Nascent Transhuman
Errrr.Graphite was chosen as a source because it's a pure form of carbon
Article: Although surface chemistry provides the mechanism by which floatation is affected, the process cannot change the purity of the discrete flake particle. Flake graphite contains mineral impurities that are virtually identical in composition to the country rock. These impurities can be associated with the graphite flake in two ways. The first is mechanically attached particles which appear as mineral grains attached to the surface of flakes or trapped between adjacent flakes that have become "cold welded". Flotation may be effective at separating graphite flake from this type of mineral impurity. The second way mineral matter can be associated is in "intercalated" form. This is not intercalation in the same way that certain ions can be intercalated between the graphene layers of the graphite crystal. "Intercalated" in this case is used to describe ash that resides in what could be described as "parting layers" between groups or stacks of adjacent graphene layers. The volumes or spaces occupied by this "intercalated" ash are orders of magnitude greater in size than the interlayer spacing of 3.35, which is the distance between adjacent graphene layers. "Intercalated" ash cannot be removed from the flake by mechanical methods and does represent an intimate ash/graphite association. In cases where ash is strongly intercalated, ignition of samples may result in a flake-shaped or micaceous skeletal ash residue. This type of ash can be removed only by using chemical or thermal methods.
Commercial flake graphite products are available in a range of purities from around 80% carbon up to 99+ percent carbon. Flake which is in the purity range of 80-98% typically represent materials which have been beneficiated using only froth floatation. Flake above 98% purity has been purified using other methods subsequent to floatation. Sized materials from 0.5mm to 3 micrometers are available from Asbury Carbons as "off-the-shelf" products in any of the purities noted above.
AFAIK, diamonds need to be up around 99.9% carbon to not have major visual flaws. The graphite you get out of a pencil lead or car battery is going to have one or two OOM too much junk in it, and it's mixed in so thoroughly that you'd be better off starting over with carbon atoms.
I really do think we're better off going straight to nucleosynthesis. Any amount of time we spend greater than about 15 minutes is time lost compared to starting with griefhax.
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