What next? Do we need to look for Ithilmar so we can made armor with only the finest runes and Orbs of Sorcery for pauldrons?
I think I've unironically seen this proposed once - the Morbs do make it a lot easier to enchant things, and Ithilmar is a superior metal when it comes to being lightweight (which we want to be because our fighting-style revolves around moving around in only robes, not movement-restricting armor). But unless we can boost our Magic stat slightly higher first somehow (looking at you, Mark of Ulgu), it wouldn't actually be particularly more protective - though it might give a longer-lasting untiring effect.
sigh [edit: 'sigh' is performative my lovelies. I was aiming for the comedic and theatrical

Look. I read this and you are talking about the most absurd power escalation that isn't jumping into literally 'deific bullshit' and.... yes. Narrative
good. Narrative and character and good writing and worldbuilding and
meaning is why I care to read
any of this. But still, when you speak of absurd Morb Pauldrons[1], this is my emotional response:
I want that.
So yeah. That gibbering 'power-levels', 'numbers-go-up' screeching howler monkey is a
part of me. And I doubt I'm alone in that regard. My point is... [i dunno. this wine is tasty?].
Uh... my point is, that there will never be a point where that [dumb] part of me is satisfied outside of when that particular 'release dopamine' button[2] is being pushed.
So there are always going to be folk in this quest that on some level are going to want
Moar killyness. Moar numbers-go-up. I am one of those folk, occasionally.
[1] Boney's excellently conveyed worldbuilding has meant that I personally will
always be against 'Morb Pauldrons[a]'. Morbs will
always be of higher utility to us as something to give to the colleges or maybe trade[c] than as an enchanting reagent thingy. There
are other players who's desire for that sweet sweet 'number go up' hit actually results in them sincerely kinda' wanting those Morb Pauldrons.
[2] I have other levers of varying complexity. That 'numbers-go-up' button being pressed, especially at the expense of other nice-brain-chemicals-buttons being pressed will quickly lead to me being
bored. And I
know that. I even
make use of that on occasion.
[a] A major component of 'why' I would be against such is that enchantment is a
gamble. If we
knew what we get out of using a Morb, that would change an aspect of my evaluation. Aversion to certain expenditure of a Morb vs.
uncertain gains.
[c] Trade to dragons for STORIES, if said dragon[b.1] might be interested.
[b.1] Cython. For every story and fact that we can get so as to better to style on Hatalath.[/B][/B]
edit: oh feck fighting with SV's formating. I'm too drunk. I no longer care if the formatting or the note-linking is a bit wonky.
That fact of the matter is, this is the output I get when I hit the keys above the letters of my keyboard:
No exclamation mark, no quotation marks, no asterixis and no brackets unless I copy them from a google search. :/