I don't like the Markgraf option. Basically, each of these options represents a focus on a part of the quest that we've seen before, and I do not like the part of the quest that the Markgraf option would bring into focus. Remember how much difficulty we had with the Watch? And how people rage about the EIC eating up our actions? And how we spent so much time being angry at Borek? An entire quest of that would be pretty unpleasant. Additionally, it'd tie us down to our home base. We might be able to get one or two days off at a time, but we couldn't go off for weeks on a whim the way we can now. I think that Mathilde is strongest when she's hands-on with Weird Shit and traipsing off across the Old World to blow minds and I think that administrating a province wouldn't give us much time to do that. Mathilde is most interesting when she's working with other people, and I feel that Markgraf would almost necessarily involve us working against other people.
Conversely, I think that Loremaster-at-Large, Bodyguard, and Waystone Project would all be doing things that we all enjoy. Research is fun. Blowing minds is fun. Going out investigating Weird Shit is fun. Meeting powerful new people and having our minds blown is fun. Skulking around stealing shit is fun. That's what those options all offer, in varying degrees. That's why I'm voting for them and not for the Markgraf position.