Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I've been thinking of a small scene where Luke and Leia are talking and Luke says how Tatooine sucks by the iconic "I hate sand" line. It'll be a nice throwback when the prequels come out.
Could come up while they're traveling to Naboo, given its proximity to Tatooine.

EDIT: Also need me some more of this:
Also, you guy's opinion on this staying in the next film for additional shipping wars
On one part, only if banjo music is playing in the background to the theme of Roll Tide, but on another, absolutely not.
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So I just came back from watching John Wick 4 (AMAZING film, Great conclusion to the quadrilogy) and it got me thinking. In the past a lot of people have been gun ho for Bruce to play John Wick, but why not have some fun and experiment with a proto John Wick in Star Wars? For those unaware, Bantam Legends actually had a trilogy of books called "The Bounty Hunter Wars" following Boba Fett after Return of the Jedi. It had very strong John Wick vibes with Boba engaged in constant battle with his fellow hunters and the Bounty Hunters Guild following a very strict code and being obsessed with the rules of hunt and civility similar to the High Table. Why don't we expand on that and make it a greater part of the lore instead of a niche trilogy, where outside of the wonder and glory of the Space Opera is a nasty and brutal underworld where hunters, warriors and all manner of scum and villainy play in the shadows?

Obviously we can't do a 1 for 1 John Wick in Space because it goes against the narrative of Star Wars and it'd be impossible to have a High Table like organization operating with so much impunity and open violence under the Empire. But we can capture the same spirit and atmosphere with necessary lore changes. It's not that bounty hunters and crime syndicates are the be all end all of the setting, but they are one of the galaxy's organs, a culture that thrives in times of darkness and despair like the ages of the Sith, especially under the Galactic Empire who likes to use criminals for dirty work and is happy to turn the other way when convenient so long as their power is respected. Have the Bounty Hunter's Guild be a sort of Continental for the galaxy's most elite hunters to rest, arm and plan in pursuit of the greatest hunts and have crime syndicates like Black Sun and the Hutts be major threats and forces of power, especially for the latter in why Hutts have lasted thousands of years while the Sith continuously rise and fall and make it clear they're more than just lazy gluttons.

We can sprinkle hints throughout the Anthology, and maybe in the 90's we can have Harrison do a John Wick style movie in the aftermath of Return of the Jedi, showing the chaos of a post-Empire galaxy and how the galactic underworld is feasting on the Empire's corpse as vultures, and perhaps how Boba finds purpose and redemption to move past such a life and become a better man.

I've been thinking of a small scene where Luke and Leia are talking and Luke says how Tatooine sucks by the iconic "I hate sand" line. It'll be a nice throwback when the prequels come out.

Also, you guy's opinion on this staying in the next film for additional shipping wars


DAMN, I can see why they deleted that scene because Mark and Carrie had amazing chemistry and Marcia probably didn't want to weaken Han and Leia's later romance. As for the shipping wars, while they might happen here I think HanxLeia is going to be the dominant sentiment of the Fandom due to just how much of a power couple Bruce and Carrie are in real life and their fans are going to be starved for the O'Brians to have an onscreen romance so Han and Leia being together in Bruce and Carrie's first film together is going to get O'Brian Stans super hyped and instantly fall in love with the couple, especially with the insanely high chemistry and obvious love between the spouses on-screen.

Plus I think George from the beginning is probably going to lean heavily towards Han and Leia being endgame from New Hope instead of toying with the love triangle and then giving Han the advantage in Empire and sealing it in Return with the Skywalker twins revelation. George is good friends with Bruce and Carrie, he and Marcia go on double dates with them, and George has already shown a willingness to make Bruce happy with preferential treatment to Carrie by giving her second billing. OTL, I think he initially leaned towards Luke and Leia because Luke is his sort of SI and Luke as the hero gets the princess as is typical of classic fantasy. Here though, Han and Leia are married off-screen, their actors are super devoted to one another, and it's probably clear to the whole production crew that Bruce and Carrie deeply love each other with how they act on and off camera. To anyone working on Star Wars, Han and Leia are the OTP and anything else is insanity.

I actually have this idea that I might explore in Omakes where George is kind of torn on who Leia ends up with, and has Bruce and Carrie film some improve scenes as a sort of test. One is where they are in the cockpit and the conversation goes further with Han consoling Leia for her loss of Alderaan with Leia finally being able to show weakness and open up on her grief while Han is very empathetic and reveals that he's lost everything before and helps her process the pain. Another is that after Han is finished talking with Luke on Yavin, he goes to the Millenium Falcon and finds Leia waiting on the ramp. The two have a conversation and Leia kind of inspires him to become a hero and helps fertilize the seed Luke planted that Han has a place in the rebellion. They don't have to make the final cut but can be fun deleted scenes for the Fandom to gush over.

I think one thing that is going to be very different is the body language in the throne room:


OTL the love triangle plays out with both Han and Luke attempting to silently flirt with Leia. Han is suave and Luke is bashful, and Leia kind of cheekily toys with Han but her primary focus and attraction is Luke. Here the opposite would likely happen thanks to Bruce and Carrie's unconcious attraction where Han is the romantic, Luke tries and fails at being a flirt, and Leia is flattered with Luke but clearly has the hots for Han.

As for Empire Strikes Back, I think Han and Leia's relationship is less bickering and open conflict, and more the two struggling to take the first steps due to insecurities, opposite personalities and different lifestyles. Leia wants to be with Han but it's a frustrating two way street of miscommunication and Luke presents an easier option and they have a stronger friendship so she wonders if it's better to go with him. Luke has an obvious crush and works well with Leia as partners but knows he'll never have that special spark like with Han and he's fighting a losing battle. Han wants to be with Leia but thinks he's not worthy of a princess and has crippling doubts while dealing with his side plot of his Imperial and Smuggler pasts catching up to him and not feeling like he has a home until Leia shows he has one with her and the Rebellion.
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So I just came back from watching John Wick 4 (AMAZING film, Great conclusion to the quadrilogy) and it got me thinking. In the past a lot of people have been gun ho for Bruce to play John Wick, but why not have some fun and experiment with a proto John Wick in Star Wars?
Sidenote, the original script for John Wick "Scorn" had John be a veteran of Vietnam and the bulk of the film taking place years after Helen's death (essentially Hitman Rambo), but that changed when Keanu came onto the I think this absolutely fits.
For those unaware, Bantam Legends actually had a trilogy of books called "The Bounty Hunter Wars" following Boba Fett after Return of the Jedi. It had very strong John Wick vibes with Boba engaged in constant battle with his fellow hunters and the Bounty Hunters Guild following a very strict code and being obsessed with the rules of hunt and civility similar to the High Table. Why don't we expand on that and make it a greater part of the lore instead of a niche trilogy, where outside of the wonder and glory of the Space Opera is a nasty and brutal underworld where hunters, warriors and all manner of scum play in the shadows?

Obviously we can't do a 1 for 1 John Wick in Space because it goes against the narrative of Star Wars and it'd be impossible to have a High Table like organization operating with so much impunity and open violence under the Empire.
I like this a lot, but I absolutely believe we can allow it to operate with that much impunity under the Empire.

I mean, obviously not when it happens out in the open, but when it operates in places like the underbelly of Coruscant Underworld? Which mentioning by and by, I think that "Bounty Hunter Wars" should serve as a spiritual sequel(?) to the OTL unreleased series "Underworld" and lay the groundwork for the Lucas' vision for the Sequel Trilogy with Darth Maul, while at the same time being everything the Book of Boba Fett wasn't.
Luke has an obvious crush and works well with Leia as partners but knows he'll never have that special spark like with Han and he's fighting a losing battle.
If I'm not mistaken, George should already have drafts for most of the Original Trilogy (and the Prequels?) already plotted out, so wouldn't he already have planned for this when he took Bruce on?
and lay the groundwork for the Lucas' vision for the Sequel Trilogy with Darth Maul, while at the same time being everything the Book of Boba Fett wasn't.
How do we prepare to Create Darth Talon, given I've read the Legacy Comics, how do we set up Talon in the sequel context? Basically, whats the idea for the Backstory Orion, Kaiser?

Do we need a PM for this?
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How do we prepare to Create Darth Talon, given I've read the Legacy Comics, how do we set up Talon in the sequel context? Basically, whats the idea for the Backstory Orion, Kaiser?

Do we need a PM for this?
In all honesty, I'd use Darth Maul in place of Darth Krayt to keep Darth Bane's Rule of Two a somewhat continuous tradition [with Krayt instead being one of the only survivors (or a descendent of) of Anakin's Rampage, and potentially a rival apprentice], and have her being the one to tempt Jacen Solo over to the Dark Side (as in George's OTL outline). Beyond that, I have no great plans for the character beyond some vague idea of having a Big Bad Duumvirate in Darth Maul [with the Crimson Tide] and Emperor Thrawn [with the Imperial Remnant] both separately preparing for the threat of the Yuuzhan Vong; since neither knew about the other's plans and could account for them and somewhat cooperate, it leads to the annihilation of both sides.

There was also something about the Kesh Sith and Abeloth, but I thought that could be a bit too much for the Trilogy.
calling the vote:
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on May 6, 2023 at 10:36 PM, finished with 78 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Prowse in the House
    -[X]Preparing for The Big Scenes: You are going to get ready for the big shoot-out scenes in the hallway. Everyone is getting a god damn dressing down to make it look good.
    -[X]The Master: Mifune is still trying his best to survive this production. However, there is a small problem. He wants to…visit a Shakespeare company production.
    -[X]Darth Vader's Boots: David Prowse was always going to have trouble in the suit, mostly because he knew his voice was not going to be in the final product. You need to find a way to tell him that it's a damn good thing.
    [X] Plan Damsel in Action
    -[X]Preparing for The Big Scenes: You are going to get ready for the big shoot-out scenes in the hallway. Everyone is getting a god damn dressing down to make it look good.
    -[X]The Master: Mifune is still trying his best to survive this production. However, there is a small problem. He wants to…visit a Shakespeare company production.
    -[X]The Princess: Carrie just had one more scene before she was sent back home, with all of them done. She just wanted to make it right.
    [X]Plan Stunts, Romance, and Theme Music.
    -[X]Preparing for The Big Scenes: You are going to get ready for the big shoot-out scenes in the hallway. Everyone is getting a god damn dressing down to make it look good.
    -[X]The Princess: Carrie just had one more scene before she was sent back home, with all of them done. She just wanted to make it right.
    -[X]John Williams' Masterpiece: He has part of the score done, and wants to put it on a rough scene just to see how it goes.
Star Wars Production 5
Star Wars Production 5:

-[X]Preparing for The Big Scenes: You will get ready for the big shoot-out scenes in the hallway. Everyone is getting a god damn dressing down to make it look good. Rolled: D100 + 20 => 62

"Okay, why with our eyes open, the lights that will flash are too bright." Mark asked.

"And really, being this far away from each other, why?

"That's the entire point of the flash at the barrel. It's to simulate being shot at by lasters." You replied as you looked at Peter. "Help me out here Peter?"

"I don't think I can be of any help, I'm not the best at the whole explaining how props work, and John is on his only day off for the shoot, only the armorer is here to make sure the weapons were clear before they are handed out." He replied. "So, just wing it."

"Lets do this." You smile as you looked at the blaster, and made sure it was handled safely. "We only get one shot at this."

Reward: an additional +20 to the Stunt rolls.

-[X]The Master: Mifune is still trying his best to survive this production. However, there is a small problem. He wants to…visit a Shakespeare company production. Rolled:D100 => 92

It was almost too much to say that missing a day of shooting would have pissed George off. He only had a few scenes left, and he wanted to get them done before you all went for the final scenes at Guatamala. It was truly something that was fun, and exciting.

So, out of your own pocket, you allowed Mifune to get a showing of the Royal Shakespeare Company. The Tale of Macbeth. The Scottish Play itself.

He was moved to tears by the gesture, and you and all the cast and crew, got a day off, watching the masters of Shakespeare show their talents.

It was truly one of the best moments of the entire production, not because of Mifune's love of Shakespeare and George's acceptance that keeping the man he wanted as Obi-Wan happy was a good thing…

And Mifune shinned through his final scenes.

Reward: +50 to Mifunes SP, and +40 to Chemistry.

-[X]Darth Vader's Boots: David Prowse would always have trouble in the suit, mostly because he knew his voice would not be in the final product. You need to find a way to tell him that it's a damn good thing. Rolled:D100 => 50

It was not a long conversation that was to say the least.

He wanted to have a place, a voice even. That was taken away from him.

All you said was just what he needed to hear.

"You are going to last forever Darth Vader. Who cares if it's your voice or not? Without you, Vader is just a voice by James. With you, he's a menace that can never be stopped."

It did well you suppose. You don't know what the rest would be… but hey. That was for him to decide.

Reward: +20 to Prowse SP.
Production Rolls:D100 => 96-30=66

You were honestly kinda surprised it took this long. The end of production was always going to be the hard part. Everyone was going home after their parts, and George was trying to coordinate with Gary and Mike to make sure everything was going on schedule.

It was honestly the hardest part. Sending everyone back and making sure everything was okay.

You knew that he wanted to make sure everything was right, and didn't make him feel good.

Yet he was okay. Mostly. He was just a little tense.

Just a little more than usual.

Reward: -5 to Director Roll next turn.

Director Rolls:D100 + 30 => 111

Yet with great adversity and tenseness, comes great Art. George was dialed in.

He knew exactly what he wanted, and by god was he going to get it.
The Hallway Shootout:D100 + 20 + 30 => 79

Honestly, not the best. You knew it.

George knew it.

Everyone knew it. But you didn't have much of a choice now. It was too much.

Time was running out, and you had what George wanted.

It wasn't what you wanted of course, but dammit, you just didn't get it.

Reward: It went about as well as Canon did.

The Final Weeks were in Guatemala.
(Choose 3)

[]The Final Day: You set down the Camera and looked at George, to ask him "Are you okay?"

[]The Droids You are Looking For: Anthony and Kenny are trying to make things interesting, and you haven't had a chance to spend time with them to get to know them.

[]The Hero: Mark is slowly getting into his groove, but you wanna know just how it would be for you and him to get along.

[]The Grand Moff: Peter is… well he didn't expect much from you. That was until you and George started talking and then got frightened that you were… just as driven as George was.

[]The Princess: Carrie just had one more scene before she was sent back home, with all of them done. She just wanted to make it right.

[]John Williams' Masterpiece: He has part of the score done, and wants to put it on a rough scene just to see how it goes.

AN: The final Turn for PRoduction.
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[X] Plan: The last stretch
-[X]The Final Day: You set down the Camera and looked at George, to ask him "Are you okay?"
-[X]The Droids You are Looking For: Anthony and Kenny are trying to make things interesting, and you haven't had a chance to spend time with them to get to know them.
-[X]The Hero: Mark is slowly getting into his groove, but you wanna know just how it would be for you and him to get along.

kinda hope there is post-production. We wanna break past gone with the wind in profits.
[X] Plan The Almighty Last Push
-[X] The Final Day: You set down the Camera and looked at George, to ask him "Are you okay?"
-[X] The Droids You are Looking For: Anthony and Kenny are trying to make things interesting, and you haven't had a chance to spend time with them to get to know them.
-[X] The Grand Moff: Peter is… well he didn't expect much from you. That was until you and George started talking and then got frightened that you were… just as driven as George was.
Pretty good turn it looks like. Shame the stunts and firefight couldn't go to John Wick tier, but honestly the blaster stuff was never too much of a concern as I still have a great time with it and we can always improve on it with Empire. Glad we didn't fuck things up with Prowse, and we got some nice wholesomeness with Mifune, nearly shed a tear for how happy he was seeing Shakespeare live. Looks like he's going to get priority for Best Supporting Actor nomination but that's okay since we can still get an Oscar for Best Picture as Producer, plus Mifune winning will be nice since he would be the first Asian to win an Oscar. @Magoose We have -40 for disaster rolls so it should be 56 not 66.

[X] Plan Battle of Yavin
-[X]The Final Day: You set down the Camera and looked at George, to ask him "Are you okay?"
-[X]The Droids You are Looking For: Anthony and Kenny are trying to make things interesting, and you haven't had a chance to spend time with them to get to know them.
-[X]The Princess: Carrie just had one more scene before she was sent back home, with all of them done. She just wanted to make it right.

Fine with the other stuff but I just want this for some nice Carrie fluff.
Or as I like to say: make things better before George goes back Marcia to save the film in the edit.
Also to anyone who thinks that George's rolls are weird.

Wait till you see the post production.

Oh boy the boys at ILM really outdid themselves