we try and infiltrate the camp. Why would we do that? I thought the issue with the Iron Orcs was pretty exclusively that the Brettonians couldn't find them. Once we locate a camp or fortress or whatever, I don't see why we'd need to actually enter it. And not entering it decreases the danger substantially.
Knowing the thread, I doubt we will just take a look.

Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons?
Now that you've said it… :V
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You, uh, sure about that one, Codex? Because Eike's looking a little Shounen Female Lead here. All she needs is a fanclub loudly talking about how she's one of the school's famous beauties and a rival with drill hair, and she'll be ready to meet her future spouse, the Most Average Grey Wizard Ever.
I really really hope that Eike's Main Character status does not result in the tragic and traumatic death of her mentor.
You're both wrong. Eike isn't the main character. She's from a rich family, lives with a stern but loving grandmother, her talent was discovered early and she has a powerful lady magister happy to take her on. That's way too easy. Sure, she's got some dark backstory for later on in the story when she becomes friends with the MC, but as a starting point that just doesn't do. She is the rival.

Like, look at Mathilde: She's quirky, but you have to dig. That doesn't work for the mentor of the MC, not at all. Frankly, I think her obessions with puns, acronyms and naming stuff after herself was a retcon for the Eike spin-off. Before that, she didn't get much screen time. Just the occaisonal mention to make Eike cooler (and pretty nonscensical stuff, I don't think they'll ever explain what the whole dwarf soul thing is about that was metioned off hand when the writers needed Eike to speak dwarf and be familar with their royalty), and wisk her off at the end of the college arc so she doesn't overshadow the others during the later arcs that happen more on the outside.
I mean, this assumes we try and infiltrate the camp. Why would we do that? I thought the issue with the Iron Orcs was pretty exclusively that the Brettonians couldn't find them. Once we locate a camp or fortress or whatever, I don't see why we'd need to actually enter it. And not entering it decreases the danger substantially.
Consider just about every single pathfinding effort Mathilde has taken to date. We don't even need to vote for it most of the time.
What a nice update to wake up to.

Adding onto what Boney and other people have already said, I estimate that the number of enemies against which having both double-tap and guard bypass would be helpful due to them having strong magical weapons/armor and being tough enough that double-tap would be meaningful are in the single digits (well, probably in the double digits taking all canon sources instead of just 8e like I'm doing here).

Malekith is the most visible one for sure (we've had several VS arguments regarding him already), but there's probably also Greasus Goldtooth (who is about as tough as a dragon and has a Str 10 club, the Sceptre of the Titans), maybe Krell (his armor auto-dispels any weapon that manages to injure him, and he can likely survive the first blow from Branarhune), probably Tyrion (the Dragon Armor of Aenarion in the armybook is mechanically no match against Str 10 attacks but can't imagine it being weaker than Branarhune lore-wise), some Chaos champions (canon Archaon, maybe Kholek Suneater), and a few Daemons with strong magic weapons (Skulltaker, Skarbrand).

[X] Guard bypass

What next? Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons? After all it would take a world famous armor to match the super-duper-killing attack and if you cannot take hits from the Slayer of Kings what is the use of dealing attacks that might ring against the Armor of Morkar? And so on and so forth...
I think I've unironically seen this proposed once - the Morbs do make it a lot easier to enchant things, and Ithilmar is a superior metal when it comes to being lightweight (which we want to be because our fighting-style revolves around moving around in only robes, not movement-restricting armor). But unless we can boost our Magic stat slightly higher first somehow (looking at you, Mark of Ulgu), it wouldn't actually be particularly more protective - though it might give a longer-lasting untiring effect.
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Mathilde would absolutely die in Eike's show... every other episode. Oh sure, the first time they'd take it seriously. Eike having a bit of a breakdown after receiving the news through a grey order missive or some such (on accident) until she happens upon Mathilde sipping some wine in her Never Ever Explained Dragon Chair Of Doom later in the day after an entire episode of introspection, sadness and grief...

Then it's just a running gag where Eike grows more and more jaded to Mathilde's many ridiculous 'deaths', which are perfectly in character for the stuff she regularly does despite that. As well as discovering that no matter how disgustingly obvious Mathilde makes the fact she's still alive. Most everyone outside of Eight Peaks and the Colleges assumes she's a spirit still desperately trying to fulfil her oaths to her various Lords. Forever trapped by... Divided Loyalties. Which the audience naturally never forgives the creators for literally saying in the show, even as a joke.
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I am reminded rather strongly by the above of the argument someone made when we got the runesword that if we get it we would be incentivized to endlessly improve combat to greater and greater heights to the detriment of more interesting things. At the time I did not believe this to be the case, but this argument... leans in that direction. What next? Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons? After all it would take a world famous armor to match the super-duper-killing attack and if you cannot take hits from the Slayer of Kings what is the use of dealing attacks that might ring against the Armor of Morkar? And so on and so forth...
This seems to me like a basically pointless argument anyone could make about anything they personally aren't interested in.

If I wanted to see Mathilde do cool fighting stuff I could easily complain about all the constant research actions or even this waystone project in almost the exact same way. If I was into politics I could do the same thing about research and combat, though the waystone project might be safe.

You can attack basically anything you personally don't find Interesting with the complaint "Its taking actions away from more Interesting things"

And all of these are constant with ever more actions spent on them, it's an ongoing quest so of course were going to keep improving on things.
You're both wrong. Eike isn't the main character. She's from a rich family, lives with a stern but loving grandmother, her talent was discovered early and she has a powerful lady magister happy to take her on. That's way too easy. Sure, she's got some dark backstory for later on in the story when she becomes friends with the MC, but as a starting point that just doesn't do. She is the rival.
Specifically the Ojou-sama rival?

Not exactly the typical personality I don't think, but she's got the background.
This seems to me like a basically pointless argument anyone could make about anything they personally aren't interested in.

If I wanted to see Mathilde do cool fighting stuff I could easily complain about all the constant research actions or even this waystone project in almost the exact same way. If I was into politics I could do the same thing about research and combat, though the waystone project might be safe.

You can attack basically anything you personally don't find Interesting with the complaint "Its taking actions away from more Interesting things"

And all of these are constant with ever more actions spent on them, it's an ongoing quest so of course were going to keep improving on things.

Mathilde does cool fighting things all the time, the thing that would be wasting our time is training against enemies she has no business fighting which leads into more training and crafting, and spell study just so we could maybe stand a chance against the true named heavy-weights of the setting and then oops you rolled low he rolled high, dead anyway. The number of action points you need to spent to reach higher and higher levels of combat powerless does not just increase, it increases exponentially in quantity and difficulty as you get to the rarefied heights of Combat Monster Mathilde, that is the point I am trying to make.
Specifically the Ojou-sama rival?

Not exactly the typical personality I don't think, but she's got the background.
Not quite the standard ringlets ojou laughing smug, she's more the inexplicably powerful student council president who basically runs the school and people treat like an actual princess for some reason.
Mathilde does cool fighting things all the time, the thing that would be wasting our time is training against enemies she has no business fighting which leads into more training and crafting, and spell study just so we could maybe stand a chance against the true named heavy-weights of the setting and then oops you rolled low he rolled high, dead anyway. The line of action points you need to spent to reach higher and higher levels of combat powerless does not just increase, it increases exponentially in quantity and difficulty as you get to the rarefied heights of Combat Monster Mathilde, that is the point I am trying to make.

At what point does Mathilde have no business fighting?
Drycha? Khorne empowered Champions? Vampires? Orcs Empowered directly by Gork?

I can literally make that exact argument for Magic of all things. It gets exponentially more difficult, we have no business fighting the true highest beings in that department.

If we get in a magic duel with Nagash, Morathi or Teclis we're dead.

What point do we stop improving that?

When it comes to making the proposed "shadowsword" spell in order to make codifying Mathilde's Branalhune swordfighting style more usefull

Is such a shadowsword spell already something Mathilde can invent with just her spell mastery in Shadow Knives? Or would she need a separate spell creation trait like how warrior of fog paved the way for Mathilde's Rite of Way spell?
[X] Guard bypass

With how the beginning was written I was worried we had rolled low again, but instead it turns out we critted :oops:
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