the Lahmian Conspiracy is very much still an active problem if not front and venture for a while now:@BoneyM while youre here, do you mind peeling back the curtain on exactly how the Lahmian Conspiracy controlling Mathilde worked? (I think we're well past the point where this knowledge is an unearned advantage...) Here's a few questions/topics I have off the top of my mind.
1) What exactly were they aiming at with their tasks for us? I mostly remember them asking for info on Anton and Mr.Embezzler's replacements, which seems like stuff they ought to be able to trivially get. I suppose they wanted to make sure Mathildes info matched theirs and that she was actually obeying them, but it didn't seem to culminate in much of anything.
2) How easily could they keep track of Maty? Was there any hidden "conspiracy suspicion" meter? If so, how high up on it was she and did Abelhelm's investigation make consider offing her? How much leeway did the thread have?
3) Why didn't they make her sabotage the Abelhelm's grand campaign? Or any other major things? I guess they hated the "von Carstein" that much and wanted to slowly boil the frog as it were, but as mentioned in item 1 I think most of their tasks was just digging for info on people. Which didn't seem to get used.
during the boat crisis, they were a suspect for the bomb (to relieve pressure on the Sylvana siege.)