[X] Keep being empathyBrina.
-[x] Take care to keep Homura open and communicating.
-[x] Take your time, give Homura however long she needs.
[x] Tone: Absolute, total, beyond the ends of the world certainty. You
know this is true.
-[x] If Madoka knew everything you'd done for her, she wouldn't hesitate to say for an instant that Homura is her greatest and best friend.
-[x] She is
not a failure. She is
not a good for nothing. You won't put up with hearing one of the most amazing people in the world, one of your friends, put themselves down like that.
[x] Conversation goals: Get Homura to a point where it's safe to let her think about all of this.
-[x] Madoka was better off with Homura there, even if Homura hasn't met her own standards of success yet.
[x] Potentially, as needed to accomplish those goals:
-[x] She was put in a nearly impossible situation, and can't blame herself for that. You couldn't have done better, not in her shoes.
--[x] She still kept Mami and Sayaka in her heart to the end, even though they kept falling and taking Madoka with them. She kept trying, which is all anyone could ask.
-[x] You know what Homura's done, and you accept her. You'll believe in her to the end.
--[x] Madoka would too, you're certain of it.
-[x] Only because of Homura is there hope for a better world in the future.
--[x] Striving for a better outcome for everyone is what Madoka would have wanted from her.
-[x] Thank Homura for all she's done - and still is doing - for Madoka, you, and the world.
-[x] Provide tactile support and encouragement to the degree Homura is comfortable with it.
I feel that by going for a very clinical and detached vote direction
@Vebyast is missing out on the emotional connection that's critical at this juncture - and given how sparse thread discussion on votes has been (as opposed to Grief metaphysics) I don't think that we can assume that the thread can make up for it.
I also think that at this point Homura isn't going to react particularly well to "surgery" or "looking for car key" analogies - they might be accurate, but this isn't a juncture for logical argumentation. Support Homura emotionally.