Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open for the next 2 hours, 27 minutes
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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To be honest I don't want to make a Golem till we have an increased supply of Adamant and better runes, one that can self repair. It doesn't need to be quickly, because the previous siege went on for like, twenty years. Even if it takes a year or two to seal a deep gash, it's all gravy.

Basically, I want something placed at the first Wall, that in case of a breach can plug into a the gap and act as the rearguard. Something that can soak up a tremendous amount of punishment and draw attention as we reposition.

When a defence line falls is where we take most of our losses I would imagine, and I want something to address this issue. It's no use placing a giant golem inside the Hold proper behind the bloody runed doors, because in twenty years of sieges and 2/3rds dead, it would be useless in reserve.
I don't know why people want to bring the whole Adamant Forge. The blueprints will suffice, and it'll not be risking anything.

[X] Plan: Movement of Griffons
A followup question: assuming we trigger the commission right now and lock in an action on part 1, does that mean we have to commit to a rune setup at the beginning of next turn? I'm wondering if we'd still be able to spend an action or two on combo tests next turn and use that info to help decide on an array, or if any testing has to happen this turn if we want it to influence our decision.

I suppose an alternative way to phrase my question might be, would you accept a nested plan for turn 22 that might look like:

[ ] test if runes X Y and Z combo, 1 action
[ ] test if runes U V and W combo, 1 action
[ ] griffonking armour, 1 action
-[ ] if runes X Y Z produced a combo during testing, use those runes
-[ ] if runes U V W produced a combo but X Y Z did not, use U V W
-[ ] if neither X Y Z nor U V W resulted in a combo, use runes A B C
As mentioned feels like this kind of thing would open up a whole can of worms. People have already complained about the testing since players have a really bad habit of going overboard with trying to raise things as much as possible. The fact that the example you put up seems like it is designed to have us use up 5 actions on just testing does not help the case.

I really don't think people should constantly try to get more actions. If people want to test it out before it then people shouldn't go with a plan that has us needing make the armor as soon as possible.
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[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. 1 Action
-[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
-[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 2 Prods.
My reasoning is simple(heh).

Morgrim laid down a challenge, in a way. That I feel we should live up to. An Ancestor God. Asked for the Sons of Thungi to put the "right" runes in.

What can we do but excel?
Literally just re-read the bit with Morgrim's message and there was no challenge. He just left the plans blank and said, with the exact quote being "Let Thungni's scions decide if it's worth their time,". He seems to have pretty much left it to us or the runesmiths to decide if we wanted to do it or not. There wasn't a challenge. There are a number of legit arguments for wanting to take certain actions for this. I don't think it's alright to be deliberately misleading by twisting words around though you might also just be reading too much into things.

And it really seems like a huge twisting of words with lines about 'laying down a challenge' and 'putting in the right runes' when that is absolutely not what he said when the line seems to be 'if its worth the runesmiths' time. With the actual meaning based on what he said seeming to be that he left a blank space for us to decide whether or not we wanted to put in runes. Which makes sense since runesmiths aren't under him and runesmiths do decide for themselves what commission to take.
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@soulcake, I remembered that in the update where Snorri tested the Heart of Greed, you mentioned him cutting away parts of the heart which regenerated, right? If so, would such fragments be usable to serve as an auxiliary thing for the Aerie action without expending the actual Heart, and if such a thing is possible, what tier would the Greed's Fragments be at?
[X] Plan: My stuff is my stuff
-[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
-[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 1 Action.
-[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
-[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: 10 favours] Gain 1 progress. keep control over the land for whatever you want to do with it. 10 Favor
-[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
-[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
-[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 2 Prods.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by thefoolswriter on May 12, 2020 at 9:25 AM, finished with 170 posts and 79 votes.
  • 83

    [X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions
    --[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Destructive Research: [Cost: 3 Shaggoth Corpses, 9 Dragon Ogre Corpses] Gain 2 Progress, can be taken multiple times. Three Times.
    [X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. 1 Action
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
    -[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 2 Prods.
    [X] Plan: Movement of Griffons
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:]
    --[X] Request that he look for a particularly powerful creature and bring us its corpse
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action]
    --[X] Optional Write-in: a Shard of Voidstone, a blueprint of our smelter, and an Adamant bar
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. [2 Actions]
    --[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. [30 Favour]
    -[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. [1 Action and x3 Prods]
    [X] Plan Conclave of Light and Air No Apprentices
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions.
    --[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
    [X] Plan: Dwarf Santa Visits the Griffons, Plus Yorri
    - [X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods.
    - [X] The Mind of Things: 1 action
    -- [X] Use x3 Yorri prods
    - [X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 actions
    -- [X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    - [X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action]
    -- [X] Bring: A blueprint of the Adamant furnace. Some Adamant. A Voidstone. A few hearthstone. Some Silver Wutroth.
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers, and the corpse of an interesting T4 beastie he knows of. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    [X] Plan Proddity, Proddity, PROD!
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action]
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
    -[X] The Mind of Things Pt. 1: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
    - [X] Prod Yorri: [Cost 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 1 prod.
    [X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff with Apprentices
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions
    --[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. 1 Action
    [X] Plan Conclave of Air
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 Action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. 1 Action
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[X] Optional Write-in: An Adamant bar and blueprint of an Adamant Furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions.
    --[X] At QM discretion, use up to T3 materials freely on this project where appropriate. Small amounts of T4 Elder Frostwyrm Hide may also be used.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    [X] Plan Movement, Aerie, No Apprentices
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    --[x] Optional Write-in: Your Adamant bar, a furnace, one voidstone
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions.
    --[x] Use up to t3 materials at the gm's discretion.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[x] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 3 prods
    [X] Dragon Ogre Autopsy: [Cost: 6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
    - [X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 of progress. 1 prod.
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    [X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
    [X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
    [X] Plan: My stuff is my stuff
    -[X] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
    -[X] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
    -[X] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 1 Action.
    -[X] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
    -[X] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: 10 favours] Gain 1 progress. keep control over the land for whatever you want to do with it. 10 Favor
    -[X] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
    --[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
    -[X] The Secrets of Light?: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 progress. 1 Prod.
    -[X] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
    --[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. 2 Prods.
Since it looks like we're going to be doing the armor design as soon as next turn, I figure this is as good a time as any to refresh the memory when it comes to the last iteration of the proposed design:

Weapon Slot 1(Claws): Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Spellbreaking
The wind that cuts through everything, magical and mundane.

Weapon Slot 2 (Wings): Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Dismay, Rune of Cold
Be the tireless foe that strikes a chilling fear into your enemies.

Armor Slot: Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Steel, Rune of Iron
The advancing tradition of dwarven metalcraft.

Talisman Slot 2: Master Rune of Spite, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Might
Repay each blow with a mighty bolt of lightning.

The aim is for a combo themed on each of the King's abilities in Wind, Cold, and Lightning, hoping to combo those combos with a theme that encompases and amplifies his natural abilities.

All resting on our best bet for our first armor combo, and the first involving the Master Rune of Gromril.

Not to mention the basic non-combo effects of giving him a solid piece of defensive armor, enhanced cutting power with his claws, tirelessness, a fear effect, and an automatically triggered retributive magic attack.
[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff with Apprentices
Since it looks like we're going to be doing the armor design as soon as next turn, I figure this is as good a time as any to refresh the memory when it comes to the last iteration of the proposed design:

The aim is for a combo themed on each of the King's abilities in Wind, Cold, and Lightning, hoping to combo those combos with a theme that encompases and amplifies his natural abilities.

All resting on our best bet for our first armor combo, and the first involving the Master Rune of Gromril.

Not to mention the basic non-combo effects of giving him a solid piece of defensive armor, enhanced cutting power with his claws, tirelessness, a fear effect, and an automatically triggered retributive magic attack.
Thematically I think the weapon loadouts are backwards there...
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Voting is open for the next 2 hours, 27 minutes