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I think we're getting ahead ourselves, Wolf might not even like writing papers. Heck he might not even like us! Familiars are intelligent creatures after all and you can't easily mold a person's personality.

We also aren't the first ones to think of this, familiars have an established tradition of helping Wizzards research.
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That's right, less killy (only Moon/Imperial tier in killyness), but tougher and faster than a Star Dragon.
At this point, pay some 10 or so favors for a Master Rune of Gromril and two runes of Fortitude for 1+ armor, +1T and 5+ ward save (the only thing dwarves are apparently better at than weapons, is in fucking amazing armor, that's technically an 8 favor combination).

S7 T9 W8 1+ Armor 5+ Ward Moon Dragon familiar, anyone?
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Interestingly, while the familiar career has no official exit careers, according to the letter of rules Wolf can exit it into any basic career, and those, in turn, can lead him anywhere.

Sky is the limit.
Looks like we're gonna see whether 200 gc spent in Barak Varr + a March action spent looking at the proceeds translates into 1d? Amber College Favour. :V
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
I think we're getting ahead ourselves, Wolf might not even like writing papers. Heck he might not even like us! Familiars are intelligent creatures after all and you can't easily mold a person's personality.

We also aren't the first ones to think of this, familiars have an established tradition of helping Wizzards research.

Almost all familiars that are bound happens when they're already adults. We're raising our familiar from childhood chances are it's going to view us as a parental figure. So as long as we treat him well it'll be fine.

Sure, but I think it's a perfectly valid expenditure of effort to play duck-duck-goose until we find a griffon chick that can be a familiar.

Because when it grows, it would look something this (depending on how the Wounds translate (and is that an extra attack, too?):

Actual Dragons (Star > Moon > Sun) for Comparison.
Familiar Griffon60686~744~57~10
Moon (Imperial)60666358
That's right, less killy (only Moon/Imperial tier in killyness), but tougher and faster than a Star Dragon.

Now that is a motherfucking battle-pet.

It's even more ridiculus in the RP.

Yes a hypothetical Griffon familiar could hit 126 willpower with link of psyche, needless to say is absurdly broken. Given that magical senses key off willpower, your griffon familiar is going to run around viewing magic as a High elf would. :p

Interestingly, while the familiar career has no official exit careers, according to the letter of rules Wolf can exit it into any basic career, and those, in turn, can lead him anywhere.

Sky is the limit.

<.< Wizard lord. I mean that or Knight Grand master.
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Looks like we're gonna see whether 200 gc spent in Barak Varr + a March action spent looking at the proceeds translates into 1d? Amber College Favour. :V
Griffons actually need Imperial Zoo favor...

No swinging it at this point, but we get Amber to raise it, Zoo later to find one.

And we are living in the Penthouse, we can fly up there in our familiar eagle-lion. How cool is that? We'd become an iconic sight right quick.
Besides being some sort of shounen protagonist, what exactly would such a high stat imply?

Well the way the warhammer system works is that passing tests is done as follows.

Take a skill like magical sense

GM ascribes a difficulty value to the test making the difficulty go up or down in steps of ten. Very easy is +30 Very hard is -30

You then roll a d100 if the result is under the combined value of your stat and skill level then you pass the test, many gms use degrees of success to add flourishing touches.

A stat of 126 would imply that you literally never fail at skill tests even when they become hard (-20). Skill masteries raise your skill to a potential +30 including talents above your stat. So the hypothetical Griffon would pierce the veil of pretty much any and all magical illusions and be aware of any magic going on within the range of its senses pretty much automatically.
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I'm just uncomfortable with the idea of planning out our '*child's future like a fluffy tool or treating him like some easily pleased animal.

*someone mentioned parental bond, but I've experienced 30 year old single women's dog children before...
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Sure, but I think it's a perfectly valid expenditure of effort to play duck-duck-goose until we find a griffon chick that can be a familiar.

Because when it grows, it would look something this (depending on how the Wounds translate (and is that an extra attack, too?):

Actual Dragons (Star > Moon > Sun) for Comparison.
Familiar Griffon60786~744~57~10
Moon (Imperial)60666358
That's right, less killy (only Moon/Imperial tier in killyness), but tougher and faster than a Star Dragon.

Now that is a motherfucking battle-pet.

@edit: My bad, his Strenght would actully go to seven, not six. At that point, he is closer to a Star Dragon than anything. -1 WS and A, +1 T and +2 I.

Less murder, but tougher and faster.
Honestly that's a little silly. Storm of Magic and Momstrous Arcanum stats are more befitting the most ancient of drakes, who should not be anywhere near as low as griffons. Enhanced or not.
Honestly that's a little silly. Storm of Magic and Momstrous Arcanum stats are more befitting the most ancient of drakes, who should not be anywhere near as low as griffons. Enhanced or not.

Eh, dragons have a bunch of other things going for them that would mean that said Griffon would probably lose in a fight any way, there's more than just the raw stat line backing dragons up. Plus we're not actually dealing with the 2e mechanical system here so chances are that BoneyM isn'tgoing to let such ridiculous outliers occur with out good reason.

Also dragons are badly represented in the TT compared to what the lore painted them as and older editions have them as being at least a step stronger. I'd personally have Emperor dragons running around with S10 and T10.

Monsterous Arcana has Emperor Carmine dragons stated as S8 T9 for instance.
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So, our wolf is a non-combatant academic.

Can we get him to write our papers?

Will we have to write his?
I'm kinda tempted to do this. Or better, have the wolf oversee the writeslaves
Sure, but I think it's a perfectly valid expenditure of effort to play duck-duck-goose until we find a griffon chick that can be a familiar.

Because when it grows, it would look something this (depending on how the Wounds translate (and is that an extra attack, too?):

Actual Dragons (Star > Moon > Sun) for Comparison.
Familiar Griffon60786~744~57~10
Moon (Imperial)60666358
That's right, less killy (only Moon/Imperial tier in killyness), but tougher and faster than a Star Dragon.

Now that is a motherfucking battle-pet.

@edit: My bad, his Strenght would actully go to seven, not six. At that point, he is closer to a Star Dragon than anything. -1 WS and A, +1 T and +2 I.

Less murder, but tougher and faster.
My takeaway here is that we should make a Star Dragon our familiar.
Looks like we're gonna see whether 200 gc spent in Barak Varr + a March action spent looking at the proceeds translates into 1d? Amber College Favour. :V
200 gold and one action is a reasonable investment for even a single College Favour.

Would be nice if we could pawn off the Fire Crown while we are at it. Don't think we have used it even once.
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