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I mean, we'd be getting access to a unique magical tradition in Kislev. Arguably two, since it's unclear whether the Ice Witches and the Ungol Hags are doing the same things. And given that the nearest dwarfhold is Karak Vlag, I am extremely confident we'd be able to get Runesmith support -- almost certainly not on par with the great Runelords of the Karaz Ankor, but I don't think we'd be able to stop Vlag's resident rune-pokers from coming and helping if we were in the neighborhood, so we're not in danger of getting saddled with the Cult of Thungni's fuckups and rejects.
Carcassonne also has a unique magic tradition. (Offered as a signing bonus instead of something our employer has to negotiate for.) Carcassonne has been doing favors for Karak Norn and Karak Izor, who might be willing to send their Runesmiths as well. (Who aren't rune-pokers.) And similar goes for Laurelorn or K8P or the Colleges. Kislev really isn't that unique in offering some amount of access to magical specialists.
But really, I think the main selling point for Kislev that I've seen people express isn't "that level of resources would mean a lot to us" -- it's what the fact that he's offering all those resources means about how much this means to him. Insofar as I'm a neuron of Mathilde, I'm a part that really loves being a hero, and there's something deeply meaningful about a prince who has seen you rescue twenty thousand people from hell and wants you to do the same for his own country. It's something that we can't guarantee doing -- I'd be willing to say that it's something we're more likely to fail than to succeed at -- and that's a very good reason to say no to him, but the desire to try to win this long-odds bet is something that I think resonates with a lot of the thread. It resonates with me tremendously.
And this is what I'm cautious about. He's willing to back us to the hilt, when he barely even knows what we're doing. What happens if we fail? If we bite off more than we can chew while wielding state-level resources? Mathilde dances the line between bold action and cautious investigation; we rescued Karak Vlag but we wisely didn't enter Karag Dum. I say I'm the part of Mathilde that knows the price heroes often pay, and doesn't want to see Mathilde pay that same price when we could gain the same successes elsewhere for far less risk. The knowledge that might save Kislev is the same knowledge that might save all Order factions, but only Kislev is on the front lines against Chaos with all the opportunities and dangers that entails. I think those dangers outweight the opportunities when we can find equal or better opportunities elsewhere.
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It feels like he has a fire in his eyes that all others lack.

That's true, but it's a very recognizable kind of fire from a recognizable kind of man. Boris is a Man On A Mission, and he knows in his bones that in doing this he is serving the Greater Good.

Which means he has a direct, personal interest in how things are run, a vision of what the results will be, and a willingness to squeeze to get them. I don't think it's unreasonable to be leery about being the one he squeezes for results.

Also, just speaking personally, there's a couple of red flags. I don't think a powerful, controlling, possessive man is a real threat to the virtue of a Lady Magister, but I do expect dominance games to show others that we work for him- both to show that he isn't being manipulated by a southern wizard (hi reskinned rasputin!) But also because he seems very much the sort to enjoy displays of submission. So I'm maybe a lot more cynical about him than I should be, but I read history through a feminist lense enough that heroes tend to look a lot more monsterous.
Ultimately, I think Laurelorn is be the most optimal choice... But I really, really want to talk myself into going for Kislev.

I couldn't give a fuck about it before, but that's what a cool character introduction can do. Can't help but respect the dedication and commitment offered, and wish to match it.
Carcassonne also has a unique magic tradition. (Offered as a signing bonus instead of something our employer has to negotiate for.) Carcassonne has been doing favors for Karak Norn and Karak Izor, who might be willing to send their Runesmiths as well. (Who aren't rune-pokers.) And similar goes for Laurelorn or K8P or the Colleges. Kislev really isn't that unique in offering some amount of access to magical specialists.
It's not unique, no, but I was responding to the bit in your post here:
But should we got to Kislev if we don't need that level of funding? The most important aspect of The Waystone Project isn't funding; it's getting as many magical traditions together in one room to butt heads.
And saying "well, we would definitely be getting access to unique magical traditions if we went north, just like other options have their own kinds of special magical support we can only get if we go with them."

(FWIW, I interpret "rune-poker" as a warrior's snarky way of saying runesmith, rather than a unique and low rank, similar to how troops tend to have slightly derogatory nicknames for scientists and engineers who develop the tech they use.)
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FWIW, I interpret "rune-poker" as a warrior's snarky way of saying runesmith, rather than a unique and low rank, similar to how troops tend to have slightly derogatory nicknames for scientists and engineers who develop the tech they use.

Interesting, since to me that strongly implied that the local runesmiths died out and these are self-taught amateurs, since that's a staggering lack of respect for a Runesmith from a dwarf under any normal circumstances.
The Elves' carrot is personal access to a library full of ancient lore.
Grey Lord: Welcome Mathilde to the Library of Mournings, filled with ancient lore and all of its books are at your disposal.
Mathilde: Fantastic, let me take a look... Priests of Gazul can use Necromancy? There's a fifth Chaos God named Malal? And what in the world are Pygmies? This book is full of nonsense!
Grey Lord: Look we promised ancient lore not up-to-date and canonical lore.
Interesting, since to me that strongly implied that the local runesmiths died out and these are self-taught amateurs, since that's a staggering lack of respect for a Runesmith from a dwarf under any normal circumstances.
...hunh. OK, I see that reading.

@BoneyM, can you shed light on this? In the time since getting back from the Expedition, would Mathilde have learned if Karak Vlag's runesmiths are, well, normal runesmiths? Or did "rune-poker" signify something serious had been lost?
Grey Lord: Welcome Mathilde to the Library of Mournings, filled with ancient lore and all of its books are at your disposal.
Mathilde: Fantastic, let me take a look... Priests of Gazul can use Necromancy? There's a fifth Chaos God named Malal? And what in the world are Pygmies? This book is full of nonsense!
Grey Lord: Look we promised ancient lore not up-to-date and canonical lore.
Grey Lords are actually three gnomes in trenchcoats. They're grey because gnomes are naturally aligned with Ulgu. Duh.
Also, just speaking personally, there's a couple of red flags. I don't think a powerful, controlling, possessive man is a real threat to the virtue of a Lady Magister, but I do expect dominance games to show others that we work for him- both to show that he isn't being manipulated by a southern wizard (hi reskinned rasputin!) But also because he seems very much the sort to enjoy displays of submission. So I'm maybe a lot more cynical about him than I should be, but I read history through a feminist lense enough that heroes tend to look a lot more monsterous.

Anyone with an inclination towards pulling these sorts of power games with female magic-users has long since been removed from Kislev's gene pool.

...hunh. OK, I see that reading.

@BoneyM, can you shed light on this? In the time since getting back from the Expedition, would Mathilde have learned if Karak Vlag's runesmiths are, well, normal runesmiths? Or did "rune-poker" signify something serious had been lost?

They're still not entirely sold on the benefits of not shooting anything that moves and isn't them, including would-be cultural anthropologists.
Because that's what our employer expects. We'd need to convince Boris to give us less resources than the all-in project he promised us... and the main benefit of going to Kislev is just how much financial, political, magical etc. support Boris is willing to throw at the project. Everywhere else is willing to fund us, but Kislev is willing to go full Manahattan Project even though Kislev isn't an economic superpower.
Considering the need to construct facilities, buy equipment, pay for transport and signing bonuses of personnel, the cost of starting the project will probably be significantly higher than a given year's cost of its operation once it gets going.

With Kislev, we don't have to settle for any compromises on that startup. Anything they, as a country, are capable of getting for us, we'll have. We'll have top of the line infrastructure and pay to help lure people in, and by the time we've got all the folks together in one place we'll hit the ground running.

After that, the expenses drop off a bit.
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Considering the need to construct facilities, buy equipment, pay for transport and signing bonuses of personnel, the cost of starting the project will probably be significantly higher than a given year's cost of its operation once it gets going.

With Kislev, we don't have to settle for any compromises on that startup. Anything they, as a country, are capable of getting for us, we'll have. We'll have top of the line infrastructure and pay to help lure people in, and by the time we've got all the folks together in one place we'll hit the ground running.

After that, the expenses drop off a bit.
If you want to use Kislev to set up expensive infrastructure, fair enough. But we do have two Great Deeds burning in our pocket that we could spend too, though obviously not for as big results.
picklepikkl's List of the Pros and Cons of All the Pros and Cons Lists
This post inspired me to make my own list, but... not of pros and cons. Mostly because I'm afraid of running into this:

So, to stand out from the herd, I've decided to do a different kind of list. Presenting...

The Nuclear Consensus Ranking of Employer Crisis of Faith

As is obvious from the title, this is a list which sets out to rank how likely being an employee of a certain polity would cause a crisis of faith in our employer, just like we've done to Abelhelm and Belegar, as well as how severe it might be!

So, we'll start with Belegar. As I've already mentioned, we've already given him a crisis of faith, but that doesn't mean there's potential to give him another! While discovering more about Waystones is likely to resolve some of his current issues with Thorgrim, it's also likely that it will give him more issues when he discovers his attitude to his High King has been rather unwarranted this whole time!

  • Likelihood: Low-Medium - We might give him a CoF, but being on hand means being able to mitigate the effects (hopefully)
  • Severity: Low-High - Mostly personal, with the worst case being going Slayer. The High rating is for the knock-on effects this will have in Eight Peaks and the larger KA, as well as his Dalaz Kron project.

Next, we have the Grey College. Doesn't really seem like there's much opportunity here. Ranald is already big among Greys, so there's no problem there. Depending on his attitude, the supposed Sigmarite Reiner Starke might be a problem. If he's more of a general religion advocate though, it won't be much of a hassle. The real possibility of a crisis of faith is in the other Colleges, more specifically in the one we might end up working with the most on Waystones, the Jade College. We already know from Pan that they're currently in the middle of a CoF right now, and it's not unlikely that what we discover in studying Waystones could be used as ammunition for one belief or the other.

  • Likelihood: Low (Grey), Medium-High (Jade)
  • Severity: None-Low (Grey), Medium-High (Jade)

These next two are a bit difficult, since who we'll be working for exactly makes it a bit complicated.

Third, we have Laurelorn. They have a faith-related thing going on right now (the Ulric worship), as well as a crisis (the business with Nordland, the need for Waystones/trees), but not a crisis of faith. It's hard to see how we can start something here... until one looks back at all the posts comparing Loec and Ranald. The Eonir started Ulric worship based on a favorable comparison with their own King of the Gods, so what's one more? Well, Loec worshippers might be trouble or help, depending on the circumstances. Those opposed to the whole Ulric thing would probably oppose this as well. On the outsed, this is, of course, likely to increase tensions with the Sigmarites, since they don't quite approve of Ranald. Ulricans might be miffed as well, though less likely. Nordland, of course, is likely to deem it appropriate that the gold-and-silver-hoarding, village-destroying, clay-stealing elves have taken up worship of the god of criminals.

  • Likelihood: Low-Medium - It's possible, but not right away, I think. The dice, of course, might say otherwise.
  • Severity: Low-High - Quite variable, depending on the circumstances.

Fourth, there is Carcassonne. I know the least about this option, so a rather short section. I don't think a crisis of faith is very likely in our employer here, given we'll have the Lady's representatives checking our work. That said, it's possible that Mathilde doing Mathilde things might clash with their dance of half-truths and whatnot, especially if we cause the other Duchies to start taking a closer look?

  • Likelihood: Low
  • Severity: ?

Last, but not least, is Kislev. A CoF is, I think, somewhat likely here, though the how and why is a bit uncertain. The most obvious, I think, is between him and the Ice Witches, perhaps personified by a possible Ice Witch wife butting heads with Mathilde over things. This could be mitigated (or exacerbated?) by the fact that Ranald wants to get back in the Widow's good graces, so Mathilde will likely be working closely with the Ice Witches. Setbacks to the project caused by uncooperative factors is on the table as well, I believe, possibly leading to a similar situation Belegar has.

  • Likelihood: Low-?
  • Severity: ?

Not a very exhaustive list, but I did my best. What do you think? Which among these are most likely to result in a crisis of faith similar to our previous employers?
I think the thing to note with Vlag's Runesmiths is that Vlag IIRC was a pretty minor and past-its-prime hold relative to the Karaz Ankor, so they're unlikely to be providing the most sophisticated/knowledgeable support, in exchange for them probably being 100% on-board with Mathilde. Though they would have a lot of experience with Chaos and Immaterium stuff.

Okay, where are people synthesizing this idea that Kislev is demanding nigh-immediate results? I don't see anything about that, or that even hints at it, in the actual text of the update. Big results, sure, but not "get it done yesterday". As far as I can tell, it seems to have come from someone vagueposting that oh, it felt like it was a rush??
I think it's a slightly off-base proxy for Kislev seemingly requiring a bit more 'management' as a sponsor compared to the others, which arises from the combination of them not really seeming to have much of a technical/mystical understanding of the project, the second-hand influence of the Protector inflating their view of Mathilde, and their overall high expectations.

I don't think that necessarily translates to 'immediate results' though, since, as others have noted, they probably understand the difficulty due to their experience with Chaos. But I get the impression that the other sponsors are going to be a bit more hands-off and and keep less of an eye on our progress than they are, though Laurelorn is a bit of an enigma still while Carcassonne does expect results regarding the Chaos Orcs. Eight Peaks and the College are probably going to be the most laid-back sponsors (though the Cult of Thungni and the Articles/Sigmarites complicate things).
Fourth, there is Carcassonne. I know the least about this option, so a rather short section. I don't think a crisis of faith is very likely in our employer here, given we'll have the Lady's representatives checking our work. That said, it's possible that Mathilde doing Mathilde things might clash with their dance of half-truths and whatnot, especially if we cause the other Duchies to start taking a closer look?
Ranald worship is a capital offense in Brettonia. Due to Ranald approving of revolts of oppressive hierarchies on general principle, and Brettonia being Brettonia.
Considering the need to construct facilities, buy equipment, pay for transport and signing bonuses of personnel, the cost of starting the project will probably be significantly higher than a given year's cost of its operation once it gets going.

With Kislev, we don't have to settle for any compromises on that startup. Anything they, as a country, are capable of getting for us, we'll have. We'll have top of the line infrastructure and pay to help lure people in, and by the time we've got all the folks together in one place we'll hit the ground running.

After that, the expenses drop off a bit.
Again, even everything Kislev has to offer is way less than what the others are offering.

Facilities and infrastructure? K8P has literal mountains available. And masses of Dwarf-power to get it set up however we want. Laurelorn and Carcassonne both already have magical towers and thus the knowledge and skill to build more. Kislev… doesn't.
Signing bonuses? Access to the Ancient Elf Library is not restricted to Mathilde, but extended to all researchers on the Project. Carcassonne is a trade hub with a whole bunch of luxuries moving through it. K8P has halfling cooks.

No amount of gold can make up for the fact that Kislev is simply the worst equipped to actually support the Project.
Ranald worship is a capital offense in Brettonia. Due to Ranald approving of revolts of oppressive hierarchies on general principle, and Brettonia being Brettonia.
The Ranald thing hasn't been brought up much because we've been assured that we'll be fine as long as we don't try to spread the faith, which the thread was never really planning to do. Mathilde's slightly unconventional relationship with her god helps out here too.
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Why is it that when the Dwarves say it would be easier to convince the Runesmiths to help if the project was Dwarf-led, they're glimmering with "the possibility of Runesmiths", whereas when the Eonir say it would be easier to convince the Grey Lords to help if the project was Elf-led, they're "being rather stingy with their knowledge"?
Because Belegar wasn't trying to tempt Mathilde, whereas Cadaeth totally was.
It was more the entire "We've got this huge library of knowledge, but no looking unless we host the project here."
Yeah. Though, this shouldn't be looked at "Oh, we won't pitch in fully into Waystones unless you let us do it on homeground!" but rather from the perspective of "Oh, look at this huge library we've got... wouldn't you be tempted by that, Wizard Lord?" Because that's how Cadaeth was presenting it.
Y'know, you can just say you don't trust elves.
Oh, I do, but...

...knowledge doesn't go away, gold and other types of backing is rather finite.
Their argument is "Oh, we don't know if what's in our library is useful to the task at hand, but we'll only let you look if we're hosting the project here." It's not that they refuse to lend out books, taking them out of the library, or even restricted section. It's "Host the project here or we will let you assume you're working impaired when a pair of glasses are readily available."
Keep in mind this is not their library of exotic cookbooks, this is seriously ancient and seriously dangerous magic. 'We are not giving you unrestricted access unless you work for us' seems every bit as reasonable as the runesmith secret keeping which no one seems to be calling out. We still get some of the information elsewhere but filtered through whichever elf mages leaves the forest.
Thing is that we are working for them. They wanted us to fix their waystones and came to us.
Because when Belegar talked about the Runesmiths and Runelords, he wasn't trying to tempt and pique Mathilde's curiosity and interest.
"This is why you wanted to meet me here? To make a point about the history between Empire and Eonir?"

"Partly." She gives a sudden smile, almost managing to dispel the mood she's crafted. "And because curiosity is a powerful motivator. Though we will contribute no matter where it is that you will pool the efforts of Elf and Dwarf, we will not show you the wonders of Tor Lithanel unless it plays host to the work in question."

"What wonders would those be?" you can't help but ask

"The towers and jewels of Tor Lithanel have captured the soul of many an artist, but I suspect most relevant to you would be the Library of Mournings, twice the age of your Teclis' White Tower. It contains scrolls that predate the Elven race, and scrolls written in the hands of Caledor, Astarielle, Maruviel, and Yvraine. Access to such a library would be of great benefit to the project, don't you think?"

You take a breath. "It would," you say with incredible understatement, trying not to show how tempted you are.
"Please do. We've no intention of being the mirror to our cousins of Ulthuan, who always seek to control and only ever grant the meagrest of morsels. We want to build a lasting partnership, and a lasting peace, with the institutions of the Empire, so we can live in peace in our forest. Considering the beings that would be all too eager to fill the void if we passed from this world, isn't that in everyone's best interest?"

She's certainly easier on the eyes than the Beastmen
. You promise her that you'll have an answer for her soon before parting ways once more. You've got two possible hosts left to check, and a lot of hours airborne ahead of you.
Cadaeth, absolutely was.

Look, it's pretty simple and clear what she was trying to do. She was trying to get Mathilde interested in what the Eonir have to offer.

Whereas Belegar was talking about the practicalities of things; 'This'll be more difficult if X' 'But this is still doable' 'Etc etc.'

I'm not going to touch on the debate slash topic of "Oh, so you're saying they're supposed to give us everything just because, huh?" or "Oh, so they won't commit all-in if we don't pick them... just like everybody else?" or any other variant of that (which includes various variants) because that is not what I'm saying nor what I am focusing on.

I don't even think that the Eonir won't provide Waystone-related knowledge and experts and expertise if we pick other locales. Obviously, they would. They'd have to do so, otherwise it would be pointless and get nowhere. And yes, obviously a faction or group will give more if they have more control over the venue. Sure. That's reasonable and not in question. But.

What I am focusing on, is the fact that Cadaeth was pretty explicitly trying to tempt and interest Mathilde; and the fact that Mathilde herself shows herself tempted and interested, via her internal narrative. By the knowledge of a library, and maybe the fact that Cadaeth is good looking. Which means, yeah, it's perfectly fair to point that out about the offers we got, because that's what actually happened in the text. :V

And, again, yeah, you could make the obvious argument of 'Well of course the Elves are going to want to put their best foot forward and make the best offer and etc' and sure, true.

On the other hand, none of the other parties involved have felt like they were so obviously 'smooth salesman'ing me; nor did it feel like they were playing coy or trying to tempt me (well, Mathilde) in particular and were all smiles and friendliness and smoothness. Which could just go to say that I like straightforwardness more and thus would choose options or people I understand over those I don't. Which is fair. But which, hey, is a perfectly fair and reasonable way and reason to make choices and pick options.

For one, I'm not looking forward to potentially eating myself alive in paranoia at the possibility of double-checking everything a master diplomat tells me and says and does. Possibly pointless so -- that is, the double-checking and paranoia might be pointless -- because I have little ability to penetrate their unflappable demeanor and no idea who or what I'm really dealing with. So I'll take the Kislevites or even Bretonni over the Eonir I guess.

One great huge benefit of keeping it "in house" via the Grey Order, is that it's... kept in house. And one great huge benefit of keeping it at home and doing it at Karak Eight Peaks, is the fact that... we'll be among people that we trust fully, and who fully trust us to boot. (Well, as much as the Dwarfs trust Mathilde and Mathilde trusts the Dwarfs. Which is pretty much, actually.) Much less uncertainty. Much less questioning. Much less doubt and stress that way.

We also get to remain at home, our place of power/authority, and see our Grand Library be built up! :) ... Assuming that's what we spend Belegar's Boon on, that is. I kind of want to build up our own library (well, it'd be Karak Eight Peaks' library, but, it'd be our library too) rather than just go off to another library. It's more... a-personal-achievement thing that way. But that's secondary, really. Just me sort of going: "Aw, but I don't want our Transcendent Boon Library being narratively overshadowed by another great big library in the story!" (Well, potential K8P Library. That hasn't happened yet. But. Well.) Maybe that's also unreasonable, or maybe there'll be room in the world/story for two great libraries, but, eh. Well admittedly, this paragraph's wasn't the most logical of complaints/issues. :s

The Karak Eight Peaks choice, though...

You know why it's so tempting to me? Because we'd be potentially the equivalent of a higher-up in the hierarchy here.

i.e. We answer to nobody but King Belegar. We act with the authority of King Belegar, and we act with the authority of the Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks; us.

That simplification of priorities and hierarchical politics, and delivering-results-to-the-hosting-party, is very desireable-looking.

If we -- and Belegar -- are our own boss here, then... It simplifies our priorities and directives. We don't need to work out sweetheart deals with the Bretonni or Kislevites, we just need to deliver results to the elves and dwarfs. And any extras or overwork or bonuses, are things Mathilde develops and does under her own initiative.

Admittedly, part of the tradeoff of that is that we have less bribes/temptations/offers, like from Bretonnia/Laurelorn/Kislev. But that's partly due to the fact that we already have so much backing from our friend Belegar and we already hold a high position in Karak Eight Peaks.
Oh boy, there's certainly a lot to digest here huh? Leaning towards both Kislev and Elves but I'm not sure I'll be voting for both considering the current nature of discussion...

I know people want to help Kislev, but i would rather arrive in 10 years and solve their problems without getting a single thank you or fail knowing we did our best, than bask in the glory and support now and then fail because we lacked some knowledge.

The project comes first, always, glory and recognition are secondary to a grey wizard.
Something about Tsarevich Boris Bokha and his attitude just makes me uncomfortable.

The elves of Laurelorn have done some very brutal things, but Cadaeth at least expressed regret.

"If we had waited just a few more years, we would have felt the reactivation of Karak Eight Peaks ripple through the leylines and known that there may be a fourth way, a way not so steeped in blood. History seems to delight in making fools of us all."

Boris talked openly about the violence and pressure he's willing to exert to get his way, and I don't think he'd ever regret it in the slightest. Yes it's on Mathilde's behalf for the moment, but I have a feeling it could lead to some very sticky situations down the line where Mathilde's Ranaldian sense of what can be tolerated from a ruler would be tested.
Just initial impressions based solely on vibe while reading them all and not at all thinking about they actual in-verse politics etc., my preferences are, in order, Kislev then K8P.
Boris talked openly about the violence and pressure he's willing to exert to get his way, and I don't think he'd ever regret it in the slightest.
If he went on to actually exert violence and pressure, instead of simply proclaiming to us his willingness to do so to secure our success, it isn't going to be so he gets his way. It'll be to deliver unto his nation, people, and those of the rest of the world a way of defeating the single greatest existential threat in their entire history.

He is driven to save his people and home from the Chaos that has steadily gnawed at it from the day of its founding. He's openly willing to go to great extremes to do so, but that alone doesn't make him a tyrant. And Ranald makes exceptions to stricture when it comes to stopping Chaos.
Y'know, I think even the notion that Boris is going to be expecting huge improvements as a minimum lacks grounding.

"But that was many years ago. They built them with the help of the Dwarves, who later became their enemy. Now nobody knows how to build them, and Cultists and Necromancers and Vampires seek to deactivate or destroy them, so there is always less. But there are Elves who are not of Ulthuan in Eonir, and they are willing to work with the Dwarves of Karak Eight Peaks to try to understand them once more. So we can reactivate the ones that are dormant, and protect those that remain. Maybe even to build new ones."

Boris was clearly told that it was a chance that it could happen. And his response was that for that chance, he would move heaven and earth. People are talking about this as if it means he's reckless or a tyrant, but in the context of the overwhelmingly feudal world that this quest takes place in, Boris is doing his damn job and finding ways to better protect his people. He's not offering this to some random schmuck either, but someone who has already got both dwarves and elves in on this project, who has rescued the most important dwarf-hold to his country's security, and comes highly recommended by dwarf and his Imperial wizard contacts alike.

EDIT: SVers like to talk shit about cautiously conservative figures of authority, about how only they could get so much more done if they were decisive, like SV's protagonists are. This is what that decisiveness looks like from the outside.
You tore them from the grip of the Za after all had given up on them. After they had given up on them. Do the same for Kislev, and there would be no reward too great.
Boris is as much as telling us that Kislev has given up on itself. That they believe it's only a matter of time before they're wiped out. And now this once-in-an-ever wizard has managed to bridge the divide between Elf and Dwarf, for a project to find a way to strengthen the things that keep Chaos at bay. What, pray tell, should he expend his influence on, if not securing the future of his people? Isn't this the bloody point of the great and powerful feudal lords?
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People are talking about this as if it means he's reckless or a tyrant,

I think, as maybe the first person that opened up that line of argument (?), that I can say I was trying to push back against the glowing character tributes and enthusiasm. I do think he is very charismatic, and hitting all the notes on being honest about his goals and motives, and those are noble in exactly the sense you are saying.

But. I think there are dark sides to characters like that, and they needed to be aired so he didn't get a pass on pure charisma.

That's all I meant by my arguments, so hopefully we can keep the rhetorical escalation contained.
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