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Constering that 'rings of Fireball' are a thing that is given to bright Journeyman.

I would imagine that there is a line that masters are allowed to cross when it comes to helping their students.

I don't think we would be allowed to deck her out magic bling head to foot.

but We might be allowed to give her something like 'ring of Smoke and Mirrors' (e.g the GTFO button.)
She'll definitely be able to always afford Windsoak mushrooms, if we were so cruel as to make her buy them.

Right, between the shroons and standard material components she will be able to do apprentice grade magic much more safely... or she can use those same advantages to stretch, like reach for the Moderately Complicated tier of Ulgu. Honestly given who her role models are I think the latter is more likely. I mean on the one hand you have Lord Magister Mathilde Weber, savior of two Karaks and on the other you have her grandmother who rose from minor trader to right hand woman of an EC to head of a massive trading company. Something makes me think she will err on the side of courage.
Right, between the shroons and standard material components she will be able to do apprentice grade magic much more safely... or she can use those same advantages to stretch, like reach for the Moderately Complicated tier of Ulgu. Honestly given who her role models are I think the latter is more likely. I mean on the one hand you have Lord Magister Mathilde Weber, savior of two Karaks and on the other you have her grandmother who rose from minor trader to right hand woman of an EC to head of a massive trading company. Something makes me think she will err on the side of courage.
Probably. The fun thing is that the further she reaches, the further she'll go, if she grows in magic the same way Mathilde did by learning more spells.
Wait it is?
Or is it the Dhar that could happen when you miscast?
Cue mathilde capturing a goblin shaman to teach Eike waaaghbane hands on.
It would be the Dhar that happens when miscasting. The colleges are pretty lax on Dhar creation due to miscast because they're not intentionally inducing it, but any such training from our side would likely cross the line.
I'm half tempted to ask Kragg for a dhar-eating necklace or bracer for her.

Derp: I completely forgot about our Miscast Rooms that we sponsored.
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It would be the Dhar that happens when miscasting. The colleges are pretty lax on Dhar creation due to miscast because they're not intentionally inducing it, but any such training from our side would likely cross the line.
I'm half tempted to ask Kragg for a dhar-eating necklace or bracer for her.

Derp: I completely forgot about our Miscast Rooms that we sponsored.
We can lend her our belt for training purposes, but kragg isn't going to make another one of those.
Right, between the shroons and standard material components she will be able to do apprentice grade magic much more safely... or she can use those same advantages to stretch, like reach for the Moderately Complicated tier of Ulgu. Honestly given who her role models are I think the latter is more likely. I mean on the one hand you have Lord Magister Mathilde Weber, savior of two Karaks and on the other you have her grandmother who rose from minor trader to right hand woman of an EC to head of a massive trading company. Something makes me think she will err on the side of courage.
I would imagine the opposite: Mathy's whole style as a journeyman was to focus on the 'safe' spells before moving up the list.

Mathy as a teacher would very much come down on the 'Reaching for higher complexity spells is dumb, don't do it until you have no choice at battle magic or if you hit your magic strength cap.
We can lend her our belt for training purposes, but kragg isn't going to make another one of those.
If I remember right then Dwarves make unique items, such as that he'd never make a copy of our belt, but a different bit of armor with a different runic... phrase... for lack of a better word, he might be amicable to make.
If I remember right then Dwarves make unique items, such as that he'd never make a copy of our belt, but a different bit of armor with a different runic... phrase... for lack of a better word, he might be amicable to make.

That has been asked before, there is exactly one dwarf who can make that rune work and his name is Kragg. He does not work for money, even if you are a dwarf. Eike will have to make her own commensurate contributions to the Karaz Anjkor to get the Rune of Valaya's vengeance (or wait for Mathilde to die and inherit hers).
Mathilde got the Belt after allowing for the clearance of some pretty hefty Grudges, displaying valour and competence in front of Dwarves, joining a second project important to the Karaz Ankor, and perhaps most critically of all, when she was going to be within hammer range of Kragg for the foreseeable future. Eike is not going to be ticking those boxes any time soon.
Mathilde got the Belt after allowing for the clearance of some pretty hefty Grudges, displaying valour and competence in front of Dwarves, joining a second project important to the Karaz Ankor, and perhaps most critically of all, when she was going to be within hammer range of Kragg for the foreseeable future. Eike is not going to be ticking those boxes any time soon.
I mean, she might get the hammer range part if and when she comes to live in Eight Peaks with us. :V
Okay, that's a fair point. On the other hand, I really don't want her blowing up. Or rolling on the Arcane Marks table and picking up something nasty.

Eh, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
Reminder you need at least one Arcane Mark to pass.

And also that Mathilde's Journey COULD have been downright safe...if she wasn't Brave and prone to charging into the riskiest places to use her big sword.
Reminder you need at least one Arcane Mark to pass.

And also that Mathilde's Journey COULD have been downright safe...if she wasn't Brave and prone to charging into the riskiest places to use her big sword.
Wait, what? You need an Arcane Mark to even become a Magister? Really? That seems... sorta dumb, given how they're gained.
Arcane Marks aren't mandatory for reaching Magister, but they do help. The Colleges still have mystery cults in their DNA and if you're metaphysically locked in to the Wind they have a monopoly on, you're a lot less likely to be running off with their secrets.
I hope she chooses something different than our order. I want more interaction with other magic. New and exciting spells and insight. New character temperament based on different winds.
I almost wonder about apparition binding. If we make it more like the Ambers' ravens than the hounds it might be something we can teach an apprentice. Being able to summon guards on command would be a hell of a thing on the Journey.

On the other hand 'journey' for Eike could just be plopping herself on a couch and doing independent research, it is not like she needs to work for the funds to do that research or seek out books.
... I really don't think appartions would help. Look at what a fresh journeyman can do: Mathilde had a few intro grey spells. The particularly ambitious ones coming to K8Ps had more, but not that much. Magic 3 to 4.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure that binding an external quasi-daemonic entity to your soul is a bit more complicated and dangerous. It's battle magic territory, and not the friendly babys frirst battle magic like the teleport of miasma, and for the Greys it's also new battle magic territory. I'd say it's Magic 6 or so at minimum. That's stuff you do as a magister.

And guards? Eike already has a super power more suited to summoning guards. It's called money. Hiring a bunch of people is a much safer option for the integrity of her soul.

Personally, I think her journey is going to be something like this: Eike gets put in charge of the EIC (she was probably doing some work there already as a senior apprentice). She works for a few years. At some point she decides she's ready for the exam, and and uses some impressive feat from that work as her mastery (some international negotiation, or breaking a smugglers ring, or something. There's plenty of opportunities). There's plenty of danger, but not danger of personal harm.

If she does some magic research on her private time, it's because she enjoys it (and has a skewed view of normal), not because she has to. Also, because Mathilde has probably using her to battle the backlog, and so she's under the impression that groundbreaking papers are expected.
... I really don't think appartions would help. Look at what a fresh journeyman can do: Mathilde had a few intro grey spells. The particularly ambitious ones coming to K8Ps had more, but not that much. Magic 3 to 4.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure that binding an external quasi-daemonic entity to your soul is a bit more complicated and dangerous. It's battle magic territory, and not the friendly babys frirst battle magic like the teleport of miasma, and for the Greys it's also new battle magic territory. I'd say it's Magic 6 or so at minimum. That's stuff you do as a magister.

Not necessarily. The Ambers have that raven spell that is suspected to be apparition binding and it is relatively simple. That is well within journeyman range.
If she does some magic research on her private time, it's because she enjoys it (and has a skewed view of normal), not because she has to. Also, because Mathilde has probably using her to battle the backlog, and so she's under the impression that groundbreaking papers are expected.
Also she'd probably have hung around the research college for the latter part of her apprenticeship. That makes it even worse. the plot hook that finally brings Mathilde's family back going to be Wilhelmina deciding to find out why Mathilde never got visitors?!
Look I need the 'see how far she's come and how little this Hero Of The Empire needs you pathetic bigoted bumpkins' scene, okay?

I think even that is giving them too much, honestly.

Whoever still exists that shares blood with Mathilde has zero relevancy to her life, and thus should have zero presence in the quest.
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