I'm going to be completely honest.
MSK is the answer, here, and has been since its suggestion. Full stop.
Let's all do each other a favor. Let's pick a name that makes sense, and will
continue to make sense a hundred years later.
We're not going anywhere. Our status quo, however, will change dramatically.
"System Breakers", is not in fact "obvious." It's a shortsighted choice aimed at the near future IC. It will cease making sense the moment it replaces the system we seek to break.
"Mitakihara Anything", is not acceptable. Honestly, neither is "Japan Anything" or even "Asia Anything", because this isn't about being an organization for the benefit of a single *place.*
For the same reasons, "Tohoku Anything" is not okay. It is my fervent hope that our new,
Vietnamese contacts in Southeast Asia will drive home this point.
Joke names. Also not okay. We are talking about an organization which will essentially be assuming primary responsibility for production, distribution, oversight, and research of cleansing, which in any sane world is critical and somewhere between a medicine and a food. The Red Cross isn't a joke name. Nobody laughs them off and ends up dead or worse as a result. I should hope everyone will approach this vote for naming what
absolutely will be in no small part a worldwide humanitarian organization with the same level of seriousness.
That leaves us with serious names that don't reference places. I will add another caution: it is best we avoid anything that could sound like a movie villain's organization. Orion Anything falls under that rule. So does Mobius. Another caution: don't overreach. TSAB is not a name we can really lay claim to, we do not in fact administer time and space, nor do we have any clear idea of how we could start. Silver Millennium will feel silly after the first thousand years go by, although I concede that's much less of a mark against it than most of these other things have had.
The way to go here is a name that a hapless meguca in a backwater can hear in passing and go, "I think these people might be able to help me." The way to go is a name that will help people believe we're not going away. The way to go is a name that will make people think, "This is something different. This is something new." Chuuni bullshit is everywhere in the lives of meguca, I guarantee it. Fancy nonsense is not going to be new. It's not going to sound particularly trustworthy. It's not going to stand out until
after we
make it do so.
MSK, Mages' Association -- however bland they may seem, the typical dramatics of meguca life actually make them stand out. I came down hard on the side of MSK the instant I saw it, and I'll tell you why, because it's really. Fucking. Simple.
For the entire history of Humankind. There has never been an organization which could claim to be
for all meguca.
How do I know that? Grief economics 101, it's not in
That is what we want to be, it is how we want people to see us. This is an organization for meguca. Which meguca? Not Mitakihara meguca. Not Tohoku meguca. Not Japanese meguca. Not Asian meguca.
All meguca. Are you desperate? Are you in danger? We are here to help you. Period.
I am willing and ready to write more about this. This is the name. Period. Full stop. Toying with fun notions is
fun. But MSK is the name to actually vote in as Sabrina's proposal.
"Majutsu Roso" Which translates to <Mage's (labor) union.>
The "labor" in that translation
isn't parenthesised. If you're Japanese and you hear that, you are asking why the fuck anyone would start a
labor union for meguca. "Roso" is literally two kanji
and the first one is labor. So. Yeah.