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Poptart already said we fail to IT away while Yammar's full attention is on us. He tried to roll for it.

They rolled for it.
I'm saying that, instead of stopping to give our speach/confront Yammar we IT out the moment we lay hands on her. After all at that point we just completed an IT, our hand should still be at our head.
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Right, preference voting.

[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.

[X] Not me.
Yeah, I suppose those are the questions - can we kill Dandeer, and is it worth killing Dandeer? And does she have a Dead Man's Switch installed too, I guess. I mean, from an isolated moral/practical perspective I'm totally on-board, but Kakara certainly isn't going to see it that way, and I don't think we'd like the effect that has on her character. I think it would make the quest a lot less fun, too, so I suppose I'm not really in favour, satisfying as it would be in some ways.

We'd also be abusing meta-knowledge, given that we would never have even considered voting to kill Dandeer had we not already failed.
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The moment you utter the words, "mind control," the spell wipes your words, Yammar suddenly thinks you've been having a staredown for the past several seconds, and he inmediately attacks.
Sneaky. If future Kakara thinks Dandeer is an idiot, future Kakara is herself being an idiot.

Alright, so we changed nothing about the underlying system and all of my previous statements on the topic still hold, but a lot of people brought this up at varying points, so before I just careen onwards with the quest: who wants another crack at avoiding combat with Yammar, starting with the moment you get your hands on Dandeer?

[X] Me!

If only because I want to see why, mechanically, it notionally wouldn't have worked. Because it would teach me something about the system. I mean, I have a rough idea of how actual fighting works- opposed Dueling or Crowd/Team Fighting checks, with the loser getting hurt by a varying amount dependent on the degree of the winner's success. But I'm not clear on how disengaging from a fight works.

Even just seeing the rolls that would have played out if we'd tried a reasonable "escape and evade" plan would be interesting.

Strategy is simple: Prelude round 2.
We IT out with Dandeer to the Senzu hall then random walk. Don't drop power. Yammar's options are to chase us or try to force our hand by threatening the people on the ground.
If he chases us, it gives a chance for people still in the hall to recover. If he takes hostages, that gives us a little time.

Senzu hall is a feint intended to make Yammar think he can pin us down, because going there would be a rookie mistake (IIRC, its wards can't hide a SS).
We're still holding Dandeer the entire time, right? Dropping her off at Senzu Hall would be a mistake because Yammar apparently (?) knows where it is and can just go there, retrieve Dandeer, and then we're really at a disadvantage.

Another thought:

Send out a call for our people to help stop Dandeer's insurrection.
Better yet:

Send out a call for our people to help stop Dandeer's insurrection by going Spirit Saiyan. Since that's something they can actually do meaningfully.

@PoptartProdigy , I seem to recall that you did confirm that (assuming for the sake of argument we can disengage via IT at all) we could get to the other side of the sun and charge Spirit Saiyan from there. Is that right?

[Note, I am only asking about this insofar as it's knowledge Kakara already has. Such information, if it should influence the vote, would be a good thing on general principles.]

Ooh, wait, third option!

[ ] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.

Thank you, Discord!
Oooh that is comparably interesting.

[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.

They rolled for it.
I'm saying that, instead of stopping to give our speach/confront Yammar we IT out the moment we lay hands on her. After all at that point we just completed an IT, our hand should still be at our head.
Not sure about your third sentence, but I've been in full agreement on your second sentence for some time.

I mean, and your first and all.

Yeah, I suppose that's the question - is it worth killing Dandeer? I mean, from a moral/practical perspective I'm totally on-board, but Kakara certainly isn't going to see it that way. I honestly don't know which is worse, killing Dandeer or letting her take over the planet while we flee.
If we don't somehow redo the fight and manage to win, I'm not at all sure we CAN kill Dandeer. She seems to have waited a while before allowing (?) us to regain consciousness, and mobilized enough muscle on her own side that we probably don't have a good chance of success.

To be fair, "kill Dandeer" is a possibility that Future Kakara might have missed, because she's Kakara, so we can't just assume Future Kakara considered it and rejected it for not being likely to work.
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[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.

That'd be helpful.
We're still holding Dandeer the entire time, right? Dropping her off at Senzu Hall would be a mistake because Yammar apparently (?) knows where it is and can just go there, retrieve Dandeer, and then we're really at a disadvantage.

Yes, we keep her. The whole point is to drag Yammar away from the wounded.

In fact, him knowing where it is is part of the bluff. We hope he thinks that, in our rush, we forgot that he knows where it is.
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[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.
This sounds like fun!

I don't particularly want to fight Yammar again because it would feel a bit like cheating if we did somehow come up with a winning plan - it'd be so off-the-wall for Poptart not to have already tried it we'd never have chosen it the first time around. I don't particularly not want to either though, because we'll almost certainly fail.

While that would be nice, why not Berra vs Vegeta instead? It would also deepen their back story and relationship a bit.
It would give away plot-relevant information though. Goku vs Freeza is completely disconnected from us. Though I suppose if it's a vision, it might tell us something about how Goku fought? And it would let us recognise a Freeza stylist more quickly?
Sneaky. If future Kakara thinks Dandeer is an idiot, future Kakara is herself being an idiot.
I do get some mileage out of unreliable narrators. :D And playing with people's expectations for unreliable narrators. And generally being a twisty fucker. :rofl:
@PoptartProdigy , I seem to recall that you did confirm that (assuming for the sake of argument we can disengage via IT at all) we could get to the other side of the sun and charge Spirit Saiyan from there. Is that right?

[Note, I am only asking about this insofar as it's knowledge Kakara already has. Such information, if it should influence the vote, would be a good thing on general principles.]
Well, bear in mind that I stated that regarding the vote leading into the latest update, but in principle you have the range, yeah. Again, not terribly much precision, but you don't need precision on these scales.
While that would be nice, why not Berra vs Vegeta instead? It would also deepen their back story and relationship a bit.

Uh. First time I forget it.
Write-ins always welcome.
[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.

That sounds Awesome with a capital A! I want to do that now.
[X] Me!
[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.
[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Berra, during his showdown with Vegeta Vegeta the Lord Vegeta.

I think we can do this. Let's try it!
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Well, bear in mind that I stated that regarding the vote leading into the latest update, but in principle you have the range, yeah. Again, not terribly much precision, but you don't need precision on these scales.

Going to the opposite side of the sun, even a super-saiyan will take a bit of time to catch up with us. Yammar might also need to be a bit more careful in attacking us, to prevent Dandeer from asphyxiating. I mean, we know he's willing to threaten to kill her himself*, but all OOC knowledge aside, he can't actually WANT to kill her when his main directive is "protect her."

Also the sun might possibly be the only thing in the Garenhuld system that a super-saiyan could conceivably hide behind to avoid the ki sense of another super-saiyan. I'm not saying that part would actually work, though.

*(!?!? this maaay be why Future Kakara thinks Dandeer is an idiot, I mean honestly if I were a mind-controlling witch I would Seal the entire notion of "do anything that could kill me" as far out of Yammar's mind as possible. :p )
They rolled for it.
I'm saying that, instead of stopping to give our speach/confront Yammar we IT out the moment we lay hands on her. After all at that point we just completed an IT, our hand should still be at our head.
We're still holding Dandeer the entire time, right? Dropping her off at Senzu Hall would be a mistake because Yammar apparently (?) knows where it is and can just go there, retrieve Dandeer, and then we're really at a disadvantage.
Issue: Kakara needs to take a moment of time between IT uses at her current skill level. Additionally, she has to calculate where to go.
Issue: Kakara needs to take a moment of time between IT uses at her current skill level. Additionally, she has to calculate where to go.
This is true. On the other hand, if we can get out from Yammar's immediate reach, we can random-walk fast enough that he probably won't be able to catch us unless he can teleport himself...

...Which is one of the bigger flaws in the whole teleport strategy.

@PoptartProdigy , does Kakara know whether Yammar has ever publicly used Instant Transmission? Has he ever publicly done anything that gave cause to think he doesn't know Instant Transmission? If so, how long ago?
This is true. On the other hand, if we can get out from Yammar's immediate reach, we can random-walk fast enough that he probably won't be able to catch us unless he can teleport himself...

...Which is one of the bigger flaws in the whole teleport strategy.

@PoptartProdigy , does Kakara know whether Yammar has ever publicly used Instant Transmission? Has he ever publicly done anything that gave cause to think he doesn't know Instant Transmission? If so, how long ago?
Public agreement is that he doesn't have it. He's never used it, even where it would be arguably valuable to do it. Then again, people hiding trump cards is a thing. On balance, he probably doesn't, but there's always a chance.
[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.
[X] Not me.

Sneaky. If future Kakara thinks Dandeer is an idiot, future Kakara is herself being an idiot.
Being an absolute numbskull, or having all of the common sense of a corn chip, does not preclude being absolutely brilliant at something. See: Goku.

This is especially the case if that something is mind magic, and the person has some degree of self-loathing.
This is especially the case if you're a mind mage with some degree of self-loathing.
I don't know if that's it, actually - I do think she's responsible for some ill-advised brain surgery on herself, but I don't know if that's because she doesn't like herself or because she thought she needed to be a Hard Woman Who Could Make Hard Decisions. (Practically every version of that phrase describes Bad People Making Bad Decisions, though...)
I also strongly suspect that she either figured out how to steal other Sorcerors' magic, or got magic knowledge from the future/the wider galaxy.
[X] In order to trial the combat system, I want an interlude playing as Goku, during his showdown with Freeza.
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