@OneirosTheWriter, some corrections/questions:
Er, I have this marked down as NCC-3726. Rationale:
NCC registry numbers are currently assigned on planning date (Q1 shipyard ops results), rather than commence date, unless the former isn't available (member fleet builds). Apart from the HIP build time reduction, this is sometimes why we see a ship with a higher NCC registry number commission before a lower number.
For some reason, a NCC registry number wasn't assigned in the 2320.Q1 shipyard ops results for the scheduled cargo ship build (but with the wrong commence date - should've been 2320.Q4):
It should've been assigned NCC-3726 here, so I went ahead and did so. I also remember discussing this with you on discord when I saw the proposed registry numbers on the Q3 Orion and Betazoid SF cargo ship builds, and bumped those numbers up.
This is apparent in the 2321 EOY:
Gah! You switched the NCC registries and berth assignments of these around?
They were established as Chinook NCC-2130 @ UP 2mt-Y and Sirocco NCC-2131 in the 2321.Q1 shipyard ops results:
Which one is which?!
You're missing another Comfort build (NCC-3506) in Lasieth berth 1mt-1 that commenced in 2321.Q1 and commissions in 2324.Q1. It's missing in the 2321.Q1 shipyard ops, but I confirmed with you on discord that the build did commence on Q1 that year.
As Briefvoice noted, you're missing a Super-Freighter build (NCC-3624) in UP berth 2mt-Z that commenced in 2321.Q2 and commissions in 2325.Q2. From the 2321.Q1 shipyard ops results: