Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open for the next 1 hour, 21 minutes
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Plan A Re-armed Hold with Campaigning

I'm in favor of more apprentices eventually, but we don't have to do it this turn. As others have said, if we start feeling like there's character bloat we can always have some of our apprentices end up going to other holds: with all the expansion going on there's plenty of demand.
It's probably a bit too late in the vote to consider it now, but next turn, we should consider ordering a selection of the newly available reagents from the elves, just to see what they have to offer. A Kraken eye might make an excellent Rune of Perception reagent, ambergris might work well for Runes of disguise or concealment, etc.

We could ask a griffon to pick them up for us.
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[X] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More, With Exploring!

Regarding "bloated cast", I think the solution is to just stop checking in on adults who are living their own lives. Keep the character churn fresh.
[X] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More, With Exploring!

Is Bara just doing the rune metal research tree? It seems like she's behind us. Will she be disappointed when she sees we've already been there done that?
Is Bara just doing the rune metal research tree? It seems like she's behind us. Will she be disappointed when she sees we've already been there done that?
Bara would have seen Otrek's armor, so she knows that Snorri is ahead of her. He is her elder after all. I doubt she knows how far ahead Snorri is though, or how much Snorri has done for Adamant production.
[X] Plan Re-Armed With Apprentices
-[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
--[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
-[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
-[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Master of Many will proc. Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards! 1 action
If something would remove character development for the sake of increasing an arbitrary and self proclaimed score- it's probably a net negative. Saying 'we can just ignore these apprentices as characters to get screen time and persist in the narrative because they weren't the first' changes how fundamentally special being taught by Snorri has been depicted as.

Should we stop making runic items as well to preserve how special the ones we've made already are?

If people are happy to do to that I suppose I'd have to concede that their similar opinion on apprentices is fair and consistent.
Should we stop making runic items as well to preserve how special the ones we've made already are?

If people are happy to do to that I suppose I'd have to concede that their similar opinion on apprentices is fair and consistent.
Runic items are rarely characters with their own motivations and actions though that compete for screen time. Bit of a terrible comparison.
I do however want to see more of Nain. He's ... barely seen.
Just wait, he's going to have a speciality in Ranger runes. :p
Runic items are rarely characters with their own motivations and actions though that compete for screen time. Bit of a terrible comparison.

A big deal was made previously about screen time for runic items that Snorri made. For a craftsman, those items should have characters and be part of significant actions and major relevance, but each time we make something new things like Trollslayer or the King's adamant armour or the cloaks we made will have a smaller share of the screen time.

It's a very apt and equivalent comparison. Both apprentices and runic items are things Snorri has a hand in shaping. Both have 'character' or a significance and meaning of their own, and both can get more or less screen time.

The fact that you don't care about them doesn't change that.
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A big deal was made previously about screen time for runic items that Snorri made.
Wasn't that specifically DragonParadox, complaining that if we made BA ahead of time it would be a really terrible legend because it sat in a workshop for twenty years or whatever?
InB4 nobody knows Snorri has made the new armour because since he made it for himself there was never a big ceremony for it.
So the first anyone learns of it is when during a war meeting we just walk in decked out in the best suit of armour they've seen since Grimnir visited with the throng and is just like "This thing? I've had it for decades."
Damn that sounds like a depressing fate for a memento of one of our greatest deeds.
I can't think of anyone else who's made a claim like this.
Adhoc vote count started by Zealous Specter on Aug 19, 2020 at 10:59 AM, finished with 195 posts and 68 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More, With Exploring!
    -[X] Odd Places 7/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times., roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. 1 Action
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    [X] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 3 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    [X] Plan Healing for the Dawi
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 2 Apprentice Actions.
    -[X] Spring Water: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc and Soul of the Earth will proc. The Springs of Valaya, which is certainly less offensive than calling them her "vents", is a source of rejuvenating water useful for the recuperation of injured dwarfs. They're fine with you taking samples to study to see if they're good for a potential Rune. Easier to just grab a barrel and bring it to the temple there instead of digging through muck and filtering it you suppose. 3 actions
    --[X] Church Commission: [Cost: +3 actions to cost] Student of the Odd will proc. The Clergy of Valaya is very interested in understanding how useful the water is on its own. They've confirmed the basics, that it's safe for dwarfs to use, it works etc, but they're far too busy with other tasks and duties in the wake of reconstruction and managing the wounded from the campaign to devote time towards it. They're willing to reimburse you for the time to figure it out yourself.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    [X] Plan The Right Amount
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 3 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    [X] Plan: Both Types Of Arms, Yeeting
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    -[X] [Difficult] Write In. "Crushing Fate" Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] 1-handed Adamant Hammer. 1 Action.
    - [X] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
    --[X] Master Rune of Smiting, Rune of Might, Rune of Impact
    [X] Plan: Both Types Of Arms, Thunder
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    -[X] [Difficult] Write In. "Lightning Striker" Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] 1-handed Adamant Hammer. 1 Action.
    - [X] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
    --[X] Master Rune of Thunderbolts, Rune of Might, Rune of Speed
    [X] Plan A Re-armed Hold with Campaigning
    -[X] Campaign: [Cost: 1 action] 2 Turns remaining. Can be taken multiple times, roll for loot + ???, will add bonus to search roll. This turn: Drakkazi. Go out and aid the throng every so often during the next phase of the reclamation. Normally you're only ever really called if things have gotten serious and you're of a similar mind, but this time it seems like the beasts of the North will not bow easy to Dwarf efforts to claim it. More importantly, the sheer number of beasties gives you a chance to go hunting for things and collect their most useful parts for your Runes. 1 Action
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    [X] Plan New Apprentice
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 3 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    -[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Master of Many will proc. Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards! 1 Action.
    [X] Plan Re-Armed With Apprentices
    -[X] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 2 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
    --[X] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.
    -[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Master of Many will proc. Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards! 1 Action.
what are the plans for this turn?

I think,
[] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More
Finishes Mind research then commits all actions and calls in favours to Arm them for max overflow.

[] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More, With Exploring!
Re-armed except they remove one action from Arm them to reduce the overflow and instead go to one of the odd-places.

[] Plan Healing for the Dawi
Delays Arm them further instead finishing off healing water. Notably the only plan to not complete it.

[] Plan The Right Amount
As Re-armed but does not call in favour

[] Plan: Both Types Of Arms, Yeeting
Like Re-Armed with Exploring but replaces the Exploring with a single design action and uses the free action of the grudge to create it.
Weapon runes are:
--[] Master Rune of Smiting, Rune of Might, Rune of Impact

[] Plan: Both Types Of Arms, Thunder
Self explanatory but uses this weapon instead:
--[] Master Rune of Thunderbolts, Rune of Might, Rune of Speed

[] Plan A Re-armed Hold with Campaigning
Self explanatory variation of Re-armed with Exploring

[] Plan Re-Armed With Apprentices
Self explanatory variation of Re-armed with Exploring

[] Plan New Apprentice
Completes Arm them however drops the Mind research in order to fit a search for an apprentice action
But my analysis might be wrong on some points.
Basically all plans complete Re armed and Mind research (except healing and Apprentices) so the difference between the plans is mostly where we want the fourth action to go.
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Voting is open for the next 1 hour, 21 minutes