Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Honestly this seems like more suitable death for Gotrek than if he died in combat.

The part with Cyrston was nice, he is so far my favourite out of the new wizards.
To Mathilde Gotrek is merely one dwarf of many she talked a couple times to.

She has experienced greater losses with Abelhelm.

In general she is used to people dieing around her. Plenty did in Sylvania, in K8P campaign, the guards of Roswita, recently the Slayers and I am sure that list could still go on a while.
As long as the one dieing isn't a personal friend of hers, she won't be hit hard by death.

Gotrek might have become a friend in time, but for now all he is to her is one Dwarf dead of many.
That said, I too felt like something was missing from that chapter section. It just happened kind of matter-of-factly, if that makes sense? Like, it was a very short section with no dialogue and nothing else going on to be suddenly and surprisingly interrupted by this disaster.

It is also something shocking that happened in a matter of seconds, narratively. Mathilde being much faster than the rest of the group leads to her being first on the scene (via teleportation/skywalk), alone.
There will probably be a lot more talking and thinking in the next update as the immediate shock fades and higher reasoning takes the lead again.

It was a gutpunch, but that's part of the immersion.
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Fuck it, if rest of the expedition is willing to brave the wastes with not enough food, i'm not going to say no.
I just hope we don't end up as last survivor of this mess.
Gotrek's fucking dead, the Urmskaladrak is scrap, and the only way to complete the voyage is to exhaust our food supply in the process and trap ourselves inside a crumbling dead Dwarfhold on Chaos' doorstep.
The problem is that going back ALSO is going to exhaust our food supply, there's basically no way the "ogres bought all the food" problem will have been taken care of by the time we get back. Indeed there's an argument that we want to spend as much time as possible buying from the Dolgan or rustling from the Dolgan if they don't want to sell just to make sure there's been as much time for "restock" when we're within buying range again.
I just want to catch up by now not go back and read it
Well the simplest way to know about our current situation to make an informed vote is to read the last 10-11 threadmark, which is the start of Karak dum expedition.

Thats it. All other info are fluff that you can cross reference from informational character sheet and informational dramatis personae.

If the story interest you and you want to imerse yourself, start by the threads and read only that. 600k of word will take a long while to read.

If you really-really-really want to know of what kind of innane questions the voters ask the QM and his often hillarious one line response to it, read all the post.
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We're a week away and we'll be getting resupplies. It's worth continuing on rather than taking the risk of making a new trip altogether.
Apparently I'm forgetting the section where we were legally declared a dawi (I knew we were already Dawi friend but not this) by Belegar or whatever. Mind directing me to the specific passage?
Searched for "Ancestor Ranald" by Boney.
An announcement from the Emergency Meeting of the Ancestor Cult Conclave of the Karaz Ankor, hosted in Karaz-a-Karak.

After certain confidential information was vouchsafed to this body by a source of undoubtable repute, a Grudge is hereby leveled against the being, spirit, force, ancestor, demiurge, and/or anthropomorphic personification commonly known as Ranald, believed to originate somewhere in our about the continent called The Old World, for the crime of theft of a disembodied Dwarven soul, which has subsequently been incarnated in the form of an Umgi.

Reparation or vengeance for said Grudge is to be postponed pending the full and proper evaluation of the consequences of those actions, which may be considered to mitigate, in whole or in part, those actions.

Witnessed and entered into the Book of Grudges by the High King.
I actually kinda like how fucking weak it was. There are no "Narrative Rails" guarding anyone here. Anyone can die from the most inane things, Mathilde's had a few "If you roll one you just die" moments, and she's the MC.
Wholly disagree here.
I mean yes, players decision and bad luck might cause Mathilde's death, like in the "Ambush on the Skull River". But BoneyM, iirc, always have warned us about such a situations: "Guys, that's ricky af, think twice".
And bad luck alone? There must be really significant amounts to cause death of the named character. How many "nat1" did we have with Abel? At least three. And most of other rolls for him was subpar.
There we have two nat1 and 8 on d100, and 1 on d6. And even after that much of shit luck, he did have ~67% to survive (4+ on d6, and after that failed - 5+ on d6). With even one of the rolls higher, he might be alive.
I mean yes, players decision and bad luck might cause Mathilde's death, like in the "Ambush on the Skull River". But BoneyM, iirc, always have warned us about such a situations: "Guys, that's ricky af, think twice".
The player choice here was going on the Expedition to Hell.
And bad luck alone? There must be really significant amounts to cause death of the named character. How many "nat1" did we have with Abel? At least three. And most of other rolls for him was subpar.
During Ambush on the Skull River, it would have taken one Nat 1 to kill us. And (In Quest) Gotrek was a side character, so I see no reason for him to have anymore Plot Armor than Mathilde.

Frankly given the (Lack of) Narrative Weight behind him in this Quest I'd argue that even giving him two Death saves was a bit much, were it not for the fact that the second was curtesy of Mathilde.
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It's definitely not. The very idea is insulting.

If you don't intend to read the quest, why are you even here?
Presumably to play a fun and popular game. I've played games starting from halfway in on someone else's save and played to the end and had fun, and I've done it more times than I can count with TV and movies. I don't think I've insulted a film director by asking my mum for a brief synopsis of what's happened in the movie so far then enjoying the rest of it. I don't think it would've been good if she'd responded by telling me to fuck off and watch it on my own time.
How far is Karak Dum in terms of Shadowsteed?
How far in terms of Star Dragon, even?

Once we reach a certain point, if Asarnil and Deathfang are willing, they could potentially fly ahead and at least get a look at the outside from afar. If it really looks like "shit is fucked", like Praag was when Asavar Kul sacked it, we can safely conclude there were no survivors. But if it looks intact, then we'd have reason to keep going.

@BoneyM can Mathilde keep looking for Gotrek? Is it too late to revive him? :(
From the dice rolls, I believe he was already dead from the fall, and Mathilde hasn't found him in time to revive him anyway. But having confirmation on this would be nice.
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So just a thought, could this not-submarine have been what was used to attack the dwarves at Skull River?
Not directly in the attack itself. We found the pieces of the mine-barrel used, and that was made in the empire. We also identified where the bullets came from, also in the empire. The blackpowder was probably Skaven made, though it could technically come from Chaos Dwarfs. The sub might have delivered the money and blackpowder for the attack, but then they could've done it by different means too. It's not like they don't have contacts with criminals in the region.