[X] Plan: Ten Seconds

(Choose 3):
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: At Least One Major Beast-Path Located. Chance Of Success: 75%
-[X] Gold Testing:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Armies of Ostland Suffers No Penalties From Unfamiliarity With Gold Wizards.
-[X] Intensive Hunting:
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Especially cunning beastmen warherds that made it through an Ostland-Talabeclander Beast-Path hunted down and killed. Chance of Success: 50%

-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries: You have the money to pay, and you have the need. Mercenaries are omni-present in this world, and you could use some extra bodies. Or expertise, or training, or any other number of things. Send out the call, see who responds, and set up the contracts. Depending on what is being done and who is being hired, they would arrive some time into the year, with an absolute guarantee of arrival by end of the year. Cost: Depends. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Choose Which Mercenary Band To Hire, and For What.
--[X] The Great Wind
--[X] The Silver Lions
--[X] The Sunburst Spear
--[X] The Smoking Manticores

Third Imperial Navy:
(Choose 3)
-[X] Extra Careful:
Cost: 250. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Assurance that even if Sea of Claw Rolls Fail, Albion Diplomacy Action Not Affected.
-[X] Greatship 6:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 1 New Greatship.
-[X] Galley Focus:
Cost: 1500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 10 Wargalleys.

(Choose 2):
-[X] An Open Hand:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Amiable opening to relations with Count Rommel. Chance of Success: 65%
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Morr:
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Stirland granted many seeding drills for usage across their province, vastly increasing agricultural production. CANNOT SELECT STIRLAND SOILS – BY HANDRICH IF THIS OPTION IS CHOSEN

(Choose 1):
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
Cost: 1,000 Now, An Annual Fee To Maintain Traveling Judges Of Ostland Network Afterwards. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Traveling Judge Network set up with regular fair pay, who will work to utilize the Revised Law Code, thus making it more normalized. Also reduces corruption of Traveling Judges. Increases general Law and Order for province.

(Choose 3):
-[X] Seek Out Myrmidian Priests:
1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Myrmidian clergy not purely focused around War arrive in Ostland, further Myrmidian options. Chance of Success: 75%
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: New Detachment of White Wolves Dedicated To Defending Iceborn Flame Sent To Ostland. Chance of Success: 80%
-[X] Debating Rhya:
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Cultists of Rhya relent on seeding drill as a 'work of science'. Increased Farming Income. Other Options In Future.

(Choose 2):
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Goods Producers/Traders. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Geisen dominance of markets begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 50%
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger:
Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Transport Companies That Will Begin Damaging House Rutger Dominance. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Rutger dominance of northern transportation begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 65%

Personal: God's above, your family has been through too much. (Choose 3):
-[X] Engineering Aid:
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: +20 To One Research Action's Roll This Turn thanks to Masterful Engineer+Blacksmith traits.
-[X] Tutoring The Herd:
Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Chance for younger Hohenzollern Herd members to gain Martial Traits. Chance of Success: 65%
-[X] Studying The Past:
Cost: 1,500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Gold Wizards study Night's Razor and power necklace. Chance of Success: 70%

Urgdug Choice
-[] Choose from the linked post [catalogue] in the above section for where Urgdug gets to have his home as befitting a knight. Further development can be done later.
[X] An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal
Runefang Choice
[X] Not Yet
Jade Magister Choice
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
Cult of Manann Choice
[X] Go Down:

Military (2000)+
Diplomacy (2500)+
Stewardship (1000)+
Piety (2000)+
Intrigue (2000)+
Personal (1600)+
Other (500) =11600

+ Imperial Navy (2250)
+ Mercs(unknown??)
= ???

Military: I sacrifice crossbows.

Imperial Navy: I throw away going north for more build up.

Mercs: MEEEERCS. my foe. Going with six. Okay, explaining this a bit more. I am concerned about our income, it's kinda dangerous as we do not make back too much more than I would prefer, and every time something goes wrong the response is to eat into our income for more mercs, but we only increase our income by +500 over a decade (not true, but it feels that way).

We are going to buy mercs, this is non-negotiable. I cannot stop it unless I use logic of "you are only making this choice because of OOC knowledge, shame on you". Which is true to a point. More mercs will not save us, it's going to cut into our income and be more bodies in a fight. The players never release mercs if they can help it, even when they're shady mercs. Because of our concern at being undermanned.

6 is my limit. That'll either be a -1000 decrease in income or less than a -500 decrease in income. We can take the hit in addition to the Jade Wizards, but no more mercs for a whole decade. We need time to rebuild that lost income.

DIplomacy: Morr! We can be charitable. And I'd like to stay out of Kislev politics.

Stewardship: The law is more important to me than the charcoal industry. I will not delay the law.

Piety: Debating Rhya is important. I want the myrmidian option complete to see if they'll serve as protection for our engineers against things like the changeling and vampires.

Intrigue: Espionage, it's phrased as morally correct okay. I like the idea of Sabine aiding those who were beaten down by the big monsters.

Personal: Engineering Aid is important to apply now onto the vapor tank. We want to crit that this turn. 3 in a ROW!

Others: Urgdug - An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal, sounds like what Urgdug would want. A piece of land that can be used for farmland, and grow to his designs. Where he can make something new from a fresh start. An Ofstein Corridor is good too, close to Wulfenburg.
Runefang - Freddy doesn't have a Runefang replacement. Magnus does have a runefang replacement in a dwarf hammer. Now maybe it would be an exchange of weapons, but I'd rather not remove the runefang from Freddy right now.

Cult of Manaan - Go south.

edit: Reduced Merc numbers to 4, and chose not to give Magnus the Runefang, we will be going South to a important meeting where the runefang is a badge of office. Hmmm, no, keeping runefang.
edit2: one person makes a fuss and QM changes everything. Plan got edited to accommodate QM change.
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The good news for Ori is that Aunt Anna has a very similar condition!

The bad news is that Anna will be of no assistance in "how to blend in" because Anna has a lower diplo score by 3 hahahaha!

I think the case with Ori is that she is not getting a holistic picture by dint of her age and the assumptions people have about what is or isn't able to be handled by a child.

She is a Genius. If the stories and tales and culture we have is relentlessly Martial focused it is no wonder that a Genius with atypical emotional processing would come away with "Martial is the measure of worth". This is also the reason that Wolflila is currently left out. We relentlessly focus on Martial because this is a dangerous world and Martial is the way you can accomplish anything else in relative safety.

A lack of Martial is not "weakness" to be frustrated by, or condescended about, or sneered at.

This brings up a good point about the Hohenzollern clan. What will our history look like, if we are not around personally to tell it? Certainly it will be an extremely Martial history, emphasizing our combat feats and potentially forgetting our greatest strength! Our genius!

I believe an autobiography in collaboration with Natasha might be an excellent idea for the clan going forward. A tome that can point out the strengths and values of each of the stats, with accompanying anecdotes of our history, should assist future Hohenzollerns looking to find their way in life.

Learning. Diplomacy. Piety. Stewardship. Intrigue. Each has scored their own grand victories against the forces of destruction during our reign, though the Martial victories are the loudest and most publicized.

I do not mind the idea that Karola would be a strongly Shallyan Elector with a Champion in Ori. I find the idea of "shipping her off" to be about as desirable as having her simply learn much from Shallya's Cult and the healers, while not going so far as to lose her inheritance.

Wolflila might take kindly to the artisan aspects of Myrmidia, and we have been meaning to explore Myrmidia's non-war sides anyway. The infinite fight against the forces of destruction is not won by fist alone, and beauty that mends the heart and bolsters the soul is quite important too.

This would interact in a funny way with his protective and war-like sisters, who would take well to any Martial deity but may choose their brother's chosen patron out of fondness for him. That'd be neat.

I loved this update, it was excellent. It seems to me that Kazul might be amenable to some fertility magic, but uh. We've no idea how the Karaz Ankor would react to that.
Six. That's how many mercs we would have had max available before this turn 38. We would have only hired 5 of them because one of them is a ogre merc unit, and it is better to not have maw ogres on retainer.

Maybe 3, but we are going to hire mercs this turn, the Interludes demand we get mercs. Sure we can say otherwise, but we need mercs now, they won't arrive until end of the turn. For them to be in the fight against the beastmen they need to be hired now.
Three then at most.
Helmut's Free Company
Perdición de Los Nórdicos
The Smoking Manticores

Seem like good buys to me. I'm not comfortable getting any more than that given we know it's going to be a push but the extent is well... kinda unfathomable.
I don't have access to a computer, would you be willing to post them? I'll still vote for variants going for the library over the Longshanks. Really, so long as the ones I specified being deadset on remain there, I'm pretty open.
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@Marlin I honestly think your reasoning is too metagamy, especially since we promised GM not to do that.

@EVA-Saiyajin I like your plan the best so when will you post it?
Noone bothered to talk to me about this issue until now.

Like at all, I got ignored.

How many mercs should we hire? 3 mercs? 1 merc group?

If no metagaming is happening. Then no mercs. Absolutely none should be hired because it would be too metagamy to hire any mercs at all barring one merc group.

One merc group is far too small for the beastmen inside our forests. 2 merc groups then? But the players would panic over anything and push for the maximum amount of mercs possible anyway, so 5 merc groups? We would take 6 merc groups if one wasn't an ogre unit of great maw worshippers.

How many mercs would we hire if we didn't have OOC info? All of them. Which was 6 at time, and I could see the answer probably being 5 merc groups of cavalry.
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[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Galley Focus
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X]Stirland Soils – By Handrich
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd

Urgdug Choice
[X]Trofurt Estates
Runefang Choice
[X] Why Not?
Jade Magister Choice
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
Cult of Manann Choice
[X] Go Down

Edit: Fixed the vote to Torroar's specifications.
Edit mk2: Changed from Kisleiv to Stirland for drills, until we get eyes on in winter land I'm just a little bit leery of kicking the frostfiend's lair.
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just throwing this out there. If we hired all the land mercs available it would cost about 1400 a turn I think. This is based on pricing of mercs from past hires. it's about 1 gold per 10 humans, and 1 gold per 1 ogre. It's a little less, but there is quite a bit of variance in merc quality so I gave a conservatively high estimate.
[X] Plan All Corners
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths
-[x]Ogre Archery

-[x] Guarding Ships
-[x] Galley Focus
-[x] Checking For Yourself
-[x] Extra Careful
-[x] An Open Hand
-[x] Stirland Soils – By Handrich

-[x] Have Laws, Need Judges
-[x] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[x] Debating Rhya
-[x] Equivalent Exchange
-[x] Corporate Warfare – Rutger
-[x] Weighty Weiss

-[x] A Little More Conversation
-[x] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[x] Tutoring The Herd
[x] The Oftstein Corridor
[x] Why Not?
[x] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[x] Go Down

@Massgamer @NCRTrooper the style has been changed in accordance to Torroar's wishes. Your vote will no longer include the non CKII ones.
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What plans don't involve Weiss? I know @CuriousRaptor has a plan but I think he's taken too many fleet actions to be legal.

Weiss is not only the biggest competition and thus the hardest to stop cold-especially when we're behind them in the intrigue game-but the only way to deal with it currently is to replace it. With a Nassau one. That's not stable and it leaves the province's financial security in the hands of someone not the ruling family. I like Sabine, and I don't have anything against her family, but I don't like her enough to give her family the province on a platter. Beyond that, let's start small. Pick of the transports to hit both at once in the wallet and then divide and conquer.

[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
[X]Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down
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What plans don't involve Weiss? I know @CuriousRaptor has a plan but I think he's taken too many fleet actions to be legal.
Weiss is not only the biggest competition and thus the hardest to stop cold-especially when we're behind them in the intrigue game-the only way to deal with it currently is to replace it.With a Nassau one. That's not stable and it leaves the province's financial security in the hands of someone not the ruling family. I like Sabine, and I don't have anything against her family, but I don't like her enough to give her family the province on a platter.

[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
I took 3 actions, @EVA-Saiyajin told me and i fixed it.
Anyway, figured I'd put together a plan.

[X] Plan: I Added the Mercs Because I Thought They Looked Cool
-[X] Gold Testing
-[X] Intensive Hunting (Double Down)
-[X] Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries:
--[X] The Great Wind
--[X] The Sunburst Spear
--[X] The Painted Ladies
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Galley Focus
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils - Warmth
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Standing Taal
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd

[X] The Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
Cult of Manann
[X] Go Down

Reasoning is mostly based on what I put in my post, though I swapped in the Verenans for Rhya because I was convinced by thread discussion of that opening up potentially cool options. And I switched to ogre archers because, c'mon man. Ogre archers. In the end I just can't say no. And I decided if I was gonna try to do a plan I should at least look at the mercs page, and then added some because... well, you saw the plan name. I only did three becaues I want to avoid metagaming this per the QM's request.
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Ugh, had a hell of a day and haven't been able to keep up with... anything, really, today. And now, too tired to think and read closely enough and with a headache.

I think it should be separated into "Plan" votes and Urgdug/Runefang/Jade Magister/Manann votes.

So, e.g., people should vote for whatever "plan" they want, and people should also vote in each of the 4 other/special options they want. The plans should compete against each other. The individual/special options should just have the "Yes/No" parts of it compete.

Two main reasons to do this:
One. The votes are simple. They're "Yes/No" votes basically, or "choose one from within these options."
Two. They aren't exactly part of the turn-build itself, don't compete with them or interfere with them. They're sort of agnostic to the turn-plan-stuff.

Imagine if we have 6 different plans; 5 of them have "Keep Runefang" but the 6th has "give Runefang to Magnus for a year". And despite the fact if you organized and compared the Keep versus Give votes, Keep would win handily... Give won because the Plan vote got a plurality.

If you don't separate it from the "Build a Turn Plan" stuff, then you can get odd results.
Are any of the choices beyond the typical CKII ones, the ones at the end, separate from plan votes?
I mean...do you think they need to be?
I mean, IMO, yeah they should be.

Several of the options should obviously be different from the "build a turn plan" options. For obvious reasons.
Jade Magister Choice
Cult of Manann Choice
You... even have them separated from the Diplomacy/Martial/Personal/etcetc categories.

This is just both convenient and sensible. The "build a turn" stuff is one part of an update; the "What separate decisions does Frederick make?" is another. So it makes sense that... Well, so it goes. This way you can combine the most popular or most-agreed-upon or most-desired 'turn build' vote, with the individual votes. And one isn't stuck leading the other. i.e. Some people feeling strongly about a plan voting for a plan, despite what it might do to the choices. Or vice versa. Voting for all the ones that have an individual choice go a certain way, and so on.

It's better/easier for people to get what they want and vote for what they want; they can vote for the turn-build stuff, and vote for the special/individual/other votes too.

However, another simple reason to separate them is that...

... Otherwise, you are likely to get really really really similar turn-plan votes, with the only difference being "I vote we give Magnus Runefang" versus "I vote we keep Runefang"?

If so: do you want to have like 6 plans that are 95-99% the same except for one single choice?

Or would you rather people vote for the Diplomacy/Martial/Stewardship/Personal plan; and then tally up the votes for the Individual/Other votes too?

It's way simpler on the organizing and tallying -- and it makes it easier to avoid mistakes. Also makes it easier to not have laziness mess things up, either.

It also avoids weird results that, like... for example, a majority of people voted "Keep runefang" but it was split amongst 5 different plans; but then the 6th plan got slightly more votes but it had "give Magnus Runefang" and so despite "keep runefang" getting way more collective votes, it failed via order.
How many mercs should we hire? 3 mercs? 1 merc group?
I would argue that unless we are expecting a massive attack, which we shouldn't from Freddy's perspective, there is no reason to hire any additional merc companies since we already have a lot in our employ.

Doesn't matter if plan involves attacking beastmen in province since we already have large army and additional assistance for it. At least that's what I think.

[X] Plan All Corners
I would argue that unless we are expecting a massive attack, which we shouldn't from Freddy's perspective, there is no reason to hire any additional merc companies since we already have a lot in our employ.

Doesn't matter if plan involves attacking beastmen in province since we already have large army and additional assistance for it. At least that's what I think.
We knew about a beastmen build-up from the rumor mills. Beastmen are inside the province. Players were advocating to hire mercs soon. The players neglected the bestpaths for three turns. This was the turn someone should have put in mercs in at least one plan.

We have been expecting a massive attack from the greenskins, the beastmen and a third faction to happen all at once. Just unknown for the when. And if the rolls would cause some things to happen so that the massive attack wasn't simultaneous.
We knew about a beastmen build-up from the rumor mills. Beastmen are inside the province. Players were advocating to hire mercs soon. The players neglected the bestpaths for three turns. This was the turn someone should have put in mercs in at least one plan.

We have been expecting a massive attack from the greenskins, the beastmen and a third faction to happen all at once. Just unknown for the when. And if the rolls would cause some things to happen so that the massive attack wasn't simultaneous.

Can you cut the salt about the paths already? Lambs sake we've done it more often than not and we've also needed to keep our army up to snuff for when it does hit us, as well as help with various trident military endeavors. We get it, you don't like us not doing the every turn even if our allies or our battle readiness suffers, stop beating the dead, tenderized and deliquescing centigor.
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I would argue that unless we are expecting a massive attack, which we shouldn't from Freddy's perspective
I disagree with that. Because based on the in-quest info, I was expecting a massive attack before the interludes. I wasn't expecting as massive of an attack as the interludes suggest, but to me the signs were clearly pointing to an approaching conflagration already.
Ugh, had a hell of a day and haven't been able to keep up with... anything, really, today. And now, too tired to think and read closely enough and with a headache.

I think it should be separated into "Plan" votes and Urgdug/Runefang/Jade Magister/Manann votes.

So, e.g., people should vote for whatever "plan" they want, and people should also vote in each of the 4 other/special options they want. The plans should compete against each other. The individual/special options should just have the "Yes/No" parts of it compete.

Two main reasons to do this:
One. The votes are simple. They're "Yes/No" votes basically, or "choose one from within these options."
Two. They aren't exactly part of the turn-build itself, don't compete with them or interfere with them. They're sort of agnostic to the turn-plan-stuff.

Imagine if we have 6 different plans; 5 of them have "Keep Runefang" but the 6th has "give Runefang to Magnus for a year". And despite the fact if you organized and compared the Keep versus Give votes, Keep would win handily... Give won because the Plan vote got a plurality.

If you don't separate it from the "Build a Turn Plan" stuff, then you can get odd results.

I mean, IMO, yeah they should be.

Several of the options should obviously be different from the "build a turn plan" options. For obvious reasons.

You... even have them separated from the Diplomacy/Martial/Personal/etcetc categories.

This is just both convenient and sensible. The "build a turn" stuff is one part of an update; the "What separate decisions does Frederick make?" is another. So it makes sense that... Well, so it goes. This way you can combine the most popular or most-agreed-upon or most-desired 'turn build' vote, with the individual votes. And one isn't stuck leading the other. i.e. Some people feeling strongly about a plan voting for a plan, despite what it might do to the choices. Or vice versa. Voting for all the ones that have an individual choice go a certain way, and so on.

It's better/easier for people to get what they want and vote for what they want; they can vote for the turn-build stuff, and vote for the special/individual/other votes too.

However, another simple reason to separate them is that...

... Otherwise, you are likely to get really really really similar turn-plan votes, with the only difference being "I vote we give Magnus Runefang" versus "I vote we keep Runefang"?

If so: do you want to have like 6 plans that are 95-99% the same except for one single choice?

Or would you rather people vote for the Diplomacy/Martial/Stewardship/Personal plan; and then tally up the votes for the Individual/Other votes too?

It's way simpler on the organizing and tallying -- and it makes it easier to avoid mistakes. Also makes it easier to not have laziness mess things up, either.

It also avoids weird results that, like... for example, a majority of people voted "Keep runefang" but it was split amongst 5 different plans; but then the 6th plan got slightly more votes but it had "give Magnus Runefang" and so despite "keep runefang" getting way more collective votes, it failed via order.
You are opposing the whole system instead of just the one choice.

This is what Torroar has done. It isn't perfect, but the players are adapted to it. This process is messy, but the process allows fast conclusions instead of more waiting around for another vote to complete. Torroar gives the players time to vote on the plan they want, not a perfect solution, yet it means days pass if a vote is in contention. The process does come with the multi plan drawback.

I'd rather have the votes in one plan to avoid more votes on one plan over the timespan of a month.
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm

Only issue with this plan is that it has us selling the seed drills to Kattarin versus the higher chance success of Stirland but its perfect all around for me.
So Trudi will reach out to the Cult of Kakarol when she is older. I suspected at least one of Arthur and Serhild's children would do so. Well the options down the line will be interesting if she survives to that point. And yes I'm aware she's a Morrite. Doesn't mean she can't go talk and befriend the Cult of Kakarol. Also d'aww she just want her parents to be happy. Such a good child. I hope she gets to have a lot of joy in her life to go a long way to keeping her cheerful in a world as harsh as Malus.

Castle Wulfenburg Main Courtyard, 2340 IC

"Is there…a reason, you picked that one?" Magnus asked carefully.

Ori looked up at him unblinking, the rest of the weapon pile completely untouched from since he had first laid them out. Alexandra's gift of size scaled weapons was proving itself yet again this year. In the past, father had done his best but hadn't had the sheer scale and breadth that Alexandra had offered when she'd first dropped them off. Still, it was the inclusion of one that had never been more than touched, examined, and left behind by all the rest of the Herd who had been able to first touch live steel as of yet since then. Karola had barely accepted picking up a quarterstaff, a spear. Frederick, Arthur's son, had happily gone for the sword and shield at first before expanding his learning to try and encompass the sheer variety that his namesake possessed – an internal arsenal of memory that even Magnus had not yet completely covered. Trudi, Arthur's daughter, seemed happier to focus on ranged weaponry and an Estalian fencing blade of all things.

"Because I need to," Ori said with complete calm.

Really, Magnus didn't even know why Alexandra had included it in the first place. Well, no, that was a lie. She was devoted to thoroughness when it came to her projects. An incomplete assortment would not have satisfied her. Keeping the entire training bundle maintained was a long-term duty assignment for the servants, and occasionally for some of the older children when they required disciplining. But for some reason, as he looked into his own daughter's eyes, he could not help the sense that there was something distinctly different about this session. More than any of the others. Others of the Herd who had gone through the process, their first taking up of a true weapon, had generally had childish glee and interest in shiny dangerous things – things that needed to be tempered sooner rather than later. Karola had been the first major divergence, the most resistant he'd ever seen, and to this day she only sparred with training dummies when made to, never in contact with anyone else in the family except when completely forced.

"That's…why do you think that?" Magnus said, rocking on his heels slightly.

"Because I need to," she repeated as she carefully held the facsimile of Brain Wounder.

It wasn't a true enchanted blade, of course. But Alexandra, ever a perfectionist when it came to her craft, had made it appear in every way save for its size to be a perfect replication of the Runefang of Ostland. Ori was holding it one-handed, her harm not even trembling slightly like even Frederick's had the first time around. It was perfectly still, just like the rest of Ori save for her quiet even breathing. Her blue eyes, the exact same as his own, met his own without hesitation. When he'd come to get her out of bed for this, early in the morning, she had not screamed with delight, or cheered, or even cried like Karola. There had been a simple murmur of acknowledgement before she'd begun dressing herself and following him out.

"That's a replica of Brain Wounder," he reminded her.

"I know."

Her lips moved, but the rest of her did not.

"It's a blade meant for the ruler of Ostland, and some day their heir, and so on," he continued.

Oh, sure, stories were told to the Herd of the blade, how could there not be? Stories of victories, of defeats, of history of the family and the Empire. Religious stories had also featured heavily since Arthur and Serhild got really involved, ensuring that all knew of the Gods of the Empire, as well as the minor Gods of Ostland and other deity's from beyond their borders. But for those of the Herd under ten, even those beginning combat practice, they didn't get into the truly gritty things. Not just yet. But even so, Magnus was relatively sure that they'd certainly impressed upon all of them of the sheer importance of the blade.

"Yes," Ori finally nodded, the first body movement she'd made since she'd picked up the replica.

"Which means that one day – a long time from now, Sigmar willing – it will be mine."


"And after me," he slowed his words down, enunciating carefully, "It will be my heir's to wield."

"Unless you die first."

Magnus paused, mouth closing over his next planned words.

"What was that?"

Ori slowly blinked, once, before re-committing to her ongoing gaze.

"If you die before grandfather, the blade will remain in his possession as it currently is. It might pass on to your presumptive heir, but you might never wield it."

"Well, that's…,"

"Or our entire branch is killed for one reason or another, and the sword will pass on to Frederick, as Arthur's presumptive branch heir and the next viable Hohenzollern candidate. Or Tasha, possibly, as the daughter of the eldest living children of the main patriarch and matriarch of the Hohenzollerns."

His daughter paused at that, the faintest tensing of her brow the only sign of her thinking hard before it smoothed out once more.

"No, that's unlikely," she declared softly. "Prejudices against foreign faiths are strong, and while magic is more acceptable to Ulricans than Sigmarites…hmm. I can't say, I guess."

It was, in that moment, that Magnus realized that he might well have missed something somewhere at some point. The Hohenzollerns were a large family, not simply because the work of his father and mother, but with others as well, himself and Sabine included. His attentions were split in so many directions, not just with trying to get Karola to accept more training, but with combat patrol duties in the province, with his new youngest children, with the duties of being the heir presumptive for his father. Somehow, despite being only a year younger than Karola, Ori had slightly slipped between the cracks. At least, that was the only conclusion he could come up with as she looked at him expressionlessly.

It wasn't that she was incapable of such, but more than anything he was getting the oddest sensation of déjà vu towards none other than Anna herself.

"Okay," he crouched down on one knee, "Ori-,"

"You can call me Ortrud, father, Trudi isn't around to make it confusing."

Magnus let loose a small, bemused huff.

"But I like calling you Ori. May I continue to do so?

"Yes father. I am sorry I interrupted you."

Not that it seemed to show on her face or in her tone.

"Okay," Magnus nodded. "Now, Ori, you do realize that Karola is my heir, right?"

That, finally, got Ori's face to screw up slightly, something that gave her the confused appearance of the young girl she was.

"Yes? I know that. You know I know that," she eventually said, tilting her head at him.

"Right," Magnus nodded again, "So do you want to tell me why you picked that weapon first, before any of the others? Wouldn't you like to start learning other weapons, rather than something you'll hopefully never have to wield?"

That got her face to smooth out again.

"Because I need to," she finally said, repeating what she had at the beginning, causing Magnus to hang his head for a moment.

"Would you like to tell me…anything more than that?" He said, voice somewhat strained.

"I don't understand."

"You need to start learning how to wield Brain Wounder first and foremost of any other weapon," he gestured to the weapon in question, "Because…," he trailed off meaningfully.

Her mouth opened slightly, her eyes widening somewhat.

"Oh. Yes. I need to because Karola won't."

She said it so calmly that Magnus almost swore he'd misheard her.

"Excuse me? 'Karola won't?' Karola won't what?" He said slowly, looking Ori up and down.

"Wield Brain Wounder?" she replied promptly, looking at him with some faint approximation of concern on her face. "Father? Are you all right? You look-,"

"I'm fine," Magnus lied to her, "What do you mean that Karola won't wield Brain Wounder? She's reluctant to fight, yes, but that does not mean she won't wield it at some point in her lifetime."

This, finally, got Ori to frown outright while shaking her head.

"No. That not true."

"And why is that, Ortrud?" Magnus said a little more harshly than he'd intended to, something slipping in and then out of Ori's gaze faster than he could properly register.

"Karola is too weak," she replied, the statement so forcefully said that it would have made him stumble if he hadn't been kneeling.


"She's too weak," she repeated. "Karola fears fear, and she's afraid all the time. She cries in the first hit, and she cries to make it stop, and it works. Logan used to hit her hard enough that she could end spars early, but he's gone now and that's why she looks like she's sparring more, which is why you think she's getting over it. She's not, Frederick just won't do it and Tasha schedules her yard time so she doesn't have to make the choice."

Words attempted to come out of his open mouth, but somehow Magnus could not say any of them.

"Whenever grandfather brings up battles of the mind, she freezes up and can't contribute, or she tries to retreat. Whenever there is cannon testing at the school, she hides inside and flinches every time. She doesn't like being outside the city, outside the walls. She doesn't even carry her belt knife," Ori gestured at her own, currently sheathed, "Completely ignoring utilities outside of bloodletting, unless prompted. She's nice, and kind, and everyone pities her."

"Pities her," Magnus echoed softly.

"Yes," Ori stiffly nodded before she waggled the blade replica in her hand, running the tips of her fingers along the flat. "She is your heir, yes. But she won't wield it," Ori said while shaking her head before blinking at Magnus as he rose from his kneeling position. "So I will."

"Because you need to," Magnus paraphrased, mind awhirl. "Won't that make her look even weaker?"

Ori raised her free hand, the one not somehow almost treacherously holding the scaled down Brain Wounder as if it was meant for her hand, and waggled it in the air.

"I checked the library. Stewards and champions have, in the past, represented Electors when the Electors proved incapable of personally leading in martial matters."

Then she lowered her head for a moment before looking back up at Magnus.

"These were regarded better than those that didn't appoint such individuals while remaining incapable. So…this," she held the replica up to the sun, letting its light glint off of its surface.

Magnus didn't quite know what to say to that.

"Because I need to."

Ah I see you've also added a trait for Ori about this as well:

Trait: Slight Psychopathy - Unfortunately, it seems that she was born with a certain cognitive dissonance compared to the average citizen of the Empire. (+2 Martial, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -2 Piety)

Well written @torroar. She's a psychopath with all of the Boldness, Disinhibition and Meanness that comes with the territory of being a Psychopath, but without the Machiavellianism and Narcissism of the full Dark Triad. Ori's already being taught how to deal with her Disinhibition and it shows in here where while she is still on the mind on the road with her thoughts she is much more self-controlled and isn't simply twitching trough the conversation like an average psychopathic child would be at her age. Just remember that psychopathic disdain is antithetical to the Chaos Gods in a similar way Frederick was to all of the Gods at the start of the quest and you'll be good since you seem to have a full handle on how Psychopathy works in people.

Do/Did you know one? Or did you just study the topic well enough? Cause I got to tell you I'm feeling represented in Ori here without her being similar to me in character or temperament.

Well got to go do stuff now. I'll comment on the rest of this Interlude later and then go vote since it will be in full swing by the time I'm back. Later people.