Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
but I would not call it a lesson: mathy is already a girl who dotes her I's and crosses her T's.
its not something she learned/new behavour this arc.

Eh, seeing how your prep works in practice under harsh conditions creates very useful feedback for future improvement, whether it succeeds (should repeat) fails (should change) or succeeds but can be improved, is what I am saying.
not entirely sure on the pheasability of getting a trait which helps define our ulgu in speed or logistics as other people are doing but it would be preety cool and funny to go a bit orky and go

"Ulgu go fast, the shadow be stealthy, none can se me, NOW HERE I AM"

Either way something i remembered during the past few days was we had an option to share some of our rarer books with the cult of Verena in the hopes of developing a relationship with them and them sharing their secret books I do think theur is value in trying to start up a relationship with them, esspecially if we choose to build a massive fuck of library.

Might be optimistic but we might be in a unique opportunity to develop a unique connection to the cult of Verena through our library boon and our access to the tomes and books of the ancient library of the elves and our books in general which is why I think we should try to take the following action to see if we can do so to get some of their books.
[ ] Try to establish a relationship with the Cult of Verena, with the intent of offering them access to your rarer tomes in exchange for copies of some of their own.

Guess i'll wait and see how the boon vote goes but something I was interested in doing.
Trait suggestion:

Bros 4 Life: you truly bonded with Egrimm van Horstmann, and you are determined to support him in anything he does in future - no matter what.
I'm thinking something along the lines of a detail oriented trait - our successes at Vlag were largely down to being extra meticulous and checking out the site in the first place/noticing the tiny detail that magic hadn't continued to build up there, the primary setback faced by the expedition was the driver of the Urmskaladrak not really taking in the details of the road just ahead*, the various detail oriented experiments at the Windfall and at Dum itself trying to figure things out without going inside (stuff like the sand being transmuted by tiny little bits of divine energy), potentially the revelation of going forward being completely practical due to the small detail of being able to paralyze livestock for transportation, and possibly more that I haven't memorized.

Paying attention to individually small factoids (or the lack thereof) was very much the thing the make or break factor for a great deal of the time.

Edit: Oh, and of course our scrupulous attention to detail was a major factor in our investigation of the attack on the Okral, too. It just keeps coming back, really.
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...I wonder if getting into a fight with high-Level entities on two seperate occasions might be worth a trait? Or maybe the whole need to have friends back you up in said fights and save your ass when it goes wrong. Because that happened twice on the Expedition, and Mathy would be very dead if it weren't for Horstmann and the Ice Witch.
wasn't their a discussion about this near the end of karag dum expedition about what hypothetical trait mathilde might be offered?
Strength in Repetition: Mathilde's experiences with regular, repeated casting of the same spell has honed her ability to overcome the usual hazards of such.

Between the boat rescue and the Expedition itself, she should be able to dwarf up her magic.
Strength in Repetition: Mathilde's experiences with regular, repeated casting of the same spell has honed her ability to overcome the usual hazards of such.

Between the boat rescue and the Expedition itself, she should be able to dwarf up her magic.
And talking with Melkoth, who shared his own experience (and success) with training chain casting to be reliable.
Whatever traits shows up I honestly only want to take the one that removes our dislike of sigmarites.
We have a disdain for Sigmar, not for Sigmarites. We like several Sigmarites quite a bit. We have a penalty for managing Sigmarite organizations, but, uh, that seems very unlikely to be relevant in Laurelorn, just like it wasn't relevant in Karak Eight Peaks. So, spending a precious trait vote, not on gaining a new benefit, but on covering for a penalty that doesn't hurt us, seems like a very bad idea to me.

Maybe if we'd taken the Stirland job? But not on Waystones, not when we've picked a sponsor that has Sigmarite opposition. Just way too little to gain.
We have a disdain for Sigmar, not for Sigmarites. We like several Sigmarites quite a bit. We have a penalty for managing Sigmarite organizations, but, uh, that seems very unlikely to be relevant in Laurelorn, just like it wasn't relevant in Karak Eight Peaks. So, spending a precious trait vote, not on gaining a new benefit, but on covering for a penalty that doesn't hurt us, seems like a very bad idea to me.

Maybe if we'd taken the Stirland job? But not on Waystones, not when we've picked a sponsor that has Sigmarite opposition. Just way too little to gain.
Being fair, this is kind of a recursive problem. We have a Disdain for Sigmar trait that gives us a penalty to organisational actions that have Sigmar in charge, so we deliberately avoid any actions that put us in proximity to Sigmar institutions. I don't particularly care about Sigmar or the trait and think it's fine to keep it, and I certainly don't want to go back to the Empire full time, but I find it funny that this is a problem that feeds into itself. We don't remove the trait because we don't take actions in relation to Sigmar institution, but because we have the trait we choose to deliberately avoid actions that would involve Sigmar's involvement.

My biggest problem with the removal of the trait is that we don't have narrative justification for doing so. Mathilde's opinions on Sigmar have never been challenged, primarily because we deliberaly avoid scenarios that would result in us clashing with Sigmarites in the first place.
Being fair, this is kind of a recursive problem. We have a Disdain for Sigmar trait that gives us a penalty to organisational actions that have Sigmar in charge, so we deliberately avoid any actions that put us in proximity to Sigmar institutions. I don't particularly care about Sigmar or the trait and think it's fine to keep it, and I certainly don't want to go back to the Empire full time, but I find it funny that this is a problem that feeds into itself. We don't remove the trait because we don't take actions in relation to Sigmar institution, but because we have the trait we choose to deliberately avoid actions that would involve Sigmar's involvement.

My biggest problem with the removal of the trait is that we don't have narrative justification for doing so. Mathilde's opinions on Sigmar have never been challenged, primarily because we deliberaly avoid scenarios that would result in us clashing with Sigmarites in the first place.
To be fair, in this case we avoided the Sigmar-influenced institution due to the forewarning by a reliable source that said influence would be leveraged against us.
So, considering that Boney is already thinking about the next update, should the "Voting is open" header be removed?
While I'm putting together the framework for the next update, if anyone has suggestions for upcoming trait vote, now's the time to put them forward. To be clear I'm not looking for exact mechanical effects, just lessons Mathilde may have learned or new interests she may have developed during the Expedition and the lead-up to it.
Wizard Affinity. We socialed Wizards more than anyone else and also vibed with them more than we did with any of the Dwarves or knights. Even Light Wizards and Celestials turn out to be excellent friends and company. Bonus to Wizard diplomacy (under certain circumstances?) and it works either only on Imperial Wizards or on all arcane-ish casters.

I Like Dragons. Some social bonus related to dragons.

Trust in Ranald. He intervened for us in combat. Some form of combat related luck boost or a Faith based boost for combat in situations in which Ranald usually wouldn't give a boost.

Slaanesh resistance. We faced the influence of Their daemons multiple times and were never swayed.

Some form of Leyline affinity for being able to track magic and find Waystones even in the most unlikely places, like under excellent insulation.

Miscast manipulation. Make the crazy things we did with miscasts an official part of the character sheet.

Divine-focused mage sight. See more than just that it's there even if not coming from a god we are intimately familiar with.

Chaos diplomacy. Even though we really shouldn't, we find it easy enough to have constructive conversations with Chaos aligned individuals like Norscans, Kurgans, Chaos Dwarves, Skaven and Beastmen. Maybe does not work on actual Avatars of the Ruinous Powers like Champions and Daemons.

A magic trait for non-combat battle magic or magical logistics or something.

Sometimes the biggest danger doesn't come from any enemy or trap. Terrain and weather awareness.

Also a more general suggestion: I think we should get two traits. One normal positive one and one with both an upside and a downside to symbolize the frustrating and anticlimactic zenith of our journey.

Possibilities for that would be some kind of obsession with certain kinds of projects or mysteries, or some kind of weird opinion (and connected boon and malus) regarding the behavior of people we saw (Borek, gods, Kurgans), or some kind of disillusionment with some kind of missions or mysteries with a corresponding practical bonus for the opposite.
We also favored the slow, safe and methodical way (that might have cost us subsequent opportunities) while looking into Dum. So we could either get a trait reinforcing that approach or one that shows that we didn't like the result and want to do more of the opposite in the future.

the most obvious being our fight with the Norscan champion,
More like the Khornate Champion who we couldn't get close to beating on our own. So a trait that gives us a preference for anything but 1v1s. Including situations when our side is outnumbered. We did well killing lots of lesser enemies on our own or wading alone behind enemy lines. But facing a single vampire or chaos champion or or Orc Boss that sees us coming isn't our forte.

Please let's not have that argument again, just this time with the permanent consequence of a trait.
Shouldn't the most controversial choices we had to make also be the ones with the biggest potential impact on Mathilde?

Or in other words, Apathetic Towards Mammoths should totally be a trait :V.

- Ulgu: Wind of Travel: got-a-go faster!
I like this. Recognizing that Journeying and The Traveller are Ulgi-aligned concepts.

Tell me your secrets: Having to abandon the mystery of the Cor Dum situation still rankles mathilde. (Temporary Malus when pulled away from an unfinished job)

Stranger Danger: Mathilde was blindsided by Boreks behaviour and thus did nothing while the source of so many answers walked away. She will not let this happen again. (Increased suspicion towards strangers)
Or if we aren't getting any pure flaw trait this time around, unite that malus of the first with a bonus when sticking with a job in the face of imminent problems and of the second with the corresponding Intrigue advantages of paranoia.
I think you meant Regimand, not Melkoth. Our Master, not the Batllemagic trainer.
That makes it even more fitting. Shared paradigm and all that.
We have a penalty for managing Sigmarite organizations
We have a penalty for managing organizations with a Sigmarite presence actually. So if several of our Wizard recruits for the Project are open and preachy Sigmarites we might feel the trait's consequences.
Possible Trait Picks:

Reclaimer: Something to do with Mathilde helping the Karaz Ankor reclaim lost Karaks

Miscast Cast: Deliberately miscasting to toss the resulting energies at an opponent and make the consequences someone else's problem. [Wouldn't recommend actually voting for this :p]

Stoney Eyes: Being able to better look through mind-altering/deflecting magics.

Dum dum: If we'd chosen to investigate Karag Dum and Cor-Dum further I'd have suggested something with this name.

Inquisitor: Better able to inspect people for, and sense and detect, Chaos taint/corruption.

Waystone Plumber/Waystone Mario: Better able to clog/unclog Waystones and their energy channels and dissipate/redirect the energies. Possible upgrade path to "cleansing/purifying" Waystones and their channels.

Pathing/Pathing Tool/Battle Logistics: Better able to make/use spells for easing logistical burdens of your party/expedition/army.

Supply and Demand: More adept at finding ways to acquire supplies for your party/expedition/army.

Ulgu Travelator: Rite of Way trait.

Chaotic Neutral: Bonus to diplomacy with chaos aligned factions, particularly to negotiating mutually profitable agreements and/or neutrality.

This is Za way: Bonus to navigating/studying the lands held by Chaos factions and/or the Chaos Wastes. Possible add-on: Extra bonus to using Rite of Way and similar spells in aforementioned territory.
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We have a penalty for managing organizations with a Sigmarite presence actually. So if several of our Wizard recruits for the Project are open and preachy Sigmarites we might feel the trait's consequences.
Her grudge is against Sigmar, not Sigmarites.
It's about institutional Sigmar worship taking hold in organizations she controls, not individual worshippers.
The 'Sigmarite presence' you refer to has to be institutional. It's not just the presence of Sigmarite worshippers, it has to be Sigmarite doctrine having a clear influence in the rules and operations of the organization. Though yes, she would probably get annoyed by preaching.
Talking about traits I really want that trait from the last trait vote that involved Mathilde teaching, could become a Merlin or a Gandalf and guide the future emperor way in the future :D
The 'Sigmarite presence' you refer to has to be institutional. It's not just the presence of Sigmarite worshippers, it has to be Sigmarite doctrine having a clear influence in the rules and operations of the organization. Though yes, she would probably get annoyed by preaching.
Mathilde's personality is such that she'd get annoyed by preaching, regardless of her feelings on Sigmar and Sigmarism.
Trait suggestion:
-Mathilde has learned how to bypass the excellent insulator of magic Stone. :V
-Saving Vlag really gave Mathilde perspective on bringing so many dawi into the world; She can now use the 'mothering' expression on any dawi.
-Syncretism Mathilde has begun looking at the various pantheons as a whole weave of more or less related practices.
Easier living through magic, the greatest impact of magic on the expedition were not the battles, but the logistics and the understanding of how magic flows and operates, perhaps even in a world were every advantage is sorely needed on a myriad battlefields, magic's greatest contribution could be in times of peace or behind the lines, shoring up civilization.
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