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With respect to the idea that Morghur's aura means any use of magic will instantly turn anyone trying to cast into a chaos spawn, that's not really true.

The mostly flat landscape starts to grow rugged as you approach the foothills of Karag Dum, and nervousness gives way to anticipation in the atmosphere of the steam-wagons. You stay quiet, occupied with the dark mutterings you heard from numerous sources about what fates might have befallen Karag Dum, and what lengths they might have gone to to avoid them. The temperature has been steadily falling as you ventured further north, but here it grows hotter and drier as the ascent continues. You pass tattered banners hammered into the bare stone of more varieties than you can identify, most seemingly Kurgan, some completely unfamiliar to you, and others completely wiped clean by the hot, gritty wind that seems to be blowing directly into your face. And then the Alriksson crests a final rise and the landscape opens up before you, and you barely manage to release the Rite before shock tears it from your grasp.

You'd seen pictures of Karag Dum, the tallest of a small cluster of mountains approached through an exposed vale. But now it stands alone, jutting out from a great crater that you find yourself on the lip of. Directly below you is bone-white sand, interrupted regularly by actual bones that grow thicker on the ground the closer it is to Karag Dum. And with shocking abruptness the desert gives way to disturbingly familiar forest that now rings the base of Karag Dum, burying the bottom third of it in apparently primeval forest that by all accounts was not there a mere two centuries ago. And as you stare and as the Alriksson continues trundling forward, you see a figure at the edge of the forest, standing taller than a man and taller still when you consider the skull-adorned frill that juts from its skull.

In a flash of realization, you know why your question had confused the Yusak Shaman. When he spoke of Dum, he did not mean the Dwarfhold of Karag Dum.

He meant Cor-Dum.
We know for a fact that the range of Morghur's aura has an upper bound of "from the edge of the forest on our side to the lip of the crater", because Mathilde was channeling Rite of Way right up to the lip of the crater and didn't turn into a chaos spawn.

So as far as the relative risk of casting magic goes, we can be pretty confident that casting magic where we currently are won't instagib Mathilde unless Cor-Dum is at least a little closer than the edge of the forest - given the fact that the forest is surrounded by desert (with clear sightlines), if we can't see him than whatever passive "fuck your spellcasting" aura he has is highly likely not to reach us.

I don't remember seeing hard figures for roughly how much of the crater is taken up by forest, but if the forest covering the bottom third of the mountain from sight also means it covers about a third of the distance from the mountain to the crater then the upper bound for Morghur's passive aura is ~2/3rds of the entire crater at a time.

In other words, if from our vantage point we see Cor-Dum moving off to one side of the crater (say, to go fuck up some attacking Kurgans), we can reasonably believe that using magic outside of the crater and on the opposite side of the crater from him would also be unlikely to instantly turn Mathilde into a chaos spawn.

[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them

I'd like to see if we can get a little more information on Morghur's aura before running in on what seem to be ~coin-flip odds (Morghur's passive aura can't cover more than 2/3rds of the crater, and approaching from the opposite side of the crater would increase chances both through sheer distance and through being in the shadow of a mountains worth of magic-resisting stone), but even if we don't uncover anything new by waiting/watching I think I'd be willing to take the coin-flip.

I'm also willing to put my money where my mouth is re: my thinking on Morghur's aura (with the proviso that this is sticking around at the crater's edge, rather than moving further in on infiltration).

[X] Volunteer to test Morghur's reputed ability to turn anyone using magic nearby into Chaos Spawns
It's considered extremely gauche among Elves to acknowledge the fact that the Everqueen isn't.

And of course, by Elven reckoning "soon after" and "80 years" aren't completely incompatible.

(Particularly when you throw in a factor of 10 to account for Asarnil's presumed bias of "Does this make Finubar look worse? Y/N?")
Right, we should bunker down after talking with locals, seeing as they are going to die soon. Changing thus to
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them

I feel like waiting won't get us anywhere. I assume we'd have to roll like 90+ for that to get anything.
[X] Volunteer to test Morghur's reputed ability to turn anyone using magic nearby into Chaos Spawns
I would rather use something like the Candle to try that, I mean if he can do that with any magic users, he should at least have a negative effect on magic items used on his presence, we would be risking losing a 10 CF item and a useful spell on most circunstances but not Mathide´s life.
It's a bit of an anti-climax if we don't find out anything interesting from here, but I enjoy the quest. I'd like to not risk a save-or-die.

[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[x] Leave
So you are going to break down the door of a dwarf Karak that has withstood 180 years of siege from the forces of Chaos. Bold move that.:V
Master Rune of Kragg The Grim: For all your door opening needs.

88 people have voted:
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them

50 people have voted:
[X] Approach the Kul camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
Can someone explain why the Kvellige are more popular than the Kul? I wasn't aware we know anything significant about either of them.
No. If it got results, I'd have to put up with it being the default vote for literally everything for the foreseeable future.
Behold, Boney's nightmare!
"A word, Mathilde." Dreng says as you leave the council meeting. "The gribbly thats been knocking about in the sewers, its only a matter of time till we catch it, but we'd do it sooner and people could... well go about their business more comfortably if we had an idea of what it actually is. I wanted to know if you could investigate?"

Wat do?
[] Refuse to help, you have your own problems.
[] Accept, it just doesn't sit well with you
[] Consult the books!
[Q] Beseech Ranald to give some clue as to the nature of Divine energies at play!
And Kvellige hope the next one will be from theirs.
I really doubt contacting either is better than the other, or good idea in general.
[X] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day
[X] Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them
Kul are the clan the last everchosen was from.
So, sentimental reasons. Got it.

I'll ask you a question that might illuminate why, who was Asavar Kul and why was he important and which tribe was he from?
An Everchosen. And? All the locals are Chaos worshipping nutters who dream of being, or at least being in the vicinity of, the next Everchosen.
If there had been multiple Everchosen from the Kul I would consider it relevant.
So, sentimental reasons. Got it.

An Everchosen. And? All the locals are Chaos worshipping nutters who dream of being, or at least being in the vicinity of, the next Everchosen.
If there had been multiple Everchosen from the Kul I would consider it relevant.
He was the latest everchosen, so his tribe is almost certainly going to have a larger proportion of shaman of the four.
Getting information from the tribes isn't a save or die.

Dolgan dice:

1: Slaasnitched
2: Challenge
3/4: Stick to the deal
5: Fellow traveller
6: Enemy of my enemy
8 is the sacred number of Khorne, so let's see how this dice-roll goes.

Yusak Dice:

2-4: We don't want any trouble
5: Road trip buddies?
6: Super road trip buddies?

It's not a save or die, but it is a 16% chance of conflict, and I would really rather not have to fight them if we can avoid it.
It's not a save or die, but it is a 16% chance of conflict, and I would really rather not have to fight them if we can avoid it.
Assuming their active seeking of favour through combat does not make the dice be more like
5: Bugger off, we're busy.
6: Join the assault or go away.

Probably not that bad, but the situation here is different from our previous dealings with Kurgans.
No-Relation Reicthard of the Bright Order

If necromancy is alright, does quest or WHF canon explain who this is? (i know who the referenced unrelated wizard is but this person is suggested to be of similar prominence to Elspeth von Draken and Algard.

Oh. Oh. But why wouldn't Algard already know?

...well, how could he know? A lot of people know what you know - everyone in Karak Eight Peaks, and then some - which is why you never thought to pass it on. But none are part of the intelligence apparatus, are they?

What's it that Algard didn't know again? That Rupert wasn't actually a member of a schism? Or?
[x] Fortify here and see if anything interesting happens over the next day

"See what happens to people we don't care about" seems like the best idea to me, given our lack of experimental subjects.
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