Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Marry them...
- [X] Reinhild Gerber
[X] Court Wizard
[X] 'Head Ranger' (Spymaster), Internal Focus

Don't really care if we get married. Only driver for me would be setting up a non-mage line on our fief, but honestly all that seems to be small potatoes now.
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Awkward matchmaking attempts along with murder attempts from supporters of other ships. Likely lead whoever has drawn their attention swear off romance forever.
Animosity represents shipping wars, the Waaagh happens when enough shippers of s ingle pairing gather and rile each ther up AND IT WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THOSE 2+ INDIVIDUALS ARE MARRIED AND THEY BETTER BE HAPPY TOGETHER OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.
Roswita fired Mathilde while the latter still possessed Abel's Runefang.

If the thread hadn't decided to not be dicks and give it back, there's not a lot she could've done to stop us from just absconding with it and hiding it the same place as the Liber Mortis.
Tell the colleges that a wizard stole her Runefang and get us told to fork it over or die. Possibly with them literally ripping the knowledge out of our mind and killing us afterwards.
[X] Marry them...
-[X] Reinhild Gerber

Remember when I talked about how we're not influential or established (as a bloodline) enough to need a blood heir? Well, Anton is those things, so we'd need to provide an heir and raise them. This is just... We don't have the damn time to stay at home like a housewife and give our husband kids! Seriously, why do all of the Warhammer quests HAVE to include a sudden focus on marriage and children? The others I could understand, since in most of those cases, we needed an heir, but this is not the case here at all, and there is barely any romantic chemistry between Mathilde and Anton. They are excellent friends, sure, but do they even share any interests? From what I can tell, people are just jumping at the first romantic option and forcing a focus on the relationship, out of nowhere, without thinking about the consequences.

I'm sorry about your frustration, but I think you're not looking at things the same way. I agree, there isn't a lot of romantic chemistry between Anton and Mathilde. That's just fine. We're not marrying him because we're madly in love with him, we're marrying him because we get along with him, we're friends and we both benefit. Love can come later. This is an entirely reasonable mindset for Mathilde to have.
It's been confirmed in the latest chapter that the Emperor has remarried! He can still have a son in the proper time period! Perhaps we haven't butterflied away the Savior of Mankind, Second Edition (TM) just yet!
Tell the colleges that a wizard stole her Runefang and get us told to fork it over or die. Possibly with them literally ripping the knowledge out of our mind and killing us afterwards.
If we stole it and it didn't get lost in the battle for Sylvania. I don't think there was a complete paper trail.

(but yes, that's another reason why people voted to not be dicks)
Sounds to me like Stirland is doing alright, but the Companies near monopoly over West Stirland is worrying. Not interested in personally marrying Anton though.
This is Stirland. It is lucky to have someone competent with the job. Liking power and influence is okay as long as she does not abuse it in ways that would harm Stirland.
And that's why I'm concerned; liking power can easily lead into abusing it to either keep it or create more of it. I don't think it's something that's likely to be a problem in the immediate future- aside from anything else, Julia's got an ex-witch hunter for a boss- but ten years down the line? Twenty?
You look down at the map and consider the economic kraken he's describing, and you wonder if maybe it's a good thing this isn't your problem any more
Mathilde. I understand that you are in denial, but you hold the largest share of this economic kraken.

"No! I must kill the economic krakens!" she shouted
Wilhelmine said "No, Mathilde. You are the krakens."
And then Mathilde was EIC shareholder.
[x] Marry me…
- [x] Soon.
[X] Stay single. Marry for love.

[X] 'Head Ranger' (Spymaster), Internal Focus
[X] 'Head Ranger' (Spymaster), External Focus
[X] Steward

That covers everything, I think. All the jobs sound like they contain interesting challenges and brand new vistas of skullduggery and mindfuckery.

Leaning towards having Anton marry for love and then bending Ranald's relic to that purpose, but I'd also take best boy for ourselves, sure.

No throwing Anton to the wolves.
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Now that Belegar is (almost certainly) going to be our boss, will we get a stat range for him on the Dramatis Personae sheet the same way we did for Abelhelm?

Eventually. It's prioritized behind things like favours and Mathilde's stat changes and whatnot so it will have to wait for now.

@BoneyM What sort of "wrangling" exactly is it that saw us getting favor for it?

Holding rank and being close enough to soak up the credit when none of them managed to get themselves killed on the Expedition.
Loking at the current position vote could I invite people to think harder on what the position would alow us to do ?

Because I think that is the greatest argument agains being the Court Wizard, at the end of day we will always be the only wizard in the court, poking at weird stuff on our own time.

Other options, specialy the Steward one, give vast oprtunities to influence the world at large and take advantage of it, while being the official court wizard just doesn't give the chance to plan long term and buit up on things. The only thing it has going for itseld is being the obivious choice, but them we aren't going to stop being a wizard anytime soon.
Mathilde is slowly turning into a dorf. She'll be taking nice refreshing magma baths any day now.
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