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Everlasting Archive can be translated as Unvergänglich Archiv (I think; I'm hardly fluent and am leaning heavily on supplemental googling here). Or if you prefer to have library in the name, Everlasting Library can be translated as Unvergänglich Bibliothek which has a certain ring to it IMO.

Ooh, or apparently unzerstörbar can mean indestructible/incorruptible. Unzerstörbar Bibliothek I think I rather like, and "the Incorruptible Library" has rather a ring to it in English.
Are you going for Reikspiel (also known as fake Warhammer German) or IRL German?

If the latter, then:
Everlasting Archive would be Ewig Währendes Archiv.
Eternal Archive would be Ewiges Archiv.
Unvergängliches Archiv would mean Unfading or Imperishable Archive.
Unzerstörbare Bibliothek would be the Indestructible Library.
The Incorruptible Library would be Die Unkorrumpierbare Bibliothek.
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I'm possible far from being the first person to suggest it, but I think that the We should be a Head Librarian, after some proper training of course. Because that's hilarious and the We could also potentially be the best librarian ever, being a physically immortal hivemind and all that.
I'm possible far from being the first person to suggest it, but I think that the We should be a Head Librarian, after some proper training of course. Because that's hilarious and the We could also potentially be the best librarian ever, being a physically immortal hivemind and all that.
A We might become that once they qualify. No need to give preferential treatment to an immortal being.
You know, it occurs to me, that by now there HAS to be a betting pool somewhere in the Grey College: "Weber's next project: her name, a pun, or both?" (Probably run out of the Bursar's office - you can check to see if you won every time you stop in to tithe)

We should get in on that somehow. :)
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So, out of curiosity, do you think anyone else drew the obvious line between the Vow of Poverty and Mathilde "spending" an extreme amount having the dwarves build on new rooms to each campus? Supportive had to be looking at the bursar and thinking "Ok, what does 10% of *that* come out to?"
So, out of curiosity, do you think anyone else drew the obvious line between the Vow of Poverty and Mathilde "spending" an extreme amount having the dwarves build on new rooms to each campus? Supportive had to be looking at the bursar and thinking "Ok, what does 10% of *that* come out to?"
She gave one to the Grey College. Technically they owe her a refund of 1 Dwarf Favor. :V
So, out of curiosity, do you think anyone else drew the obvious line between the Vow of Poverty and Mathilde "spending" an extreme amount having the dwarves build on new rooms to each campus? Supportive had to be looking at the bursar and thinking "Ok, what does 10% of *that* come out to?"

I think this can be used against Mathilde if she incidently harms the College in some way or threatens its leadership, but otherwise no one cares. Having this as a potential law breach could be seen as having a degree of control over Mathilde, which Grey College leadership might value. The trick was used many times irl...
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I think this can be used against Mathilde if she incidently harms the College in some way or threatens its leadership, but otherwise no one cares. Having this as a potential law breach could be seen as having a degree of control over Mathilde, which Grey College leadership might value. The trick was used many times irl...
Except it can't. She didn't spend anything on those rooms. Except Dwarf Favour, which isn't tithable or covered under the Vow.
Except it can't. She didn't spend anything on those rooms. Except Dwarf Favour, which isn't tithable or covered under the Vow.

Well, the thing with law cases is that they can be interpreted and decided in any way it's needed/desired by those who do the judgment, as far as they are capable to get away with it... I think this could be used against Mathilda at some rare scenario when she has some political conflict within the College. I'm sure that in such a case she wouldn't get punished as long as she concedes to the political rival(s), and likely not punished much if she doesn't, being fined a huge sum at most (which Mathilda could easily pay because a whole dwarven hold considers themselves to be indebted to her with their lives).
Well, the thing with law cases is that they can be interpreted and decided in any way it's needed/desired by those who do the judgment, as far as they are capable to get away with it... I think this could be used against Mathilda at some very rare scenario when she isn't declared a rogue Black Magister, but has some political conflict within the College. I'm sure that in such a case she wouldn't get punished as long as she concedes to the political rival(s), and likely not punished much if she doesn't, being fined a huge sum at most (which Mathilda could easily pay because a whole dwarven hold considers themselves to be indebted to her with their lives).
No? Apart from anything else, attempting to make favour systems tithable or make the Vow apply to them (beyond it being basically impossible to actually enforce) will have the whole College up in arms, because that's what they use to get people to work with them. It'd be political suicide. And possibly actual suicide depending on how poorly the magisters take it.
Well, the thing with law cases is that they can be interpreted and decided in any way it's needed/desired by those who do the judgment, as far as they are capable to get away with it... I think this could be used against Mathilda at some rare scenario when she has some political conflict within the College. I'm sure that in such a case she wouldn't get punished as long as she concedes to the political rival(s), and likely not punished much if she doesn't, being fined a huge sum at most (which Mathilda could easily pay because a whole dwarven hold considers themselves to be indebted to her with their lives).
Do you want the Colleges of Magic to be collectively Grudged by the Karaz Ankor? Because that's a good way to start.
Do you want the Colleges of Magic to be collectively Grudged by the Karaz Ankor? Because that's a good way to start.

Eh, what about poor me, I'm talking about potential Mathilda's rivals.

Btw, your argument might mean that this situation is actually more dangerous than I thought: the biggest danger might not be a huge fine, but someone at the Colleges could just want to watch the world burn - and start with making Colleges of Magic to be collectively Grudged by the Karaz Ankor. I guess the Colleges are kind of prepared for such a situation (or should be).

No? Apart from anything else, attempting to make favour systems tithable or make the Vow apply to them (beyond it being basically impossible to actually enforce) will have the whole College up in arms, because that's what they use to get people to work with them. It'd be political suicide. And possibly actual suicide depending on how poorly the magisters take it.

Good points. So we could be threatened by someone suicidal. :V

Someone suicidal and/or someone who wants to watch the world burn. That kind of excludes most people in the Colleges I guess. :lol:
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Hey, incidentally, I'd strongly prefer people not post spider pics in the thread. They might be cute to you, but those of us with arachnophobia may find the visual rather less appealing. Like... I know I'm not the Thread King or whatever so I'm not trying to issue this as some kind of dictate or something, but it would be very much appreciated.
Hey, incidentally, I'd strongly prefer people not post spider pics in the thread. They might be cute to you, but those of us with arachnophobia may find the visual rather less appealing. Like... I know I'm not the Thread King or whatever so I'm not trying to issue this as some kind of dictate or something, but it would be very much appreciated.

I'll put into the spoiler then I guess.

Btw, what about people with sociophobia? :o
@BoneyM Since we have official decided to found a College based on cooperation between Wizards and Priests, can this story be told? At the opening of the Branch, or perhaps in a paper published by it? As an example of the kind of results you can get, when faith and magic work together against a common enemy? Seems like the kind of story with proof that might strengthen the position of the Branch Colledge for Empire Priests, at least the Sigmarites.

Saying: "This is the kind of thing we want to enable", or "seek to make possible as a joint effort on purpose, not luck" is the kind of stuff that might help with recruiting Empire Priests for the College.

I mean... the focus is on Runework, but it doesn't mean we can't try to do some good with the Empire priests as well.

It's the sort of thing Mathilde might refer to if she tries to get Priests on board with things, but on its own it's not really a capstone event and there's not an entire paper in it.

@BoneyM... It might be inappropriate to ask a question on this level, but you had the We be pleased with the idea of information being recorded so it lasts outside of their echo memory system.

Are you ok with the idea of cute spooder friends being part of the library, or would you feel that might damage verisimilitude or the like?

The thread voted to let them enter society at their own pace. It will be a while until they're even able to make a meaningful decision as to whether they want to be a part of it. But I'm not opposed on OOC grounds.

So Everlasting World Library would be something along the line of "Karaz-Kron a Karak Nakarak"? I don't know if "a" can be used as "of" or if there's a better word. But Everlasting Library of the Mountains and the Rest of the World has at least some appeal to me. As does Pile'o'books for Mountains and non-Mountains.

Honestly, one thing that complicates this is that the word for book/record/history/chronicle is the same as the word for library/archive/knowledge. It's as if you had the same word for big rock (kar) and mountain (karak).

@BoneyM What would words like "kronag", "kronak" and "kronaz" mean?
I guess kronak actually means the concept of book, and thus puts an emphasis on it's interpretation as capital K Knowledge.
Kronaz would probably mean either "no really, just this one very important book" or "unshakably booky", the latter of which might have value for our naming dilemma.
As for Kronag, I don't actually know. I know that Karag means both barren mountain/volcano and something along the lines of lesser or dependent or partial Karak. But I don't know why or what the -ag ending generally denotes.

You've got the general idea of Kronak and Kronaz. -ag isn't a suffix, 'Karag' is a compound word, not a modified root, and the meaning I would guess for the -ag component would be something like 'a specific thing without inherent value outside of its single purpose'. Kronag would mean something like... propaganda pamphlet, I guess.

@BoneyM What would words like "kronag", "kronak" and "kronaz" mean?
Edit: Is the Khazalid word for memory also kron?


I think one of the things I like about the update is that Algard and Kurtis are really enthusiastic about the branch collage. They both seem to think it's a good idea, and it's got me excited for it too.

Also, I tried to look up Halétha, but all I could find is that she's a Protector Goddess of the Hedgewise. I don't suppose anyone knows any more about her?

She has some relation to the Forest of Shadows, which seems to be why the Nordland and Ostland Hedgewise have been locked in a forever-war with all the nasty gribblies there.

Just to be sure: how long is "modern", here? Because if this started when Dwarfholds were named "Karak", then it'd been thousands of years...
Not that Dawi couldn't consider something millennia old to be "modern", of course :D

Post-Time of Woes, so three thousand years, give or take.

Well, the thing with law cases is that they can be interpreted and decided in any way it's needed/desired by those who do the judgment, as far as they are capable to get away with it... I think this could be used against Mathilda at some rare scenario when she has some political conflict within the College. I'm sure that in such a case she wouldn't get punished as long as she concedes to the political rival(s), and likely not punished much if she doesn't, being fined a huge sum at most (which Mathilda could easily pay because a whole dwarven hold considers themselves to be indebted to her with their lives).

The Grey College does not believe in doing small injuries. If they decide they must make an enemy of Mathilde, they won't be using accountancy quibbles as their weapon of choice.
The Grey College does not believe in doing small injuries. If they decide they must make an enemy of Mathilde, they won't be using accountancy quibbles as their weapon of choice.

Ominous, yet oddly reassuring.

Anyhow, I was looking though my old Grey college org chart, and noticed that the "Senior Fellow" is the position responsible for arranging coordination between the Grey College, the other Colleges of Magic, and other academic institutions.

Assuming that that's still accurate (the chart was partially speculative and made nearly a year ago, Boney's well within rights to change things based on story needs), I suspect that Mathilde will get to know the Senior Fellow quite well from her position running the new College Branch.
Ominous, yet oddly reassuring.

Anyhow, I was looking though my old Grey college org chart, and noticed that the "Senior Fellow" is the position responsible for arranging coordination between the Grey College, the other Colleges of Magic, and other academic institutions.

Assuming that that's still accurate (the chart was partially speculative and made nearly a year ago, Boney's well within rights to change things based on story needs), I suspect that Mathilde will get to know the Senior Fellow quite well from her position running the new College Branch.
Plot twist: Mathilde's work managing the interdepartmental branch means she ends up becoming the Senior Fellow.

...I'd pacman about that but, honestly, it sounds entirely too plausible.
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