Turn Twenty-Five Results Part Two
the ever-listening apparatus off the Grey College
off -> of
Turn Twenty-Five Social
lead -> led
you're welcome into the camp without trouble
This reads a little oddly to me; I would have written "you're welcome in the camp" or "you're welcomed into the camp". Feel free to ignore this.
Meeting in Middenheim Part One
said 'if I am a blasphemer
if -> If
You -> you
Meeting in Middenheim Part Three
When you finish, Algard sits back and sighs "Refugees," he says.
sighs -> sighs.
Turn Twenty-Five Results Part Three
with one confirmed dead and interred at Siegfriedhof, one cannibalized by a rival and probably out of the picture for at least a while, and a third fled the Hunger Wood with its army shattered.
The last part of this reads oddly to me because I am unused to treating the participle "fled" as an adjective, so I propose fled -> "having fled" or "fleeing". Again, feel free to ignore this one, I suspect dialect may be at fault.
Turn Twenty-Six
"I take it you don't continue to rekindle that debate,"
I think this is an editing issue where "continue" would have originally occupied the point "rekindle" does now? I'd change continue -> care.
Turn Twenty-Six Results Part One
If it is Arcane Magic of some sort, and they deliberately push what they cannot expel downwards?
"and" -> "do" or "If it is" -> "Is it"
Turn Twenty-Six Social Part One
"You bought her?" You ask
You -> you
Turn Twenty-Six Social Part Two
well-dressed attendant sidle discretely
discretely -> discreetly
and are lead deeper into the College
lead -> led
The laboratory you are lead to
lead -> led
the entirety of the firing arc of these guns have been
have -> has
'Black-Crag' is two-eighth sufficient
Turn Twenty-Seven Results Part One
and assist in her in figuring out
assist in her in figuring out -> "assist in her figuring out" or "assist her in figuring out"
Turn Twenty-Seven Social Part Two
might object to being lead by a woman.
lead -> led
but you do raise an eyebrow at the books on ritual magic, as do the ones on Tilean history.
Grammar is a little weird here; "as do" implies that the books on TIlean history are also raising an eyebrow at the books on ritual magic. I'd change "as do" to "as at".
most of my time has been spent in the laboratory or writing papers, none of which is quite ready for publication
is quite ready -> are quite ready
which might jeapardize Ostermark's relationship
jeapardize -> jeopardize