Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I mean, my logic here is very simple - our Dwarf Rep is "Yes", our College Rep is "Lord Magister", and our Elf Rep is "N/A". One of these needs shoring up, and it's not the dwarves. What do we actually lose in terms of contributions to the project by not going with the dwarves? It seems to me that we can get basically the same key investment from Runesmiths either way.
What we lose is in effect "knowing we'll have basically as much of a free hand running things as we want." Nobody else is likely to just leave everything in our hands as Belegar is, apart from arguably running things in the border princes. Is there potentially gains to be made from running it under other places that makes losing that free hand worthwhile? Sure. But that free hand also Isn't Nothing.
Yeah, looks like it's going to be K8P unless Laurelorn reveals some amazing benefit to them leading the project.

K8P has all our stuff, gives us the most control, Boon synergy and known characters.
What we lose is in effect "knowing we'll have basically as much of a free hand running things as we want." Nobody else is likely to just leave everything in our hands as Belegar is, apart from arguably running things in the border princes. Is there potentially gains to be made from running it under other places that makes losing that free hand worthwhile? Sure. But that free hand also Isn't Nothing.

Mm, it's undeniable that there are a bunch of peripheral benefits to K8P - we get a free hand, Belegar is probably richer than Laurelorn, we already keep all our stuff there, etc - and there are a bunch of peripheral drawbacks to Laurelorn - we have to deal with the whole Middenland/Nordland issue, the Cult of Sigmar will get snitty, and we'll be starting our relationship with our boss from scratch - but for the actual core focus of "combine the Waystone knowledge of the Colleges, Dwarfs, and Elfs", I think Laurelorn (and Marienburg) have a pretty key advantage, since to me it seems likely that the elves will let us go deeper into their lore if we're working for them (or a directly associated polity) - and I'm willing to put up with a lot of peripheral annoyances if it means we have a better chance of actually doing something amazing and setting changing once we overcome them.
I see it as K8P being easier but Laurelorn letting us achieve more, more easily in the long term and I'd prefer if people didn't go for the easy, familiar option. This is a quest. Belegar and K8P are great but this attachment is ridiculous lol. We can fairly easily return to K8P whenever we need.

In addition to the Waystone research benefits, being in Laurelorn lets us delve into Elven, Eonir and Nordlander lore. We've pretty much wrung out the dwarves of rep and favours right now.
Isn't this true for all wikis, not only the Warhammer one?
Even Wikipedia.

A journalist friend of mine once got in trouble because of it. He was writing an article about some politician with seven names so he just copied and pasted it off of Wikipedia. Turned out some troll put in an extra name...
Yes, that's very true. It just rankles that I can't really make use of what would otherwise be a very good resource because, for example, the Khazalid glossary has a word that I spent a literal hour scouring through the source materials for, and the only reasonable conclusion is that it was invented by whoever added it. Because it exists nowhere in the Warhammer books and nowhere else on the internet in a Warhammer-related context.
Remember the word? So that we don't fall pray to it.
Now I'm wondering about the negaverse version of Warhammer Fantasy where it's the Oak of Seasons.
Now I'm curious about a general negaverse Warhammer. Has anyone made something like that with effort and detail, like how Brighthammer 40k is a thing?
The word for mountain and the word for fortification differ by only one letter?

Germans are dwarves, confirmed.
No, we're just the neighbors of the Dwarves that got heavily influenced by them. You know, the Empire in the middle of the Old World.
Bat, bet, bit, bot, but.
And bad, bed, bid and bud right next to those.
The Reinheitsgebot was originally created so people wouldn't use up all their cereal grains on beer and leave nothing for bread.
Wasn't the Reinheitsgebot just an urban legend? That's at least the sad conclusion I came to after trying to use it for teenage snobbery.
Edit:[X] Research Institute
I'm pretty sure this vote isn't getting counted. It needs to be in kts own line with the [X] at the very front.
I mean, my logic here is very simple - our Dwarf Rep is "Yes", our College Rep is "Lord Magister", and our Elf Rep is "N/A". One of these needs shoring up, and it's not the dwarves. What do we actually lose in terms of contributions to the project by not going with the dwarves? It seems to me that we can get basically the same key investment from Runesmiths either way.
If we work for the Elves then the Runesmiths will care about how much Dwarf Rep the Elgi have, with Mathilde just being a very strong modifier in their favor. A Runesmith might be willing to share info through us to Belegar, but he won't do that if he thinks that our duty is to pass sensitive information on to an employer he doesn't trust.

Also, the Elves are more likely to trade secrets in exchange for access to Dwarven Waystones than the Dwarves are likely to trade secrets in exchange for, well, anything.
Mm, it's undeniable that there are a bunch of peripheral benefits to K8P - we get a free hand, Belegar is probably richer than Laurelorn, we already keep all our stuff there, etc - and there are a bunch of peripheral drawbacks to Laurelorn - we have to deal with the whole Middenland/Nordland issue, the Cult of Sigmar will get snitty, and we'll be starting our relationship with our boss from scratch - but for the actual core focus of "combine the Waystone knowledge of the Colleges, Dwarfs, and Elfs", I think Laurelorn (and Marienburg) have a pretty key advantage, since to me it seems likely that the elves will let us go deeper into their lore if we're working for them (or a directly associated polity) - and I'm willing to put up with a lot of peripheral annoyances if it means we have a better chance of actually doing something amazing and setting changing once we overcome them.
Those benefits and drawbacks aren't peripheral, they're just ones you personally consider less important.
In other words, I'm the only one who'll be waving the "Grey Order" flag? That's...demoralizing.
I'm vaguely open to the Grey Order option. It's the quietest of the imperial options, and if we want to do this out of the Empire we want it to be quiet on an internal level - because the potential shitstorm surrounding the fact the whole project is about working with people it's illegal to have in the Empire is not something I want to court.
One advantage of Marienburg I'm not sure has come up: we have the Wasteland to put any research that might result in explosions or other unpleasantness in. Pretty much all other choices have us working in places where the locals would have issues with us accidentally blowing some of the land out of existence.
I mean, my logic here is very simple - our Dwarf Rep is "Yes", our College Rep is "Lord Magister", and our Elf Rep is "N/A". One of these needs shoring up, and it's not the dwarves. What do we actually lose in terms of contributions to the project by not going with the dwarves? It seems to me that we can get basically the same key investment from Runesmiths either way.

Our Dwarf Favor being "Yes" is overly simplistic/reducive in this particular case I feel.

Runelords won't behave the same if the project is under the auspices of K8P compared to being under Eonir's aegis.

Not by a longshot.

It's just that Mathilde can mitigate a lot of (but definitely not nearly all) drawbacks that literally any other person but her would have in getting the Dwarfs to cooperate.

But some "goodies" are likely reserved for each path.

I don't think we are getting Kragg (e.g.) if the research is being done in Laurelorn or any other non K8P location, for multiple reasons.

And even Thorek is a bit of a stretch imho.
One advantage of Marienburg I'm not sure has come up: we have the Wasteland to put any research that might result in explosions or other unpleasantness in. Pretty much all other choices have us working in places where the locals would have issues with us accidentally blowing some of the land out of existence.
The Wasteland is pretty marginal but there are still people living there, because it's mostly marsh and marsh is more marginal by virtue of "annoying to extract resources from" than it is "difficult to live in."
The Laurelorn Elves have voiced their desire to work with you to unravel as many secrets as possible about the network in the slightly inaccurate belief that you already have some of those secrets.
One concern I have with picking Laurelorn as the primary sponsor is that they made their invitation based on the fact that the K8P waystones got restored, assuming that we knew things. So what happens when the time comes for us to tell them what we know and it turns out we didn't actually know all that much?

Securing other contributors first, and delaying the time between when we start the project and when we onboard them, gives us some room to prepare for that and actually have something to show from our current supporter base before reaching out to the relative strangers. Just like how when we recruited groups for the Expeditions, a factor in convincing people was seeing that there were others who had already committed. My take is that rather than shoring up weaknesses, as @Redshirt Army proposes, we should play around our strengths and build up from there.
The Wasteland is pretty marginal but there are still people living there, because it's mostly marsh and marsh is more marginal by virtue of "annoying to extract resources from" than it is "difficult to live in."
To be fair, if there are Fimir living in there (I don't think Fimir have come up yet in-quest?) then I think they'd be a bigger problem than the bog itself.

Not insurmountable of course, even Mousillon still has people trying to live in it, but still.
To be fair, if there are Fimir living in there (I don't think Fimir have come up yet in-quest?) then I think they'd be a bigger problem than the bog itself.

Not insurmountable of course, even Mousillon still has people trying to live in it, but still.
There are functionally equivalent problems everywhere though, that's nothing special to the Wasteland.
[X] Research Institute
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Praag
[X] Carcassone

I'm hopeful that we will get a chance to finally leave K8P but I'm not optimistic to be honest. Still going to vote for my favourites anyways.
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Marienburg
[X] Stirland
[X] Research Institute

My picks.

I would prefer not to put this in K8P given that it's our home, it's got a fuckton of stuff that may interact poorly with waystone experimentation, and it seems likely to drive yet another massive wedge into the fracturing unity of the Karaz Ankor.
I'd rather not take the risk of sparking a wikiwar. Whoever squats on that page has proven very insistent on preserving the typos I've tried to correct in the past.
Oh, believe me I get that, I once tried to remove Baba Yaga from the list of Ungol Hag Witches.
Its also just annoying that the guy probably isn't even reading what has been changed or why.

that just look at the 'last changed' date, and then copy and paste some file of the old thing that they keep.
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