It was quite amazing to see the growing City of Hong Kong, but there was a feeling of unease as you looked out and saw two things that made your blood boil.
The British crown... That was evident, as you were in a territory of the British Empire, and despite your ravenous hatred of not only the Empire but of how it treated Ireland, you remained calm and tried your best to ignore that. That was in the past.
What you didn't like, was the absolute racism that you were facing right now, as the Director of the film, who was being not only ignorant to your knowledge of his own language.
Bruce was with you, and he was... not appalled at what he was hearing, but almost numb to it, as if he didn't really expect anything less.
"This white boy is what you were harping on about Bruce?" The question was aimed at the man himself and you traded a glance at him. "He's smaller than you and completely... scrawny. He has no muscle! You said you would give me a fighter, a bankable man, this is a kid?"
"This kid is a fighter, and I trained him, he's good," Bruce stated.
"Can he beat you? Can he be a threat to you right now?" The director stated.
Bruce paused and said. "No, because he would not want to be a threat to me, he is my student."
"There you have it, you told me he was decent and good, and if he does not show it, I'm going to cut his time on the script and stick to my plan," Chow replied.
Oh boy.
Chow then walked away, as you sighed. "Well, I was expecting it to be worse, to be honest." You replied.
"He's far more open than others, and the fact he wasn't openly racist to you is something you should count your blessings for. He wants to try and cater to a western audience for a release, and that's probably why he hasn't fired you."
"I thought that was your job, your Kato?" You joked.
"You think I'm a big draw in America?" He asked.
"Bruce, I've learned that if given the chance, you can be anything to anyone. And that's a promise. If you want me to be the White kid that will be in awe of your shit, I will, as I long I get on camera."
Bruce then smiled. And dammit that smile filled you with confidence. "Good, I need that, once we start filming."
You smiled as you saw Brandon blow out his candles, and you clapped. "I thought we would be celebrating his birthday on his actual birth date this year?"
Bruce shook his head. "We're going to be down in Thailand when production begins, and I don't want to miss this for the world."
"So we give him a party early?" You huffed. "Well, I can't say I don't understand."
"I know," Bruce replied. "You're probably wondering why you are here when this is a family affair?"
"do you consider me part of the family, or because you were afraid that I'd get into trouble without you watching me?"
Bruce gave his smile. "Yes."
"Have you little faith in me to keep my nose clean?" You asked.
"Yes," Bruce replied.
"Wow, so much for trust?" You snarked.
"It isn't trusting, I just don't want to deal with the hassle of having you... get into trouble."
"Ah, it almost makes you sound like you care Bruce?" You replied.
"I do." He said.
"Did you get Brandon a gift?" He asked.
"Just some comic books." You replied.
You were at a meeting with Chow and Bruce, talking about the film when men came into the building. Men with suits, and guns.
You had never taken Clint's words as gospel before, at least with his fearmongering about the Chinese Triads. You should have listened as these men were smiling with menarcheal glares, as they revealed the pistols at their sides.
"Ah, Mr. Chow. Mr. Lee, and... Who is this?" The man in charge started.
"Goose." You replied, annoyed and scared in equal measure, but you looked to Bruce, who was glaring at them with daggers and anger. His hands gripping the chair in anger.
"You why we are here?" The question was directed at Chow, who gave a small nod.
"Yes." He replied, without hesitation.
"5,000, and production will not be stalled."
You had never seen Bruce get so angry, as he looked both at Raymond and then the men. He wanted to fight them, hell he wanted to beat them to a pulp.
But Raymond spoke. "it will be paid. We just need some time."
There was a small nod from the leader. "Two weeks."
The men then left, and Bruce let Raymond have it. "Are you insane!? You are letting them intimidate you? stealing money from this production!"
"This isn't America Bruce, there are rules here, that everyone follows!" He shot back. "And they make them!"
"Gather your courage and defy them, show them that their power is useless."
"And do you want to die!? People who defy them wind up dead!"
Fear clutched your head. "And being labeled a coward is something you want to live with!"
"I would rather be alive!"
You just sat there and sighed. but you remained silent.
"We pay them, or we won't have a movie."
Thailand was Hot, and now you had a feeling of what a humid summer in Nam was.
The suit you wore was cheap and dirty like the Staff didn't want to spend any more money except for the bare basics on you. It was fine of course, you just needed to look just that bit better before things got done.
But you were here now, and you had to prepare.
Choose 2:
[]Work with Bruce On Choreography: You have one of the more simple fight scenes in the film, and Bruce wants to make sure you have a mastery of it. To impress the Director of course. (DC: 20/40)
[]Negotiate with the Director: Mr. Chow has only given you one chance to make it into the cut, but what If you need reshoots or you get injured. You need some assurance he won't fuck you over. or in failing that, give you another chance if you don't do well. (DC: 80)
[]Practice Lines: You need to memorize the lines, as you don't want a reputation of... well, you had heard stories about Marlon Brando not even memorizing his lines. (DC: 15)
[]Train With the Stunt Doubles: You want to learn how to get better at stunt work, and these guys are the best in the world, so to speak. (DC: 30)
[]Calm Bruce Down: Bruce may be far away, but you also want to make sure his head is in the mind of the movie. He cannot have something that happened affect his work. (DC: 10)
[]Get a Better Suit: This suit is terrible, and you need some better threads. (DC: 0)