Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
And an ancient Vampire, for all that I said they wouldn't be able to stop Vlad, wouldn't be so stupid as to assassinate an Elector Count when it wouldn't help him in any way. Mannfred....I'd see him capable of it.
[] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with foreign relations, as a Spymaster focused on threats outside the Karak.

This is voting for spying on dwarfs and humans right? I'm surprised it's so much more popular than assassinating Orc Warbosses and causing Skaven societal collapse at Eight Peaks.
Bear in mind that this vote is not going to lock us into anything. Just make related things easier down the line. Also, just going out to see the grudges get struck out will be totally awesome. A similar scene from the Ostland quest was totally great, and seeing what BoneyM does with the situation should be pretty cool. So, its got its own appeal as an action in its own right, outside of what it sets us on the path of doing later.
That...kind of depends on the vampire. To any of the actually dangerous ones (Vlad, Mannfred, Konrad) Drakenhof was just somewhere to be. The threat of the von Carsteins has never been their entrenched power base, it's always been the fact that they can conjure an army fully formed from nothing, require no logistics chain, and replenish their forces with the soldiers that died fighting them.

And yes, Mathilde could ask Belegar for help, and he'd likely go, but that's a several month journey. Mathilde herself could go in a few days, but against the sort of vampire who's historically been a threat to Stirland, she'd likely accomplish jack.

Plus tehre's always the fact that Sylvania has a habit of just throwing out more threats right after you've exhausted your armies attempting to pacify it. And that it's an undesirable hellhole that doesn't really reward you even if you do succeed in conquering. The Empire's best bet would likely be to just abandon the place and fortify the border, but they won't because of religious and historical pride.
The big deal is the monstrosities we massacred and actually rallying the other vampires, who can't easily be compelled and/or cajoled without some degree of centralized location and a suitable carrot to go with the stick.

And while yes, rallying an army would take time- not even someone like Vlad can raise tens of thousands of dead overnight. Maybe harness the extant undead- but we did a decent job of whittling those down for now.

I'm not talking about conquering it, I'm talking about getting a lot of the less replaceable units killed and reaffirming Stirlanders believing Sylvania can be overcome, of them doubling down on Drakenhof the town as a launching point for further suppression. You need to have a clear and present threat to exploit the window of opportunity killing the elector would create, and not even vampires can do that without any evidence- and there's probably a fair few Witch Hunters trying to infiltrate the human populace of Sylvania now that there is an Imperial presence nearby.
And an ancient Vampire, for all that I said they wouldn't be able to stop Vlad, wouldn't be so stupid as to assassinate an Elector Count when it wouldn't help him in any way. Mannfred....I'd see him capable of it.

Most vampires have the basic drives (and the self-control) of particularly malicious cats. The ones with the self control to think about the long term utility of killing Roswita are in the minority. For most of them it would be 'this bloodbag stole my food/broke my toys she dies.'
Most vampires have the basic drives (and the self-control) of particularly malicious cats. The ones with the self control to think about the long term utility of killing Roswita are in the minority. For most of them it would be 'this bloodbag stole my food/broke my toys she dies.'
And that would ultimately change very little, and is therefore little cause for concern. It's a concerted effort from Sylvania that would be threatening, and after the last pretender to unite Sylvania got shit stomped and hard at that by the Empire, it's not necessarily all that appealing for them. A fair few are going to just want to rule their own private fiefs while side eyeing the ambitious for opportunity to exploit them. Just like the one who taunted us, only to get caught up in the purge of the conspiracy.
Yeah but my point was that she's going be swarmed by angry grudge bearing vampires whether Vlad is planning something or not. It would not take the might of a Progenitor or his heir to kill one elector count and some witch hunters.
Thing is, if Vlad was actually alive once more he'd be able to reign in the more trigger-happy Vampires, but that wouldn't make her any safer
The big deal is the monstrosities we massacred and actually rallying the other vampires, who can't easily be compelled and/or cajoled without some degree of centralized location and a suitable carrot to go with the stick.

And while yes, rallying an army would take time- not even someone like Vlad can raise tens of thousands of dead overnight. Maybe harness the extant undead- but we did a decent job of whittling those down for now.

I'm not talking about conquering it, I'm talking about getting a lot of the less replaceable units killed and reaffirming Stirlanders believing Sylvania can be overcome, of them doubling down on Drakenhof the town as a launching point for further suppression. You need to have a clear and present threat to exploit the window of opportunity killing the elector would create, and not even vampires can do that without any evidence- and there's probably a fair few Witch Hunters trying to infiltrate the human populace of Sylvania now that there is an Imperial presence nearby.
The Varghulfs you mean? Those do exist outside of Drakenhof, although they're probably rarer. And typically speaking, the von Carsteins will ally with each pretty quickly. They'll betray each other eventually (depending on who they're following) but the inclination is to work together to reclaim their rightful place as the aristocracy of the Empire.

They don't need to raise that many, just enough to overwhelm the garrison, or if the place is fortified to hell and back, then enough to strike elsewhere. Stirland has far too much land to protect to be able to concentrate a significant portion of it's soldiery defending Drakenhof, or anywhere else really. Plus, we only really hit the undead in the Hills and along the path to the castle. I'd guess there's significantly more than were destroyed.

Sure, but we didn't actually kill anything irreplaceable. The hardest thing would be the Varghulfs, and those just take vampires that give in the beastial urges. And I'm not sure whether what we did has reaffirmed much. And not really? To exploit the opportunity, all you need to do is continue to cause enough choas that Stirland is a mess of questions, confusion and disorder, then attack. Why is infiltrating the populace going to help?
From the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know that we were dispelling, but does know that we did something the end of the battle looks like this:
"And then Magister Weber did something and greenskins became weak, confused and demoralized". Do you know what produces exactly that effect? Ulgu Battle Magic, that's what.

Also, I don't know if @BoneyM uses that rule or not, but in the RPG Magisters only pay 5% tithe instead of Journeymen's 10%.

[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.

I like tower the most, but it is winning anyway, so this is a bit of strategic voting against mayoral position that isn't interesting to me at all.
Another thing people seem to forget is that Vlad had a Book of Nagash, which wasn't kept in Drakenhof. If the Liber Mortis is bad, then the Books of Nagash...
[107 votes] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.


[100 votes] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.

So I've been rethinking my vote a bit. These two are very close for third place, despite one of them having lots posts made in support of it, and the other... not so much. Thing is, despite being swept up in "the plan" so to speak, I still really like the option to write the papers with our Journeymanlings. They're fun characters, unlike the mostly faceless soon-to-be-Undumgi. And, well, TBH I don't think we necessarily want to go all-in with our time becoming basically Mayor. It can be really fun, sure, but we could instead just set up a tavern/temple as a side project. An important side project, sure, but not to the extent that we want or need to go further than that. Meanwhile, well, I just really like our Journeymanlings. Even if we pivot away from interacting with them later on, right here and now is a great opportunity to do fun and important stuff with them. If the Tower vote wasn't so far ahead, I'd rather switch it with this one.

IDK, maybe it's loosing an opportunity, but getting our friendly fellow mages to write our papers for us while the memory's fresh is an opportunity for fun and self-improvement. I don't mind the Mayor thing being fourth place, but I would be disappointed if we missed a great opportunity to network and off-load boring paper-writing. Not the best argument I've ever come up with, but it's what I want. And therefore, I'm switching my vote:

[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.

[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
So! Now that I'm home, no longer on mute, and have had time to ponder our choices, it's time for my favorite pastime!

Unneccessary Planning for the Future

So, we're getting a Wizard's Tower now, and what better place could we have it in then the foreign quarter of a Dwarf Hold? The Penthouse is really the best place to use as our foundation for it, as there's plenty of room to build up still, it has perfectly functional dwarfen architecture to serve as a foundation, and to get to the Penthouse in the first place would require a would-be-attacker to have to get past the entirety of Karag Nar first, which eliminates anything short of a Skaven Master Assassin or the fucking Changeling, as if we're doing our job right, this place is going to be a boomtown that more resembles one part Wild West Settlement and one part Adventurer's Guild, the absolutely absurd fucking wealth involved with being hired on as caravan guards for Far East Expeditions, the reliable income involved with accepting dwarfen gold for murdering greenskins and ratmen--and the opportunities that abound by living in one of the major Adventure Towns of the coming era are such that the mountain itself is going to be full of PC-equivalents, their entourages, and probably enough guns and steel to take over a small country in its own right.

And beyond that? The mystical benefits are considerable. This high from the earth is insulated from the heavier Colors of Magic such as Shyish, Chamon, and Ghur--while also not being especially receptive to Hysh, Ghyran, and Aqshy by way of its stone construction. It's also got a clear view of the sunrise and sunset--the twilight hours where Ulgu is at its most powerful--the only other Wind that would find this as delicious would probably be Azyr, and we got here first and are the one with a literal cart of gold and a pile of dwarfen favours to cash in on, so we've got dibs to engineer the place accordingly to our interests.

Now, I'm thinking we're probably looking at three main 'Security' levels here, escalating as we go higher up most likely. The base level (Mostly consisting of the Dwarfen architecture that was inherited from before) is likely going to be our study, guest rooms, and place to meet with people and just chill out for a while with company. As this is going to be the section that inherits the most from the original construction, I suspect that it will be relatively magically 'Neutral', so a decent place to house our Journeymanlings and any guest wizards who are passing through or staying for a time to indulge in their own efforts. Might be some relatively limited facilities here for magic use, but on the whole, we can keep the stuff here that we can afford to lose, and design it as a comfy place to hang out and read trashy books or histories at in peace.

The next levels will be where the new construction work begins I imagine, using all the techniques we and the architects we hire can come up with to make as perfect a Sanctum as we can muster--a secure place to do magical research with as high a degree of safety as we can--relying on the great strength of the stone and the work put in to ground out miscasts safely, and absorb the occasional backfire without getting too fucked up. Our restricted books and magical lore should be kept on this level, as well as Mathilde's private chambers so as to limit the likelyhood of a Master Assassin stabbing her ten dozen times in her sleep, and access should be tightly controlled--nobody should get in here unless they want to throw down with a Master Wizard (And likely future Wizard Lord) in their literal home. We can invite guests in if we have to, but on the whole--if we're not in here, nobody else should be able to be here either, I imagine we'll be able to key the wards in with a runestone or a key of some kind, and thus--access here is dependent on having it.

Above that--and the smallest chamber I would expect--would be the Vault--the place where we store our Magical Items and Precious Resources. We can probably have a fountain-type thing in the middle with Weber's Box there where we can extract the reagents as we need to, and if we really want to get cheeky, we'll also have a mundanely hidden trick wall that we hide the Book in with the big huge priceless resource being a grand distraction. It should be warded with the best runes and expertise that we can afford--and access should be at least a two factor authentication (A password that gets changed regularly and an access key), and if we can get it, three factor (Using some other cheat, like a drop of blood to annoint the key before accessing it). Ideally, this thing is a monster that nothing gets to brute force even given an unlimited amount of time to work on it... Which might require some kind of trick to handle the Shiny Reagent from filling it up and exploding in a tide of psychedelic juice.

(Then again, wasn't it pointed out that it evaporates in the atmosphere if not contained for a while? Food for thought).

I expect this to cost us most of the fortune we've just won and most of our newly accumulated Dwarf Favors to boot--but this kind of investment is worthwhile to really get started on our mad magic science shit and enchanting without having to worry about some asshole just waltzing in and taking it.
Another thing people seem to forget is that Vlad had a Book of Nagash, which wasn't kept in Drakenhof. If the Liber Mortis is bad, then the Books of Nagash...
I believe the Liber Mortis is mostly a translation of one of the books, although I have seen suggestions it is one of the books. Can't remember where I read that though. As for what happened to Vlad's? Mannfred had it stolen, along with the ring. Which means it's probably currently buried in the mud of Hel Fenn.
I believe the Liber Mortis is mostly a translation of one of the books, although I have seen suggestions it is one of the books. Can't remember where I read that though. As for what happened to Vlad's? Mannfred had it stolen, along with the ring. Which means it's probably currently buried in the mud of Hel Fenn.

It's definitely a translation. When the books of Nagash were made Reikspiell wasn't even a thing.


Will we be able to study the Liber Mortis in the upcoming turns and can we therefore lift the moratorium on discussing using it?
The Varghulfs you mean? Those do exist outside of Drakenhof, although they're probably rarer. And typically speaking, the von Carsteins will ally with each pretty quickly. They'll betray each other eventually (depending on who they're following) but the inclination is to work together to reclaim their rightful place as the aristocracy of the Empire.

They don't need to raise that many, just enough to overwhelm the garrison, or if the place is fortified to hell and back, then enough to strike elsewhere. Stirland has far too much land to protect to be able to concentrate a significant portion of it's soldiery defending Drakenhof, or anywhere else really. Plus, we only really hit the undead in the Hills and along the path to the castle. I'd guess there's significantly more than were destroyed.

Sure, but we didn't actually kill anything irreplaceable. The hardest thing would be the Varghulfs, and those just take vampires that give in the beastial urges. And I'm not sure whether what we did has reaffirmed much. And not really? To exploit the opportunity, all you need to do is continue to cause enough choas that Stirland is a mess of questions, confusion and disorder, then attack. Why is infiltrating the populace going to help?
Because the vampires need prey populations to feed off of, and you vastly over estimate the chaos if you think they can continue unimpeded.

Roswita dies? The Witchhunters take over until the Emperor and the Electors can find the time to appoint a new elector or her sibling responds to the summons. And chances are good (considering we had a shot at seizing the electorate if we pulled it IIRC) they'll just confirm who's already running the shots in Stirland if they haven't fucked up. And then you have the Witchhunters going full bore, establishing a chain of command and succession for the Count position and making the best conceivable fight Stirland could provide in terms of anti-vampire counter espionage. All while the Vampires have to move fast before Stirland can summon allies, and Stirland won't exactly be any weaker than it was before it rolled over the last person who tried to fuck with them.

If it was as easy as you suggest to get Sylvania to rise up and fuck over Stirland, we never would have succeeded in tearing down Drakenhof. Granted, the Countess was pretty garbage tier compared to the big vampire names, but the mere fact she was mostly running the show demonstrates there wasn't anyone more powerful interested in that. So long as Stirland isn't actively stirring the nest, there's not going to be a united response coming out of Sylvania unless one of the ancient Von Carsteins starts a new Vampire War. And there's no advantage to doing it now rather than waiting for opportunity.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.

[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
It's definitely a translation. When the books of Nagash were made Reikspiell wasn't even a thing.


Will we be able to study the Liber Mortis in the upcoming turns and can we therefore lift the moratorium on discussing using it?

Found where I read it. Arkhan the Black's profile in 8th ed says he has the Liber Mortis and that "This accursed tome is one of the fabled nine Books of Nagash, the most potent source of necromantic magic in the world"

Because the vampires need prey populations to feed off of, and you vastly over estimate the chaos if you think they can continue unimpeded.

Roswita dies? The Witchhunters take over until the Emperor and the Electors can find the time to appoint a new elector or her sibling responds to the summons. And chances are good (considering we had a shot at seizing the electorate if we pulled it IIRC) they'll just confirm who's already running the shots in Stirland if they haven't fucked up. And then you have the Witchhunters going full bore, establishing a chain of command and succession for the Count position and making the best conceivable fight Stirland could provide in terms of anti-vampire counter espionage. All while the Vampires have to move fast before Stirland can summon allies, and Stirland won't exactly be any weaker than it was before it rolled over the last person who tried to fuck with them.

If it was as easy as you suggest to get Sylvania to rise up and fuck over Stirland, we never would have succeeded in tearing down Drakenhof. Granted, the Countess was pretty garbage tier compared to the big vampire names, but the mere fact she was mostly running the show demonstrates there wasn't anyone more powerful interested in that. So long as Stirland isn't actively stirring the nest, there's not going to be a united response coming out of Sylvania unless one of the ancient Von Carsteins starts a new Vampire War. And there's no advantage to doing it now rather than waiting for opportunity.

They do need prey population. Doesn't mean they need to tell that population anything, or that they can't take a Witch Hunter one on one.

Sure, but that all relies on the vampire being stupid and just assassinating Roswita, not say, massacring the entire Council, and planting evidence. Or arranging for something else to happen to attract the attention of the Witch Hunters. Plus I think you're over estimating both the Witch Hunters skill at espionage and how much power they have. And what allies? Unless another vampire war starts, the Empire isn't going to give a damn.

We succeeded by bringing all the artillery. Most of it was Zhufbar's and you can't count on them turning up again. Plus you're assuming she was running the show. She might have just been a vampire, with the fact she held Drakenhof (and therefore people she could send as spies) being the only thing that differentiated her from any other vampire in Sylvania. And now kind of is a good opportunity. Stirland has just extended it's borders after a military campaign that's cost it troops and has an inexperienced Countess.
While I do like the idea of having the penthouse of Karak Nar serving as the base, or the entirety depending on size, of our wizard tower. I'm not sure it it would be the best location. To my best recollection, Karak-Eight-Peaks is situated on a leyline of magic, which, while we don't know for sure if that is true in this story, could provide an excellent spot for a Wizard's tower. Not only would we have streams of magic to use for testing the snake-blood as well as for working on enchantments.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] You've been out of touch for a while. Head to Barak Varr and then Altdorf, and catch up with what's been happening in the Empire.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
Putting Ulgu on a good Dawi made weapon? That's Grudge worthy.

More seriously, that's a lotta heat (More like a cutting torch) and noise to cover up, we'd have to apply it per shot, I think.
Won't need to cover the heat, just make it muffled.
Or I dunno Substance of Shadow on the bullet?
No doubt this has been discussed before, but is there any way of enchanting a belt or some such that it can be used to cast shadowsteed? I dunno if it would be worth the time, but it is a very useful item for others, if so.
It'd take an action and someone willing to put scary magic thing on their genitals.
And of course, anyone who takes the item can use it, and it'd need repair or replacement if used frequently. the ex-adventurers probably have some willing to try.
Speaking of, when we finally get around to making new armour robes with our mastered Armour spell, and whatever magic we need for it to be most effective, I'm think that even partial failures won't be too bad, there's probably someone we can trade the weaker stuff to if we don't get it on the first go.
Naw, if we take the leadership job, we take the outdated versions and gift them to noob adventurers!
Oh, and finally, I have had an idea Dunno how well it if work, dunno how many we could get or if there would be problems, but I wanted to float this: Explain to dwarves about how often poor wizard children fall to chaos because they are not found in time, (as I understand it, that's a thing). Then ask the dwarves to make quite a few simple runed items that do nothing but glow or something when touched by a wizard. Then the appropriate empire origination can have them in cities and towns depending on how many we get.
Wouldn't actually add much unfortunately. Wizard children don't really need sensors or anything to identify, what you need is someone to see the kid doing freaky things and instead of lynching them, send them to the Colleges.

Magic kids aren't that subtle.

It's called 'River Ruin' because way up to the north it goes right through the Chaos Dwarf industrial hellscape of Zharr-Naggrund. It's unknown what it would do to a boat on any given day but the possibilities are universally bad.
Might be some interesting distillates for alchemical reagents...

If the Quest updated weekly rather than the current 24 hours to vote and then however long to write cycle, that'd be a way to do the write-in only system properly. But I don't see a way to make it work with the current update speed. 24 hours means that no matter what time I update, anyone checking the forum once a day can still contribute to every vote. Trying to subdivide that 24 hours would mean that the main contributors to any given voting cycle are largely dependent on the time of day.
I believe the idea is that for write-in only scenarios you make it 2 days, and in between have a low content update of fluff or whatever as the plans are hashed out between you and your advisors/relevant subordinate for the actual vote on the second day.

It'd probably be used sparingly even so though.
Write ins generate much more fatigue in the voters.
There are other non-noun roots, like 'dal' for old/good, 'guz' for eating/drinking, 'lok' for intricate/praiseworthy, 'stok' for hit/strike. It could be that this is part of the Dwarven 'if it's important enough it counts as an actual physical object' weirdness.
I'd not be at all surprised if a dwarf considers an oath an actual physical object.
But undumgi is more time sensitive. If we do this now, it'll be by acclimation- else they'll already have a commander. Come on, just a few turns before papers? We have the research locked in!
Thats fair enough and I know what to check in next.
That said the research papers will be harder the more time passes, memory fades.
So, to clarify... Before Karag Nar they had 7,300 and then lost 800. Before the Citadel, they had 6,700 and lost 1,300.

So, what does that look like in percentages?

800 losses out of 7,300 total is 10.96% losses. That's not great, but (and I am kinda pulling this memory and knowledge out of my butt) IIRC armies would outright route if they took... what was it? Was it 20% or 25% casualties? I think the magic number was "25% is where you go 'Holy shit'."

The Citadel: 1,300 losses out of 6,700. That's 19.4%. That's brutal. Taking 20% casualties in a single engagement is brutal.

... Of course, you know who's had it even worse this expedition? Karak Izor. They brought about 16,000 Dwarfs of their own Karak, and another 16,000 unaffiliated Dwarf adventurers. They lost about 3,850 of their Dwarfs, and 5,000 of their Adventurers.

Now, that combines 2 battles into one (East Gate and Karag Lhune) so it wasn't all at once, but...

3,300 dead in the East Gate + Karag Lhune assault; another 550 dead at Karag Nar. 5,000 Adventurers (and then another 500) dead at Karag Nar.

3,300 / 16,000 is 20.625%, going up to 24.06% after Karag Nar.

Their Adventurers took 31.25%, going up to 34.375% losses.

Oof. Those are some brutal losses for an army. Much less Dwarfs. ><
I'd note that 10% rout is supposed to be for losses in one engagement. The Karag assaults are room to room breaching, which allows for a 10% loss of the combatants in each room, and that lets them get really savage cumulative losses. They don't 'feel' the losses in other rooms because they can't sense those.
As long as we remember the old action economy. Every two underlings empowered to run a sub-organisation took ones of our six 'available actions' per six month turn.
(I.e. when we had delegated Julia/the intelligence network and the Watch we had five personal/other actions).
That said, I'd still likely want an military actual leader subordinate for the Undumgi, if it goes that way. Organising all the patrols and training and whatnot is a bit dull.
I'd note that the action economy was a problem because we insisted on micromanaging everything. Subordinates can be action free, if you give them a lot of free rein rather than hover over their shoulders making sure they're doing it right.

Its freedom to fuck up of course.
Ranald the Protector is not Ranald the Democracy Crusader. If Belegar starts being a tyrannical despot then by all means Ranald would be all for liberating the Undumgi from that. The Halflings negotiated for their political indepdence from the start and have a system of governance in place already. Deliberately eroding the feudal hierarchy is an entirely different matter.

Theoretically it's possible for a civil war to develop among Dwarves, but the Clan system is a good safety valve - a single bad King can only do so much damage before word reaches the High King, and when he puts pressure on, a King that won't back down is a King that will be removed by his own Clan because he's sullying the honour of them all. That there's not been a bad High King raises an eyebrow, and it's an open question whether it's an unbroken string of good luck or whether the Throne of Power is pulling some strings.
As I understand it Ranald is effectively agnostic(heh) about the government system. He's just the god of revolutionaries because they are usually triggered by abuse and oppression to begin with, and would be equally fine with whatever mode of government is installed as long as said government isn't abusive to the man on the street.

So for many revolutionaries he supports them RIGHT till they win, install their own dictator, and becomes the very thing they hated. Then their luck deserts them.
Personally where governing a mob of former adventurers is concerned, it pretty much has to be rule by fiat and appointment.
The top leadership must be someone they respect AND fear, they hadn't had a lot of experience with formal structures of leadership, so getting them to listen will be a minor nightmare, and attempting to micromanage them is likely to end badly.
They're good at tasks, but few who took up the adventuring lifestyle are likely to be big on long term planning or strategic goals.

So pretty much some variant on Lord and Council structure works, with the Council having largely free rein over their area except for some specific directives.
I've been thinking about a big post in this regard for quite some time. Thusly, here's a thing where I talk about the base and one of the projects we can all agree on doing the snake juice(with a lot of leakage from my quality assurance and safety job). Also might be helpful to @BoneyM's contemplations on what to do.

The Proposal For A Tower

We need multiple things in my mind from a vacation home or actual home in Karak Eight Peaks so I'll break it up into categories:


A decent opener in my mind what we need here is a place where Mathilde can do her black ops research projects like the Book, the Juice, Ranaldian Theurgy, the Coin. These are all things which we do not want scrutiny aimed at, so our first and best defense is secrecy. This is easy to attain from the dwarves with them taking oaths of secrecy as to its internal construction seriously, and also because we are not explicitly obligated to tell Belegar the nitty gritty details. As a friend we should tell him if something is going to have a much higher chance than usual with magic to take the top of his mountain off. And any dwarf builders will take their oaths seriously enough to take it to their graves in quite a literal fashion.

Secrecy prevents knowledge of the Book and from the Book and the Juice, which I'm sure as a source of lots of energy appeals to dark sorcerers, from spreading. Secrecy prevents evil forces from knowing precisely what is within that tower.

The second piece in my mind is sitting in a Dwarven Karak at the peak of a Karag. There are few more defended places in the world and such physical security can also be augmented by defensive traps and or devices around the inner rooms and plausibly the outer rooms. A house whose door is locked by Dwarven Runecraft would be one simple though expensive example, but there are simpler options such as just mechanical traps leading into the sanctum.

Safety Measures

As it is I feel like it being a safe place to experiment with magic, as much as we can make it with our resources on hand is something that is imperative. Magic is a dangerous activity liable to just blow our brains out the back of our head as it is to take the top of Belegar's mountain. BoneyM has at one point likened some complicated magic to being like juggling radioactive chainsaws.

So, I feel that we must go the extra mile in building a place that is specifically designed to ground miscasts and to have the means to protect delicate experiments and delicate Magister Grey Wizards from getting exploded or turned into protoplasm. So architechtural safety, magical safety and another quality which leads into the next thing.

One project we want to work on involves a liquid of mostly unknown properties beyond the knowledge that it is energetic and as a magical substance likely to be volatile and dangerous. We must have safe storage ability, the ability to store a large amount of Snake Juice and other dangerous Things if and when we so desire. Because I imagine its not going to be the only Thing we find that needs bulk storage.

This all leads into the bedrock for a good lab that can be decked out with sweet tools.

Effective Experimentation Tools

Here is much more simple than the above categories in my mind, in a very point and shoot manner of "We need bitchin good enchanting, ritual and precision working tools". So things like what one would find in a smithy, in our enchanting lab, in a biology lab like lots of colored lenses the whole works. Deck it out with everything of good use to a working wizard.

We also I believe need to work on ways to tie into the magical nexus as many have pointed out so that the magical power we actually have access to in the inner sanctums is great enough to do what we want. This is all extremely convenient to build in Karak Eight Peaks because the Dwarves are the best builders in the world, which leads into the next thing.

Vaults and Libraries

Many have brought up the idea of storing Things of Import in here and to take this idea to the Dwarves means we will get a very good Vault. Nothing will be getting inside that anytime in Mathilde's life time, nor likely in the life time of any Belegar's grandchildren at the very least.

We are in a good place to make a very secure place to hold things we need out of sight for a time or forever, depending on what it is.

We're also a wizard with a smallish library of our own in Stirland, that can probably honestly stay there, but the rest of what we collect or write ourselves will need somewhere to go and it follows the same principles as the Vaults.

Guest Rooms and Living Spaces

And finally we have the point of a home of any kind, which is comfortable living. Its a bit of a duh to make it a nice place to live and also pretty simple with all the cash and favors we'll probably have on hand. Also probably the least expensive come to think of it. Regardless, if we request it such that the sanctum and vault and labs and such are hidden we can host guests in that home part and live very comfortably and the home provides a cover of its own because who would want to invade the privacy of a scary wizard without invitation?

The Proposal For The Juice

This bit is about what I think we should look into with the Juice. Less structured but I also have less to say.

To me the first move we need to make, which will honestly I expect be placed below our level of abstraction is finding out what will make it explode or turn into cats or make skunk stank radiate from our room for three years. Like that Skunkworks option we had for it before we went to Drakenhof. This is so we can safely handle it and understand what Not to Do.

Then after that I think the next most important bits are how to dispose of it, through whatever means, though it would be somewhat convenient if we could just use it as fuel. And to create it separate from the Schrodinger Snek if that is possible or find out if its not and we need the Snek. At the moment if we loose the Box, this project is done and that would leave me very sad. If we can find a way to generate more then with disposal and safe handling we have a great foundation to approach it, and we will learn a lot about it as we try to learn of a way to generate it.
Personal thought on the tower:
Ulgu access
-Ulgu requires high variance in light levels for maximum effect. You don't want a dark place, you want a room where its incredibly easy to generate strong clear shadows using natural light(because firelight is tainted with Aqshy and magical light adds magical interference) in a manner which won't be interrupted by people walking past. Remember how much trouble we had setting up an expensive system to get light in our urban base?
-Ulgu prefers places near people. Places without intelligent minds, even if technically dark, don't have much ambient Ulgu. You want people imagining everything in the shadows.

-Any lab needs to be a decent distance away from meddling fools for safety reasons.
-Any lab wants access to open air for venting/grounding purposes. An enclosed lab means a much higher chance of any mishap spreading along the interior of the building.

-To avoid issues like "Skaven burrowed into your basement" the lab should not be in the lower levels of the Karag or any entrances.
-The lab needs a small number of entrances, which can all be warded.

-The lab is where, if we had Battlemagic, it'd be the ideal place to cast from, with all the circles and ambient energy in our favor. A good angle of view also allows us to survey the nearby area from our lab using out magnifying glass spell(and hell, we could enchant our own super telescope for practice)

Overall it seems to me that the natural, ideal location should be the top room of Karag Nar.

Probably depends on the mercenary. It seems quite likely that mercenaries might group up and set each other as their beneficiaries if they grow close to one another. Alternatively they might just straight up have families and friends they wish to bequeath their assets to.
I expect that one of the reasons Dwarfs make for such desirable employers is that you can trust their word that even if you're not around to see it happen that they'll make sure the money gets to where it needs to go.
Note that our lot is packed full of vagabonds and adventurers. Fair chance that at least one in five is a fugitive of some sort. They probably don't WANT a connection back to their old life, and if they do it'd probably be more like collecting their loot haul and then paying to marry their waifu over here.
Could be interesting. Maybe we even discover that Snake Juice can substitute as a Warpstone-analogue in their tech!
Warpstone to be fair is used in Skaven technology almost exclusively as a super dense fuel.
I believe the intended metaphor is that Skaven are using warpstone like modern society uses diesel, while everyone ELSE is using wood and charcoal. It lets them leverage a lot more energy than they should be able to.

Snake Juice as liquid magical energy of some form could likely be adapted to the job, but scarcity problems means that we just plain aren't going to be using any of those the way the Skaven do.
#SmugMathilde #WindReaderMindReader
Knowing look at Belegar, small smile. "I believe that was a Great Shaman in there, you know."
...wait we killed the Warboss again? Without even being near them?
@BoneyM, could we not have a tower and still be a spymaster?
Also, am very confused. Did we have 20 Dwarf Rep before the campaign or did we get there during it?
The only thing about not picking tower now is that someone else is likely going to call dibs on the cool rooms, like the bigass viewing chamber at the top.
What about Mathilde's lands can't she hire Panoramia to make them healthy?

And her friends, plus checking up on Stirland?
Mathilde's lands are perfectly fine, they're just karst hills, lots of porous limestone, covered with a couple of feet of rich loam. Too dry for grain, too shallow for trees. Too unstable for quarrying and theres nothing to mine.

We can invest, but its not something a Life wizard is good at. Better off paying for looms, smithies, scribes, etc, to increase productivity.
No! I don't support this. It's unnecessary, we can do better things with the money.

And, from many reasonable Randallian points of view, we've got an excellent claim on the loan money anyway.
We took the loan from Stirland to fund our share of the purchase the inital assests for the EIC.
What were those assets, you ask?
Why, the very same assets we road the length of Stirland in a night to seize from the old League. Contracts, cash, goods, wagons (and all those sheep).
Yes, Wilheimina and us were doing our job, but we were doing our job exceptionally well. Without us, Stirland wouldn't have had those assets to 'sell' us.

I've no intention of accelerating repayment of the EIC loan. Let our share of EIC profits take care of that gradually, it's fast enough- and that was the initial terms of the loan anyway!
I believe the original idea was that Stirland's treasury is badly in need of wealth, and repaying the debt gives them a cash infusion at a much needed time.

...HOWEVER, the Stirlanders going home are going to buy their farms from Roswita with their loot. Theres going to be a shitload of money flowing in, so we don't need to pay it any faster.

Unless we literally had more money than we can spend before the Bursar finally reaches our letter and the attached escorted wagon of tithe.
Found where I read it. Arkhan the Black's profile in 8th ed says he has the Liber Mortis and that "This accursed tome is one of the fabled nine Books of Nagash, the most potent source of necromantic magic in the world"

Then the 8th ED profile is a great example of GW writers forgetting/ignoring previous lore and being stupid. Riekspiell the language the Liber Mortis is written in didn't exist when Nagash made his books. 5th edition vampire counts has the book being written by Fredrick Van Hel after he read the books of Nagash with stuff released later implying that a Von Carstein gave him translated works of Nagash.

It's straight up not possible for the Liber Mortis to be one of the books of Nagash as the language straight up didn't exist back then.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.

[X] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.

[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
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