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Do you think the chaos dwarfs are also in population decline, or is Hashut providing a way with a whip?
I'm pretty sure you're referencing the song from the animated Lord of the Rings movie, but that still sounds like something very specifically something else.
Should we give Mandred some kind of birthday gift? My first thought was some kind of protective charm but not really confident that's the most appropriate or best thing to give him.
We got him the blessing of a god who'll actually help him when it's down to the wire.
Also there are gonna be SO many other more qualified to give Mandred something even remotely functional.

Our best gift is Ranald's secret introduction
I've been thinking about it since the update and realized that Belegar's not thinking of the future - that's something that could make him find the purpose for K8P kingdom. He went from "I care what ancestors would want us to do" - which is striking out grudges and if possible retaking K8P the traditional way - to "I care for the safety of my subjects". He'd do well to make one more step to "I care about the world my grandchildren will live in". What Belegar's way should give dwarves is not ancestors' wishes or more safety, it's a way to break a trend. Unconventional tactics keep attrition down; strong allies and trade partners allow to affect more than just immediate surroundings.
Missing the point
Trying to make Belegar feel better by talking about how he's retaking 8 Peaks for the sake of the generations that will outlive him isn't enough
Because that doesn't actually address the problem; if he wanted to build a better future for his people he didn't have to do it here, in a literal warzone, and he doesn't have to keep pushing to reclaim more peaks
The only real reasons to retake 8 peaks has everything to do with the past, but he's made it clear to himself that the past isn't what matters to him
So what the hell is he even doing? He doesn't know anymore, if this is all about building a better tomorrow he then why is he fighting for a symbol of the past?
There are safer spaces to build a better future
Or as Boney says it:
Why do they need to live in Karak Eight Peaks to have hope? If he spent his entire life and got very lucky he might be able to make his people almost as safe and comfortable as they would have been in Karaz-a-Karak or any of the other ludicrously underpopulated Old Holds. All the things that make Eight Peaks meaningful are tied up in the values he's discarding to conquer it.

While that's helpful, for the "Her", not so much of the rest of the confusion.
I suppose we'll just have to wait for the next update to see about the rest.
Schrodinger's information, here we go. :p
I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill here

"Hey Belegar I think Edda's a bit unsuited to dealing with manlings, could be a potential issue"
"Hmm, I'll have to think it over then, perhaps shift the responsibility for the Undumgi around a bit if it comes to it, though hopefully we'll be able to get her some help so she can get a handle on manling interactions"

It's just like the whole Hubert kerfuffle, where people got concerned about how he was hitting things with a blade rather than magic
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Mandred the Somewhat Lucky?
I refer to the roll of 60 that we saw for Ranalds Imperial gambit.
Decent result but doesn't sound like 'A Lucky Karl Franz' level payout.
Wasn't that just for a healthy birth.
Had we rolled low there would probably have been complications and at worst the death of mother and child.
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So I was thinking of the dwarf population issue for a bit considering what Mathilde knows of the matter. With the understanding that this is not a project we can even consider until at least finishing the reclamation of K8P, which the dwarfs need not to give up on a cultural level like Thorgrim and company here are the very, very preliminary thoughts. Again this is speculation on the order of 'where to find the Rune of Sorcery' not anything that should concern us for many, many turns yet.

OK first off fertility is Ghyan, that is clear. There is even have a spell that works fine at guaranteeing conception in humans, Spring Bloom. It is far from a solution both because it is personal scale and because dwarfs may not play well with being exposed to Wind Based magic on a regular basis. That said it gives us a place to start. Who wields the Green Wind?

1. Jade College

This is the simplest source of lore, they are our colleagues, trading favor and gold works fine in this case. Hell we even have a personal in with Panoramia, and he will likely be a magister by the time this is even remotely on the horizon. Still they are far from the most skilled users of the Lore of Life, for that we will have to go much farther afield.

2. Ulthuan/The Handmaidens of the Everqueen

There is some connection there, an alliance and free trade we can work with. We have the foot in the door thanks to the ambassador's token, we just need to kill enough Druchii to gain access to at least their academic lore, actually getting and in with the Everqueen is harder though. The best I can think of is interest Teclis and though him Tyrion who might get us a connection to his lady love, It says something that it only gets less likely from here.

3. Bretonia/The Damsels

Well it's a friendly nation, if not particularly Mathilde-friendly because of the Ranald connection. Maybe if we kill enough gribles with the Protector. Still we do not have any indication that they are substantively better at Life magic than the Jade College so though it may be more likely than people lower down on this list it is also less important

4. Albion

They have druids, possibility druids that have retained more lore than the Empire's lot since they were never persecuted and they are pretty lacking in technological sophistication. Maybe offer them a dwarf uplift for help, they have some experience with that. On the other hand maybe if we get really lucky on the merc hires and find a Truthsayer working as a mercenary, there have been quite a few Albinese scattered to the winds since the mists fell a century and a half ago

5. The Wood Elves of Athel Loren

These guys are here for completion, short of walking into the woods with the Protector coin on and hoping we find enough important beastmen to kill before they start shooting at us I have no clue how to even begin approaching them.
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Missing the point
Trying to make Belegar feel better by talking about how he's retaking 8 Peaks for the sake of the generations that will outlive him isn't enough
Because that doesn't actually address the problem; if he wanted to build a better future for his people he didn't have to do it here, in a literal warzone, and he doesn't have to keep pushing to reclaim more peaks
The only real reasons to retake 8 peaks has everything to do with the past, but he's made it clear to himself that the past isn't what matters to him
So what the hell is he even doing? He doesn't know anymore, if this is all about building a better tomorrow he then why is he fighting for a symbol of the past?
There are safer spaces to build a better future
Or as Boney says it:
I assure you I'm not missing this particular point. It's true that dwarves of today would be safer and more comfortable living in Everpeak. Still, Everpeak subscribes to "going out with a bang" philosophy: there is no future in mortal lands for those clans if Thorgrim has its way. You can't grow the seeds of hope in Karaz Ankor that exists today; or if you can, against the wishes of higher-ups, K8P is still a better place to do it.
[X] [TOWER] Ongoing
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [TOWER] Ongoing
[X] Plan no favor mines
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
So I was thinking of the dwarf population issue for a bit considering what Mathilde knows of the matter. With the understanding that this is not a project we can even consider until at least finishing the reclamation of K8P, which the dwarfs need not to give up on a cultural level like Thorgrim and company here are the very, very preliminary thoughts. Again this is speculation on the order of 'where do do find the Rune of Sorcery' not anything that should concern us for many, many turns yet.

OK first off fertility is Ghyan, that is clear. There is even have a spell that works fine at guaranteeing conception in humans, Spring Bloom. It is far from a solution both because it is personal scale and because dwarfs may not play well with being exposed to Wind Based magic on a regular basis. That said it gives us a place to start. Who wields the Green Wind?

I think maybe this is barking up the wrong tree. You seem to be assuming that their fertility is some sort of medical problem, like dwarves aren't having as many children as ideally they would like to be having and need assistance to resolve the issue. But if that were true, how would they have ever reached the peaks of population they did in the first place?

It seems more likely to me that the problem is that dwarven couples are having exactly as many children as they want to have, and how many they want to have is: the minimum necessary to feel they've fulfilled a grim duty. Because the world is dark and depressing and they're doing no favor bringing children into a Doom World as members of a Doomed Race.

If dwarves felt better about the world, they'd probably want to have more children and would therefore have more children.
I think maybe this is barking up the wrong tree. You seem to be assuming that their fertility is some sort of medical problem, like dwarves aren't having as many children as ideally they would like to be having and need assistance to resolve the issue. But if that were true, how would they have ever reached the peaks of population they did in the first place?

It seems more likely to me that the problem is that dwarven couples are having exactly as many children as they want to have, and how many they want to have is: the minimum necessary to feel they've fulfilled a grim duty. Because the world is dark and depressing and they're doing no favor bringing children into a Doom World as members of a Doomed Race.

If dwarves felt better about the world, they'd probably want to have more children and would therefore have more children.

Given that we have no indication that Imperial and clanless Dwarfs who have pretty clearly distanced themselves from said society have the different birth rates it's almost certainly a biological limitation
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Given that we have no indication that Imperial and clanless Dwarfs who have pretty clearly distanced themselves from said society have the different birth rates it's almost certainly a biological limitation
I'm with briefvoice here. Were it strictly biological, there would be no historical point where Karaz Ankor expanded, as the population would be always constantly dwindling.

That is not the case - there was a period of expansion.

The causes of this population trend are social.
I'm with briefvoice here. Were it strictly biological, there would be no historical point where Karaz Ankor expanded, as the population would be always constantly dwindling.

That is not the case - there was a period of expansion.

The causes of this population trend are social.

If that is the case there is a way to check, just do a stastical analyses of Imperial dwarfs, if they get more births (even if it's not a massive difference) then it's cultural. Still even if it is cultural the fact is that they are in he hole population-wise. Hope or no hope magical fertility aids may be needed at this point.
Okay, originally intended to reply item by item but theres too many items. Hitting it by topic:
-Dwarf fertility problems:

They have a gender ratio of 3:1 male to female.
To avoid an improperly raised child, they'd then have a 20 year childhood and a 10 year teenage span training them in a trade. They take 120 years to reach Longbeard, and on average live to 200-300 years barring death by violence. Kazador proves that being a Longbeard does not stop fertiliy.
In essence, every dwarf woman could be looking at 8 kids each over a lifetime, in a healthy society(whick the Karaz Ankor is very much not) it'd be a slowly growing population at above replacement rate.

So ultimately, it all comes down to the perceived decline of the Dwarf race. Nobody's going to have children when 'everyone' knows that their children are destined for a long, hopeless fight to clear the books. Every child killed is another grudge that must be avenged, so best not to.
They don't need magical fertility. They need an army of culturally sensitive therapists.

-Edda's Umgi Problem:
Since we have it kind of confirmed that she has whats essentially a minor case of OCD as the source of her Organized trait, which makes her super efficient with dwarf projects.

Next, keep dwarf pride in mind. She's no delicate youth, but care and concern is important. Its not the time to raise it to Belegar yet.
Instead we raise it to Kazrik. Let him know she could use the help, and well, it helps the shipping. Give him a little assistance, help him help her. That solves the complicated mess of her pride, its no longer a failing being identified and then dealt with by another councilor, but a meddling shipper and a lover lending a hand to make a good job into a perfect job.
Its not super urgent either, we could wait a turn or two to see if Kazrik volunteers on his own initiative.

-Next turn plan. I'm looking at something like:
--Max - Decode the Skaven Book. We want SOME basis to build our bullshit on Queekish on.
--Johann - If we need to keep him on the job to finish the fist tutoring, so be it, but if not we put him on Skaven Firearms, let him Breach the Unknown on them. Maybe he'd get around the roadblock on ratling guns with broader sample sizes. Alternatively, we go with him on a looting spree to get material to use on our prisoner.
--Ducklings - Of the lot, Johann and Adela need help the most, the rest is contained. I think Adela is probably the most useful there, she just needs to be introduced to a sufficiently radical engineer. However, if we're running a Skaven raid, we could take Adela along with Johann, three high Intrigue wizards can carry a lot of loot.
--EIC - Activate the Handlers, barirng a job related concern, those take time to put resources in place, so we have agents when we need them.
--Personal 1 - Tower Nightlight
--Personal 2 - Skaven Prisoner(Local Intelligence) - Get him used to talking to us about things, while we gather materials for more.
--Personal 3 - Loot Skaven(Mors? Skryre? Depends on situation when the time comes)
--Personal 4 - Teach Wolf to talk. We need this to learn Queekish effectively and he can't help if he can smell but can't tell us what he smells.
--Serenity - Waagh Counters Paper
--Penthouse - Paranoia Security
Hmm I don't know that family name. Possibly Ulricians?
Unfähigers are previous dynasty. Was replaced by the current one after Dieter IV allowed Marienburg to secede in exchange for a massive bribe. While the Emperor is elected, actual timeline looks like that:

-Early Empire (about 1300 years, presumably system worked as intended during those times)
-Almost thousand years of civil wars and disunity (Age of the Three Emperors is a big part of that)
-Magnus the Pious
-Unfähigers (Stirland Electors at that time) (Magnus didn't have progeny and his brother alienated Sigmarite priesthood and didn't get elected. Leopold Unfähiger was elected instead)
-Holswig-Schliesteins (Reikland Electors, current rulers) (Dieter IV fucked up so hard that he was deposed on corruption charges, William III was elected)

So there were only three ruling dynasties in recent times, and the first consisted of one ruler. Todbringers' claim rests on them being Magnus' relatives (through his grand-niece).

Mandred the Somewhat Lucky?
I refer to the roll of 60 that we saw for Ranalds Imperial gambit.
Decent result but doesn't sound like 'A Lucky Karl Franz' level payout.

I'm reasonably sure that it was "birth complications" roll.
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If that is the case there is a way to check, just do a stastical analyses of Imperial dwarfs, if they get more births (even if it's not a massive difference) then it's cultural. Still even if it is cultural the fact is that they are in he hole population-wise. Hope or no hope magical fertility aids may be needed at this point.
My point is that a species with natural biological reproduction rate below the replacement rate is flat out impossible - it dies out pretty quickly and at no point it's population can expand.

Still, there is merit in fertility aids for the willing.

More still, survival of the dwarven race is so much above our pay grade and not our problem it is not funny.
My point is that a species with natural biological reproduction rate below the replacement rate is flat out impossible - it dies out pretty quickly and at no point it's population can expand.

Still, there is merit in fertility aids for the willing.

More still, survival of the dwarven race is so much above our pay grade and not our problem it is not funny.

It's above our pay grade now, sure, how about when we are Lord magister and pushing 100+ dwarf rep? Who else would even have a prayer of convincing them to try wizardry for their fertility problems?
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